Equinox of the Black Rose: A lone Knight

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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Sorry it took so long, i have been caught up with working.

In a world of dreams and unconscious thought, Caesar awoken on a glowing path of television screens surrounded by darkness, "Here we go again..." he said, believing he was in Rociel's mind again. He pulled himself from the ground, walking along his route before see a pole on a platform, watching Rociel come from the void, grabbing the metal rod and swing herself around. The psyker blinked, witnessing mental representation flash back and forth between her and Celestine, asking "Are you enjoying my Sister's company?" in their voices, hanging upside down, holding on the steel shaft with its thighs.

He continued down the LED paved road, as another vision arose into his field of view, one of him with a collar around his neck and his head on Cell's lap, reversing positions before it changed to her eldest and Barrette. Caesar didn't know what to make of this, hearing their demeaning banter, "Do you choose or do you obey?" It probed, questioning his character in this gallery of ill imagination. His footsteps brought him to another challenge, climbing the stairs to see Rociel dressed in cargo jeans and a tank top, "Did I ever define insanity for you? Repetition, consistently doing the exact same action over and over again, expecting different results every time." she chimed.

A stiletto dagger manifested in Caesar's hand, frustrated by her constant beratement, "Shut the fuck, bitch! I've had enough of your bullshit!" he shouted, lunging at her. Rociel blocked the pike with her forearm, until he dropped it and caught it in his other hand, shoving it into her heart. The image flashed to Celestine, falling to the ground bleeding out, "Oh no..." he said with fear.

His mind returned to the real world, seeing Celestine's eyes awaken with rage in them before he found himself on the floor. She promptly kicked Caesar out of her hammock with the full strength of her legs, "Next time when I'm having a nightmare, don't stab me!" she hissed, then grabbing a thin whiplike rod of bamboo. The sound of thwacking echoed throughout the house as Rociel peeked from her bedroom, opening the pentagon shaped door, "Sounds like Cell's masturbating!" she joked, watching him run down the loft steps.

Barrette poked his head from his lover's room too, noting not to irritate Celestine early in the morning, "Looks more like she's beating him off!" he added in their tryst of charged humor. Caesar unfortunately didn't find it funny, glaring at his Girlfriend's elder sister, "Fuck you, You give me and her nightmares in the first place, and her a weird mental complex." he signed, agitated by the fact she was the source of his strife. Rociel stuck her tongue out at him, "It's not my fault you're a numbnuts when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex, at least I know my balls are bigger than yours!" she said.

Her beau chimed in, providing an analysis of his attitude, "In the short time I've known you, you've proven to a passive individual, you need to be more aggressive. Get back up there and show her who's boss!" he said, offering his advice in this scenario. Caesar marched back upstairs despite Rociel noticing a new trend in her sibling's recent behavior, "You know she's gonna beat the shit out of him if he tries to dominate her, especially at this hour." she said, looking at her brainy boy toy. He simply smiled, listening to the sound of his acquaintance suffering at the hands of a cranky hormonal lagomorph, "I know but it's entertaining, and I like seeing him suffer... partially because he is a guy and a bitch one at that." he professed, impressing his lover's sadistic sense of humor and appealing to her darker impulses.

A high pitched whine originated from Cell's room, "I'm not in the mood to play right now!" she said, with the boom of her switch lashing through the air. Caesar retreated back the down the steps bearing a humbling expression of pain, caressing his backside from the stinging sensation, "You are a dick!" he gestured to Barrette. Rociel laughed madly at his suffering, her teeth showing in her merriment, "Yeah he is, and that's why I like him so much." she said, kissing her beau on the cheek.

The behemoth of a Brown Hyena grinned cheekily, heeding the wisdom of the Dr. Hentzel and his spouses, "Women like aggression, it advertises superior genetics in men." he said, reciting what he learned. Rociel's Mother came waddling out of the master bedroom, belching her rancid maternity breath that reeked of garlic and chicken, "Can you kids not have this conversation so damn early in the morning, and just get to school? It's bad enough Otto's turning my stomach into his personal punching bag." she explained, her face pale with nausea before burping once again. She couldn't wait for his february due date, and neither could her daughter, "Wait till he's born, he'll be keeping you up all night with his constant crying and wailing to be fed, not mention the diaper changing..." Rociel teased, tormenting her progenitor.

It turned Jacklyn green in the gills, aside from her cravings of peanut butter, ham, and mustard sandwiches, forcing her to sit on the couch, "Please don't, I don't care if I have to give birth right here and right now, just get to school and don't pester me. Stress is the last thing I need, wait till big guy here knocks you up then you'll be bitching to the high heavens." she lectured, hoping karma would smite her later in life. Barrette blushed at the idea, immediately retreating into his lover's bedroom, dressing himself for the day and grabbing the keys to his car. They rushed their preparations for the day, Rociel adorning a pair of cargo jeans and a black sweater, then pecking her progenitor on the side of her head, "Have a great day Mom." she said. Jacklyn smiled watching the motley crew head out the door, "You know I will." she replied, seeing Celestine as the last one out the door. After her children left along with their consorts, she lied on the leather couch staring at the ceiling, "Phew! Well, I could've done worse with her... but I've done my best so far." she said, contemplating her parenting efforts up to this point.

En route to their school, Celestine's envy reared its head once again, noticing her eldest's advanced physical development emphasized by her garb, "Damn, why must you be the one with the big tits?!" she jeered, innocuously molesting her sibling. Barrette kept his focus on the road while Rociel tended to her younger's curiousity, "They aren't that big, and I hate to sound pessimistic, but as an Irish dandy once said, "All women turn out like their mothers", At least in some ways he's correct. You're likely to develop a bigger bust than I will, or at least get squishy like Kaina, though you already getting squishy so..." she teased, emphasizing the importance of genetic influences. Cell's mind briefly thought of her mother's appearance and physical attributes, along with the fact Kaina often was the center of attention amongst her parents, "Meh... When you consider it, I'm pretty content with the idea." she said.

Barrette finally arrived at the drop off point, stopping by the curb adjacent to the school, "Alright, you guys have a good day, and I'll swing by at three, I have to run some errands. The old man wanted me to pick up some headlight fluid, Elbow grease, and tritanium Hexachloride..." he said, despite being a wild goose chase, before his comrades exited the vehicle and driving off. The awe on celestine's visage was apparent, struck by the baffling fetch list of unobtanium items, "Isn't he supposed to be smart because those things aren't real?" she said, doubting her eldest's choice of a partner. Rociel shrugged her shoulders at her sister, "Ehh, Let him figure out for himself, he's a big boy. He's surprised me a lot of times before..." she replied, wondering if he was capable of discovering them.

They headed inside the high school going their separate ways for classes, walking towards a flight of stairs to the partially finished 2nd floor, "I'm sorry if I was mad at you, I've been thinking about my sister a lot in the back of my mind." she said. Caesar didn't think anything about it in the first place, "Why? I never seen you dream like that before." he signed, concerned about her mental well being. She guided her long locks behind her shoulders, biting her lower lip out of anxiety, "She's been acting different since she met Barrette, in a good way at least, but I feel like I'm turning into what she used to be. I don't know, I just feel different lately myself and it kind of bothers me." she explained, experiencing a twinge of discomfort in her own skin.

It wasn't an unfamiliar sensation to Caesar since most adolescents felt that way on the dawn of pubescence, "That's just hormones, It happened when I turned 13 and started thinking I was going to be like Ken humping every girl he saw" he said with his hands, albeit choosing a poor time to convey his words. Kenashi placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, gritting his teeth in irritation, "What are you saying about me Chucklefuck?" he said, catching the last part of his sentence. The situation clarified quickly by Cell's intervention in the matter, "Essentially I've been feeling out of place in my own body lately and he is saying its hormones, because he felt this way when he started puberty and thought he'd end humping every girl he saw like you did." she professed, effectively diffusing the tension with her honesty.

A minute passed by as Kenashi processed the information, "Oh that, yeah that's just puberty, after all you're way taller than you a few months ago, and your tits are starting to come in. Not to mention your hips are wider and your ass is getting bigger, not trying to be rude about it though. Looking at your mom and the old man, you're likely going to end up being pretty well stacked after you're done with puberty, sure maybe a little on the plus size but most guys like that. Right Caesar?" he said, reassuring his associate's mind while turning the table on him.

The wolf blushed fervently at the accusation, tapping his fingers together, "Don't you dare." he signed, knowing where his train of thought head. Kenashi beamed a vile sadistic grin, "After all, you have all those magazines and artwork under your bed full of pudgy models." he said, revealing one of his formerly undisclosed secrets. Celestine's ears perked at the knowledge of his secret stash, annoyed that he didn't share it with her, "Not fair, I showed you my yaoi hentai manga! Why won't you show me your girly mags!" she said, before they had to attend class together.

Elsewhere in the school, in her advanced placement Art class, Rociel started drawing the teacher, Ms. Elizabeth Kamelia while she provided a lesson on Physical Geometry, using an LED light pad to create visual layers. After a few short minutes, she presented the instructor her finished product, "Well done, though next time please avoid drawing me in a naked apron for decency's sake because I'd rather not send you to the principle's office for your choice of subject." Ms. Kamelia asked, impressed by her level of artistic skill. To the the technopath, it was a simply a matter of downloading information and the practice of rote muscle memory, "Alright, more Androids it is then!" she replied, in the process of designing a more versatile form for ABEL's offspring.

To her teacher, Rociel's drawings merely appeared to be works of science fiction and futuristic fashion, dreaming of creating a technological singularity. One thought that rang through her head as of late was Barrette's view on the survival of the Black Rose Society, calculating how long the movement would last opposed to utilizing Aerotek for achieving her goals, "Maybe I should quit being the Bloody Joker, its hard to sneak away from my parents in the first place, just being the Rosy Joker is hard enough. Managing Aerotek takes less effort on my part, and if it is discovered I'm the founder, Dad won't be upset with me... Well, he'd be more angry about the whole anarchy thing than exploiting my abilities as an esper." she pondered in deep contemplation.

The concept of an army at her disposal still tempted her domineering nature, but the reality of utilizing the Bloody thorns was its disorganization, "you know what, screw that! Omega Armaments has the right idea, pay a bunch of people to do a job except suit them up in power armor and the latest gear. Hell, it take less resources and effort compared supplying the thorns, not to mention the chance to field new technology for when the time comes." she thought, finally deciding to put her full attention towards Aerotek.

As the day progressed onward, Caesar and Kenashi met during their lunch period at their normal table until a long lost associate of theirs made an Appearance, "Holy hell man, Did the fat fairy come to collect on your ass or did St. Nick haul it away for christmas?" Ken joked. It was Seth whom lost a decent amount of weight over the holiday break, "No, that Rociel girl gifted me a gym membership and my mom is doing this Healthy Food diet one of her patients is on." he said in a monotone voice, taking his friend's humor as a compliment. The fox snickered at the idea of Rociel's gift, due to the fact it was the bluntest way of saying he needed to lose weight, "I bet she gave you a subscription to one of those lesbian gyms!" he replied, despite he wasn't wrong.

Seth shrugged his shoulders, unable to find the humor in it, "It is, and the girls there don't look at me weird when I'm using the equipment so go fuck yourself on trying to make me feel terrible about it." he said, remembering the nightmares of him trying to use the equipment at the community center with everyone glaring at him. His cohort laid off him for a bit, relaxing while he ate his meal, "I'm just messing with you, keep it up and you will probably end up as ripped as those bodybuilders on TV." he said. In his own dark sense of comedy, the alabaster tiger pandered to the idea of who is patrilineage belongs to, "Hey, one them might be my dad... That or twelve other men who live in Reykjavik." he said, despite how depressing it actually sounded.

Ken and Caesar immediately lost their appetite at his twisted wit, "Goddamit dude, why do you have to say shit like that? It's like that crazy psychic people theory of yours, that's just Television and movies." he explained, maintaining the facade of disbelief. The wolf pretended to laugh but lacked the capability to do so, "That is crazier than my girlfriend." he signed, being the evidence hidden in plain sight. It was this sort of magical thinking that excluded him from some of their outings, "Oh come on they are real, and at least I'm not a bitch for my girlfriend." Seth snapped, tapping into his comrade's personal insecurity.

His ears pinned against his skull, Caesar lacked an appropriate comeback for such a response, "Am I really that passive?" he asked. Seth simply nodded in agreement with his statement, while Ken's discretion allowed for a more subtle method of saying, "You are the nicest guy we know, but sometimes women like it when you're aggressive. Look at me and Akira, you probably think I'm a complete asshole to her but there's nothing stopping her from leaving me for another guy. You know the funny part is that she managed to get under Cell's skirt quicker than it took you, by about a month." he explained. The wolf twitched his right eye like he took an arrow to the knee, embarrassed that he was outperformed by a long gone personality fragment, "So be aggressive but not over aggressive?" he questioned.

Kenashi cockily grinned, crossing his arms in the assertion of his wisdom, "Yeah, then let the juices flow like water..." he said, watching his disciple leave. Caesar walked towards the opposite of the dining hall, approaching Rociel, who sat with several seats empty around her, and he occupied one in front of her. She started glaring at him with a burning ferocity in her sights, "What do you want meat? Ask me something or are you going to sit there doe-eyed while I eat?" she said until he did something appalling.

Caesar picked a cherry tomato out of her antipasto salad, touching her food, a grave sin in her eyes for anyone she didn't trust, "You fucking shisno! You know better!" she scorned with her wits in a twist, watching him play with the fruit in his mouth. He rolled it around his cheeks, taunting her before he thought out his question, "How do you deal with girls that you are attracted to?" he asked. Her wrath subsided, her ears perked at the query, happy to sate his curiosity, "I forget to shower a few days after working out, approach them and ask them if they like to hang out, set an appointment but came a little bit later or earlier than expected but preferably earlier. I take them some place quiet, like a cafe or on a nature trail somewhere for a first date, maybe get the first kiss in, then maybe go camping on a second date depending on the weather, finally that's where I fuck her right in the pussy then make her my bitch! It's all about doing a blitzkrieg on them, providing them no time to react to you and wielding a presence by propagating the idea of your strength and power over her, then making her squirm for you when you aren't around." she explained, though her advances on other girls were more about domination than romance in some instances.

The wolf blinked twice at the advice that emanated from the Hyena's lips, "Is it that easy?" he asked in disbelief, wondering if it was truly that quick. She caught onto his train of thought, correcting her own advice due to the nature of her sibling, "If you are trying to be romantic with Cell, she's an entirely different ballpark from normal girls, except surprising her is quite effective 'cause her reaction time sucks. Anyway, my thoughts on your situation with her is that you're too gentle, and she isn't a fragile flower, pardoning the subtle pun. We beat each other up on a daily basis so being rough might take away that tension, but be ready when she's rough back, she bites...hard." she forewarned in her effort to ensure her sister's romantic contentment. It was difficult for him to wrap his head around the concept of exerting his strength with her but felt that there was more to it, "What do you like about Barrette?" he asked, drawing that he could find the answer via comparison.

Rociel beamed from ear to ear with the air around her charged by a fiery impassioned aura, her heart beating at the numerous reasons she found her beau attractive, "He challenges me and it drives me up the wall, in more ways than one! His intelligence, along with his competence, is comparable to mine in a variety of facets. Not including that we are constantly competing with one another, He builds something, I improve it, or I build something, he improves it, then it goes on and on until we can improve it no further. It helps that we are both goal oriented individuals, I want to create a technological singularity, he wants to be engineer and build new technology so our goals align well with one another to create synergy. Of course Cell's still deciding on her own goals but she really wants to become a botanist with a major in Agronomy, and aligning yourself with that goal would help you greatly in some extent." she lectured, sharing the dynamics of her own relationship with Barrette.

Challenging Celestine was the best way to excite her didn't surprise Caesar, though he never monopolized on it, "It sucks that I haven't thought of what I wanted to do for a career yet, though I could become research assistant." he signed, pondering his potential options. It was a bold effort on his part, Rociel appreciated the fact he was trying, "Now thats a good point to start off from because developing synergy is always great for developing a relationship, I know I sound like my dad when I say it, but when the old man's right, he's right, and when that synergy gets flowing, everything goes right in place." she explained, hoping to send him down the right and out of her hair. The first noon bell fortunately wrang, summoning him to his afternoon classroom, leaving to finish her lunch, "Now if I can only get rid of this feeling I'm missing something..." she said to herself.

Most of the day went by uneventfully, with the exception of a fight between the soccer and basketball team members. It came time for the school day to end, as the students occupied the Gymnasium, Kenashi found himself sitting next to Rociel on the stands, whom seemed blue about something. He tapped her on the shoulder, making sure she was okay, "Hey is everything alright?" he asked, considering it was unusual for her to be so down for nary a reason. She appeared deep in thought, her mind reaching and grasping whatever evaded her conscious, "Do you ever get the feeling that something important is misplaced?" she asked...

....Elsewhere in the state, amidst a sunny afternoon in Portland suburbia in a small neighborhood, a young dober-rott of eleven with flaxen blond hair leapt off her bus home, dashing to her doorstep and key in hand. She opened the door with an excited, overjoyed to be done with school for the day, picking up the mail in the drop bin attached to the wooden panel. The middle schooler sat on the living room couch, sifting through the junk mail until she found one of the monthly letters her mother Ezekiel Ritter sent from a Jacklyn Amirr, "Mom always gets a letter from this address every third of the month... you know, I gotta see what's in them?" she said to herself, gently opening the envelope in order to reseal it later.

The dark furred hound youth pulled out a folded paper and saw a prepaid reloadable debit card with her mother's name on it, leaving the plastic explicitly alone, "Alright Ms. Amirr, what are you and mom talking about through snailmail!" she cheered, unfolding the bricks of text. She started reading the fortunately printed letter, " Hello my Dear Ezekiel, I hope you are doing well and my little knight Aaron is, I'm glad her school isn't a complete waste of time. I'm fed up with Grants Pass High school and its teachers, Rociel and Celestine are at the Mercy of the Teachers' emotions when the feel insignificant as they demonstrate their intellectual prowess in their respective fields of passion. I hate to see my children suffer while the principal hides behind the vice principal Ms. Beni, I swear I want her to 'Feel my wrath' every time I attend the PTA meetings.

On a brighter note, Rociel's new boyfriend Barrette Arsenault is quite the gentlemen and a scholar, she's been matching her tit for tat in the intellect department. He's proven to be quite the stabilizing agent to her catalytic nature, she's incredibly more focused in general and her emotional health has improved as well as psychological. Celestine's partner, Caesar, I still have my reservations about but I'm glad she is exploring her sensuality in a mutually beneficial relationship.

One aspect she could benefit is some spirituality, I think she'd discover an interest Faeri paganism but to be honest, it's hard to convince a logical mind to believe in such a fairy tale. I believe sharing my philosophy of rational hedonism with her benefit her greatly as it did with Rociel, considering she revels in the pursuit of whatever tickles her fancy, and taking her boyfriend 'To the bank' on regular basis so to speak. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd let my grandchildren have Arsenault over Hentzel but I could care less.

I wish we could dwell together like we used to but I understand your fear of personalities clashing, and you know how Rociel is with Technology, if we started emailing one another. She'd start asking questions, which is why we need to be careful about using digital transfer but I added extra funds this time to help you get through end of the month. My biggest fear if Rociel found about Aaron is that She'd kidnap her and send both of us into a panic trying to find her. I know it's not fair to her we keep her a secret from her sisters but it's true that Rociel can be a potentially negative influence with her extreme behavior. Hadei also says hello, and is curious when we can all get together again, I would love to as well. Maybe when Rociel takes her leave to do other things, it be the appropriate time to move in with us."

"With love, Rhyne" it said, leaving Aaron speechless and slacked jawed before sealing the letter back up, then setting on the kitchen bar counter. She ran up to the bedroom loft which was somewhat smaller than the master bedroom downstairs, "...!" she screamed happily into her pillow, squealing to the high heavens. While the issue never plagued her mind, it still bothered her by the fact her mother consistently avoided the question, leaving her with the feeling that she was partially abandoned.

Now, that feeling was replaced with a sense of belonging after learning that her father wanted her, rolling around on her bed in ecstasy, "I gotta do something!" she said, lifting her head up in realization. She grabbed her personal tablet, beginning to research the names that were in the letter, starting with Dr. Hentzel, pulling up his professional page and his PsySpeaks Blog, "He's my shrink?" She said, unknowing lf the good doctor's first name, seeing his photo. It was his sly way of guiding her under the guise of psychological expertise, since she often visited him in Grants pass in a non-professional setting.

Aaron decided to continue down the list, considering it would be a bad idea to contact him first, "Maybe my sister's boyfriend?..Oh why not her!" she said, looking Rociel's name on the internet. She, like her father, had a business reference page, with her professional email attached to it, "She looks she'd believe me... I hope she does." the eleven year old thought. She was taking steps that her mother wouldn't approve of, entering her hidden email account that she used to sign up for various free to play games, creating the message "What do you call a therapist with no head?" it asked, sending it through cyberspace.

In Brett's home, Rociel, dressed her skivs, laid sideways on the kingsize mattress with her beau sleeping behind her, playing around with her laptop and browsing the latest science news videos. She saw a notification for messenger program with the subject of "Hello", opening it to find the question, "Hmm?... Okay, someone sent me the setup for a joke. Ehh, might as well figure out the punchline before I peek at who's on the other side." she thought, sending a response. Aaron quickly replied, providing the answer, "Screw loose!" but her timing was terrible as far as humor went. "You're not very good at telling jokes kid, now why are you messaging me?" the hyena typed, emailing the anonymous send back, agitated by her own curiosity.

Aaron needed to think of a way to seize her attention, remembering what she read in the letter, "Does Celestine really have trouble sleeping and is Ms. Beni a really bitchy lady?" she replied. Rociel's eyes went wide after reading her response, surprised that anyone outside her immediate associates knew about that, "Okay, how the fuck do you about that?" she said in text. The young adolescent bit her lower lip out of anxiousness, carefully wording her next post, "Would you hold it against me if I told you my mom's name is Ezekiel Ritter, and I was Nov. 5, and I'm eleven years old? I think your Mom's name is Jacklyn Amirr, and dad thinks your boyfriend Barrette is cool..." she said, drawing at straws at this point.

Her laptop suddenly started acting on its own, Aaron saw her video messenger pop up with a call forcibly opened, "...Uh hi!" she cheerily waved at the camera feed, burying her chin against the covers of her bed. The eldest of the Hentzel brood stared at the innocent blonde maiden, albeit who was guilty of rousing suspicions, "Start providing answers or I will hunt you down! This little headgame shit of yours doesn't slide, and you're treading dangerously into the Abyss." she snapped, analyzing her facial features that matched a couple of her own. The canine girl didn't what to say with her half sibling glaring her down, "Ummm... well, I think you and me might share a daddy. My mom gets a letter every month from your mom through the post office with a reloadable debit card for food and stuff, I read one then kind of found out." she said, feeling self conscious by the determined gaze through the screen.

Rociel didn't know what to make of her claim, unable to find a digital copy of Aaron's birth certificate online, "One, it's rude to read other people's mail, and two, do you understand the severity of your claim? Three, did this letter happen to include a term of endearment?" she asked, trying to find out the nature of the letter. Aaron recalled the one name that her father called her, "Sorry, and he called me "My little Knight" so does that mean anything?" she replied, wondering why a knight of all things. It was common for the Good doctor to utilize such terms, with a preference for the phrase "My little-", "Motherfucker!... I will so leave them in a crappy old folks home for this shit! Your mom used to babysit us when we were about six, she had reddish brown hair, no wonder she stopped coming around and why dad went poof for six months. I thought she was infertile..." she said, immediately realizing what had transpired in her childhood and recalling Ms. Ritter's appearance.

Infertility or not, Aaron was the evidence of such a relationship between the two, "It's weird meeting a new sibling for the first time, isn't it? I hoped it go nicer but I'll take what I can get." she said, envisioning a more surprised reaction than a hostile one. The evident vexation of Rociel was enough to rile her boyfriend from his slumber, perturbed by her ire until he peered over her shoulder, "... Okay, what's this about another sister and do I sense you're plotting something morally questionable." he said, partially awake until he saw the young maiden on the screen. He immediately recognized several facial structure features on her that resembled Dr. Hentzel's, using his imagination to dissect her head's architecture, "Yea..she's related you, if you analyze the structure of her head, the shape of her eye sockets and the position of her cheek are relatively the same position as your dad's with a five percent marginal difference. She has his sleek but semi-prominent jaw exception lacking the definition of his chin, though shares his mesocephalic to dolichocephalic structure. Green eyes are a dominant trait, so the likelihood of sharing genetics with her via patrilineage are high, and the old man told me he does have the genes for blond so it's safe to assume to assume her mother shares a haplogroup." he said, recalling a lesson on genetics taught by one of ABEL's spawn.

Aaron and Rociel stared at him, stunned at what came out of his mouth, "Okaaay... I have the weirdest lady boner right now." the pre adolescent canine commented, unwittingly titillated by Brett's intelligence. The crossbreed turned her attention back to the potential sibling, "Anyway, I have to let you go for now, and I'll see what I can do about this scenario. I got to see a tribal about wearing a 'diving suit' and exploring a 'cenote', sooo tatty bye for now!" she said, closing the connection between their computers. It took a minute for the youth to process the euphemism, "Yaaaaa.... Well that went well." she thought, stuck with the distasteful mental image.

While the hyenic couple enjoyed their afternoon, Cell tended to her Garden of Bizarre botanical amalgamation with Caesar aiding her work, "You know, I get the feeling like your dad doesn't like me for some reason." he signed. She took a seat next to the bed of Tudalilies, a tulip daisy lily hybrid, watching her companion's gesture, thinking of reasons why he felt that, "It's not your fault, He's just doing what dads do and looking out for us in his own psycho Machiavellian way. It's hard for guys to earn his respect." she answered, pouting her lips out of boredom. He became jaded by the fact he treated Barrette better than him, though without considering the actual reasons, "He doesn't give Barrette a hard time yet he still gives me shit for no reason." the Wolf replied.

Celestine laughed at the poor contrast between the two, despite not trying to hurt his ego, "That's not a good idea to compare yourself to him, and you're not him, You are you. Dad doesn't give him a hard time because of the life resume under his belt, and he's managed to reign in my sissy's demons. I think to dad, Brett's a man and looks at us as kids messing around, look at what they've been doing lately. Building the foundation for their future to come while we've been literally fucking around, not that I mind, but they're making us look bad to our folks. Even Kenny's been up to something talking this godfather about doing some work abroad, and Akira wants to do couples counseling." she said, thinking of her father's perspective in regards to them.

Caesar bit on his lip, hearing her eldest's words echo in his ears, "I may want to study phytochemistry..." he signed, wondering if it was the right choice of words. Celestine and her eyes went alight with excitement, beaming ear to ear at the potential, "Oooo! Wanna pull a Pierre and Marie?" she asked, curious if he was willing to cooperate on her future endeavors. He raised a brow at her query, unfamiliar with the names, "Who are they?" he asked, despite science history being one of his electives for the semester.

It annoyed her that he didn't recognize the Mother of Radiation and Father of Piezoelectricity, considering it was taught in your average middle school, "How do you not know who Pierre and Marie curie are? That's super basic sciency stuff to know! It's not like knowing who Nikola Tesla or Michael Faraday is!" she said. What didn't help her frustration was him drawing a blank to the names, "Oh my god, do you actually even study for your tests or do you just take the answers from the teacher's heads?" she asked. Caesar tapped his fingers together with a guilty expression, afraid of lying to her, mainly due to the fact he was caught red handed, "...Yes." he signed.

Twenty minutes later, Caesar found himself In Cell's room tied to her desk chair, staring at a screen with a bizarre device attached to the USB port, "Alright, O is gonna teach you everything you need to know about everything! Good luck!" she said, before leaving him alone with the AI. Fortunately his hands were free to type, but she bound his torso and legs via leathers straps to the seat using a series of padlocks to dash all hopes of escape, "I hope I don't have to piss soon..." he thought.

A familiar voice echoed from the speakers, "Well isn't this odd, machine teaching man... Well as much of man that is Caesar." it said, as a chibi vulpine avatar manifested itself on screen, climbing out from hiding behind the taskbar. It resembled Kenashi's appearance, aside from the piercings and dragon tattoos that looked more at home on a yakuza clan member than anything. Caesar immediately began typing, wondering if he was being pranked, "Ken? Is that you because if your consciousness was removed from your brain, I would like know how and why she did it." he asked. The adorable figurine of the Fox rested on his side, watching the canine's movements and facial twitches, "Nah, I'm O, kind of think of me as the more competent version of him, of course I'm based off of his brain and its neural pathways. Let's just say we have a lot in common and quite the difference between the two of us. I'm what he's been or what he becomes and we shall see what you become..." he said before he was interrupted.

"The Black Queen is on her head with the White Knight Talking backwards..." Caesar said, stating both a question and an answer.