I did a thing. I wrote a story. World Of Hayot.

Story by thelastreddragon on SoFurry

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The beginning of a longer story maybe?

The small desert jeep is fast. The road is long, really long. Here I am sitting in the back of said jeep, facing backwards and watching the country that once was a beautiful place go by. It's still a nice landscape to admire, but the destroyed homes and the smoldering towns stain the landscape. I am wondering why I am doing what I am. I could easily have lived out my life in the cities that stand. Now that the war is just small skirmishes and empty threats, life in the cities is not that rough. Just work and get payed. Simple enough right? But for whatever reason I chose this path instead. I said to myself and the world, I will stand strong, I will be the soldier this home of mine has needed for a long time. I decided to take this path of strange science. somewhere along the line I decided I don't care what people think, this is my life, my body, my decision. I wasn't the only one. Sitting behind me, four more people like myself ride. We call each other people, but most humans consider us to be something very different. It's not so bad now that people have come to accept us, but not everyone is quite so ready to breathe the same air as us. Still I wonder, why am I doing this. This path will take me so much further than I or anyone else can even begin to comprehend, and I knew I was trading off the opportunity to ever live a normal life. But I still chose this, to become what I am. And honestly, I am not natural. I can take a bullet and barely flinch, I can sprint for hundreds of miles before tiring. I can jump ontop of a 2 story house. But I am still human, despite my changed DNA, my physical appearance, I still believe I am as human as the next guy, although the next guy would most likely beg to differ. I am no government experiment, no strange military project, no freak of science, I am a Hybrid, often referred to as a "furry". I am half animal, half human. I stand on two legs, walk and talk like a human. And except for the fur, the head, the ears, the tail, I am completely human. For whatever reason, they mixed me with two animals, a tiger and a wolf. the others are a single species. Most often they are some kind of canine or feline. For some reason, the DNA of both felines and canines is the most compatible with our DNA when it is mixed like this. I let them do this to me, even though I knew society would never see me the same again. I let them do this to me even though it meant giving up any chance of a normal life I might of had. I sit here now, watching the land go by wondering, why am I doing this.