Only The Tear's Know

Story by EmperorDeusMaster on SoFurry


Many years have passed. To many to bother to count. I have long since passed my Angels Fury team on to the future. A good woman I know she will stay loyal to what is right for that team.

*Looks off misty eyed. A smile and a tear crosses my face. I close my eyes*

That day was full of tears. I held a special ball on the training grounds that would almost put the Grand Ball to shame. I had every Draceed I could think of attend this ball. For it would be the last time I would set a foot on those grounds. Ranger, and Flare were hit hard the most though they knew why I had to leave.

I knew them both since we were children. I was so passionate back then that I drew Draceed my age to me. We would do stunts, and tricks that amazed, stunned, and inspired generations. The Elders told us that they could use Draceed like us, and that is how the Angels Fury got started from a fun thing that me, and my friends started to a full on Military organization for Draconia. No other fliers could best any Draceed that came from training with me.

Even the Royal Guards could not keep up. I had fallen ill as a child with a virus that was slow, but would one day claim me. Many years passed, and I built an organization that was respected around Draconia. I saw a young girl who looked much like I did at her age. Her eyes just sparkled as she watched us.

I soon gotten word that a young girl Draceed had done a Sonic Flare. The same one from the show. On many occasions I meet her. Time and again she proved herself to be a Draceed worth my position. I could feel the virus doing more and more damage as months passed.

I let her into my camp to see if she was truly what I was looking for in a replacement. That Silva moved me that day. As time passed she was performing at shows. I trained her in secret keeping her in the dark only telling her I had special plans for her. I would have her mirror me, and do all of what I do.

From paper work to training recruits. All the while I planed the ball. One morning Flare entered my office during a coughing fit. I had coughed up blood, and was on my knees. She wanted to take me to the hospital, but I refused knowing full well it would not help.

Flare only hugged me and tears ran down her eyes. She knew full well also. It killed her, and Ranger every time for they wanted to help me, but knew nothing would save me. I always would give them a smile to ease their hearts. I knew I only had a few days left when it came time for the ball.

I had lasted longer than my doctor had predicted for me with me refusing every new time he gave me. Even his face could not hide it. That look that only those who knew held. Wanting to help me, but could only watch as my condition got worse. I would try to ease his old heart with a smile.

He knew me since I was small. I guess since my parents passed he felt like he was my father I could tell every time I left I could see a tear in his eye that he was fighting back. I could only hug him and tell him it would be alright. My last time seeing him was a week before the ball. H-he could barely stand after he found out what I already knew.

His strong face could no longer hold back what he had done for so many years. Tears ran down both sides of his old face his eyes ones of pain, and love for one he considered to be like his daughter. He hit his knees right there in front of me, and bowed his head as tears poured cursing, and begging for something he could do. I got down on the floor with him, and held him. Finally calling him father after all these years.

I could tell his old heart was crying out he had given the whole time to trying to find some way to save me just like Flare, and Ranger. Yet nothing would. He begged fate to let him take my place for the one he finally got to call his daughter that day. Tears ran as his heart, and kind eyes I had seen for so long that made me smile, and feel at home. Were breaking and begging not to see me go.

I told him of the ball I was holding, and I would have a ride come and bring him. He did his best to compose himself and accepted the only request I ever asked from my father. With a heart that did not want to let me go, and eyes that cried not to see me leave. I hugged him, and left when he finally composed himself. Several days later only two away from the ball.

I guess she had found out some how. I found Silva waiting in my office with tears in her eyes. She told me she had found Ranger, and Flare crying. They told her everything. Yet the three did not know that three days from now would be one of heartbreak.

I did as I do for Ranger, and Flare. I hugged her, and smiled. Telling her it will be alright. Though I was lying this time. I do not know how long she cried holding me.

I could only guess what she was thinking. She finally left when she had gained her composer, but that same expression was on her face. She had told me that she had done everything she could do. She had her friends Aruroa, and Zecra look for a cure or anything. To Silva's dismay they could not.

Zecra searched the forest, and tomes she had for anything that might give me more time at the lest. Aruroa had stayed up for several days for Silva. Trying to find a book in both her Library, and the Capitol Library. She even asked her mentor. Nothing.


The day of the Ball. I could feel my body wanting to stay in bed, and just pass where I was, but I had one last act I needed to finish. I got up and looked in the mirror after getting ready. I looked fine, but that was all a lie my inside was all but failed. I arrived at the ball.

Many face from the Organization I had built to the friends I had made. Even my dad with his kind eyes. I welcomed everyone, and said I would make an announcement later in the day, but they should enjoy themselves. I sat down in my chair. I guess a little worse than I thought.

In a heart beat Ranger, Flare, and Silva were at my side with arms out to catch me. I smiled and said do not worry. Their faces no more their eyes were the same as my dads. They left me rest in my chair. I smiled as I looked over everyone, and remembered all the things we had done together.

For the first time I could feel tears wanting to pour, but had to bite them. As the sun was setting I had the Elders there as well so it was a simple matter for them. I think only Gaoa had an inkling of what was going on for when ever she looked at me her face was kind. I asked everyone to be seated for what would be my last and final words, and actions. I could tell my dad wanted his answer to be wrong again as he watched me the most knowing today was the day. His eyes only deepened as he looked at me.

As I talked about all the things that I have done my heart was getting weaker. My Dad was the hardest to look at with me getting a tear that fell slowly. I could feel it him saying please no. Flare, and Ranger as I spoke I could see their eyes begging it hit them with the hardest over are time together. That this was the last time we would ever spend together.

Finally all I had done clicked with them. They both looked at me as the tears built. Flare hit her knees. Crying so hard she could not breathe. Ranger hit next, Both crying their souls, and hearts out. As their oldest friends final moments were here. I stopped my speech to hug them both and picked them up. "You have both been so strong for me all these years. You two have been my family, and friends as we grew."

"I love you both for your hearts are kind, and caring. I could not ask for better friends, or a better brother and sister." The words only made their tears and hearts fall as their love grew. I called Silva up to the stage. All tear filled eyes on her she made her way up to the stage. Her own eyes pouring with tears as she started to piece our time together.

I announced to all that Silva is now the new Angels Fury Captain. I gave her the pins, and a warm hug. Her eyes finally told me she figured it all out as they became filled with more tears than ever. I looked left then right over the crowd with the warmest smile I ever held. With my final words I told them they are the best, and that I loved them all with my heart, and I would never forget them. I love you all for you are all my family.

As my words left my lips my heart finally stopped. A warm and caring smile on my face a few tears of my own escaped my eyes. I dropped only a few inches untill Silva caught me. My face lifeless yet with the caring smile I always gave to try to calm those who cared for me.


Silva hit her knees as she cried holding me. Flare, Ranger, and my Dad burst from their seats and ran on stage tears streaming through the air as they ran.

The whole area was silent save for the many tears, and cries that could be heard. Hearts that had been strong for so long finally fell when I dropped and eyes that had been soft were now filled with tears of the pain of a loving heart. Flare knew how I wanted to be buried. After every Draceed came round and gave their respects making a trail of tears as the went. Flare, Ranger, and Silva laid me down on a pyre Flare had made by hand.

With every Draceed's heads bent Flare lit the pyre. My face glowing from the flames. Every Draceed's hearts cried as this was the last I would ever be seen. My family was holding each other up as they cried and stared into those flames making every second they could see me worth it as they remembered all the memories I had built with them all the fun and crazy times we every had now all that was left with them as my body fell into the flames never to be seen, and they hit their knees. The memories of the laughs, and tears we all shared poured from their hearts.

Finally the memory of how it all began the first memory they all every had hit them and the tears and the heart ache was not enough to express the pain they felt only their tears that fell knew.


Silva leads with all her heart as Captain a picture from her childhood of me reminding her to live her life the best she can and live on for me. Flare, and Ranger give it all they have every day, and in every show making it the best that they can with Silva. At the end of every show they give a flying salute in honor. My father continues his family care. They live their lives and will never forget the one who touched their hearts.