Wolf Squadron Chronicles

Story by ShadowClone34 on SoFurry

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Meh, just a little something about all the characters, Enjoy! Will be concluded

       Razor sat on his post, minding his own business. His helmet off, his ears implanted with earbuds, listening to Don't Look Down by Usher.  He rested on the hard cobblestone slope on the stone metal wall.  Troopers sat on each of the spaces, either snoring or having their rifles raised, ready to take down an enemy. Charger came to Razor, his blue striped helmet on, which identically matched his armour. His visor gleaming into the search lights. "What do you want Charge?" Razor says, "I need to talk to you, which is a matter of urgency". Razor unplugs his earbuds and listens, "Look, Valkyr is pregnant, I'm going to be a dad now." Razor widens his eyes and says: "Wow!, congrats and really should become a dad after the battle of Toronto!" The two troopers broke their conversation until a droid squad appears out of nowhere, "destroy every single life form' it kept saying. Razor gasps and reaches for his helmet and grabs his DC-15S and aims a incoming super battle droid. Razor fires a bolt which hits through the droid's life circuits. The figure of black metal falls to the ground and lays still, "INCOMING ARMY!!" a trooper shouts, but it was too late, the droids began to fire at the wall guards, one by one each clone trooper killed as many as they could but ended up either getting shot everywhere or just a headshot. Charger fires four shots and runs into the base, Razor follows.    Razor  P.O.V     This is the worst! I hear troopers screaming Help me! or enemy spotted and there are too many of them!. I see three nearby troopers defending hallway seven, one trooper goes down when a red bolt hits his heart. The other gets brave and shoots down two droids by one bolt, then he gets smacked in the face then shot in the head. The last remaining one looks more like a sergeant, his markings indicate his rank, he runs up and punches a droid in the stomach then at the same time blasts five with his pistols. He shoots two more bolts until he was hit in the rib then in the head. The sergeant shrieks as he is gunned down by lasers. I stare in horror as I reach the hangar with Charger, I see Kai running to a gunship, I see my Arc commander Veilslide in another hallway blasting his way out with four troopers, such as Arkham Wolf, Wooley,Miller and CT-45673. Veilslide blasts down six droids with his DC-15A rifle, Wooley uses his DC-15S to cut down two droids. Miller had his night vision on his visor, he beats up a big super battle droid with his DC-15S. CT-45673 was shooting down three droids until a grenade blew up close to him, sending him flying towards the gunship, I rush to pick him up. His white armor is now burned, well some parts of it, his helmet is half burnt. He's still breathing, I take him and his weapons to the gunship's medic zone. "I'll take it from here", Kix says. Veilslide and the rest returned from the hallway to the gunship. It's glass doors closed and we were in the

air. As we flew I saw, so much of the remaining defences get destroyed, SUV's running away, troopers heading for the forests. Troopers that stayed behind to defend were all at lost. Behind the burning base and the remaining and struggling defences stood a whole gigantic droid army, ready to strike. I say my prayers as we head to the retreat.