"Timeless Wars" Ch.3-4

Story by Max Whitefang on SoFurry

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Here's Ch.3-4, Enjoy!


The message is titled to Commander Aron Shepard the human, from Commander Aron Shepard the Husky. "T-This has to be a joke...a-a lie of some sort. There's no way I recorded this." I was confused, in denial, but I had no other choice but to watch it, otherwise my curiosity will get the better of me in the future. Luna asked if she could watch, so I positioned myself since the hologram could be viewed both ways. I play the message, "Hello Commander Aron Shepard. If you're watching this, then it's possible that Luna has already explained to you the truth about you're who you really are. Right now, I'm preparing for my battle with Cerberus and finalizing the transformation process for Project Humanity. I know that, you as a human, are confused because your memories were changed, but you must know that it's time to transform back into the real you and return home to Pandora." Just hearing this got me planning to stop my fate, and stay human. But I planned too soon after hearing this part, "Oh, if you're planning to stop this process, you can't because I've already sealed you're fate in the Source Code, and you can't change your fate in your human form. I've programmed it to be only changed in your primary Husky form." I began to feel light headed, scary and terrified. "I know hearing this is frightening you, but the re-transformations process is painless, however, the human form you're in will seize to exist. Luna, if you're hearing this message, I'm so sorry of what I did, but right now Cerberus has to be stopped, knowing that in order to truly use one hundred percent of my brain, and D.E.S, I have to be a human to do it." A knock was heard in the video background and a deep voice, "Yo, Aron are you alright!" "Y-Yea, I'm fine Kyle, I'll be on my way in a bit!" "Kay...hey after you win and killed Cerberus, we'll be waiting to celebrate your victory when you return. Just don't die on us." "Got it Kyle. I'll looking forward to it!" I teared in the video, know I won't be returning. "(Sniff) Anyway, Luna I've been wanting to tell you sooner, but I just want you to know that I love you, and I want us to be together soon, but when I return to normal, we're only twenty." Luna begins to tear and cry, while I continue watching with no emotion.

"Don't worry Luna, everything will be okay, the moment this message is played, the count down for transforming back has begun, not by a timer but by an act I will do. Wish me luck, and I hope to see you, Hunter and Kyle again soon." The moment the video ends, Luna immediately gets up hug me tight. "It...really is you." She said crying on my shoulder. "Please, come back, I can't bear to see you suffer in your human form anymore. Please...I love you" I felt no emotion in me, and took both her paws, unravel them, and told her, "That can't be me, this video had to be directed to some other Commander Aron..." "Don't say it, you are him, the video just said...?" "ENOUGH!" I yelled. Luna backs away, sits on her bed and whimpers. I quickly check to the timeline in the Source Code, to confirm if it's true. I collapse on my chair, "its...true, one hundred percent true. I-I have to ensure this event will not happen. Transforming back into one of your species. No, all they'd showed us was weakness in battle and could have lost the fight without us!"

Luna and I remain silent for a moment, until a plan popped into my head. "Okay, I will make an exception. I will gladly return with you back to Pandora for a moment, but I would also like to meet your friends as well." In reality, I was planning to travel to Pandora, with Luna on the Atlas Command Star-ship, teleport both Kyle and Hunter to the ship, and kill them all insight. "Do you accept" Luna nods. "We leave tomorrow in the morning, at 9 o'clock, be ready before that time." I walked out of her room, and walked to my office. "CYRUS, get everything for tomorrow, and make sure our guest is comfortable for her final night alive." "Yes Commander, I'll make she's comfortable."


December 24, 2115, 9:00 A.M, Luna and I got up an hour before nine, getting ready to teleport to the Atlas Mobile Command Star-ship, or A.M.C.S. Where I planned on returning to Pandora with Luna, and kill all three, Luna, Hunter and Kyle, in hopes of staying human until the day I die. I walked to Luna's room, where she waited patiently outside her door. We both walk from her room to the teleporters. "Okay, just step on one of the teleporters, and the both of us will be inside the Star-ship in less than five seconds." She and I step on our own teleporting pad. "Ready to go, Luna." I asked softly. "Sure" She still sounded depressed, knowing she wants me to turn back into the real Aron. "Okay, CYRUS begin teleportation." "Understood Commander." In three to five seconds, we were inside the A.M.C.S. The Star-ship command center provides a full view of space, powerful weaponry and it's massive in size to give us the resources we need. The ship extends for about three miles in length and a mile in width. Luna and I walked towards the Universe Map, that's in the center of the commanding area, find and select Pandora's Solar system. "Calculating time, three minutes Commander." Ship's warp drive charges for a moment and enters hyper space.

For about a minute, Luna and I don't speak, until she asked me, "Why do you deny who you are, even after watching the video from last night." I remain silent. "Why are you afraid of transforming back, can't you see that you're not a human?" I then answer back, "Luna look...whether I'm one of you or not, my choice to stay human. I have true access of my brain's capacity. I'm willing to give all that up, and lose that ability just for you or your friends." "So, that's all you care about, is having more power than return home with the three of us! Is that it?" She responds angrily. "Yes, that's it. If you have to be invincible to kill an enemy quickly, then I'm willing to give all that up just to win any battle." Luna was furious at what I just said, but before she could say anything else, we'd exited hyper space and arrived on Pandora. "Okay, you said their names are Kyle and Hunter correct." Luna nods. I type in the first and last names, and immediately their profile shows. Luna walks over and confirms it's them. "Alright, I'll sent them a message on whatever commutation device they have, saying that you're here with me and are safe. All they have to do is type 'confirm' and they'll be teleport to the Star-ship." I ask Luna to stand by the teleporting pads so both Hunter and Kyle could see she's here. As she walks toward the teleporting pads, I prep my handgun with smart bullets, which target automatically, ready to kill all three insight.

I saw both confirmation messages and watch them emerge through the teleport. "Kyle, Hunter." Luna replies. They both stare at her for a moment "Luna" they both reply. "I-I thought we've never see you again!" I watch all three hug. "Oh, Kyle come on I know you had faith in me." "That was a crazy stunt to put yourself through!" Hunter asks happily. "Stealing a spacecraft, just to save my brother, you're one tough wolf." As they laugh happily, I walk over and maintain a distance with my handgun behind me. "Oh Kyle, Hunter. I'm sure you know that is. They both stare knowing that I'm Aron. I say to them, "Kyle, Hunter, good to see you again, and welcome...to your final destination!" I said as I drew and point my gun at them. "Aron, what are you doing!" Hunter asked shockingly. "I will not turn back. I will stay human and the only that will happen is if I kill you all!" I fire at them, head-shot, but bullet did not penetrate. "W-What!" I thought to myself, and saw they had power suits clocked with their barriers active. "CYRUS told me of your plan Aron. About killing us. So I asked CYRUS to send a warning to Kyle and Hunter to be ready." Responded Luna. I told CYRUS angrily, "I'll deal with you later!" I attack them quickly with my hand blades, but they proved to be tough fighters as they defend. They try to attack me, but with my power suit enabled me to dodge and strike them at speeds above mach twenty.

"I had enough!" I yelled, immobilize them, and through them against the wall with psychic. As I move towards all three, and ready myself for executing my D.E.S. "You could of made this easy on yourselves, but choose to resist! Aron is gone, and now you will pay the price for wasting my time." I activate my D.E.S, and immediately cover in a dark sphere of energy. Normally it takes five seconds to execute, but instead of executing, I found myself inside the data stream. Unable to move. "Ah, why can't I move?" I said struggling. All of the sudden, I saw what appeared to be my primary form walk towards me. "You...you tricked me! Programming my D.E.S to transform rather than to execute." It responded, "Yes, before I, you became human, I foreshadowed that on the tenth execution, right now, you will be erased, I will transform back, and reunite with my family who you tried to kill." He brings up the Source Code, and authorizes the erasing process. I respond darkly as I watch parts of myself vanish, "Erase...are you sure you want to that. You and I both know Cerberus was only sealed, not killed. He will return, but more powerful. Do you think you'll be powerful enough to stop him without using me?" "I don't care, as long as I'm with my brother and two friends. We'll find a way to stop Cerberus, even if he tries to kills us." I said watching my human form vanish in front of me. "Hmm, so you place your family first, rather than having more power to protect others. You're a fool Aron!" "No, I have the power I need to protect others. I'll be transferring the new power, skills, and memories, you developed, but your personality, that I hate, will vanish with you!" I tell him. "Do what you have to do, you've been warned Aron!" My human form vanishes completely. I download my new power, skills, and memories through the Source Code. "Are you ready to return Aron?" Asked CYRUS. "Yes, and just call me Aron... Aron Shepard the Husky for now on CYRUS. Commander was just my title rank during the war." Very well Aron, are you ready to return home." I finalize the transformation process. "Time to go home." Everything goes black within the blink of an eye.

As the dark sphere bursts into energy, I collapse face flat on the floor with my right arm above my head, nearly conscious. Turning my head slowly as I watch Hunter, Luna and Kyle rush to help. My vision was hazy, but heard them yell out my code name, "Aron...Aron!" I feel them shake me, hoping I'm alive. "Aron... Aron, please wake up!" yells Hunter. I was still too weak stand or talk, but I mumble softly saying, "I-I'm here." All three start crying softy after hearing the real me again. "K-Kyle, carry me to... Th-the ships medical center...on level three. Adrenaline shot...quickly". After executing or transforming, adrenaline is needed since all that full power drains our energy every five minutes we're in battle. Normally my power suit has the shots needed during or after executing, but I've never checked it this time. Kyle roles me face up, gentle picks me up, and rushes me to the elevator with Luna and Hunter in it. By the time the elevator stopped on, "Medical Center", CYRUS guides them to a specific room where the adrenaline shots are kept. CYRUS then tells Kyle to lay me on the medical bed, grab one of the direct adrenaline injectors, and insert it into the vain on my neck. Hunter quickly grabs one, passes it to Kyle, and gently inserts it into my neck. In an instant, I felt better and energized. "Man, I've got to stop forgetting to refill the adrenaline I need after executing!" Yep, there are times I forget to refill my power suit with adrenaline, but luckily it's rare when it happens. "Oh, hey guys. It's been a while since seen each other." "Aron!" They yelled as they rush towards me and hugged me tight, as if they've never seen me in years. "G-Guy, come on. I've only been gone for six months." After saying that, they just hugged me even tighter. Luckily, I was still wearing my power suit, otherwise I've would of lost consciousness again. Especially Kyle, since he's the biggest and strongest in the group. "That's no excuse Aron!" said Hunter. "You were without any love and emotions for too long!" Luna added. "So we're just going to keep hugging you until we see tears fall out of those eyes of yours!" Kyle said deeply. As much as I wanted to teleport out on my own, it didn't take long for that first tear to fall out for the very first time in six months.