Guessing you

Story by Ranyaws on SoFurry

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Remember our souls touching?

Lying bare with one another

calmly breathing, backs together

warm, content and no one watching.

Should I not have turned around?

Wait for you to make a move?

I laid my feelings out, so you can see.

Did something in them bother you?


Do you fear what I would see

If you allowed me just a glance?

Why do you linger in the shadows?

Is there a purpose do this dance?


Do you fear to leave too soon,

knowing it would tear at me.

Knowing that a part of me

could not be stopped from seeking you.


Are you resting peacefully,

Sleeping in the silent void?

I wish you would just talk to me

so all would be resolved.

I don't even know if you are oblivious to my guessing...

A/N: Even if I would send this to them... I don't know if they would understand... or even take a look... or even notice.