To Have Chapter 8

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#8 of To Have

That's it for To Have. But not the end of this series. Just the end of the first story arc. Might have seemed a bit of a sudden end, I know. That will hopefully make sense when I start the second story arc. Which I'm going to be planning out a lot more. I did feel that I was slinging these chapters out without a real end game. So I'm going to fix that next time. Definitely with more planning, going into it not just with an starting point but an end point too. That is always my issue. I'm never sure where to end it and that is usually why I tend to just pick an end point halfway through writing. Which doesn't make for the best piece of fiction. Still, lessons learned right?

As some of you may have noticed, I've started bringing in other people's fursonas as recurring characters. For those of you still waiting for your appearance, that will be coming in the early chapters of the second story arc. I promise. I haven't forgotten you all. I'm just sorry that it has taken this long to get you guys involved, I hope it will be worth the wait. If you guys want to get into a story I have a few more ideas coming up that could easily accommodate some more fursonas so keep an eye out for those. Plus some ideas for YCH commissions bouncing around in my head. I hope to be focusing on those before I open new commissions slots but more will be opened in the future.

Dramatis Personae:







Mellisa and the others had formed into a tight group around one side of the table, a united effort to stand together. This wasn't completely unexpected. She had expected to have to report that they had engaged in combat when they returned. She just hadn't quite expected it to happen in this way. To start with, she had expected Hiromi to be here.

' this by me again.' The stocky buck seated opposite said, leaning back in his chair so that the lights overhead reflected off his antlers. 'You say you were attacked by a, how did you put animated pile of rocks.' As he drew out that last word, he raised his head from the report before him, fixing his gaze on the tigress. His eyes saying what his tone didn't, that he found all of this very farfetched.

Mellisa didn't rise to that tone. She couldn't blame him for being sceptical. She almost couldn't believe it herself. Even now as she replayed the battle in her head, the memory seemed unreal. Maybe because of the hit she took as she leapt, the creature knocking her back with one powerful swing of its head. She hadn't expected it to be that fast. 'That's what I said, sir. And it happened just like I said.'

In truth, Mellisa was ad-libbing a little here. The details were that hazy. She could remember Arty and Koum joining the fight, having more luck than she did. Arty had distracted it very neatly, a few well-placed shots punching holes in the crumbling stone. If that actually caused it any pain, Mellisa had no idea. But it noticed. It noticed Ilya too, the Kitsune getting off a few shots of her own, distracting and confusing it. Making it turn towards her. And allowing Koum to strike. She wasn't sure if her strike killed it. On a normal animal, it might have. Her spear would have thrust right through vital organs. But this thing didn't have any. It certainly did damage though.

Koum had leapt clear as it fell, it's head landing with a thump that rose a cloud of dust. Dust that hadn't even cleared before Arty and Ilya put two more rounds into its head, the crack of the gunshots echoed by the cracking stone. A crack that both Mellisa and Arty capitalised on; twin blades striking at exactly the same point.

'So you did.' The buck didn't raise his head from the report in front of him. 'That some force was able to give form and intelligence to what was little more than a pile of rubble.'

Mellisa raised her head a fraction of an inch, bristling a little. 'Yes sir.' Her voice full of deference she didn't completely feel. While the buck might have been officer of the day, she didn't appreciate being brought her like a criminal.

'And you feel that was justification for engaging in an unauthorised military operation inside the city limits.' The buck met her stare easily.

'Sir?' Mellisa frowned.

'Perhaps it escaped your notice, captain. But you drastically overstepped your bounds here.' The buck cast a look from her to the other assembled soldiers in turn. 'All of you did. You had received no orders, been given no sanctioned mission. Because you are part of a unit that has not yet been sanctioned. Not on any level. And yet, you alone decided to engage this thing in combat. With no regard for the consequences.'

Mellisa couldn't believe what she was hearing; her paw clenching into a fist. 'Sir, this thing was trying to kill us. We had a right to defend ourselves.'

'You had no right. No authority. You may think that you can just act like a loose cannon, but this army has a command structure. One that must be followed.'

Mellisa heard Koum's tail thumb the floor, the only outward sign of the frustration she knew they were all feeling. Frustration that made her cut across Mellisa before she could reply.

'What would you have had us do?' Koum dropped the 'sir.' And Mellisa felt that was on purpose. 'Retreat? And let that thing run all over the city?'

'You could have retreated.' The buck replied, his calm demeanour not fading for a second. Mellisa could still feel a deep current of tension within him though, like a ripple of red cutting through a plain white sphere. 'Called for support.'

'That could have been too late.' Arty cut in.

'Which wasn't your choice to make. We have protocol for these situations. And an army must stand by it. Otherwise what are we but a rabble just following the voice that shouts loudest.' The Buck closed the file with a slap of his hand on the table. 'This case is out of your hands now. My men will be taking over the investigation. Are we clear?'

'Perfectly sir.' Mellisa said, just about keeping her voice even.


Mellisa just about kept her cool until they stepped outside, her composure lasting until the door closed behind them. 'What was his problem? You'd think we started a war or something.'

'Either that, or we are just a bunch of glory hogs.' Arty sighed. 'We aren't seen as regular military, so I guess that makes us outsiders. Which we kinda are. Or will be once our division is formalised. But that doesn't mean we aren't on the same side.'

Well, I'm not going to stand around while they work out which side they are on.' Mellisa said firmly. So we can't deploy right now. Doesn't mean we can't learn about our enemy.'

Arty smiled, revealing a grin of sharp teeth that matched the intent in his eyes. 'I was thinking the very same thing.'


'You really think we can find something here?'

Ilya stepped back to look at the iconigraphics pinned to the board before her, the images clear enough as if she was standing where they were taken. A bit too clear for her liking in some cases. She preferred to look at the images of the remains of the creature. It was better than looking at the aftermath of the attack on the arena. Even distant like this, the memory of it was still too raw. Even if she hadn't been there, hearing the reports coming in had been bad enough.

'Who knows. I just want to see what I can see. We can't deny these two events could be linked.' Arty mused.

'So far, the only connection we have is the feline Captain Lockwell saw.' Ilya moved her finger to the sketch that had been drawn from the description Mellisa had given.

'True.' Arty conceded. 'But being there doesn't mean she was to blame for either.'

'Then why didn't she talk to us.' Ilya asked.

Arty shrugged. It was a good question; one he had been thinking about a lot. 'She said she had her own things to worry about. And why would she even trust us? One more reason to keep trying to find her.'

'You think she will show up again.' Ilya said.

'I do. So I'm going to keep an eye out for her. Any reports of anything unusual or attacks like this one. We look out for those and I bet she will show up again.' Arty said confidently.

'I wish I had your confidence.' Ilya sagged against the wall, feeling suddenly drained. Like she had been trying to be strong and just couldn't hold any more. 'You seem to be taking this in your stride.'

'You think?' Arty turned, his face suddenly focused. 'When I signed up, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind either.'

'You must have some experience of stuff like this.' Ilya sighed. 'Not like me. This was no way what I thought I would be doing a year ago. I was just thinking I'd get a specialist post somewhere, maybe a listening station or logistics division. Command and Control if I was lucky. But this? I'm honoured to be asked of course.'

'You wouldn't be here if you didn't deserve it.' Arty smiled. 'The Commander obviously sees something in you.'

'I know. This was not what I expected from my first posting. Sometimes I still feel like this little kid, out of her depth. You know?' Ilya said softly, the uncertainty in her voice clear to hear.

'So does everyone at some point.' Arty reassured, reaching to place a paw on her shoulder. 'That's part of how you grow, how you learn.'

'So..we just wait?' Ilya asked, his response reassuring her. She hadn't been sure she could voice her doubts. That would mean admitting how out of her depth she felt. But that didn't seem to matter to Arty. So maybe it shouldn't matter to her.

Arty nodded. 'We just wait.'

Ilya pouted, frowning a little. 'I hate that. I really hate that. I'd rather be out doing something.'

Arty shot her a sympathetic grin. 'Welcome to the big leagues. It's a lot of waiting around.'


'I think we are lost.' Koum's voice echoed around the cavernous surround, rebounding back in soft echoes. Bouncing off the high stacked shelves, the dark light around them making the atmosphere even more claustrophobic.

'We can't be lost. We haven't even left the capital.' Mellisa managed to say that with more confidence than she felt. This couldn't be so hard. It's just a library for crying out loud. And yet, she couldn't deny that she had no idea where they were.

This had seemed like a good idea when they started out. Mellisa had wanted to find out what could have created the creature they fought. And where better to start than a library. The Central Archive is legendary; one of the few remaining buildings from the original city. Containing records and books from the founding of the city. And before. Books on every subject imaginable. Which would be just what they needed. If they could find where they wanted to go.

Mellisa looked around her again, her confusion only added to by the sight of shelves upon shelves of books that surrounded her; each one looking exactly like the last. 'I guess we should have brought a map.'

Koum gave her a wry smile. 'Well, I'll bet there are plenty in here. Somewhere.'

'Oh, there are.'

Mellisa jumped, startled both by the voice. And by the realisation she hadn't noticed that they were alone. But she recovered well. Turning as casually as she could, Mellisa found her locking eyes with a striking Kitsune, her flame red hair and lustrous orange fur shimmering even in the low light. She had a lithe, casual grace that flowed from where she leant casually on the bookshelf, a coy twinkle in her that made Mellisa flush with heat. And lost for words for a second.

Koum didn't seem as hampered, her arms crossed over her chest. 'Is that supposed to help us?'

'Maybe not. Or maybe so. This place has pretty much everything you could want really.' The Kitsune paused, rubbing her head as if she had just realised she was rambling. 'Sorry. I just thought you looked a little lost.'

'Actually, I'm a lot lost.' Mellisa managed a laugh. 'Pretty pathetic right?'

'Don't worry about that, White.' The kitsune chuckled to herself. 'This place can do that to you. But it's pretty cool when you get used to it.'

'To be honest, I'm still learning where things are.' Mellisa blushed, feeling oddly embarrassed and not knowing exactly why. 'I'm a little new here.'

'Maybe you just need someone to show you around? I know all the cool places. Although, this has to be one of my favourites. I could just loose myself for hours in here. But I guess you are looking for something particular right?' The kitsune said with a smile that couldn't be anything else than perceptive.

'Yes, we are.' Koum cut across coolly. And Mellisa felt a twinge of guilt. She had been ignoring her a bit. And she could understand why she felt that way. 'But we can find it ourselves thank you.'

If the Kitsune was put out by that reaction, she didn't show it. Her smile didn't falter or fade, her eyes keeping the same warm look. 'Not without finding the central archive you can't. Luckily, you are very close. Just keep going straight down that corridor. Last door at the end. You can't miss it.'

'Well, thank you. I'm Mellisa by the way.' Mellisa said with a nod.

'Samantha. I'll see you around, White.' She teased with a wink that she flicked back as she left, turning gracefully; her long tails brushing the ground as she walked, aided by the naturally sexy sway of her hips.

Mellisa couldn't pull her eyes away, something about her holding her gaze. She was so lost in her that she didn't even realise she had been staring until Koum cleared her throat pointedly.

'Are you coming?' Koum prompted, drawing her out of her daze.

'Yeah. Of course.' Mellisa said casually, despite her mortified embarrassment. 'I'm coming.' She finished with one glance in the direction of the retreating Kitsune.

She didn't stay on her mind for very long though. Her directions had been spot on. They moved from the maze of corridors to a much smaller room. Yet the circular dissensions made it seem bigger than it was, an effect added to by the light streaming down from the high, wide windows. This had to be what they were looking for. But that didn't help Mellisa feel any less overwhelmed.

'Any ideas where we start?' Mellisa tried not to sound as overwhelmed as she felt.

'How about there?' Koum pointed to what at first glance appeared to be a floating stack of books. But it was only after that stack emerged from behind the low desk did Mellisa see the small feline stumbling under the weight on them.

'Has to be worth a try.' Mellisa stepped forward. 'Excuse me, could we..'

Whatever she had been going to say she never finished. Cut off by a high pitched shriek that echoed around them. 'Whaaaa.' The tiny feline cried out, her surprise compounded as she toppled backwards. A second of silence then a series of thumps as the books tumbled to the ground around her.

Mellisa was at her side in a second, lifting one heavy tome off her chest. 'Oh Goddess, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?'

'I think so.' The feline replied shyly, her head dipped cutely. 'Not your fault though. I wasn't paying attention.'

'Did look like a lot of work.' Mellisa smiled softly. 'Can we help you put these somewhere?'

'Oh, no. I'll be fine. I was just going to look over these later.' The feline said, standing and dusting herself off.

'You are going to read all these?' Mellisa glanced at one title, not recognising the script not the language. If it was even a language at all. She couldn't even pick out one letter from another, never mind read actual words.

'Books really are my thing.' The feline said softly, starting to pick up the books. And not at random either. She seemed to be looking around for particular ones before rebuilding the pile. 'Plus there isn't much to do here but sit and read. We don't get many visitors. So, what can I do for you?'

'You work here?' Koum asked.

'You could say that. I'm the head researcher here. Marankara.' The feline said with a smile as warm as her voice.

'Mellisa. And this is Koum.' Mellisa nodded to the dragon. 'You could be just the one to help us. Do you have any books on magic?' Mellisa asked, not really sure how she would react. Or if she would even have an answer. As it happens, she did. Just not the one she was expecting.

'Depends on what kind of magic.' Marankara looked up at her with interest. 'Combat magic? Healing, Divining? Protection? Augment?'

'Something that might be used to bring life to something like rocks.' Mellisa said, putting aside her interest in what the feline said for now. She made a note to ask her more about what she had said later, but she had to put that aside for now.

Her interest was nothing compared to the look that dropped onto the Marankara's face; staring at her like she almost couldn't believe what she had said. Or that she had heard it. Before Mellisa could speak, she cut across her first. 'Wait..what...That's not..unless...wait here.'

She rushed off. Leaving Koum and Mellisa to share a confused glance. One that spoke volumes to the other. 'Well, that was odd.'

Mellisa nodded. 'I just hope she knows something. Oh no, here we go again.'

Her raised head saw the small feline returning with another pile of books. This time at least she didn't drop them. She was still staggering under the weight but she managed to make it to them without losing her footing this time.

'Are those going to help us?' Mellisa asked sceptically, eyeing the new pile of books she had placed down. It would have helped if she could have read the titles. But she couldn't, which left her guessing.

'Who knows.' Marankara replied. 'This is very much uncharted territory. What you want, what you are asking about, doesn't exist. Shouldn't exist. Hasn't existed for generations. Only exists in records and histories.'

'That's very interesting.' Koum replied. 'And for those of us who don't know what you are talking about?'

If the tone she took bothered her, she showed no sign of it. 'Have you ever heard of the Amaterra?'

Mellisa shared a glance with Koum. The look she got back said she knew about as much as she did. So she answered for both of them. 'I'm afraid we haven't.'

'I'm not surprised.' Marankara smiled wryly. 'No one has. The Kingdom died a long, long time ago. All of its people, gone. All that exists now are records.'

'Including records of their magicks?' Mellisa asked, pretty sure where this was heading.

'Yes. There aren't many of those.' She continued. 'But those that exist point to the Amaterra being able to magically give life to inanimate objects. And they are the only ones I have heard mastered this magick.'

'Give life to inanimate objects.' Mellisa mused. Like rocks.'

'Rocks, trees, water. Anything.' Marankara nodded. 'As long as they have the power.'

'So, nothing like that could exist anymore.' Mellisa asked, half hoping that to be true. And half fearing it wasn't.

'Not as far as I know.' Marankara shrugged.

'Well, one did.' Mellisa replied.

'If that is true, if it's been found, if some other record existed, this could be a problem.' Marankana chewed her lip, looking both thoughtful and worried. 'They had the most advanced magick. And no one equalled their power.'

That last statement was still hanging in her mind as she stepped out of the library. And from the look on Koum's face, she was thinking the same thing. As worried about it as she was.

'Doesn't sound good, does it?' Mellisa asked slowly.

'No, it doesn't. Still, we could be wrong. This might have been something made centuries ago. No one has been to the city for generations. Maybe we just triggered something that had been forgotten about.' Koum said.

'Maybe.' Mellisa admitted. But she didn't sound convinced. And in her heart, she was worried where this was going to lead. Feeling that something had been set in motion that she couldn't see.

'Come on. Lighten up.' Koum punched her shoulder lightly. 'What could go wrong?'

'Let's hope we don't regret asking that.' Mellisa sighed.