The Little Match Girl

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#7 of Fairytale

The little match girl has schizophrenia and she purposely burned the houses.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

The Little Match Girl

Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening - the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet.

"Don't ever come back if you don't sell all matches," her stepmother warned.

She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron, and she held a bundle of them in her hand. Nobody had bought anything of her the whole livelong day; no one had given her a single farthing.

She was cold and hungry and very tired. When most of the people returned home to sleep, she began to find empty houses and luckily she found one. The careless house owner left the house but forgot to lock the windows. She climbed into the house and found the kitchen. Suddenly she had a headache and was rather indisposed. Craftiness was written on his face. She finished the rice on the table and turned on the gas before she climbed out through the windows.

** She looked impatiently down the road again, and again she was disappointed.** Her heart was ablaze with anxiety and hatred. She began to knock each door and plead the house owner to buy matches. When she found an empty house, she crept into the house to find food. She laughed evilly again. After finishing the noodle on the desk, she turned on the gas and left the house.

** Suddenly she giggled. First of all she just smiled, then she start to laugh. "Since nobody wants to buy my matches and I can't go home, I'll burn your houses so that you can't go home as well," she murmured. She walked to the previous house, lit a match and threw it into the house.**

** KABOOM!**

** The gas already filled whole house causing great explosive. She shouted out in delight. He walked to another empty house, lit another match and threw it into the house.**

** KABOOM!**

** The big plate-glass window had been hurled in fragments and splinters across the room. She clapped her hands in childish glee.**

** KABOOM!**

** The other empty house began to explode and soon, half of the town was burning with fire. She lifted up her head and saw her parents.** Her eyes glittered with tears of joy.

** Some villagers saw the maiden running into a burning house. "Hey! Don't run into the house!" They did not manage to stop the maiden.**

** "Mom! Dad! Wait for me!" she shouted, not realising that she was rushing into a flaming house.**

** At that moment, the villagers saw a shooting star.**

** The next morning, the firemen put out the fire and began to help the casualties. The maiden's stepmother was found death inside the washroom.**

** A villager rubbed his head. "Weird, can't find her corpse."**

** The little match girl's body was not found inside the house. They found the matches but not the maiden.**

** The cops found a burnt match in each empty house. Later, the cops compared with the matches which belonged to the maiden. "The maiden purposely burnt the houses," the cops concluded. However, they did not know the reason.**

** "She has schizophrenia," a doctor reported. "This is due to continuous abusive by her stepmother."**

The end.