Hot Stuff

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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A fairly quick smut shot based on the trope of the sexy service guy. Maybe not the last time I use that, though the incarnations will be slightly different if they appear again. Having moved to a much warmer clime relatively recently, I'm familiar with high heat and less than stellar AC, though that's the extent of any relevance this has to a realistic scenario. Still, inspiration comes where it does.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, size difference, rough sex, and violations of employee protocol.

"GODDAMN YOU TO HELL, AC!" Wayne kicked the unit, which didn't respond in the slightest to the abuse. Not that he expected it to, it was mainly just him being frustrated. Anyone would be when the heat index went into triple figures and the only real means of keeping cool had just crapped out on them.

The heavy, humid air outside meant open windows didn't help in the slightest, and fans just couldn't penetrate well enough. The lizard was half-considering standing in front of the refrigerator, leaving the door open and getting the cool air in his face, but that wasn't really a good idea. He needed the AC, needed it sooner than now...and he certainly wasn't getting it that fast.

The repair guy was on his way, and until then, he was doing the best he could. He'd stripped all the way down to a pair of lightweight athletic shorts, the only thing he could stand wearing and the bare minimum to look presentable for the repair man. Fans and cold drinks were his only weapons at the moment, and they were paltry, insufficient for such a powerful enemy. Well, it wasn't like he had much choice.

Minutes ticked by as if they were hours, prolonging his suffering. In his mind, he knew that he probably wasn't the only one with issues, they were probably getting quite a few calls...but that wasn't helping his mood, which wanted immediate satisfaction. At least it was his own house rather than an apartment, he'd heard a few horror stories about maintenance disasters there, guys who did nothing and apartment managers who tried to make tenants pay for the trouble on their own, rather than dealing with it like they should. It was going to cost a fair bit for him to have his unit fixed, most likely, but he was dealing with a company and they were more likely to give good service.

Finally, he heard a knock at the door, a hard rapping that was unlike any from his neighbors or friends. He leapt to his feet and rushed over, pulling the door open eagerly...and then for a moment quite forgot what he was doing.

Standing in front of him was a quite large, quite hunky bull. He had to be over seven foot, built like a linebacker, and looking more than a bit uncomfortable in a full-sleeved, full-legged uniform that was utterly drenched with sweat. That had the effect of keeping his clothes clinging to him, revealing more of his form than typical. It was a sight for sore eyes for Wayne, who had enough of a folder of men who looked something like that on his computer that it probably would have gotten him on a watch list somewhere.

"Hey, there! Heard you were having a problem with your air conditioning?" The sound of the voice, alluring as it was, reminded him of his senses.

"Yeah, it's not working, and I really, REALLY need it working today, uh...Edgar." Thankfully, the bull's name was handily printed on his uniform shirt, giving Wayne something to put with the images he'd be using to fuel his fantasies tonight and for several nights afterwards most likely.

"Well, then, I'll just come in and take a look...erm, Wayne, right?"

"Yeah. Thank you. please hurry!" He scrambled out of the doorway, allowing his hunky handyman access inside, The bull was all business, heading straight for the AC unit and kneeling down by it. Almost instantly he began working it apart, pulling the front of the unit off of it with a bit of effort. Wayne saw his muscles strain a bit, bulging out even more, and shuddered a bit despite the heat.

Once it was open, Edgar spent a fair bit of time inspecting things before he took a single tool to the machinery. He seemed to know exactly what he was looking at...Wayne himself had absolutely no clue what he was doing. He was no machinist, he worked with words, his technical know-how was next to nothing. Lucky for him there were experts he could turn to when he was out of his league...

Edgar worked more or less in silence, his only words mutterings to himself; it seemed like he was in the zone, and perhaps he needed to be. Wayne stayed out of the way, not wanting to do anything that would slow down the process of getting him comfortable. But damn, it was hard to keep his eyes off of the bull. Seeing him flex and stretch, hearing him grunt, he sounded like pure man, and it kept him weak in the knees. It was all he could do to hold his tongue and keep his composure...the heat wasn't helping matters either, his head was swimming a bit from everything, and he had to fight to keep himself in check.

Eventually, Edgar turned back to him, wiping his brow futilely. "Well, the good news is, it can be fixed. The bad news is, it's gonna be an hour or two before you can actually use it again. I can install the part but it's gotta be unplugged for a while, so it can cool down." He chuckled. "Apparently, it is possible to get hotter than this weather."

"Well, an hour or two is better than a day or two. You sure it's that simple?"

"Yeah, I've seen a few of these in the past week. Should be a quick replacement of a couple of parts, nothing too difficult, once I can actually do the replacement it'll go quick. Shouldn't cost too much, either."

"I'm not too worried about that. At this rate I'd probably pay upwards of my life's earnings to make it livable in here again."

Edgar snickered. "Don't worry, much as I'm sure the boss would love to take advantage of that, we avoid gouging our customers too bad. I'm glad you're nice about it, though, it's a lot better than being yelled at because I don't have some kind of magic touch to 'make the thing go right already.'"

"The way you said that, I could swear you were quoting directly."

"There's a reason for that. Anyway...hrm, I guess there's not really much else I can do until it cools down...I hope you don't mind a bit of company, I'd go out and try to do something else but I'm not supposed to interrupt a job."

"No, no, that's perfectly fine! Make yourself comfortable!"

Edgar snickered. "You sure you want to invite that? 'Comfortable' is gonna be hard to attain in heat like this."

"Don't I know it. I can at least get you something to drink...want a beer or something?"

"No alcohol, but if you got a cold soda or something I'd be great with that. They don't want us drinking on the job, since we gotta be driving. They're pretty strict about that, too, I could get away without being arrested and still be fired."

Wayne nodded. "I can work with that. Thank goodness the refrigerator is still working..."

A minute later, Edgar was seated on the sofa, cracking a can and gulping it down thankfully. Wayne sat on the easy chair just a short ways away, doing his best to cool himself with his own drink as well as the nearby fan. It was a tricky thing, not letting on how much he wanted the bull in his eyesight, but he did his best not to be too obvious about it. "You must get a lot of customers this time of year. I hope I'm not the dumbest one you've seen."

"Nah, not even close. Your issue is mostly just that the thing is older and probably has been used plenty over time. Plenty of times I've gone in and it's someone who thought they knew how to make it work better, or cost less. It's those guys that give me most of my workload, because they can cause way bigger problems than your regular wear and tear."

"Glad to hear that. What got you into this business?"

Edgar shrugged. "Paying for college, basically. And then when I figured out I was good at it, I stuck with it. Looking to go for a Master's in engineering, but I needed some time off from the whole school thing. You know what I mean?"

Wayne nodded. "Yeah...I needed it so bad I doubt I'll ever go back. Decided to be a writer, I do freelance stuff for other people's projects. More demand than I thought, but holy hell do I have to put up with some idiots."

"There are idiots everywhere...but we have to put up with them because somehow they get money." The bull crushed the can in his hand, and let it drop to the table. "Goddamn...I wonder sometimes if I should move up north, enjoy the super cold winter rather than put up with this heat."

"Couldn't do that. The heat sucks, but the cold is worse."

"Yeah, I know, but sometimes I wonder. Phew...gotta be honest, this uniform is killing that we're required to have long sleeves and stuff, even if it is for safety. I know it ain't proper or anything, but would you care if I took it off?"

Wayne gulped; suddenly he was feeling even hotter. "N-no, go right ahead."

"Ah, thanks..." Edgar stood up and stretched again, then brought his fingers to the buttons of his shirt. His gaze was away from Wayne, allowing the lizard a chance to peek at him without him noticing, watching as he slowly undid the buttons and pulled the sweaty garment away from his body...a broad, muscular chest revealed itself to him, as well as the full measure of the bull's thick arms shortly after. The bull just tossed the shirt aside, as Wayne quickly tried to make himself look innocent in case he noticed...he wasn't sure Edgar had missed it anyway, but at least he could keep up the impression.

But that went out the window when Edgar removed his pants. His hands drew down the somewhat heavy garment and let it drop to the ground, showing his enormous leg muscles...and the bulge of his sheath and balls underneath his underwear, the most sweat-soaked garment he had. The scent of pure male musk hit Wayne's nose much more strongly, and he couldn't fight his urge to stare anymore. Edgar definitely looked more comfortable out of his uniform, and Wayne certainly wasn't about to complain; now clad in nothing but his underwear, truly he was a sight to behold. Thick muscles all over, a body almost designed to appeal, he was better than anything Wayne could have dreamed of entering his apartment. He found himself salivating a bit, losing himself staring at the bull...and Edgar was definitely noticing now, and turning up the grin on his face.

"Seems like I caught your eye, there."

Wayne nodded absently, not bothering to try to hide it and no longer concerned that he'd been caught. "Among other things."

"Well then...maybe I should keep going." He fingered the waistband of his boxers, eying Wayne with a special glint in his eye. "So long as you don't tell my bosses about it, that is..."

"Not a word."

Edgar's grin widened as he rather quickly dropped the last of his clothing, baring it all to Wayne. Well, mostly; he was only just starting to get aroused, his cock starting to peek out of his sheath, but already appearing to be quite the sight. "I'm glad you like what you see, but I think my own view is a bit obstructed."

The moment the bull said it, Wayne jumped to his feet. He couldn't get those shorts off fast enough, throwing them on his seat and baring himself to Edgar. His own cock was already at full mast from the show he'd been given, a healthy size but not coming close to Edgar's; the bull was only half-hard and already was outpacing him. "'re huge."

"'Zat gonna be a problem?"

"Hell no. Exactly the opposite." Wayne's hands gripped the powerful organ, stroking it gently. Oh, he wasn't going to be able to hold himself back for long here, he needed that thing inside him as soon as possible. Opening wide, he sucked the tip into his mouth, diving down as far as he could, while his tongue snuck out and started lapping around the parts he couldn't go down on. Eagerly he soaked the cock with as much of his spit as he could, prepping it for its next destination.

Edgar was letting out low moans as the lizard's mouth worked his flesh like no guy he'd been with ever had before. "Ohhhh...shit, man, you've done this a lot before, haven't you? Really know how to work that meat..." Now he was the one fighting his urges, trying not to buck further into that incredible mouth and push Wayne past his limits. As it was, his grip on Wayne's shoulder was tight, keeping him as in place as he could while he enjoyed the feel of that tongue on him.

When Wayne pulled off, just about every bit of Edgar's thick shaft was glistening with saliva, just as he hoped. He was also a bit lightheaded from the heady musk and the strong taste, grinning goofily as he stepped back. "Yeah...that's the stuff. Hope you're ready for the real deal, because if you aren't I'm gonna jump on you and start anyway." Despite the threat, he was already getting down on his hands and knees, raising his tail and wiggling his ass at the bull.

"Don't need to go that far," Edgar chuckled, kneeling down behind Wayne. At this point, he wasn't going to be able to keep himself from hammering the lizard until he could hardly walk. Aiming his cock down to Edgar's hole, he slowly pressed his way in, sliding in gently and spreading that passage wide around him. Below him, Wayne let out a shuddering gasp - Edgar was even bigger than the toys he'd used, bigger than the other couple guys he'd had before even, but it felt absolutely incredible, a fantastic sensation that he already couldn't get enough of. He tried pushing himself back to speed up the penetration, though Edgar held him in check, keeping his insertion steady until he'd pressed in to the hilt. " took that in way quicker than everyone else..." he moaned, the vice-grip on his dick feeling like near perfection. "Guess I'm not the first beefcake you've had the pleasure of, eh?"

"Nngh...not the first...but there haven't been many...just lots of practice..." It was definitely a bit of a strain, but Wayne liked strain. And the pressure on his prostate made sure his own cock was leaking profusely throughout. "Go to town on me, you big fucking stud, I can take it..."

"Hm, if you say so..." Edgar heeded the lizard's request, as if he'd had any designs to the contrary. A slow draw out, teasing Wayne with the pace while giving him a full tour of his flesh, was punctuated at its apex by a hard drive back inside, forcing his passage open hard around him. Wayne let out wild cry, a powerful note of pleasure that was almost too loud, his fingers digging into the carpet underneath him as his cock shot a wad of precum onto the same. He clenched down tight, firming up the grip on the bull's dick and getting a grunt out of him. "Oh, so that's how it is...well, then, you'll really get it now!"

From there Edgar was relentless, holding Wayne tight and pushing his weight onto the lizard as he started pounding him fiercely, using every bit of his strength. He wasn't used to fucking like this, as big as he was he usually had to exercise a lot more control, but damn, did it ever feel good to let loose! His cock was getting the rubbing it so badly needed from that fine ass, the tight wrapping that felt like it might lock him inside, but yet pliable enough that it felt like he was barely being restricted from thrusting at all, especially once his pre joined the saliva from Wayne's treatment earlier and smoothed his entry further.

Wayne, too, was in heaven. It was so hard to get his partners to accept that he could handle whatever they threw at him - he hadn't practiced with huge toys and such for no reason - and the fact that Edgar was giving it to him just how he wanted was a dream come true. The constant stretching was exquisite, the friction rubbing him was giving him that familiar, fantastic burn, the battering of his prostate was driving him rapidly towards his climax. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth, his gaze was almost blank as the pleasure sent him into a deeper fog, his only real thought centered on getting more.

Far too quickly, they found themselves reaching the point of no return; both of them had been without action for too long, and the velocity of their rutting was hardly conducive to holding back. With a deep, bellowing cry, Edgar slammed into the lizard and started shooting hard, rapidly filling Wayne with his prolific bull seed. That last powerful drilling coupled with the feeling of being pumped full of semen was enough of a trigger for Wayne, who let out his highest-pitched call yet as he unloaded onto the carpet underneath him, making a nice mess on his floor that he couldn't care less about. Said mess was added to by backwash from Edgar, some of his cum dripping out from around his cock as he ground himself inside Wayne, squirting too much for him to easily contain. And he was only adding to that by squeezing down around Edgar and milking him further, trying to get every drop of stud seed he could into his body.

They rode cloud nine for quite a while, nearly a minute before they finally lost their grip and returned to reality. Both of them were panting hard, the heat furthering their fatigue, both bodies dripping with sweat and Wayne's cock and ass still leaking cum into the carpet. With an effort, Edgar pulled himself out of the lizard, letting a gush of semen out and of him which only compounded the problem. "Whoops...sorry about that..."

"No fuckin' worry...carpet's shit anyway, and I've got cleaner." Wayne's limbs felt wobbly, but he managed to get to a standing position, though partly learning against Edgar for support. "Holy shit, man...that was amazing, haven't been fucked like that in way too long..."

"Can't believe you can be fucked like that at all," the bull replied with a chuckle. "Little guy like you takes dick better than most of the big asses I've had. But I'm glad you could, that was probably the best lay I've ever had."

"Glad to oblige..." Wayne took a look up at the clock. "Still got some time before you can get back to the AC...wanna try for Round 2 in a cold shower?"

Edgar grinned even wider. "Won't have to twist my arm, both of those are gonna be perfect."