Short Story: Rociel's Rambing

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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A little short i have been meaning to get out of the way, enjoy!


Well dear diary, I had quite the brilliant day, I met some new people, but with some rather interesting foul notes. the worst I thought was that fat ball of lard Seth Vanheim, I swore I could literally feel grease oozing from his palms after I shook his hand, It was motherfucking disgusting! He is okay as an individual, someone I probably definitely hire to work for me if I ever needed someone to grind out paperwork but he needs to get into shape or else he'll be dead by time he's 30. He has the aptitude for sports but I think he's just never got into them cause the lack of any challenge to it.

Moving on, Cell's shanghaied me into going to some stupid sleepover, if I wasn't the one who was looking out for her, I'd say this is a trap. I know I seem paranoid but there's always a bad apple of the bunch, and I always do my research on my potential opponents ahead of time. Zoya Markov is no exception since her Academic record states that she suffers forming relationships with others.Hell, I've seen half the posts about her on whoever she's associated with the past and everyone who's interacted with have outright called her a sociopathic bitch. I haven't met her yet myself but so far I see a pile of clay I can mold and use for my purposes, she seems to be good at gathering information. Of course It may not make me better than her but the old adage goes "Knowledge is power" and I like whole heaps of information! Still, I'd rather not go to it, I hate all that girly prissy bitch nonsense with all that "Oh let me do your hair" or "Hey, can I paint your toenails?" bullshit. I swear if any of them ask that, I will frigging buzzcut them in their sleep, no hesitation nor questions. I do like spin the bottle cause I can always stare at them naked, but I hate how it always make me so fucking goddamn self-conscious how fast I developed over them.

I'm already taller than most guys, hell, I am almost tall as my dad and everyone looks like an army of bleeding midgets to me. Cell is rather tall though for her height and she's still growing, I dunno, maybe she'll get as tall as I am but my mom is pretty tall to begin with but maybe she still be taller than most girls. She's already like 5'8, most girls nowadays get to be like 5'6 on average, I swear everyone is getting taller over the freaking generations. I'm taller than that Kenashi guy that grabbed my ass, he is kind of stupid but I offered to take him hunting and he agreed to go along. I really hope he doesn't fucking pansy out, hunting isn't fun when you have a Grade A tracker for a little sister, though some might call me a sore sport for using elaborate traps to capture my prey so I can kill it. I just want to go hunting with someone different for a change, Cell takes the fun out of it. I kind of like Kenashi in some aspect, at least he has 'some' respect for women and didn't try to undress Celestine with his eyes when we ate together. He had a firm handshake yet somewhat soft palms, didn't peg him for one to try to make a decent impression. I can't wait to drive him to the brink of insanity and break him, If I can break him though, I can see that spark in his eye that's waiting to be set aflame, All he needs is someone to ignite it like a Pyromaniac in a Paper factory.

My dad and his mom seemed to have hit it off earlier, I swear could feel the humidity coming from between her legs from where I sat in the principal's office, Way to go dad to have his finger on the pussy trigger at all time, the one thing I seem to have fortunately inherited. I always end up getting my clit sucked off by some little Miss Princess with mommy issues or some dyke bitch that can't get laid even if it was the end of the world. God forbid if I can't have some guy blowing me instead or bent over the kitchen sink begging me to ream them up the ass. Siria keeps grilling me about if I would ever stay with a girl that was somewhat serious with if I ever found a guy I'm attracted to. Like I need to make fucking choice!... What happens will happen and I'll go with whatever I feels right at the time because you can't plan for love sometimes cause if I've learned anything from my dad. It'll blindside at every chance it gets with pretty young girls who want a taste of what you got cooking underneath the hood.

Of course, our folks are sort of an exception in some way cause both our moms will go at it one another regardless if dad's around. It's kind of like a system link for a game consoles cause the more you hook up, the better it gets, Hehehe! ...Guh, I feel so freaking disgusted with video games lately, its just all rehashed bullshit, there's nothing original to be played. To be honest, lately I have been more interested in other 'things' but that's probably my hormones getting out of whack again. I feel though I get more entertainment out of 'it' than I do when I watch TV or read, maybe its cause I am either bored out of my skull with really nothing fun to do or its just I haven't any real male counterparts to talk about what I want to talk about. I can't exactly talk about developing Fusion reactor technology or how Nikola Tesla's wardenclyffe would have liberated the world. I just want something to do outside of my normal hobbies.

I spend half my time building some god-forsaken contraption cause I want a drill a hole in my fucking skull just to null the monotony, or spending time pwning skrags online. I just hate it when dad's right though, I need some sort of goal or objective especially since I have already have what I want to begin with. This is the part where being a psychopath sucks ass, if I am not doing anything I am miserable, and if I do something then complete it. I'm back to the same old state I was in before I had a goal.

I just might as well get my freaking GED and go dick around the world to see what kind of trouble I could cook up, Of course, it be stupid of me if I didn't get my actual freaking high school diploma. I swear I can't seem to be able to enjoy myself at sometimes, it's like I can't sit still and wait around for something to happen. It's almost as bad as when I went to Connect Academy when I had all my courses done for the weeks ahead. Ugh, there's just one thing that bothers me about that idiot Bishojo pretty boy is that he has that phased look on in his face if he knows something. The worst part is I could see the freaking hair's on his neck stand up when I am around, it's like he's got some sort of radar built into his head. I swear he's one those 'Advents' cause I can feel him picking up on me like a destroyer to a nuclear submarine.

At least on a more positive note, Celestine found a guy she a likes, downside is he's freaking mute telepath. I fucking hate psychics though, fortunately most can't figure out what the hell I am thinking due the fact they say I "Think in Binary", well yeah cause I'm actively interfacing with any machine I can. I don't like it when I am separated from any source of metal or tech for long cause if anything happens. I'm shit outta luck. Hell, I'd be screwed if someone trapped me in a cave with freaking huge ass boulder behind me. Any prison in the freaking US I could bust out of faster than that Bloody Joker Douchebag but I'd be royally fucked if I ever got stuck in a cave. I have decent arsenal of what periodic elements I can manipulate like Silicates, metals and ceramics, kind of like the unholy trinity for a technopaths to be honest,but a cave is like my mortal foil.

I just hate how we are so freaking underrated on the leveling scale, seriously a freaking Vibrakinetic scored higher than I did during last summer's evaluations. If I had enough freaking tungsten and titanium, I could shatter this world apart if I sequenced them to strike in critical positions but I am too much of environmentalist. I like free energy, yet we still have to utilize inefficient engines to propel our vehicles. I kind of think it's due to the fact that us technopaths are always in a proverbial arms race with one another, we are hardly united when it comes to developing technology. When I've flipped on my E-coin miner today, you won't believe that there was several other miners that were trying to match up to my 5 Terahash. I pinged their IP addresses to see what kind of equipment and boy! those homemade chips were flying!

Good thing I managed to get the specifications, these idiots are dumb enough to leave blueprints on their freaking hard drives along with their operating systems. I know it seems wrong to steal them but when they are more focused accumulating wealth rather spending it on developing their tech. I feel its necessary though in order to pave the way for the future, you can't simply let your resources sit around.Guhhhh! I hate it when my brain is divided on this morality bullshit, I want to be a good person but sometimes I have to do bad things in order to get those good things done. Its like I am stuck in a freaking paradox. the only way that I can maintain my sanity is if I maintain that is if I do something in gray area of it.

The best example is today when dad took away my smartphone for kicking Ken's ass but praised me for standing up to him.My dad probably prevented him from getting expelled and me suspended, He always wants me to follow an example and make the right decisions for myself. I can't ever figure it out, if wants me to decide for myself in making the right choice, both morally and personal, what am I supposed to do if presented with the lesser of two evils? When I've asked him about this, he always gives me that stupid "The Mad Hatter and rumplestiltskin" riddle. If that hatter is lonely because of his insanity but the girl will only accept him if he loses his identity, the Hatter is stuck between loneliness and misery, What way out is there? Does he want to make a third choice? Does he want me to find a way out for the hatter in his ultimatem?

Goddamit! Its pissing me off just thinking about it, I better lie down before I break something...

....Dear Diary, I popped his cherry!... Well, I took him hunting and christened with the age old tradition of eating the heart. He cried like a little bitch! It was so funny! Numbnut didn't even notice I grabbed the pelt for myself, I am gonna have a nice coat for the winter! It'll be nice if he goes hunting with me again, this way I can leave Cell at home to wack off in private, She really likes that Caesar guy though if she trusts him in her dreams like that.I gave him a real headtrip when he poked around my brain, What a freaking idiot! If he's gonna try to get with her, He's gotta be more motivated and aggressive or else she'll have him with his cojones on a leash.

Boys don't think about what goes on in her head, she's a psycho like me but in some instances, she's more dangerous because she recklessly pursues gratification of her impulses and fixations,Caesar is unfortunately her male fixation. she wants Caesar as a sexual partner and ergo she will have regardless even if it means drugging him then dragging him out into the forest. I think they would make a good couple though, its just he needs know how to lead her first and keep her on a short leash or else all hell will break loose.

At least I think about some of my impulses before enacting them, and have plan on how to satisfy them with little consequences. If I want food, I grab whatever is in the fridge or go get something from the nearest restaurant; If I want sex, I grab my toys, put a porno on my VR headset then enjoy myself, though I really spoil myself sometimes with those adult games. I love playing Sweetdream Sweetheart, its the only one where I can support Multiple controllers...

...Meh, I hate it when Mom's right, I do need to find a boyfriend cause Cell's already on the warpath for access to whatever Caesar's packing, fortunately she's taking slowly enough not to scare the poor guy off. If I ever find a guy that's right for me, I am cloning his ass!... As long as he's okay with it, It turns me on thinking about banging identicals with thick hung boytoys! ... Goddamit! Curse my imprintation! I'm gonna be honest, I want multiple boyfriends that look alike!

Now that I got that off my chest, I met quite the specimen today in the Markov residence, turned out to be one of Ken's friends. I made him suck me off then bent him over the sink while I milked him, he purred like a V-twin engine that was like music to my ears. I introduced him to Zoya after he erupted like Krakatoa in the Bathroom, talk about pent up!I paid him to fuck her out of my own amusement, there is a lot of stuff that the impoverished will do for the almighty dollar. Cell managed to get it on with that Schizo phreak Akira and forced Ken to watch them while tied up. I wanted to help him out but I'd figure to steer away from that Snafu cause when she gets manic like that, its hard to stop her.

Now I am not one to criticize but Cell can be pretty shameless like me, I don't give a fuck if someone sees me naked or wanking it. Hell, I've caught her humping pillows and not even bother stopping but at that point, its better to let her be. I think its all the anime and manga she sees getting to her head, too much of that angsty romance bullshit, if you want to fuck someone you like and want, do them!Heaven forbid if Cell has her period though while I am having mine, she get's aggressive, both physically and sexually then I have to deal with her beating up on me. It sucks when she hasn't any outlet for her frustration, heck at this point, I don't care if she swipes my card to splurge on toys. I have my own collection of fun little goodies that I won't hesitate to mount given the urge, I like the bigger ones the best but I want the real thing, some fucking intimacy wouldn't hurt.

Siria is good for a romp but I want to mount someone who could be a bit more passionate in fucking me, christ alive! give me a grunt or moan to let me know I am doing something right instead of guessing which way you want me to plow your ass! I know it isn't right to down on her behind her back but I want some of that sweet sugar called love baby!Guuh! Now I'm starting to sound like a needy bitch! Goddamit, it's just I feel awkward around guys when it comes to approaching them. The fact I am taller than them in most instances doesn't help, and I see that look of fear in their eyes that they want to run away. Ehh, most of them are pathetic runts, but Hirohito may have a Little Boy in his Bomb bay, I might make him my next exercise toy.


Goddamit Cell! Why must your stupid microflora spread like wildfire? That is one enigma I can never understand, where did this algae come from and what purpose does it serve? I know its to aide and protect but I can never adapt it to suite any functions except medicine.It is the bane of my existence, its genetic structure doesn't match anything I have sampled and it always results in others getting sick. The school is already decimated with the antibodies it disperses to create a herd immunity but at the cost of threatening the wellbeing of others. I've had to calibrate my medical nanomachines to counteract the projected spread of the bloody algae. Well, anyway, I popped the cherry about Cell's little secret, it's already difficult to hide it, she's always mutating and creating new forms of plant life, I mean, come on? A fucking Chapple Tree, if that doesn't ring Strange, then what does? Thank goodness I keep my journals locked up or some esper conspiracist nut will flip shit over them.

Today was a nice day though except for that twisted pervert of an art teacher, my god, what a fucking horrifying sight that atrocity of a gallery that was! I feel pity for his victims, even poor ken, there is some things that have to be sacred and that is one of those things, especially if your father was murdered in front of your own eyes. That is a pain that will take a lot of love to heal, and call me Doctor Strangelove dearie because I have a big heart.Quite literally actually, but it's a big healthy heart and it is mine, Cell has a big heart too which is good. Anyway, I decided to give up the whole ghost and just fucked him and his girlfriend, it was awesome! Ken and Akira/Erika are a good couple together if they don't realize, they click in sync then once they work in tandem, give me more dearie!

Ken was so gentle! His hands went anywhere and everywhere, and I do mean 'everywhere'. He didn't hesitate to put his hand on my joystick and steer the throttle! I can see why girls like him, he's a cuddly son of a bitch and a romantic too! I grinded his gears til akira and him were panting like crazy, and I got my rocks off.The fact he still had an erection after I finished was amazing, so I saddled up until his legs went numb, hehe. Its nice to have a buddy like him, this way can just drag his ass into bed with me and get it on without feeling self conscious about my anatomy. Just to have that relief from my hormonal urges is a fucking godsend, and to be touched like a real woman made it even better.

I feel slightly disgusted with myself but relieved, and not suffer the awkwardness afterward, Ken's ability to handle his emotions would make him a suitable candidate for a the foundation of Neuromapped Cyberspacial Organism. He handles envy and jealousy well, though one trait has piqued is that his incessant curiosity drives him to break from norm, his comprehension shows his capacity to learn and adapt to the situation. I noticed he obtains information tactilely, which explains his capability to understand the female mindset.


I've decided to cut down on my journal writing a bit since I'm acclimating to the high school environment, though I'd prefer to do online schooling. One aspect that I detest is the slothfulness of the older teachers, I see that soulless broken gaze in their eye amongst the pools of despair, it's hard to focus when a teacher lacks the enthusiasm to teach in itself. Some are great though, The more recently hired ones are full of life and vibrancy, but I wish that stupid vice principal send the shit ones packing, other than I've been doing fine.

Well, to be truthful, there has been one thing that's been bothering me is finding myself strangely drawn to the No strings attached intimacy but I can't blame myself for having fun in my interactions with Ken and Akira. Its also fun to see how pissed off cell gets when I brag about messing around with her girltoy but its not a really big deal of we're fucking the same chick in my opinion. I just hate thinking about how pointless everything is though sometimes, I feel as if I'm lacking the necessary challenge, I'm getting bored!


Hell hath finally frozen over, I think I snagged myself a boyfriend despite a few minor hiccups in my overarching plan, and boy he's quite the keeper! His mind is vast and comprehensive, the more I delve into it the more I find myself falling deeper and deeper into it with him. He has an almost unnatural aptitude for technology and construction of it, What makes his presence so enthralling is the fact trying to understand him is trying to understand the reasons for existence.

Barette's constantly consuming knowledge and devouring information on a daily basis with a voracious mental appetite, including a bit of carnal side that baffles my understandings of societal conventions. His libido for experience has driven us to do a number of things that I'd only dream of doing later in life but he's steered my focus, I feel not even the sky and the heavens above are the limit with him. Of course he's a virgin when it comes to sex but he doesn't hesitate to probe, pry, and experiment with me, Hell's made me squirt twice and I didn't even know it was physically possible!

But the brain on him! Mmmmm! He teases me in the most elaborate ways possible, and he doesn't hesitant to brandish his aggression, almost to the point we are wrestling around with another on a daily basis. His tolerance for pain is quite admirable to the point he enjoys it, I swear I've fallen for a psychopath of man but he operates in a fashion that blends with others, it riles my thoughts to discover such intricate complexity of a personality. I feel he understands my motivations and drives though, and I feel a sense of Synchronization with him, like we operating on similar wave lengths.

One thing that baffles me is his fascination for the unknown and the eldritch, a sense of curiosity comparable to Kenashi's if not vastly greater. I love it when he reads his Lovecraftian tales of cosmic horror with his eloquent voice, speaking with a booming rhetoric as if he was trying to sell my own soul to me. It's just there so much of mystery to the inner workings of his mind that tantalizes my luxuria cognitia, I can taste the mire of blood and iron on my lips. If he was provided the means of immortality, I'd be certain he'd explore every inch of the universe itself til the end of days...

Basically, I'm in love!