Five nights at Jacks (part 3)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#18 of FnaJ

(night 2. 12:00 A.M.)

*ring* *ring* lets hope he doesn't talk so long this time *ring* *ring*

I pressed talk on the phone "Hello, Hello-hello... Don't worry, I shouldn't be talking for so long tonight... Uhh... Just wanted to tell you that Jack doesn't come off the stage, but a few nights into the week, I often find him in the strangest places. They where programmed to find spare parts and quite frankly a person looks a lot like a metal endoskeleton. If they catch you, they may try to stuff you in a spare suit that they threw together out of spare parts... uhh... Even is the suit had no endoskeleton in it. there are little metal beams to hold the endoskeleton in place and that would screw you over... Could you bring up cam 12 please"

I pressed the blue button, bringing up the camera system, I clicked 12. I saw Foxy, he is still slumped over.

"We might have fixed him... uhh... He was starting to do what we wanted him to and say his lines, so he might move around... I was talking to some retired employees from Freddy's, apparently Foxy wont fall for the mask, so you need to stop him with a door before he gets to you... I left you with a flashlight, you might be able to stop him with that."

I looked at the show stage, Carl was about to leave the room that has the show stage in it. I pressed a button to close a door and stop him from leaving.

"you may have noticed that you cant have more than one door closed at a time. Thats because of electricity... We don't want that bill to be above the roof... I think thats all I need to tell you, so good night... talk to you tomorrow"

I brought up the camera and saw that Carl and Jake where gone, leaving only Jack. I pressed 4, Jake was crawling through the vent. I pressed 6, it was a long hall. The very end had a opening and not far on the other side of the hall had a door, Carl was floating out of the door.

I took down the camera and turned on the door light, Jake was there. I pressed the door button and it slammed closed in his face. Before long, I saw a faint outline of Jake slithering along in front of the window. I turned on the flashlight, he continued from left to right until I could no longer see him.

I brought up the camera and pressed 4, I could faintly see Jake, he managed to get past another door and only a vent lay between me and him... I might have to use my mask soon.

I clicked 12 and saw Foxy standing up, his head was tilted so far down that I could not see his eyes. His ears slowly bounced up and down.

I turned on the flash light, Carl was floating inches away from the glass. I flicked the light off, I made sure my door was closed.

I heard the sound of metal having weight put on it, almost like thunder. Soon, I turned on the vent light and Jake slowly started to slither out. I pressed the red button and the mask went over my head. Jake pressed the door button and slithered out. I took off the mask.

I brought up the camera and pressed 5. They where all back in place. I pressed 12, Foxy was gone. I pressed 8, Foxy was running out of that room. I pressed 6, Foxy ran past. I quickly pressed the door button in front of cam 1. I heard slamming. I turned on my flash light soon after, Foxy was running straight at the window. The light hit his eyes and he fell to the floor, hissed than crawled back to camera 12.

A bell rung, I looked at my watch. It's 6:00 A.M. My shift is over.