Sweet Treat

Story by Tokomi_Flametail on SoFurry

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#1 of Inflation

This is my first attempt at an inflation story, even though I'm a huge fan of inflation. Basically, a Mudkip by the name of Teal sneaks into a diner for a late night snack... only to find an ice cream machine! Things go just the way you'd expect them to.

"Finally! I've got it all set up," Teal chirped, happily taking a step back to admire his work. His gaze met with a shining metal machine, equipped with a nozzle and several different switches. Attached to the nozzle was a long rubber tube, coiled up on the floor of the kitchen.

Before getting started, Teal decided to make one last sweep of the diner he had snuck into. After checking out the place, he nodded, satisfied that no one else was in there with him. After all, he didn't want anyone to walk in on him while he was having his nightly snack.

Licking his lips, the Mudkip closed the door to the kitchen once more, walking on over to the machine. Having watched the humans work back here through the window, he knew that food came out of the shiny metal box, and that each switch released a different kind of food... he wasn't sure what was what. Shrugging it off, he climbed up the stepladder he had pushed up next to the machine. Making sure the tube he had fitted to it was on nice and tight, Teal hit the switch that the humans always did before they flipped any other one.

"MCX-ICASM-01 ready for use," the machine greeted him as it whirred to life.

"Awesome!" Teal smiled, his eyes brightening up, finally getting to see the machine in action up close. "Now, to just put in the tube..." With that, Teal clambered down from the stepladder and popped the opening of the tube into his mouth. The humans always put this stuff in bowls, but he wanted more than just what a tiny bowl could offer him. Even if he'd never had this stuff before, a lot of the humans that came into the diner always got something from this machine. If it was that popular, it had to be good!

Climbing back up the stepladder, Teal looked at the multiple switches left on the machine. Despite the labels, he still couldn't decipher the humans' strange written language. Thankfully, he remembered that the one closest to him was the one he had seen used the most.

"That one must be the best of the best!" Teal thought to himself, struggling to contain his excitement. "I gotta have it!"

Jumping up from the stepladder, the Mudkip slammed down the switch, landing on the floor a bit roughly. As he lay on his side, attempting to shake off the minor pain, the machine began to talk again.

"Oran sherbet. Now dispensing."

"Here it comes," Teal thought to himself, ready to focus solely on the flavor of the sherbet, and not worry about anything else.

As the cool, blue semi-liquid finally reached him, the Mudkip's eyes closed in bliss. "Oh man, it's so good!" Teal thought, feeling it pour over his tongue and on down his throat. "No wonder this is what most of the humans get. I could eat this stuff forever..."

Teal continued on like that for a while, simply lying on the floor, letting the machine feed him the sherbet, not having to move at all except for the occasional swallow. Mesmerized by the rich flavor, he didn't even begin to notice as his stomach began to bulge out slightly. The sloshing sounds of his growing chest were ignored for the whirrs of the machine, failing to snap Teal out of his food-induced trance. It wasn't until the weight of his stomach forced him over onto his back that he even began to notice what was happening.

"Hmm?" the Mudkip moaned, slowly opening one eye. He quickly jolted awake, growing fully aware of the situation he now found himself in. Instead of the once taut chest he possessed, Teal's stomach was now bloated out, the weight of the sherbet getting more and more heavy as it continued to pour into the Mudkip's maw.

At first, he couldn't believe his eyes. Teal ran his front paws up and down his light blue chest, feeling it shake and wobble with the amount of sherbet he had already consumed. A tiny laugh soon escaped his mouth; his extended stomach was certainly a sight to behold. Amazed at his growing size, Teal continued to play with his newfound weight, laughing and giggling as it jiggled and rippled at his touch, wondering just how big he could get.

Soon, however, he shot that idea down in his mind. He knew that despite the delicious flavor of the sherbet, and the fact that he wasn't quite full yet, he needed to stop before it was too late. Otherwise he might become immobile, and be susceptible to capture! Teal shook his head at that thought. He'd always been a free 'kip, and he intended to stay that way.

"Come on... gotta... get... up!" Teal motivated himself, rocking his body back and forth, trying to return to his feet. He could just as easily push the tube out of his mouth with his tongue, but he didn't want to spill any of the sherbet. It was just too good to waste! Not to mention that if he did get out and make a mess in doing so, he might not be able to make his way back into the diner so easily the next time.

Finally pushing himself off, Teal kicked his legs a bit in the air as he almost stopped on his side. Thankfully, however, he fully flipped over... only to be faced with a dreadful realization. It was going to be very hard to walk with his stomach dragging the ground like this. He could barely move as it was. Soon, he'd be so full of sherbet, that he wouldn't be able to make it back up to the machine to turn it off!

With that thought in mind, Teal slowly made his way to the stepladder. After waddling up the first step, and barely managing the second one, he stopped in his tracks. The added weight was just making this nearly impossible! With an internal sigh, Teal simply looking at the machine, wishing it would just turn off so he wouldn't have to move anymore. After indulging that wishful thinking for far too long, Teal began to make his move up to the third step... and missed.

The fattened Mudkip ungraciously fell from the small perch, landing back on the floor, square on his stomach.

"Hrgh!" Teal swallowed, the pain of the fall being much more intense than the previous one, feeling some of the sherbet start to rush back up. After another swallow, he simply lied there, going back to his attempt of wishing the machine off, but not having any luck with it.

"Oh well... I guess I'll just have to push out the tube and leave. As much as I don't want to make a mess, I definitely don't want to get stuck here and found out in the morning."

As he tried to push out the tube, however, Teal realized something. The end of the tube wasn't in his mouth anymore. The rough landing and the swallowing... it must have caused it to go deeper, delving into his throat, allowing the sherbet to now be pumped directly into his growing gut. He couldn't get it out now, not on his own. Realizing this, he tried making for the machine's controls again, only to find that his stomach had pushed past his legs now, completely lifting him up off the ground. Like it or not, he was stuck.

"Oh man, what am I gonna do?! I can't get this hose out, and I can't reach up to turn off the machine... At this rate..." Teal instinctively gulped, swallowing even more of the tube. He sighed at the unfortunate turn of events, deciding to accept his fate. "I don't have any choice. I'll just have to wait for it to empty itself out into me. That shouldn't be too bad, though. After all, how much can this thing possibly hold?"

An hour passed. Two hours. Now three. Still the machine churned on, blasting the Mudkip - or the living blob formerly known as a Mudkip - full of the oran-flavored sherbet.

"Ugh... So much... so... full..." Teal groaned, feeling his massive body push up against two of the four walls of the room. His flab covered a majority of the floor space in the kitchen now, and his limbs were lost in the vast sea of 'kip belly. He could only imagine how much of a sight he was right now, and what the diner owners' reaction to the Mudkip would be... not that he'd see it. The doorway was completely blocked off now, lost underneath his gigantic stomach. "How much more? Please... be over soon..."

As if hearing his thoughts, the flow of sherbet finally started to die off. As it stopped completely, the Mudkip sighed, partaking in a moment of relief.

"Oh man..." Teal groaned, flopping his head down onto his gigantic chest. "So much sherbet... and it was all so good... Still, I really overdid it. If only I could still move, or get this tube out of my mouth... Oh well. At least it's finally over."

"Detecting... Vat 1 of 6 empty. Switching over to Vat 2."

"Wait, what?!?"