Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (2)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#3 of Mayday !!! Mayday !!! Mayday !!!

Next one. Have fun.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

*Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (2) *

Nothing was heard.

" Hey Martin!!! Are you OK ???" Asked Jeff a bit louder and finally....

" Yes.... I´m alright.... " Martin answered. " My Head is only hurting me. "

" Let me see... " Said Samantha and moved over to him.

Once reached, she pulled him upwards and saw something that let her Body shake.

" No wonder that it hurts you. You are bleeding!!! Jeff!!! Give me the first Aid kit. "

Jeff wanted to handle it over when Martin said and blocked it with one Paw.

" We have no time for this. Save the Passengers first !!!"

" But you .... " Samantha was cut hardly by Martin.

" SAVE THEM!!! My wound has time. They have not. "

Samantha then wanted to give a word of regret but once Martin looked at her with a really mad look, she swallowed it down, handled him the kit and left the Cockpit together with Jeff.

Now, totally alone, Martin said lowly into the Air.

" Thank You for bringing us down one more time. Thank You that you let me save their Lifes."

A low cracking noise went through the Cockpit as if the Plane wanted to answer him.

Once he had quickly cleaned his Face from the Blood and had taped the wound, he took his Captain Jacket and left as the last one the Cockpit. Outside, it was silent. The first Class Deck had been empty since the start but he looked under each seat to be sure. Once he had done that, he went downstairs and there he was greeted by another emptiness and water.

The Water had made it into the plane because he had simply forgotten to seal some doors and hatches but he didn´t cared now. All he wanted now was to do a quick check around and then he wanted to leave the plane as the last one. Yet he didn´t came far with his check because he suddenly heard something.

It was low help cry. Nothing more than a whisper in the wind but he had heard it and so he quickly began to search it´s sender. Luckily, he quickly found it. It had come from a little Growlithe Boy Morph, barely three years old and a little Growlithe Pokémon of the same age. The Two were hiding under a seat Pair on the right side of the Plane and were both crying like Babies for their Mothers.

" Hey there little Boy. Need some help?" Martin asked as lovely as he could.

" I lost my Mommy.... " Was all the Boy could say under some sobs.

" OHHH.... Should we both go and search her together?"

" Yes.... but.... Not without Dingo... "

" Dingo? Is that the Name of your little Partner in your arms?"

" Yes. "

" Of course he can come with us. I would never leave someone here alone. Come, give me your Paw and we start to search your mother. "

The Boy then slowly moved out from under the seat and once he was standing in front of Martin, Martin asked.

" Were have you last seen your Mother?"

" She went with the others.... To that door there... " The Boy pointed over to a Plane Exit which was already half in the Water.

" I see.... Did you saw her go out?"

The Boy nodded a yes.

" Then why didn´t you went after her?"

" I wanted to but.... Dingo suddenly jumped out of my arms and ran back to our seats and....and.... "

The Boy began to Cry again but not for long because Martin kneeled down before him and stroked softly over his Head saying.

" TSSSCHHHHH.... I know what you want to say. You did nothing wrong. I would have done the same. Come on now. Let us search your mother outside. "

" OK....But.... The water.... "

" Don´t worry. Let us go to the door over there. " Martin said and pointed to the door which he had wanted to exit before.

Together they walked there but once they reached it, they both stopped in shock. The Boat had gone and now there was only water in front of them. Martin then wanted to call for one but at that moment, the plane began to move backwards.

_SHIT!!! Looks like that the ground is calling._He thought and the Boy began to scream. " HELP!!! MOMMY!!! "

The Growlithe began also to whimper and shake but before the whole situation began to move out of control, Martin took the Boy and the Growlithe in his Arms and said.

" Don´t worry. All will be good. I said that I will bring you to your Mother and I will hold it. "

" P....Promised ???" The Boy asked in tears.

" Promised! Now... Let us go upstairs. There will be no water for some moments and we can surely find your mother from there. "

Together they moved upstairs and there, Martin open a door and looked outside.

There still wasn´t a ship nearby but he saw that one was on its way. A little dinghy with three men in it.

Once seen, Martin moved back to the little Boy and said to him to keep him distracted from the situation.

" Want to look around for your Mother with me?"

The Boy nodded a quick yes and together with Martin, he slowly moved towards the door. Once reached he asked.

" What is your mother wearing today?"

" A green .... sweater and....Blue Jeans. "

"Let's see... Green and Blue .... There. Look. Is that her over there?"

" Where.... AAHHH !!!!"

The Boy had tried to look at the direction of where Martin was pointing but once the Boy saw the water and the current High, he began to shake in pure and Martin had to hold him.

" Too High.... I will fall.... I will fall.... MOMMY !!!"

Martin quickly moved the Boy back into the plane a bit and then he said as calmly as he could.

" You will not fall little one. I´m here to prevent that. There is nothing to worry about."

" A.....Are you not.... Afraid of.... The water?" The Boy asked, still shaking.

" Nope. Not anymore. "

" Why?"

" I learned that the water can be my friend and friends never will hurt each other. "

" How did you.... Learned that? "

" When I was at your age I found a water Pokémon one Day and he showed me this. "

The Boy slowly came down but he was still afraid of something but before Martin could ask, a Voice was heard from the outside.

" Is somebody still up there?"

" YEAH !!!" Martin shouted back. " Two Persons are up here !!!"

" I´ll be back. Wait here. " Martin said quickly to the Boy and ran quickly to the door afterwards.

Once reached he looked outside and saw the boat with the three persons in it. The three were all Plant Pokémon from different species and they were all wearing some free time clothes.

" Do you have a rope on board?" Martin asked.

" Sure. " Said one of the three and showed a long rope.

" Good. Throw it up to me and wait please."

A Moment later, the rope had been thrown up and Martin quickly moved back to the Boy who hadn´t moved a single step. Once reached, Martin kneeled down in front of him and asked.

" Are you trusting me?"

The Boy nodded a yes.

" Good. I had to ask you because I need your help now. "

" What... help...?"

" I have to move you down to the boat on this rope. I.... " Martin couldn't finish because the Boy threw in.

" I cannot!!!! I´m fearing the High!!! I´m starting to burn when I´m fearing to much !!!"

" OOHHHH!!!! That is no problem. "

" What ???"

" As long as you keep looking at me while I move you down, you will not start to fear and if you maybe do then.... " He took his jacket and moved it over the Boys shoulders. "... Nothing will happen because this is a Magical Jacket which keeps fire down. "

" R.... Really?"

" Really! Now come on. Move your arms a bit upwards. "

The Boy did as he was told and a few minutes later, Martin had moved the rope around his Body. Shortly afterwards, they were both standing on the door.

" I... I..... " The Boy stumbled and didn´t moved on.

" I know that it´s hard for you. " Said Martin in a still calm Voice. " But think what do you fear more. The High or that you might not see your Mother again. "

" But.... You told me.... " The Boy was close to tears again.

" I know what I said but I also said that I need your help. Now come on. Sit down in the door and once you're ready you can slide out. "

The Boy finally followed. He set himself down inside the door and a few Minutes later, he slid out with a loud scream of fear. Once out, Martin wanted to start to say that the Boy should look at him but then he saw that the Boy had Eyes closed and so he only moved him downwards to the Boat. All went well but then the Plane crossed his plans by moving suddenly and hardly backwards. Martin was luckily able to hold his stand but the Boy acted wrong.

For a few seconds he dropped into panic and opened his arms. As a consequence, the Growlithe started to drop down. The Boy then realized of what he had done and tried to catch his friend but it was too late. The Growlithe had already been too low for the Boy to catch and so it dropped with a very loud yelp into the sea. The Boy panicked again and screamed as loud as he could.

" DINGO!!!! NOOOOO !!!!"

Once seen, Martin acted quickly. He shouted down to the three in the Boat.


Then he threw the rope as hard as he could towards the Boat and jumped out of the plane.

Luckily, one of the three in the Boat was able to use Vine Whip and caught the now nonstop crying Boy in midair. Next he brought him slowly into the Boat and then they heard a big splash.

Martin had hit the surface and was now diving down. The water was a mix of Black and brown, thanks to the impact and the moving of the plane.

Martin looked quickly around to find the Growlithe and luckily, he found the little one a few seconds after he had started to dive.

Quickly he dived over to the little Body and once he had caught him he tried to move up again but at that moment he felt the prize of his acting's. As a Fire Morph, he was also weak against water and now he felt the weakening effect. Even if he had told the Boy that the Water was his friend.

The colder the water would be, the weaker a Firemorph would become and the water of the Bay was as cold as ice.

Quickly, Martins strength began to fade and he began to think that he would not made it but then something happened.

In the corner of his right Eye, he saw a shadow moving his way and a second later, the shadow was under him and pushing him upwards. Within a few seconds he reached the Surface and in a big jump, he and the shadow were released from the water.

The shadow revealed himself as a Mantine. A Mantine that Martin immediately recognized after he had gained back some strength to look around and after the landing on the water.

" Looks like that we are now quit my friend. Thank You. " He said to the Mantine while he padded his front.

The Mantine only smiled and began to move towards the Beach, which was lying next to them. While they moved, Martin began to do some first aid on the Growlithe.

He breathed some hat steam into the Growlithe´s Mouth and began to rub the entire Body of the little one. First nothing happened but then the Growlithe began to spill out some water and then it began to cry and whimper. Once the Growlithe showed some Life signs, Martin moved his shirt away and took the Growlithe into his arms. Next he began to use his own ability. Body heat control.

He had always been sad about his ability to control his Heat level but now he was happy to able to use it to help. He began to push up his chest and arms heat to warm the Growlithe but in return he risked to lose a few of his Body parts because he had to take all of the heat that his Body had left.

His whole Body began to shake in cold but luckily, they reached the beach quickly and there some rescue units were already waiting for them.

The Mantine moved as close as possible to the beach and once it was close enough it turned a bit and laid a wing on the sand.

Martin took all of his strength that he had left and jumped on the Beach. On the landing broke down to his knees and called for help. A few seconds later, he was surrounded by helpers who began to look over him and the little Growlithe.

" Tell me doc. Will he Life?" Martin asked the Pokémon doctor who was looking over the Growlithe.

" He will make it. He just needs to rest. One Day at the Centre should be enough to recover him. You come and take him up a midday. " The Doctor answered.

" Oh no. He´s not my Pokémon. He´s.... His Partner. "

Martin pointed over to the masses which began to part quickly because a little screaming Growlithemorph barned his way through them.


The Boy finally made it through the masses but then he was stopped by a Police Man.

" LET ME GO!!! DINGO!!! HELP !!!!"

" LEAVE THE BOY THROUGH !!!" Shouted Martin at the Man." THE GROWLITHE IS HIS PARTNER !!!"

Once said, the Police Man let the Boy go and he immediately ran over to the doctor. Once reached he took the Growlithe into his arms and began to Hugh him as close as possible and said under some tears.

" I´m so sorry Dingo!!! I´m so sorry for dropping you!!! I´m so sorry.... "

Tears started to roll but not for long because the Growlithe began to lick them away and shortly afterwards he moved his Head on the Head of the Boy.

" See.... " Said Martin. " He has already forgiven you. So stop crying. "

" T... Th..... SNIFF....Thank You Sir. Thank You for saving....Us. "

" That´s my Job my little friend. Now.... Give Dingo back to the Doctor so that he can check him in the Centre, will you?"

"Of....Of course.... When can I come to look over him?"

" Tomorrow you can take him with you again. "

" Really??? Great!!! "

" Now that this is clear.... Let us search your Mother. "

Right at that moment, Martin heard a female screaming.


" Tell me. Is your Name Marcus?" He asked the Boy once heard.

"SNIFF....Yes it is. I´m Marcus Lockherby. "

" OH Great. Seems like that I´ve already heard that your Mother is already searching for you. "

"Really??? Where is she ???"

"Come get on my shoulders and call for her as loud as you can. "

The Boy quickly followed.

He moved himself onto Martins shoulders and once he was ready, Martin moved himself up and then the Boy screamed as loud as he could.


Nearly immediately they both heard.

" MARCUS!!!! I´M COMING !!!"

A few seconds later they both saw a shadow flew over the masses and landing next to them. Once the dust wave disappeared, the shadow turned out as a big Arcanine and on its back was a female Braixen sitting.

" MOMMY!! MOMMY !!!" The Boy screamed and tried to jump down from Martins shoulders but Martin didn´t let him.

Instead he moved towards the Arcanine and kneeled down a bit so that the female could take her son into her arms. Once he was, the feelings from the two took over.

" OH MARCUS!!! My Son!!! I thought that I had lost you!!!" Said the female.

"I´m sorry Mommy.... I wanted to come but.... Dingo ran away and..... and..... "

Both began to cry like Babies and while they did, Martin said to the Arcanine, which turned out as a female also.

" When the little Growlithe is your Child then go to the doctor over there and look over him. "

The Arcanine nodded a quick yes and gave Martin a quick lick over his face before it turned and moved with the two on his back over to the doctor.

Once they were gone, Martin took the chance to leave or at last he tried it but another doctor was faster.

" You go nowhere, except straight to the Ambulance and with it to the Hospital. "

" But I´m..... " Martin was cut.

" AH!! AH!! AH!! Doctors' Orders !!!"

" HHHAAAHHHH.... OK. I´ll follow. "

While he walked to the Ambulance he was sharply watched by a pair of Yellow Eyes, who were belonging to a well-known female.

He would definitely be the right one for me. Were the thoughts of her.

To be continue