The Little Things

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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Cherrish all happy moments life offers you, for life cannot gaurantee you'll have happiness forever in all that bring you joy.

The autumn trees shook and stirred with screechy sounds encompassing the atmosphere halloween had brung. Withered, dark branches moved like the craggily hands of a witch, working her magic onto the pups playing below. The cocker spaniel pups affably tossed a white, slightly frowzy ball back and forth. The swings nearby squeaked its rusty tune to the roaring of the heavy, nearby traffic. The sky was orange with the promise of tasty treats and paw-licking sweets. One pup kicked the ball, which passed the youngest of the litter. It leapt past the open side gate, bounced over the dry, scarlet leaves, hopped across the hop scotch drawn cement, culminating it's journey on the yellow lines.

The father and mother of those three, playful pups stood behind a glass sliding door.

"Aren't they the most splendid things you've ever had bestowed to you?" asked the madam, lightly stroking her partner's paw that rested on her shoulder.

He stroked her ears with his free paw and replied, "Indeed. Yet they are more than just splendid. While I wanted to give them a better childhood I had, they gave me that gift, too."

"Would be a grave day should we lose them before they lose us," the mother uttered under her breath. With that, she opened the door and called for her children to come inside. Only two came back in.

When the pup approached the street, she looked both ways. All was calm. All was silent. All was a tranquil, untouched lake. The little cocker spaniel, the youngest, the epitome of innocence, merrily skipped to obtain her lost ball. When she got up, she toyed with her pink ribbons before turning heel back to the safety of her home.

As two boxer dogs in a convertible drove down the neighborhood, whizzing past here and turning sharply there, one spilled his cold beverage. The two looked down at the mess, watching the bottle jump. Then the tires screeched, ending its horrendous melody with some soft thuds. The two watched a red ball bounce across the lanes, while a solitary pink ribbon followed whimsically behind it.