Defending Iann (Chapter 1)

Story by Jay Chliste on SoFurry

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#1 of Defending Iann

This is the first chapter in a series I'll be starting. I know it's kind of short, but I think it's good. Thank you for reading, and check out my other stuff.

I felt the gravel between my toes as I stepped out of the walls of Farwater. Half of me was determined to continue trekking and do what he had left to do, while the other half wanted to turn back and hide behind the trustworthy walls of his town. I knew he couldn't turn back now, this trip had been being planned for a while now, and all my family was depending on me to go help save Iann.

A month ago when I was visiting the capital of Iann, Farwater, a messenger looking exhausted and afraid came to Farwater, announcing the destruction of Ayrith, my hometown. Since then I had been training and planning and messeging, preparing for a trip. I was leaving to Fort Hellen, one of the strongest most secure cities in Iann. The invaders that had destroyed Aryith were said to be heading in the direction of Hellen. There were cities in the way, but if they destroyed Fort Hellen, there would be no hope for Iann. Since I was a magic user, I decided that if anyone was going to help my kingdom, it would be me. And so today I left Farwater.

Hellen, and most cities, were safe places to stay, or at least rest, but the paths certainly weren't. The wilderness was a dangerous place, with bandits, and wild animals. Me, being a lion, scared off most wild animals, but I'm not always safe. But my pyromancy skills killed or scared the animals brave or stupid enough to mess with me. So I wasn't too afraid leaving Farwater, but I knew I probably wasn't safe.

The first day was uneventful. The first place I'm stopping at is Jarren's Outpost, and the wilderness between Farwater and Jarren's is mostly plains. I caught a few rabbits and had a lunch and a dinner, but didn't do much. I cooked my food with my magic but didn't use magic often. I didn't want to get too tired. I slept an uneventful night, just as my day had been. It was the next day when things started happening.


I woke up in the morning and caught some breakfast. I used some light pyromancy to get the fire started and waited while my meal cooked. I estimated about two more days until I reached Jarren's. My 'meal' finished and I wolfed it down. I must not have had a lot to eat yesterday. I put out the fire, and lifted up my backpack. It was heavier than I'd ever seen it. I must be sore from carrying it all day yesterday. Well, I would get a workout by the end of this trip. So I started walking along the path for the rest of the day in the blazing heat.

At about noon, I came across a destroyed wagon. There must have been a bandit that destroyed it. And-- no, it couldn't be. Was it a magic user? If he was, he was dangerous. This wagon was charred, and in a way that only an electomancer could char one. Electomancers were rare, but they were dangerous and violent. I strayed from the path, and walked just out of sight of it, to be safe.

After an hour, I started hearing screams. I squinted to see that there was indeed someone out there using what seemed to be electomany on some innocent travellers. I raced to the scene and soon regretted charging at an angry electomancer. He turned to face me and I saw he was a wolf. He fired a bolt at me, and I jumped out of the way, feeling the electric power surging through the air next to me. I immediately shot a ball of fire back at him, feeling weaker from the exertion. It hit him square in the chest, and he fell on his back. By the time I caught up to him, he was standing up again. I lunged at him, and he sent a surge of lighting at my face. I couldn't change direction in midair, I could only cover my face, and feel pain like I've never felt before course through my arms and upper body. I fell moaning to the ground in front of him, and he didn't hesitate to take advantage of me. I felt another surge of lightning, all over me, destroying me slowly. I tried to let out a scream but my muscles locked up. Just before I blacked out, the pain stopped, and I was lying helpless on the ground.


I woke up sprawled out on the ground with the familiar glow of fire being emitted behind me. I groaned and rolled over, then I noticed a noise, but only because it stopped. Someone, or something, was chewing and had stopped because of my movement. I froze, and I couldn't pretend I was asleep now. I heard a suppressed swallow, but didn't hear any footsteps coming up behind me, even though they did. Out of nowhere, there was a paw on my muzzle and a fox in my face. I panicked for a second, but she was holding me down. "Who are you?" she demanded. She slowly lifted her paw off my muzzle and I slowly stated, "My name is Jay. I was on my way to Jarren's Outpost, when I saw a fight. An electomancer knocked me out and now I'm here." She stood up. "I'm trusting you. No sudden movements," She warned as she walked back to a log she sat on, watching me the whole time. A piece of meat flew onto my chest, and I grabbed it and sat up. Between mouthfulls, I asked, "How'd you find me?" She finished her mouthful and explained, "I saw you two fighting and decided to step in. I stopped this wolf here," she gestured to the wolf that I just now noticed, "and saved you. You still blacked out, just be glad you're alive." She finished her food and tossed it into the fire. "Wait," I started, concerned, "you brought him with us!?" She looked at me like I was an idiot. "You're right, I should've left him on the countryside where he could have terrorized more people or even hunted us down instead of bringing him with us to turn in to the the authorities," She commented sarcastically. I looked away. "Sorry," I said. "It's not that big of a deal. I can tell you're an amatuer. Leaping at an electomancer like that." I felt pretty embarassed, until I heard a groan. I lept up, wishing I had a weapon. "Where am I?" The wolf moaned, rubbing his head. The fox silently walked over to him and repeated the routine. She dropped down on him, and put a hand over his muzzle. He panicked, just like me, but he didn't stop. I could tell he was gathering magic ability, so I ran over and helped pin him down. "I got this," the fox said, as she gracefully lept back and froze his arms and legs before he could react. "You're a cryomancer?!" I yelled in disbelief. She nodded. The wolf didn't seem any less surprised. "Who are you?" The fox asked. The wolf scowled. "Who are you?" He repeated. "I asked first," the fax said, demanding an answer. "Zachary," the wolf reluctantly answered. "Rae," she stated. I just then realized I hadn't known her name.

"You two get some sleep," Rae said. "In the morning, we leaved for Jarred's outpost." I fell asleep that night, thankful for a companion.