Entry 25

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#25 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

So, it's been a few days since the move, we've settled in and dad apparently found someone to sell hi an old Prowler that he's decided to work on fixing up. Guy even dropped it off here at the house, it's out in the 'drive way' where dad's been working on it almost every day. It's been interesting getting used to the new place and pretty much living with two other guys, but I figure since we're so far away from civilization and our folks already know about us, we can just sort of, be ourselves out here. We're all still in school, only now we're taking classes online which is fun in a way. The lessons are more like movies now and they do add a bit more interesting stuff than just having to listen to a professor drone on for an hour per class.

I've sort of decided to try and give the whole nudist concept a try, I figure it couldn't hurt, right? And really it's sort of liberating. The boys like it too cause they get to stare at me all day I guess, poor things walk around hard as a rock most of the day now. Not that I'm complaining, I've had the chance to corner both of them today, Aaron in the shower and Nicolas while he was on his computer. I find that I like being the one on top, even if it is a little awkward. I like being able to make them beg for it, I wonder if that makes me weird? Oh well.

I've had a lot of time to explore too, even though mom and dad have said not to go too far from the house yet. They're worried, bears and stuff I think. I did get to check out the old barn though, which was amusing enough until I went up into the loft in there and fell through the damn floor. At least there was some old hay to break my fall, but I sort of smelled like dust and old grass for a while afterwards. Again, not complaining since I absolutely love our shower. It's sort of interesting to use, since the whole thing is like a room itself, the knobs are on the far end of the shower and the shower head is a series of pipes that run along the ceiling. It feels like it's raining and it's absolutely amazing, really good for relaxing in. First time I used it it scared the living hell out of me but now that I'm used to it, I've caught myself a few times just turning it on and laying on the floor in there. Best part is that the floor slants to the sides a little, meaning the drains are on the outer edge of the shower instead of in the middle, so the water pools no the sides and not in the center.

I know I said I was going to miss the city, but honestly? I think I'm going to really enjoy our life here.

It's paradise.