Chapter Four: To Catch A Monster

Story by Kailas on SoFurry

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#4 of Beast of Feeling

Another No-yiff chapter, pure development. But be forewarned that there's mention of sexual parts and such, probably still not work safe or anything. * * *

Chapter Four

  • * * The word burned into her, pierced her very soul and clenched at her heart. The cold realization slowly sunk in. She staggered, barely making it to her chair before she fell back. Her eyes were wider as ever as she read that one word again and again; pregnant. She was pregnant. It was one of those new pregnancy tests that told it plain and simple with no chance of mistake. No stupid lines, just ‘pregnant' and ‘not pregnant'. Three weeks after their last encounter she had noticed that her period was absent, already five days late. Now it was obvious why. One shaky hand could barely even hold the device. She finally ended up dropping it before her body slowly curled in on itself, arms hugging at her sides and head between her legs. She felt the need to cry stronger than ever, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't will the tears out. She had trained her tears to never appear a decade ago. It still happened from time to time, but even this couldn't make her cry. Worst of all she knew why. She should have been crying, but somewhere deep inside she was pushing back that emotion that desperately tried to show itself, that almost overwhelming sense of joy. After hundreds of years she was going to have children! Children! Each time the happiness tried to bubble up, though, she remembered what happened at night. She remembered that this horrible fate would be passed on to her children, her children's children, so on and so forth in a horrid, never-ending cycle. She wouldn't wish her blood-filled past on anyone, especially her own children. She hadn't even heard the door, nor did she notice the little tamarin until she was standing only a foot away. Lina's soft voice appeared for the fifth time she had called her, "Ms. Kailas?" Kailas's head shot up, hair flying and wild, accusing eyes on the small woman, "How dare you come in without my inviting you!" Lina seemed steeled for the wave of anger that was bound to come her way, "I normally wouldn't have, but I tried raising you on the intercom and you didn't respond. I talked to you from the doorway and on the way here. I saw you doubled over and I thought you were sick." Kailas leaned forward, arms propped on her knees and head hanging. The poor woman had only worried for her health and she was snapping her head off. She really needed to work on her anger. By the time she looked up again she noticed Lina's gaze resting on the pregnancy test she had dropped carelessly to the floor. She slowly moved to pick it up, twirling it in her hands as Lina waited, ever patient and unflustered. Finally Kailas spoke again, slowly, "Yes, it's positive. I'm pregnant." "That's wonderful news," Lina spoke softly, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. "Is it?" Kailas was surprised at just how somber her voice was. She managed to keep the anger down, sounding more monotone than she had in some time, "Do I seem like a children's person to you Lina? I never really thought I was. I'm too wrapped up in my own life, my own worries. "The worst part is I barely even know the man. I also have reason to expect that my children will be very sick." She chose her words as carefully as possible, hoping that she wouldn't be able to reason any of it out. She didn't seem to. "There's always another option." Kailas clenched at the test, shaking it with her rage, willing it to change. Still her voice stayed monotone, "I've been thinking about it ever since I started to suspect. But I can't answer myself the big question. Can I kill unborn children? I just don't know if even I'm that callous.." She didn't dare mention her secret desire, secret need that she really wanted these children. Lina moved forward, little paw coming to rest on Kai's shoulder. Kailas jumped a little, startled by the warmth and kindness in Lina's smile as she spoke, "I don't think I've known a person that would make a better mother Kailas, sick or not. You'll love them and take care of them no matter what, I know it." The woman was too stunned to speak. Lina took the moment to pat her shoulder and stand upright. Kailas only now noticed how she was tightly clutching to a clipboard that she now read over with fervor, "Well Ms. Kailas, there seems to be nothing else too pressing today. The merge with Mr. Kurgous is finished, the takeover went successfully. Profits are up, costs are down. I'd say you have an opportune moment to take off those vacation days you've been saving since you got this company." Kailas could only give a soft smile, still too overwhelmed to speak. Lina waited until she finally rose and putting a caring hand on her elbow, "Thank you Ms. Lina. I will be taking that time off starting immediately." The tamarin smiled and nodded, making for the door as she spoke, "Be sure to call if you need anything on your vacation Ms. Kailas. Oh," she turned to give Kai a playful wink, "And don't forget to tell him tonight! I‘m sure he‘ll be thrilled." Kailas waited until she left to lean against the desk as her body went cold. She could only pray to never tell him or see him again, tonight or any other night. Lyko felt the hot air of the summer evening press around him as he calmly watched the sun set over a high vault of trees. He sat on a sun-warmed rock that protruded from the grass covered hill, musing over the events of the past few weeks. His company was sold, money lined his pockets and he was free to take up the vagabond life he had always dreamed of. Yet now he found himself glued to this forest that was ironically owned by the woman he had sold his company to. He doubted he would be charged with trespassing even if he was caught by her, a thought that made him chuckle. A woman like that never really seemed the woodsy type. Still, he found it funny how often she lurked to his mind. An alluring woman for certain. How often he imagined stroking his fingers through that fine silken hair of hers.. And, as it happened every other time, guilt surged through him again. Another woman was out there carrying his children and here he was thinking of this cold business woman again. She obviously wasn't interested anyway and he had more important things to do than think of her. He had spent the night wandering the forest in some vain hope that he might run into his lady. It was a useless attempt; Weres only became those forms during the full moon and judging by how the woman ran each time they were done he figured her rational self didn't want to stick around to meet him. So why would she wander the nights as he did through the forest where they met? She was probably gone, hundreds of miles away and aborting his pups. The thought made him physically shiver despite the heat and the evidence to the contrary. Only the night before he had found a very faded but lingering scent of his own marking on her. Then he found the leftovers of a meal fresh with her scent on it. Surely no one could eat an animal like that unless they were in Were form! He couldn't fathom the reason, but it seemed like this woman might turn into a Were every night. It was an odd thought, but perhaps. He stood as the last light of the day continued to fade. He made the short walk to their clearing, every sign of their last encounter now gone. He was surprised at just how dark the place seemed without the full moon lighting every inch of the spot. It only grew darker as the sun disappeared from view, the tall tress cutting off any sign of the moon. But his eyes slowly adjusted. He carefully shed all of his clothing, hoping to look as much like his Were self as possible when he finally implemented his plan. Lyko cleared his throat and closed his eyes, slowly envisioning the emotions that surged through him during the nights of wild passion with her. He remembered every moment, every scent, carefully running through them until he came to the point he searched for. He remembered the heated passion of that final moment when his knot slipped in her and that deep, guttural howl shot into the sky. The emotions surged and the sound came again from him as those moments rushed by him. He tried to force his longing into the tone, something he found easier to do than he would have thought. Slowly, carefully he let the loud sound waver and die out. It was his only hope of finding her. If she truly was out there she wouldn't be able to deny the call of her lover. At least he hoped. Food. No, she was full after that meal a few moments ago. Water? No, she was crouched by a stream, already full from a cool drink. The feral mind had nothing else to think about but one thing; her mate. She could feel her body heat at the thought even as a growl erupted from her lips. He didn't come back. She would kill him. Her paw reached in between her legs, feeling the juicy heat with a snarl, her mind slowly trying to sift through the useless nonsense her rational self had learned, seeking the only good word she had ever learned. One that perfectly described him, their favorite insult. What was it? Bastard. Yes, that was it! That bastard, he deserved a swift death for leaving her wanting and full of pups. Her body suddenly rose to full height, back straight and head tilted upward, ears perked and listening. There it was! His call! Odd, different somehow, but his all the same! Now she would deliver the death she so wished for. She leaped over the stream, paws thundering stronger than ever as she shot like a bullet towards their meeting place. The feral mind raced with different ways to kill him, torture him slowly until he felt her pain. No, she would kill him swiftly and with little pain. He had given her pups after all. She fought back and forth between the only two options that her mind would give her. She leaped from a log and sailed through the air to land with a thunderous sound inside the clearing. Teeth were already bared and maw open as she stood erect again, beady, hateful eyes looking for her mate. She caught sight of..something. But it was not him. He was so small! No bend or curve to his back, no large snout, tearing claws, potent scent. This wasn't even a Were! A new rage bubbled inside her now. How dare some weird thing desecrate her mating sight?! She moved at him with claws raised and roar ensuing, only to stop with face only inches from his own. He was growling. Not only growling, but with the voice of her mate! How was he doing that?! And his scent! She hadn't noticed it until he was in close, but surely a strong scent like that couldn't be forgotten, couldn't be faked. Her lips slowly fell to cover her teeth, ears perked as she slowly moved forward to press her muzzle against his cheek, taking in his scent as deeply as possible. Yes, yes it was him. When she closed her eyes she could see nothing but the strong, striking figure of her mate. When opening them this scrawny thing stood mocking her with that big old grin. He tried to put his paws on her face but she pulled away. Only at the sharp tone of his growl did she finally hold still, giving a soft whine of confusion as he stroked at her the same as her mate had done when they finished their evening. Those tiny claws raked across her scalp and along her neck as he edged in close, smaller fangs taking in her neck fur and growling deep into it. She felt a shiver run through her body, an answering murr escaping her immediately. The confusion faded as pure instinct took her over. He was initiating the acts of the next phase of the courtship, something her body simply wouldn't ignore. She slowly lowered to all fours, front paws planted firmly in the ground as his teeth continued to hang on to her neck, moving down with her until she took the proper position. Legs were widely spread with tail raised high and back arched. Her neck was tall and high, but head dipped submissively as she gave an answering whine. She presented herself to him for inspection, to make sure no other had touched her and to see if he could feel her pups yet. He slowly let go of her neck and stood before her for some time. It was only after a few minutes that her eyes finally stroked over his form. He stood with his arms crossed, muzzle resting in one of his paws as he surveyed her. She could have sworn she still saw one of those irritating grins as she let out another deep growl. Then he turned around and walked off! The bastard was abandoning her again! She leaped at him in a fit of rage, something he seemed to plan for since she had barely lifted off of the ground before he was crouching over a pile of something she hadn't noticed before. She landed and turned with a snarl just in time to see him raise something to his snout. With a sudden snort he sent a small object sailing through the air that landed in her neck. She scratched at it furiously before surging forward again, a deep howl of anger coursing through her, trying to find voice. But her voice was missing, her vision blurring. Where were her feet? She couldn't tell anymore. Where was he? No clue. The blurriness and confusion took over as she fell to one side, only one last, soft whine given before everything went black.