The Officer and the Executive Chapter 2: Office Politics

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The second chapter of this little mini-series, which will likely have four chapters in total. Enjoy the story of Henry getting some revenge on his boss.

If you enjoyed this, you can send a tip to, or, if you want a story for yourself, check out my twitter account at DraconiconWrite ( ) or at my website ( ) if you want to see when I'm open for stories, or what I'm working on on a given day.

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

The Cop and the Executive Part 2: Office 'Politics' For Heru By Draconicon

Henry groaned as he finally pulled out of the panda's ass, his cock slimy and wet from the number of times he'd used the bear's hole. He shook his head, wiping his shaft clean on the bear's somewhat cleaner ass cheeks before flopping down.

Glancing across the bed, he saw that his new boyfriend was already conked out, and shook his head. He thought that cops were supposed to have more stamina.

Then again, he'd been going at that bear just as much as me, he thought. Not just here, but in the car, and in the bathroom, and...

He chuckled. Yeah, it wasn't too much of a surprise that the g-shep was already out of it. Frank probably needed a lot of time to recharge after that, even if his cock was still standing up hard and proud, despite its own being asleep.

The horse reached out, grabbing that shaft and giving it a few good tugs before pulling his hand back and rolling over. It was surprisingly nice to have a person to care for again. It would have been nicer to have it earlier, but he wasn't going to complain. After all, it wasn't Frank's fault that he'd taken so long to call.

He crossed his arms behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. Man, who would have thought that a traffic stop would have brought him to someone so interesting? A cop that was charming, decent, and had an interest in hypnosis just like him? Seemed like a dream come true, in all sorts of ways.

Heh, wonder if he'll ever want to do some of that with me...

Henry looked over again as he heard a soft grunt, and saw that Frank was opening his eyes. Chuckling, he turned over to look at him.

"Feeling pretty wiped out?"

"More than I wanna admit. Fuck, that bear's got a good mouth on him."

"Good ass, too."

"Yeah, well, he was an ass, so that's not too surprising."

Frank shook his head at the panda. The bear was still out of it, staring blankly ahead, groaning and moaning as he idly fondled his ass.

"What are we gonna do with him?"

"Well, the hypnosis should wear off in a few hours. I'd suggest calling a cab and getting him sent back home. Should have an address on his driver's license."

"He does, I checked."

"How about you make the call, then, and I'll go get him ready?"

"Sounds like a plan."

The dog got up, his bare ass keeping the horse's attention for nearly a minute until Frank left the room. Then, and only then, did he turn back to the panda. He shook his head, stroking a broad hand down the bear's body, and chuckling as he felt perhaps seven loads flowing out of the panda's hole.

"You know, if you hadn't been a jerk at the club, you might have gone without any sort of attention. But you just had to make yourself a pain in our asses."

He smiled.

"Was it worth it?"

The panda didn't answer, and he didn't expect one. Henry pulled himself out of bed, his cock flopping and slapping against his thighs as he started collecting his hypnotized 'victim's' clothes.

"Alright, let's get this over with..."

Nearly eight hours later, he was in his office, and regretting ever stepping foot back into the building. The horse grumbled as his boss - a bull named Mr. Stephens, and never Paul - roared in his face, telling him all the things that he'd been doing wrong, all the different items and bits of work that had gone unattended because he was a moron, because he was late, because he was a useless waste of space. The list went on and on, and he didn't know just what he was supposed to take from it.

He sat there in his little office, listening blindly as the bull kept shouting, and did his best to keep his face neutral. It helped to think of Frank at that point, thinking of how that policeman was one of the best things in his life right now, and how much it would help the both of them for him to keep hold of this job.

It helped, but it also made it rather uncomfortable against his desk as his cock started rising up.

"Do you hear what I'm saying, Henry?! You get here on time, and properly awake, and ready to work, or you're fired!"

"Yes, Mr. Stephens."

"Good! Now get the investors on the phone. We need more funding, and if you let even one of these projects slip through the cracks, it will be your head!"

And with that, the bull charged back out, slamming the door behind him with such force that Henry leaned back from the desk. He shook his head, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

Usually that worked, but today, after having such a wonderful time with his new friend - perhaps even boyfriend, at this point - it was impossible to get rid of all that rage. Mostly...

Mostly because he knew that he was better than this.

He looked down at his desk, at the way that the neat piles of paper and file folders had been scattered around by the bull's mostly random rage. The horse would be an hour getting it all back in shape, and by that time, the investors would be at lunch, or worse, looking for someone else to spend their money on.

And the bull knew it.

I'm the best deal maker in this office. I have closed so many contracts, rescued so many deals that he's nearly torpedoed...and he's the one in charge? He's the one that gets to shout at me?

It didn't feel fair, and for the first time in years, he felt angry enough to say that it wasn't. The horse slammed his fist down on his desk, hitting it hard enough to leave a small dent behind, and he stood up.

He almost charged out of the office, but stopped himself at the door. He could just barely make out Mr. Stephens shouting at one of the other office employees - one of the secretaries, by the look of it - but the public nature of the abuse wasn't what stopped him.

No, it was the fact that the bull was able to abuse people in public and get away with it. The cold fact was that his boss had a great deal of power and seniority behind him, and even if the rest of the floor hated his guts - and they did - there were likely people above him on the food chain that would take it amiss to see Mr. Stephens...dealt with.

He'd need a bit of help.

Turning back to his desk, he reached for his phone and flipped it open. It was easy to find the number he needed, and he dialed it quickly.

Frank had just stepped back from the holding cells when his cell phone buzzed. A quick check confirmed that it was Henry calling, and he blushed a bit.

"Wonder what the big guy wants..."

He glanced around to make sure that none of the other officers were around, and flipped his phone open.

"Hey there, stud. Things going alright?"

"Things are...okay. I have a few things I need to take care of here, and I think I might need your help."

The slight hesitation immediately had his cop instincts buzzing, and the canine arched an eyebrow.

"This isn't...illegal, is it?"

"Do you count what we did to the panda last night as illegal?"

"Borderline, but no."

"Then this isn't illegal. Just a little bit...borderline."

"So what do you need my help for?"

"Just want to make sure that I don't step on any toes, and to make sure that I do this right. Been a long time since I put in a long-term trigger on someone, so -"

"Wait, long term?"

"Yeah. You wanna watch?"

Frank hesitated. In the strictest sense of things, a long-term hypnotic trigger was something that infringed on a great deal of personal freedoms. Depending on what it was, the trigger could be pretty far from the 'borderline' illegality that Henry was describing, and if it was strong enough, could very well be in the realm of mental kidnapping, if not further.

At the same time, he couldn't deny that he was getting a stirring down below that he hadn't felt since he was a teenager. The idea of putting someone into a long-term trance, of having that little trigger waiting, of being able to take control at any time...

He adjusted himself a bit, clearing his throat.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Better hurry. I'm starting as soon as I put the phone down."

"Oh, you fucker..."

Henry chuckled as he hung up the phone, shaking his head a few times at Frank's enthusiasm. He knew that the big dog wouldn't be able to resist a show like this, particularly not when he probably hadn't done anything like this for years. He knew how the law worked. Order and protection, keeping everyone safe, preserving freedom by locking up those that would violate it, yadda yadda yadda.

Those people didn't have to deal with the bullshit that he did, and they didn't have the tools that he did to make it go away.

Henry pulled a small pocketwatch out of his suit pocket, and held it in front of him. A few little rubs polished the gold until it shone, and he gave it a couple of experimental sways to make sure that it was still firmly attached.

It was.

Alright, Mr. Stephens...I wonder how long it'll be until you're calling me Master Henry?

Still chuckling at the thought, he stepped out of his office and walked across the small collection of cubicles. The other employees - mostly wolves and foxes, with a few rabbits here and there darting from one desk to another - barely looked at him until he was halfway across the room. Then, they stared with nervous anticipation.

As well they should, considering he was heading to Mr. Stephens' office without being called.

The bull's office was on the far side of the floor, taking up a good percentage of the square footage. Considering it was a converted meeting room, that wasn't surprising. Henry shook his head at the sheer waste of space as he looked through the big windows that the boss had installed, at company expense, to look out over the little kingdom he had.

Henry couldn't wait to teach that pompous ass a lesson.

Strolling over to the door, he didn't even bother knocking. He just shoved it open, and then slammed it behind him, not dissimilarly to how Mr. Stephens had treated his own door.

The bull slammed back from his desk as if a gun had gone off, and then glared at him as Henry walked from one side of the room to the other, adjusting the blinds on the windows.

"What do you think you're doing, you asshole?"

Henry didn't answer, merely tugging on cord after cord. The blinds dropped, and then were angled so that no one could see in or out.

"I asked you a question! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

The horse shrugged as he locked the door, making sure to test it. Yes, it was as firmly locked as anything could be. Probably better locked than his own door might have been, in similar circumstances.

"Either answer the question, Henry, or get the fuck -"

"Shut up."

Finally turning his attention on his boss, Henry drew himself up to his full height. Though the bull was taller than Frank, he still managed to loom over the red-faced bully. Even as Mr. Stephens - no, Paul now - tried to draw himself up further, Henry kept the advantage, and used it as he walked ever so slowly over to the boss' desk.

"Shut up, and sit down. It's time for us to have a long overdue talk about employee relations."

"You think you can tell me anything? You -"


He very rarely used his voice in a tone like that. It was something that not everyone responded to, and he didn't like sounding that angry. It was not a shout, nor a hiss. It was a simple, firm, almost barked command.

And it worked. The bull sat down, and for the first time, looked nervous. Good. That was what the horse wanted. He sat down on the edge of the desk, and spent a moment just staring at his employer.

Paul was a waste of space. If there was ever someone that had been promoted beyond his abilities, and should have been let go long ago, it was him. Despite holding this office for nearly five years, the bull had drawn profits down, chased away some of the oldest investors, and had managed to put the rest of the department in danger of being downsized or entirely removed as a danger to the company.

His only skill was shifting blame onto other people, and at that, he excelled. The horse had seen so many people go, blamed for the problems that the bull had created.

And now, this chubby, sweaty, entirely too-angry bully was going to get what he deserved.

"You are going to listen to me. And you are going to listen until I finish, with no interruptions."

"You have got to be -"

Henry kicked the bottom of the desk, and the loud thump silenced the bull once more.

"If you interrupt me again...I will take all the financial information I have, all the records of your phone calls with our investors and clients...all the sabotage you've done in your incompetence...and show them to the men upstairs. If you push me on this, you will regret it, because you won't weasel your way out of this."

The light of realization went off in the bull's eyes, and the stallion knew that he'd won. Paul leaned back at his desk, started to open his mouth, then closed it again. Henry nodded.

"You understand. Good."

He got off of the desk and walked around it, grabbing a chair for himself. Dragging it around until he was seated with his back to the door, and facing his boss - perhaps his former boss - he looked at him, measuring him.

The bull would be desperate now. He could see the familiar glint in those eyes, his boss trying to find some way out of this. Some way to shift the blame, some way to convince him that things weren't so bad. Doubtlessly, that would last just long enough for the bull to call security and have him escorted off of the premises, so he could get the evidence.

That was almost certainly the plan the bull was conceiving. In another situation, if he had just been here to talk, that might have worked.

But he wasn't.

Henry pulled out the pocketwatch again, holding it in front of him.

"Funny thing, time. It moves so slowly when you want it to speed up, and goes so fast when you want it to slow down."

He tapped the side of it, setting the pocketwatch swinging from side to side, and predictably, the bull started following it. Almost no one could resist watching something swaying, and that was what he was counting on.

"It moves so quickly out of our control. The happy times are over too fast, and the bad times are never over fast enough. Sort of like working under you; every day in the office takes a year to finish, and every night away is over in a twinkling.

"But you know...I think that we need to change that. You have been hell on earth for too many people for too long. At the very least, I can make things different for me, and the rest of the people here. Do you know how that would happen, Paul? It's really very simple. All I have to do is make a little deal with you."

The bull's eyes lit up again at the idea of a deal, though he looked more politely interested than anything else in the other stuff that Henry was saying. That was fine; it was more meant to keep him from thinking about what would come next. As long as he kept watching the watch, that was fine. And considering it was golden, that was guaranteed.

As Paul's eyes twitched from side to side, Henry glanced down at his phone. A small text message had come in, saying that Frank was coming up from the parking lot. He better hurry; if the bull wasn't tranced when his boyfriend arrived...

"Your actions are hell for us, as I said. But I plan on making the work place a little more...heavenly."

" do you plan that?"

"By making you let us do our jobs right."

He twitched the watch slightly, making a small spin head down the chain. It didn't take long to set the bottom part spinning, and the bull seemed to stare at it all the more intently as it swayed back and forth, back and forth.

"You should never leave this office. There's never been a reason for you to leave this office. You are supposed to keep in touch with the upper management, and ensure that the place runs properly. Unless there's a problem, you should stay right here."

"Why...why should..."

"Because it's so much better for you here. Think about how you feel now. Think about how you feel, watching the watch."

Henry smiled as he saw the puzzled-looking bovine think about it. He could see those little wheels turning, that little cogwheel that the bull called a brain puzzling through it. Despite the quiet, the feeling of time running on, Henry kept quiet. Better to let the bull figure it out for himself.

Eventually, Paul nodded.

"Feels...good...watching it."

"Yes, and it will keep getting better. It's like a warm, empty day. No need to think, no need to do anything unless there's a problem. And as long as you're in here, as long as you watch the watch, there are no problems, are there?"

The bull slowly shook his head, but his eyes never left the watch. His eyes were slowly drooping down, to Henry's pleasure, and the horse chuckled.

"That's right. There are no problems, no worries. And with so little to do, there's so little to think about. Isn't there? So little worries, so little thoughts. Your head slowly getting emptier and emptier, like the warm summer day. No wind, no clouds, no thoughts, no worries..."

"No worries..."

"That's it. Just let it all fade away. Just let it all drift out of your head, and keep watching the watch. Just keep watching the watch."

"Watching...the watch..."

Frank shook his head as he finally got all of his equipment back, including his badge and gun. The security at the office building was much tighter than what he was used to, particularly in a place that wasn't a court of law or other government building. Probably for the best, really, but it kind of annoyed him.

One of the guards, a fox, kept pushing at him for more evidence that he was really a cop. Another time, Frank would have been tempted to just get a full court order to shut the vulpine up, but he had a very limited amount of time. Plus, this wasn't an official visit.


He glanced across the elevator at the tranced fox, shaking his head a few times.

"I really need to get back in practice. I overdid it again."

A shiny badge was good for more than just attracting attention, he'd found, and the fox had stared at it most obligingly. Still, the german shepherd felt rather bad about having just drained his mind, and he knew that it would take a long time for him to get back to normal. So, he'd brought him along.

Not like the security guard would remember anything he saw in trance, anyway.

They reached Henry's floor, and he quickly strolled through the middle aisle of the cubicles. He heard some mutters start, but nobody got in his way. A few people shouted to the fox, asking this 'Tom' for information, but he silenced them with a wave of his hand.

"Security called me. No worries, everyone. We'll be handling this."

Soon, they reached the big door. He was a little concerned with all the blinds down, but he trusted Henry...for now.

He tapped his hand on the glass.

"Henry? Henry, are you in there? This is Officer Frank -"

The door suddenly clicked as it was unlocked, and he stepped inside, pulling the fox inside with him. Good thing, too. Tom - if that was the fox's name - was starting to drool.

As he locked the door behind him again, he finally had a chance to see what was going on, and his eyes nearly fell out of his head.

"Are you...out...of...your...mind?!"

Henry shook his head, but Frank could only stare at the sight before him. A big bull that was only dressed from the waist up was leaned back along a large desk, and a big, thick bull cock was steadily rising up from his crotch. The canine could only stare in shock at the way the suited male was just sitting there, his eyes half-closed, his mouth hanging open.

Slapping a hand against his cheek to snap himself out of his own stupor, the officer turned his attention to his friend.

"What did you do? Why..."

"Why didn't I wait?"

It was with a small blush that Frank nodded. As much as he was shocked that Henry had gone this far in public...well, his cup was straining from his cock trying to harden, and he had to shift his weight around a bit to keep from feeling too uncomfortable.

"You could have at least kept him in basic trance."

"Yeah, well...I got a little excited, and wanted to get him ready for us."


"Yeah. I figured you'd want to play, too. And I wouldn't keep a toy away from my boyfriend, now, would I?"

An aspect of a hypnotic relationship that he had definitely not considered. Groaning as he blushed, Frank rubbed the back of his neck and looked over the bull again. He wasn't the best looking guy that he'd ever seen - and yes, there were better hung, and better muscled guys back in the holding cells - but he had to admit that the guy had a good cock on him. Nicely padded ass, too.

He took a step forward, only for Henry to block him with one arm.

"Ah. What are you doing with Tom, here?"


Frank looked back.

"Oh, him. Yeah...he was being a pain downstairs, slowing me down, and...I kinda overdid it."

"Yeah, I can see that. You have any idea of when he's gonna wake up?"

"Probably a few hours."

"Looks more like a few days to me. Do you mind if I -"

He waved for the horse to do as he wanted. As Henry stepped over, holding a pocketwatch in hand - Classic, the officer thought - he turned his attention to bull once more.

A nameplate on the desk identified him as Paul Stephens. The name rang a faint bell, but it took him almost a minute to remember who it was. Yes, the commissioner's golf buddy.

"Well, this'll be an interesting story."


"This is my boss' golf buddy. You better hope that this guy doesn't remember any of this, or we're both in hot water."

"Don't worry. You know I'm good at this."

"You better be. I can keep things from getting suspicious outside, but if he starts talking...well, there's nothing I can do about that."

"Don't worry about that stuff. Let's just worry about...this."

Frank groaned as a big hand reached down his pants, fondling him, rubbing at his cock once they got under his cup. It only got worse as Henry moved in close, and he felt the horse's bulge rubbing against his ass through his uniform.

"Mmph. gonna fuck him here and now?"

"Heh...we both are, Frank. The only question is, how are we gonna do it?"

Henry smiled as his little cop boyfriend squirmed under his fingers. It was kind of adorable, seeing the german shepherd shivering from all the pleasure that he was getting. In another case, it would have been rather silly. In this one, it was all too sexy.

He reached further down, fondling the canine's balls. They were heavy, and just a little bit damp with sweat. The horse slowly pulled his fingers back, sniffing them for a second before shivering in his own pleasure.

"Mmmm, didn't get a chance for a shower after last night, huh? You still smell like cum and musk."

"Yeah, well...I had to hurry."

"More like you like the smell, I bet."


Chuckling, the horse reached around, holding his damp fingers up to the dog's nose. Sure enough, he felt a twitch down below as soon as Frank sniffed them.

"Heh, that's more than a maybe."

"Fuck you, man."

They chuckled, and he let go of the dog as they looked at the bull. The boss was completely entranced; all they needed to do was decide on the trigger words for him, and just what sort of fun they wanted to have.

Sitting down, Henry patted his lap, and soon he and Frank were looking at the bull contemplatively.

"What sort of things should we make him do?"

"Well, I got a few suggestions."

Henry gestured for him to go on.

"He's always looking for deposits, right?"

"Yeah. He's a pain about that."

"Make him take it up the rear. All deposits in rear."

They both started giggling at that, him worse than Frank. It was a good idea, and he filed it away as they continued to brainstorm with each other. Sometimes, they threw out silly ideas, sometimes more serious ones, but it remained light and silly all the way through despite how they were talking about altering someone else's mind.

Eventually, they had a good list, and Frank wrote them out one by one as Henry started hypnotizing the bull.

"You are deep in trance, deep in empty obedience. All you can hear is me. All you can understand is my voice. All you can do is what I tell you to do.

"From now on, you will stay in your office unless there is a problem. From now on, only a problem can take you out of the office during work hours. From now on, only a problem will draw you from the office to deal with it. Otherwise, you will stay here, behind your desk, completely quiet.

"From now on, the phrase 'Sexy Deposits' will make you bend over, spread your ass cheeks, and expose your hole. The phrase 'Sexy Deposits' will make you need to be filled, and fill you with a need to be a slut. The phrase 'Sexy Deposits' will make you feel like a whore, and beg like one as well.

"From now on, the phrase 'Bull Boi' will make you strip down. The phrase 'Bull Boi' will make you want to take your clothes off, will make you want to show off. The phrase 'Bull Boi' will make you horny, excited, and eager to obey.

"From now on, the phrase 'Obedient Boss' will fill you with feelings of submission. The phrase 'Obedient Boss' will make you wish to be ordered around. The phrase 'Obedient Boss' will make sure that you always do what you are told.

"Do you understand?"

Paul nodded slightly, ever so slightly. Henry knew that he was too deep in trance to do more than that, and he smiled.

"Good. Then you will slowly come out of trance as I count down from 10. 9...8..."

Slowly he went further and further down, until he hit zero. The bull's eyes closed, then opened again. His boss groaned softly, then looked around him.

It took him a moment to realize that he was naked from the waist down, and he immediately reached to cover himself. Henry chuckled, shaking his head.

"Ah ah ah. Obedient Boss."

Immediately, Paul shivered, his cock throbbing under his hands as he slowed down.


"An Obedient Boss doesn't hide himself. Just let it be seen. Lay off..."

And the boss did just that, leaning back and putting himself back on the desk. His cock pointed straight up, and as his legs spread, he showed off one hell of an ass, as well. It was just about perfect, and Henry had a great idea.

"Hey, Frank?"


"You're a switch, right?"

"Pretty much. Didn't get much of a chance with the panda, though."

"Well, here's one now. Think you can take that?"

"Watch me."

He did, too, as his boyfriend climbed onto the desk above the bull. Those blue pants came down, falling to the canine's ankles before he straddled that thick bull cock. Henry teased himself through his pants to the show as the officer ground his ass back against the cock head, collecting pre at it and smearing it over his ass.

"Mmmph, he's thick..."

"Not as thick as me."

"No, but I slobbered over you to get you nice and wet."

"Heh, fair enough."

As the dog started slowly lowering himself on the meaty spire, Henry leaned over and took a small sniff of the bull's ass. It was sweaty, a bit moist, but overwhelmed with that hot, almost bitter scent that always lingered around someone's ass. Even at its cleanest, there was always that smell that was so naughty, so very dark and taboo.

He loved it.

Unzipping his pants, he teased his cock with one hand as he helped spread those ass cheeks with the other. He kissed each one, and then started flicking his tongue over the hole proper.

"Whoa! He must have really liked that; he's throbbing in me."

"Heh, well, let's see if I can make him do more."

Henry pulled his hand away, spreading those cheeks even further as he forced his tongue past the bull's ass. It stretched around it, and he could hear both his boss and his boyfriend groaning above him. He forced his tongue in and out, in and out, almost spitting into that hole to get it nice and wet for him.

Each little action seemed to turn the bull on even more, and when he looked up, he saw Frank riding that cock faster than a bull-rider in a rodeo.

Chuckling, he slowly pulled his head back, and then slapped his cock against that ass a few times. It was meaty, bouncy...perfect for a hard fuck.

"Heh, hope you're enjoying the show, Tom."

The entranced fox in the corner didn't answer, and Henry didn't push for one. Instead, he grabbed his cock tightly and slammed in, forcing his cock in as deep as it would go in one thrust. He groaned, half of his shaft buried, before pulling out and trying it again...and again...each time sinking a bit more into that hot hole.

And it was hot. With so little in the way of lube, his cock was burning from the friction, but he didn't care. The tightness made it all the better as he fucked his way deeper and deeper into his hateful boss, spreading the bull open around his thick shaft.

"Heh...Frank...the bitch liking this?"

"Mmph...fuck yeah, he is...he's spurting like a leaky faucet in me."

"Make sure you...push him all the way. I want you remembering this all day."

"You owe me...for the laundry."

The horse chuckled and nodded, only to get back to the hard humping. Bit by bit, he slammed in until he finally felt himself bottom out inside the slutty bull. His balls clapped against that ass, making it jiggle again, and he grinned. He ran his hands along the ass cheeks, squeezing them, fondling them, making them bounce for him.

" always were a bitch, a bully...and now you're my bitch."

He pulled out and slammed in again, this time doing the entire length of his cock in a single thrust. It was all too easy, and he did it again, and again, feeling that hole opening up to him, molding to his cock. He panted, leaning forward and resting his chest against Frank's back, and felt the dog reach around and squeeze him with one arm.

"Mmmph...not gonna...last long..."


They groaned together, and Henry slammed in faster, harder, almost feeling like that hole was trying to milk him as he used his boss like the toy he was. Every thrust had all the pent-up rage of years of being under him, all the hate that he had built up for the fucker. He growled, a sound that he found ridiculous, but couldn't suppress.

That hole felt like it was trying to slurp his balls out through his cock, and finally, it pulled him over the edge to orgasm. It was like setting off a chain reaction; as he came, the bull stiffened up, and he felt Paul's balls pull up in orgasm. And barely a second later, he felt Frank stiffen against his chest, shuddering and panting as he sprayed his load all over the bull.

They would have collapsed if it weren't for Frank's muscular frame, giving Henry the support he needed to lean on as all three of them panted in their afterglow.

It took Henry almost three minutes to be able to pull out of the bull, and even then he had to take it slowly. The formerly-virgin ass was still tight, and squeezed his sensitive cock the whole way out. It started squeezing shut again almost immediately after he pulled out, but not fast enough to keep all that cum in.

"Ugh...we're gonna have a mess to clean up today..."

"Well...we got someone to help..."

Frank nodded towards the fox.

"Get him to work, and I'll go start damage control, okay, Henry?"


He called the fox over, and soon Tom was hard at work giving the bull a tongue-bath. It was quick and messy, but it seemed to fit the sex.

Dressing quickly, Frank paused with his hand over the doorknob, and looked back.

"Hey, Henry?"


"Any chance you can do something like this with the commissioner?"

The horse chuckled.


"Good. Let's make it next week."

Frank groaned, his legs aching from the hard bouncing fuck that he'd just gone through. Not in a bad way, but in a way that he knew he'd be feeling for the rest of the day. Just like he'd be feeling the slimy, runny cum of the bull sliding out of his ass for the rest of the day, too. Already it made his ass cheeks feel slippery as all hell as they rubbed against each other when he walked, and it would only get worse.

Gonna need to carry a spare uniform in my car, at this rate.

"Attention. Everyone, can I have your attention, please?"

The various employees stuck their heads out of their cubicles, looking so much like a cartoon that it was all that the bull could do not to laugh.

"Alright. I think you all deserve an explanation. You may have noticed a Mr. Henry Gettering stepping into the office a bit ago. Security called the police, and I was the first person to respond..."

He knew that the story would only be so good, but Henry could deal with the leaks here. The big thing was to keep them from calling anyone here, and make it seem like the situation had been officially handled already. Once that was done, he knew that the stallion could handle any further fallout.

It would be interesting to see how it would go when they tried this on his boss.

The End