Fur one and fur all! (Part 10)

Story by pizzaplatinum on SoFurry

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#10 of Fur one and fur all!

Jeez, it's been 2 weeks. Yay for procrastination/time management.

I rush to the closing square, desperate to even get a glance of what's going on outside this chamber. Sadly, I saw nothing past the stark, white wall, mocking me with it's sheer simplicity. It's driving me insane. There's nothing to stimulate, to understand. But, there is the ball.

*thunk* *thunk* *thunk* Sighing, I drop the ball the the floor. I've been doing this for the past hour, trying to get my paws to properly grip the ball. I'm thirsty, hungry, and mentally deprived. If this is all they'll provide, I won't give them the pleasure of going insane. This room could use a little decor, I thought, smiling as I dig my claws into the sticky surface of the paint.