Just Breathe - Introduction

Story by RyftDarkpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Just Breathe

A simple tavern owner finds out that life can end at the strangest times. It's not always the most opportune, but hey, dying's a new experience, right?

Dying Breath


God above, the pain is unbearable.


The relief is slight and I cringe despite myself. My broken body doesn't want to listen to me anymore. It's so hard to breathe.

Inhale, cough up blood.

Exhale, hear the rattle of breath in my lungs.

They say that people who slowly die from broken bodies generally go numb from the pain before passing on. I suppose I can take heart in that fact, if it's true. I can feel every excruciating minute go on and on as I ooze from a dozen wounds and choke on my own blood. There's not much hope still smoldering; I'm almost certain that this is my end. To think that I - a tavern keeper of all things! - would be involved in such a world altering happenstance is beyond comprehension. Or is that the blood loss affecting my memory? Was it world altering, or did it just alter my world?

Inhale, exhale. My world starts to darken at the edges. That's an alteration, I'm pretty sure. I can use my definition now.

Yup, I'm dying. I roll the idea around in my aching head and decide that it's all for the better. Some things just don't get better overnight. I suppose it's only fitting that I get to die in the burned out remnants of my own tavern.

I'm pretty sure there was some kind of scuffle that turned into a brawl that turned into a knife fight. Someone got excited and then there was a rifle involved. A rifle turned into broken bottles and then suddenly there was alcohol all over the bar and the stools and the floor. A careless shove, a slip of the finger, woops? There goes the hammer of the rifle and sparks send fire racing all over my precious establishment. Oh, and it sent the bullet right through my ribcage.

How fortunate for me that it was a rainy day. After everyone scattered, the fire only burned most of me before mother nature saw fit to put me out. I'm only partially mutilated beyond recognition. Hey, at least fate saw fit to leave my face intact.

Okay, so it may have just altered my world. I don't get tons of excitement out here on the frontier, so you cannae blame a guy for livening it up a bit in his head, can you? No, I suppose I'll lay here and die like a good misfortunate soul.

Inhale, exhale. I have to close my eyes now. Just keeping them open is making me dizzy.

At least my nose still works. I focus on wiggling it to keep my mind off the fire in my side. That's when I realize my ears can move too. Joyous day! I can listen to the crackling of what remains of my burned out tavern and smell all of that wonderful hazy smoke as I waste away into the night. A delightful distraction from dying, yes. Until I have to breathe again, that is. It's amazing how long between breaths you can really get without adverse effects when it causes mortal pain to simply draw air into your lungs.

Inhale, cough up more blood, exhale. It's almost a routine. Every second breath causes me to cough. At least my body is consistent, even when it's failing at everything else. I can take some solace in that.

The rain feels good on my burned skin. I cannae imagine that lying around as I am is terribly good for the wounds, but I won't be around to worry about that much longer. Instead, I let myself enjoy the sweet cooling sensation washing over me. Little things. I wiggle my fingers the smallest bit as my head spins faster and faster. This might be it.

Inhale, exhale. I hear a rib crack, then another. Ouch. Still not numb, but I'm so tired now. A nap sounds rather nice.

My ears twitch. Sounds like someone was nice enough to sing me to sleep. How kind of them...