Five nights at Jacks (part 5)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#20 of FnaJ

Jack= beat-up, un-fnished Jack

(the) other Jack= better looking Jack

*Ring* *ring*

"Let me get in my room... God!" I said as I jogged into the office and sat in the chair.

*Ring* *ring* "*sobbing* hello... *sniff* I cant believe that this happened *sobbing* That old suit in the back room *Sniff* I didn't think it was ready yet... didn't think it could even move yet! *sniff* That suit got up, walked into the show stage and bit my son! *sobbing* I don't think we will be finishing this one *sobbing*"

A deep hiss cut his crying off. "like father, like son... I never liked you lot" the recording cut off.

I clicked the button to bring up the camera, it was already on cam 12, Foxy was standing up with his mouth open wide... If I wanted to, I could count his teeth!

I shuddered and clicked 11. The other Jack was standing the same way as Foxy.

I clicked 4, Jack, Carl and Jake where standing the same way as Foxy and the other Jack.

The camera feed was cut off by static, when the static cleared. They where all gone! I checked 11 and 12. The other Jack and Foxy where gone.

I checked all of the cameras near my office. They had me surrounded!

I took down the camera and shut the door and put on the mask. Jake slithered out of the vent and opened the door, I took off the mask and shut the door.

I heard Foxy's running, I flicked on the light. Foxy fell to the floor, hissed and crawled back to his little stage.

At the end of the hall I saw the other Jack. Carl and Jack ran back to the show stage. The only difference of Jack and the other Jack is that Jack is half finished and the other Jack looks done!

The other Jack slowly walked towards my office. He stopped only inches away from the big window. He just stood there and stared at me, I put on the mask and he broke into a full sprint towards the vent to get in my office. I brought up my camera and pressed the button to close the door and stop him... It was close, but I stopped him.

I looked at my watch, 3:30 A.M. I looked back up and the other Jack was staring at me again.

At one point I brought up my camera and looked at everyone, they where still standing with there mouths open.

I took down the camera and saw that the other Jack was gone. I checked the vent light, nothing. I checked the door light, the other Jack was peaking through the door, I pressed the door button and he slowly walked in front of the window and stared at me.

A bell rung, my shift is over.