Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#5 of The Dragon Delivery Team

Haha, get it? 'Cause this chunk is a bit about William and stuff.

This is the longest chunk (so far) and the second to last before I finally wrap things up. ^-^ This story has been a joy to write, and I'm glad that a lot of my readers are enjoying it was well. =)

While I was going back through the survey last month, I realized that "anal" was tied with "fingering," so I will be throwing some of that in this chunk to keep it fair. =P And because I've covered nearly everything, almost twice over, I figured it's time to throw some other positions in as well. ^-^

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate the support! Enjoy!

Saber and Aislin quickly bathed together, washing away their grime to feel new again. Saber remembered the first time they had showered together. He had been so nervous and embarrassed then, but afterward they both had the time of their lives: their first mating.

Saber grinned happily as Aislin put her emerald necklace back on. "Are you ready, my love?" he asked as he finished drying off. He liked that and he though it had a much better ring to it than "my queen."

Aislin's beautiful gray scales were cleanly and glossy while his dark-violet scales had a nice, shiny gleam to them. Saber thought she was the most beautiful dragoness in the world even when he had first met her. He wondered what she really thought of his looks.

Aislin returned his smile and nodded. "Although, I wish we could get a day off."

They left the warmth of the apartment and flew through the cold, mid-autumn skies. It seemed like winter was coming up fast with how quick the temperature was dropping. Saber expected that it would begin to snow soon, and he looked forward to it. He loved snow!

Aislin growled, "I hate this weather. It's too cold." She, on the other hand, did not enjoy the upcoming season as much as Saber. "Spring better come fast."

Saber shook his head in disappointment. "You don't enjoy the snow?"

"I despise the snow. It's cold, it gets everywhere, and it makes everything so bright that it almost hurts my eyes!"

Saber agreed to disagree. "I love it. It's fluffy, fun to play in, and it's beautiful!"

Aislin scoffed and rolled her eyes, muttering beneath her breath.

"Haven't you ever made a snowman?"

"A snow-what?"

Saber glanced at her, surprised. "You know... a snowman? You put three giant snowballs on top each other and decorate them to look like a man."

Aislin stared at him blankly, confused.

Saber grinned toothily. "Come this winter, I'm going to show you all the things that my human family taught me. I'm sure you'll like it!"

Aislin smiled. "Maybe."

Saber reminisced about his past, grinning widely as he remembered all of the pleasant memories during the time he spent at his old home. It was true that he missed his old family, but he was much happier now than what he had been. He was beginning to find meaning in his life; he had a job, a warm home, and a mate to love. There wasn't much more he could ask for other than the hatchling on its way.

When they touched down at the entrance to the post office, Aislin warned, "Just keep your mouth shut and hope nobody says anything. We should be fine."

Saber simply nodded and followed her. He prayed that Rhona wasn't still inside. He knew that Aislin hadn't forgotten about her. He didn't want to know what she would do to the white dragoness if she got her claws around Rhona.

After they passed through the lobby and opened the next door, Saber saw the same crotchety, old man from the morning, also known as Not-William.

Aislin's face contorted with displeasure. "Mr. Donley? Where's William? Did he call off sick?"

That's Mr. Donley? Our boss? Saber realized.

A twisted smile curled his lips as he turned around in his chair. "Well, if it isn't the two troublemakers. William won't be here today... or tomorrow, and even the day after that. In fact, he won't be here ever again!" He got way more joy out of that than anyone should have.

Saber gulped uneasily. What happened to William? he thought nervously. "Why isn't he coming back?" he asked innocently. Aislin shot him a quick glance, reminding him not to speak.

"I fired him," Donley answered absolutely. "I probably would have fired you too had I known who you were earlier, Saber."

Saber shrunk back, clinging close to Aislin as their boss' glare stared down upon him. Aislin growled protectively and stepped in front of her mate.

"After the stunt you two pulled last night, you're lucky to still be working here. You both broke all the codes and regulations that not even humans are allowed to get away with. If it wasn't for William sticking his neck out for you, your scaly asses would have been gone!"

"What do you mean?" Aislin hissed angrily.

"The fool sacrificed his job for the both of yours--for two dragons. What an idiot," he ridiculed. "I could have replaced two dragons easily, but now I have to find someone to replace him." He grumbled beneath his breath and shifted a stack of papers around.

Aislin growled, "William is our friend!" Saber was surprised for her to stick up for him like that.

Mr. Donley stood up and threateningly pointed towards the locker room. "Put your suits on and get busy before I fire you too," he ordered strictly.

Aislin bared her fangs, hesitating before she finally complied with his orders. She shook her head indignantly and her tail twitched violently behind her. Saber quickly padded away, grabbing her suit and a new one for him before he rejoined her in the locker room.

Aislin stormed back and forth, hissing, growling, and baring her fangs angrily. "Of all the stupid, inane things I've ever heard here..." She swiped the air with her claws and hissed. "Evelyn was right."

"What was she right about?" Saber asked curiously. He stood at the other end of the room, avoiding his mate's vicious outburst.

"I should have quit while I had the chance..." she muttered. Aislin shook her head. "No, then I would have never met you..."

Saber tried to comfort Aislin, bravely stepping up to her, but he wasn't very good at quelling her rage. She huffed and walked away from him, continuing her bout as he shied away. "I think we would have met no matter what," he said with confidence.

"It doesn't matter now, anyway." She shut him down immediately.

"Why don't we both quit now?" he asked.

Aislin looked at him as if he didn't understand, which was actually a spot on assumption. "If we quit now, then William took the fall for nothing. He offered his job in place of ours. He most likely took the blame and said it was his fault when it was actually..." Aislin growled and swiped the air again. "When it's all my fault."

"Aislin... We both did it. Don't blame yourself," he consoled. "Remember when we both agreed that it was worth it, no matter what happens?"

"But William shouldn't have involved himself!" she hissed. "Now he doesn't have a job. I don't even know if he has a family or not. Who knows if he'll get another job!"

Saber nodded in understanding. I guess I saw him earlier just before he was fired... and he gave me that money. Saber felt guilty. He never wanted anything to happen to William, and the fact that Saber took his money only made it worse.

"Well, what do we do now?" Saber asked with concern.

Aislin grumbled to herself and grabbed her suit from him. "Our jobs," she tersely answered.

Saber dressed himself, not daring to ask Aislin to fasten his second clip. He had never seen her so angry before... she was almost terrifying. Even though she was only dressing, she dressed angrily. Once they were both ready to go and Saber had put his nametag on his uniform, she stormed out of the locker room and demanded the letters that needed to be delivered. Saber meekly followed behind her with his head down, taking his own set. Today wasn't going to be a good day.

It helped that Saber didn't see Aislin much that day, but he couldn't escape his own nagging thoughts. He felt responsible for William's termination and couldn't quite forget about it. It was their fault after all.

Saber shook his head and hissed to himself. Why did he do that for us?

Saber also had no idea that Mr. Donley was a complete ass. For a man that runs a part of his business with dragons, he didn't seem like the type to be harsh towards Saber's kind. It was no wonder he hired another person to manage the dragons. Now Saber wondered who would replace William, hoping it wouldn't be someone like his boss.

Saber's second day alone went smoothly in spite of the fact that his mind was roiling with unhappiness. Most of the people he delivered to cheered him up a bit, and Saber enjoyed briefly chatting with them. Aislin had made the job sound terrible since they were dealing with humans, but Saber thought differently. Humans were just as unique as dragons. Each individual had a different personality and whole other set of traits... It was just hard to find the good ones.

Aislin cooled down quite a bit towards the evening. When Saber saw her again, she wasn't angry. In fact, she was more depressed than anything, and that made his heart ache. He wanted to shower her with every bit of love and comfort he could muster.

"Hey, Aislin," Saber greeted cheerfully, stepping into the break room. The break room was now their favorite place to rest while they had nothing to do since the weather was rather cold this week.

It was a small room with a few chairs, a couch, a television, a water dispenser, and a snack machine. Instead of cartoons playing on the television, it was a sports game that Saber recognized as football. Humans would often come around and watch it, though Saber never saw the point of watching others play a game. He'd rather just play himself!

Aislin looked up and softly smiled at him, blinking away drowsiness. She had been resting on the couch with her eyes closed. "Hey, Saber."

Saber joined her at the other end. It was an understood rule that they weren't allowed to cuddle or show intimate affection while they were at work... a rule they had trampled on and destroyed last night. The best they could do was intertwining their tails together, so they did.

"I'm sorry that I got so angry earlier," she apologized. "I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"You didn't do anything to me, but I feel sorry for the air around you," he teased.

Aislin sighed. "Perhaps, but I still feel terrible about it. I shouldn't let him get to me like that."

"It's fine, Aislin. I was angry with him, too," Saber replied with reassurance.

She chuckled. "You? Angry?"

Saber nodded. "I had no idea that Mr. Donley was such an ass."

Aislin rolled her eyes. "You just swore. Wow, you must have been angry!"

Saber grumbled and playfully kicked her. "Someone's feeling better."

Aislin hesitantly grinned and nodded. "It's just... I realized what I have going for me, and William saved all of that. I have a perfect mate, and we live in the perfect home... with a hatchling along the way." Saber noticed that Aislin briefly touched her stomach and wondered if she knew for sure yet or not. He doubted it, as it was way too soon to tell.

She continued, "If we had lost our jobs, then we would have struggled to find another place to hire us. Then we could have lost our warm home... and our hatchling wouldn't have a good place to live. And..." she trailed off as she closed her eyes.

"Aislin..." Saber clambered off the couch and nuzzled her comfortingly. "Everything is fine now. We don't have to worry about anything. We just have to be smart and not press our luck."

She sniffled and nodded with a small grin. "I... I want to get William's address so we can go and thank him." She touched her necklace and looked at it fondly. "For everything..."

Saber grinned and licked her cheek. "Well, who do we ask? We work at a post office, after all."

"I know a few people that may know. I'll go ask around while they're still here."

Saber nodded and gave her a quick kiss before she left. He watched her go, his eyes on her swaying rear. A bit of lust spurred within him and he grinned as his imagination roamed. He climbed back onto the couch and daydreamed about mating with Aislin. Luckily for him, his clothing held his erection tightly against his body, so if a human did happen to come around it was easy to conceal.

It was different without having William around. To Saber the whole place seemed rather... drab. The others that worked here tended to be in separate parts of the building, and they also left a lot earlier than what Saber and Aislin did. While Aislin wasn't around, Saber was stuck with himself being bored.

The day seemed to drag on for hours and hours before Aislin and Saber were finally undressing in the locker room together.

"I got William's address," Aislin stated. "And you know what's really strange?"

"What?" Saber asked curiously, looking at the piece of paper Aislin held.

"If I'm not mistaken, that's the same apartment complex we live in... and the room number is 505."

"Wait..." Saber wore a confused expression. "Isn't ours 504?"

Aislin nodded.

"So... he's our neighbor? But I thought that Ruari was our neighbor."

"I think William's might be the one before ours, not after it."

"That's quite the coincidence! You've never seen either of them?"

Aislin shook her head. "I don't visit people ever... and it makes sense since our schedules are different from theirs. William probably takes longer to get home, so even if we left at the same time we wouldn't arrive at the same time.

"Well, let's go meet our neighbor!" Saber said, prancing up and down. "I bet he'll be surprised!"

Aislin chuckled. "But who knows how long he'll remain our neighbor. I hope he can find a new job quick."

After they put their uniforms away, they flew straight home in the brisk night air. Saber was excited to see William and hoped that William would be glad to see them too.

They landed on the fifth floor and stepped inside. They passed the rooms as they numbered up from 500.

"Strange," Aislin commented as they passed their door and found 505. "This is Ruari's apartment."

"You're sure you got the correct address?"

She nodded. "I guess it doesn't hurt to check," she said and pressed the doorbell.

They waited for a moment before hearing claws clacking on the other side of the door. Ruari opened it and greeted them, poking his black head through the crack. "Oh, hello! I didn't expect visitors! What brings you two here at this hour?" he asked quickly.

Saber thought he seemed rather jumpy, but from what he could tell Ruari had a strange personality anyway. He and Aislin were probably interrupting something of his.

"Sorry to bug you, but we were looking for a friend of ours, William. I was told that he lives here, but I guess that was obviously wrong," Aislin explained.

"W-William?" he stuttered. "Why are you searching for him, my dear?" Saber noticed that Ruari was acting stranger than normal, and he was hiding most of his body from sight. It made him wonder whether or not that Ruari had a female over since he seemed so nervous. He might be hiding an erection like Saber had earlier!

Aislin looked at him curiously and asked, "Do you know William? He was our boss."

Ruari chuckled lightly and nodded. "Yes, William and I are acquainted. You two work at the post office?"

Aislin grinned. "Yes. Do you know where he lives? We wanted to thank him."

Ruari glanced behind the door for a second. "I... uhm... I do know where lives... but I believe he's unavailable currently."

Aislin was picking up on his strange behavior too but continued to press him for more information. "Well, could you tell us? We can visit him another time."

He sighed. "Well truthfully, my dear, he lives here with me."

Saber's eyes widened, and Aislin was also surprised. "He lives here?" she asked with shock.

He nodded. "I wasn't aware that you two knew him... but if you could return later, we could all reacquaint ourselves."

Aislin and Saber agreed. "It's getting a little late, though. Mind if we come back in an hour?" Aislin asked.

Ruari grinned and replied, "An hour will be plenty of time. Thank you for understanding." He said farewell and quickly shut the door before Aislin and Saber had turned to leave.

"What do you think that was about?" she asked Saber as they returned to their own home next door.

"I don't know," he answered, welcoming the warmth of their home as his paw pads stepped on the soft carpet. "He wasn't like that earlier. I think he has a dragoness over or something."

Aislin nodded and climbed up onto the couch with Saber. "That would explain that weird combination of scents I smelled wafting out of his home. I figured he had been masturbating!"

Saber chuckled and happily nuzzled Aislin. He smelled her scent as he brushed his snout over her neck. "I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore."

Aislin grinned. "Me too."

"You masturbated?" Saber asked, surprised.

"Of course! Did you think that only males could have some fun alone?"

Saber shook his head and grinned. "No... I just never really thought about you... playing with yourself like that."

"Oh, I've done a lot of things with myself, Saber," she cooed teasingly. Aislin smiled deviously and lifted her leg, pressing a paw to her exposed slit. "Would you like an example?"

Saber's eyes were immediately glued to her nethers, watching her toes play and spread apart her folds. "I- I would love an example..."

"Well, we do have an hour to burn... I suppose I don't mind giving my mate a little show." Aislin licked his chin and sensually traced her tongue across his cheek while Saber watched her paw at her crotch. Her strong scent wafted into his nostrils as her arousal began to coat her paw. He saw the glistening liquid clinging to her scales and paw pads. Saber groaned and clenched his toes, feeling arousal weaving its way into his mind like a dense fog. His hard length was soon pressing against her rear firmly.

As she rubbed and caressed herself, Saber felt himself wanting to pleasure her too. Watching her was all too much of a tease, and he could hardly control himself. His hips swiveled and his length grinded against her hind. He wanted to mount her again, and he wanted it bad.

"Nnngh... Aislin... c- can we just mate?" Saber asked hopefully.

"Can't stand waiting?" she teased and nuzzled him.

An idea popped into Saber's mind, something that he had wanted to try with her. He pushed against Aislin's body and shoved her off of the couch.

"H- Hey!" she objected. "Saber!" She landed on her paws and glared at him.

Saber grinned deviously, eagerly continuing what he had started as he grabbed her rear end. He held her down while his snout nuzzled the base of her tail and his tongue licked teasingly around it.

"W- What do you think y- you're doing?" she huffed irately, but her compliance betrayed her false dissent. She liked what was happening and Saber knew it.

Saber lifted her tail and shoved his snout beneath it, brushing it over her wet and soft slit. She cooed and shivered as his tongue found her vent. He blushed warmly as he asserted his position as the dominant role. He tasted her slick fluids on his tongue, enjoying her delectable flavor. Aislin pushed against him, but Saber held her firmly and began to massage her rump. She moaned and lifted her tail for him, giving in completely to his antics.

"D- Don't think I will let you d- do this all the time..." Aislin said.

Saber grinned again, pleased with her response. His tongue traced up her slit and slathered over her tailhole, making Aislin shudder again. After their mating earlier in the day, Saber wanted to try something new with her, something he had never imagined himself doing before. Hesitantly, he licked around her tailhole to build up his confidence. He wasn't sure what she would taste like or how foul it would be.

But he set aside his inhibitions and pushed his tongue into her, spreading apart her anal passage as his tongue invaded her tight hole. Saber's face flushed warmly while his tongue buried itself into her rear. Aislin groaned and pushed against his snout, taking his warmth delightedly.

"Oh, Saber... you dirty male!" she cooed.

Saber thrust his tongue in and out of her tailvent, feeling her tight muscles clenching around his tongue. He was relieved to find that she didn't taste bad at all! In fact, he didn't really taste anything. It helped that his tongue had been coated in her secretions, making it easier for his probing muscle to slip inside her.

After Saber had finished tending to her with his tongue, he withdrew, much to Aislin's disappointment. She watched him as he grabbed her rump and climbed on top of her. His weight shifted over her torso as he brought up a hind paw and clenched her rear, bringing his hips to meet hers while he moved her tail to the side.

Aislin cooed beneath him and submissively lowered her torso, exposing her hind to him so that he could take her in any way he pleased. Saber grinned victoriously and prodded for her tailhole, aiming to satiate his own desire. His tip pushed firmly against her anal entrance until it suddenly slipped in and caused Aislin to jerk her body and growl.

Saber suddenly felt ashamed and worried for her, snapping out of his stupor. He stopped where he was with his tip nestled just inside her rear. "A- Aislin, I- I'm so sorry!"

Aislin looked back at him and grinned playfully. "What are you stopping for? Keep going ,Saber!"

"Aislin?" he asked with concern. She winced and clenched her claws tightly.

She suddenly pushed back against him and hissed as Saber's length spread her tight walls apart. Saber groaned loudly and grabbed her body to steady himself. Feeling his cock delving into her constricting warmth sent him reeling, bringing lust back to cloud his mind. Concern pressed against his conscience, but he tried to ignore it for his and Aislin's sake. She seemed to want this just as much as he did!

Saber's knot pushed firmly against her tailhole as he filled her with his thick girth. Saber growled in a lustful fit and gently dipped in and out, letting Aislin adjust to his cock. She groaned lustfully beneath him with her eyes tightly shut. It looked painful to her, but she was soon moaning with pleasure as Saber began to gently hump her.

Taking her in the rear was unimaginably pleasant for Saber. Not only was it just and soft and warm as her sex, it was tight and her muscles constricted his cock pleasurably. As his length thrust in and out of her, Saber felt his tapered tip snugly rubbing and massaging her anal passage. His dribbling pre helped lubricate her even more, making it easier for him to slip in and out. He moaned and humped her faster. He heard pained groans as she shifted and adjusted to ease his penetration.

Saber stepped forward with his other foot, mingling his toes with hers as more of his weight shifted over her. He pounded against her, almost slamming his cock into her tight depths. Aislin groaned lewdly with her head lowered submissively, taking each thrust as it jounced her body back and forth. Saber's cock slid in and out of her anal passage, pushing and pulling against her soft walls.

With a lustful growl, Saber felt his instincts beginning to take over. His thrusts became wild and forceful, almost pounding Aislin into the ground. Pleasure coursed through him in powerful waves as his cock slammed into her. He brought up his other hind paw and clenched her other hip, putting all of his weight on top of Aislin. He flared his wings to keep his balance while he rutted her.

Saber had never been so rough with Aislin before. Even when he had mated her during her heat, when his instincts were driving him mad, he didn't push her far. He hoped that he wasn't hurting her and that she was enjoying it just as much as he was.

Aislin hissed pleasurably with her eyes tightly shut as her torso was forced to the ground by his forepaws pushing on her shoulders. Aislin's head pressed to the ground, and her claws tore into the carpet as Saber mounted her and rutted her like a feral animal. She managed to keep her rear up with his added weight while he rocked her body roughly.

Saber slathered his tongue over the back of her neck, smothering her gray scales with his saliva. He brought his wings down and shrouded her body in his warmth as they grasped at her shoulders. Saber lost himself as his orgasm rapidly approached, mindlessly rutting Aislin.

Saber's instincts fogged his mind in a dense haze. His only concern was satisfying his own lust. In his flurry of thrusts, he suddenly felt his entirety slip inside her, knot and all. He nearly slipped off of her gray body but caught himself with his forearms on the ground. His purple belly pressed against her back as he completely hilted her, his sheath pressing against her tailhole. His blue hind paws gripped her rump while his claws dug into her scales and he slammed his hips against her rear.

He growled and cried out with Aislin as his cock began to spasm with his knot buried inside her tailhole. His length throbbed against her tight and constricting passage, pulsing as his hot seed spewed from his tip and filled her. He humped her and his balls slapped against the base of her tail. His blissful orgasm coursed through his loins, warming them with pleasure as his cock spilled his seed inside her.

Aislin groaned and moaned her lusts as Saber claimed her rear. He lost the strength to continue humping her, so he stopped and let his climax wash over him, feeling the warm jets of his seed splatter against her anal passage. He licked the base of Aislin's neck along her shoulders, slathering his saliva over her darker gray scales. His entire body seemed to slow down to a stall as the bliss of his orgasm began to fade. Everything seemed so calm and pleasant.

Saber wasn't sure if Aislin had her orgasm yet or not, so he reached a forepaw between her hind legs, carefully balancing himself so he wouldn't fall. He rubbed his paw over her soaked slit, smearing her secretions around her crotch. Aislin moaned and shuddered as he pleasured her. He felt her anal muscles clench him tightly as he began to massage her clitoris.

"Nnngh... Oh, Saber... yesss," she moaned encouragingly. She panted raggedly and grunted with the strokes of his paw. His soft paw pads quickly accumulated her secretions and slid effortlessly over her scales. As he pawed at her, Saber gently rolled his hips into hers, pushing his cock deeper until he slightly pulled back. His knot was still nestled inside her tailhole, filling her with pressure.

Her muscles suddenly clenched down on his cock and lightly spasmed as she moaned loudly. More secretions oozed out of her entrance. Aislin hit her orgasm and trembled. Saber smiled softly, happy to have brought his mate to a pleasureful climax. He gently caressed her until she was finished, cooing into her ear.

"S- Saber... you're too heavy!"

"Sorry!" he apologized and returned his hind paws to the ground, shifting his weight off of her.

"T- Thank you..." Aislin breathed deeply in and out, coming down from her orgasm. She winced and shifted.

Saber's knot contracted slightly, but it must have been hurting her. He carefully tried to pull his cock out of her, but she hissed and complained.

"A- Aislin?" Saber asked, concern etched across his face.

She looked back and smiled at him with confidence. "I'm fine," she reassured. "I'm just a little sore."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. I enjoyed that a lot, Saber."

Saber nodded in understanding, but he couldn't help but to feel bad about it. He hurt the love of his life just to satiate his own lust. He should have never pushed her so far.

"Saber," she growled. "I said I was fine. Stop worrying about me," she commanded with an angry glare.

Saber avoided her gaze, looking down with shame. "You're in pain because of me..."

Aislin growled and suddenly withdrew from him. Saber's knot slipped out of her with an audible squelch as he fell to all four of his paws. She hissed and winced, but she turned around and nuzzled him tenderly, kissing and licking his muzzle. She hid her pain well, but Saber knew that it hurt.

"If I didn't like it, I would have made you stop. I didn't like you fretting over our mating, so I stopped it. I'm not helpless, Saber!"

Saber nuzzled her in return and felt a grin curl his lips. "I'm sorry, Aislin. I don't mean to belittle you. I... I just care for you. A lot."

"I know that," she said and looked into his crimson eyes. "That's why I love you."

Saber smiled and kissed her, sharing his affection. Their tongues mingled together passionately as their heads cocked to the side. They were much better at kissing than what they had been. It was much easier for them to lose themselves in it. Saber could never tell how long they kissed, but when they withdrew he knew it was just long enough. The adorable smile on her muzzle was unforgettable.

"We should clean ourselves up again before we go over to Ruari's," Saber offered.

Aislin nodded. "We really need to clean our carpet at some point..." she said, looking at the floor where small puddles of liquid glistened.

Saber chuckled. "We'll get to it eventually."

It didn't take long for them to shower, and they were soon clean and dry with brilliantly shining gray and purple scales. It was almost an hour later, so they walked over to Ruari's apartment for a second try. Aislin made sure to put her necklace back on so William could see it.

"So, do you think William really lives here with Ruari?" Saber asked as Aislin rang the doorbell.

"I don't see why not; although, I've never heard of a human living with a dragon. It's kind of strange..."

"It can't be too strange," Saber commented. "I lived with a family of humans."

"But you slept in a separate building."

Saber nodded and remained silent as Ruari's claws came clacking up to the door. "Hello again!" he cheerfully greeted, this time opening his home up to them. Warm, scented air rolled out of his apartment before they even walked in.

Saber studied Ruari curiously, seeing if there was any evidence of his strange behavior earlier. His body was covered in jet-black, glossy scales. His white claws were shiny and polished, as were his two pairs of ivory horns. The top pair was longer than the bottom, and they both protruded straight out of the back of his head. It looked like he had just bathed as well!

"I apologize for earlier. I don't ever have guests at such a late hour, and you two really flustered me!"

"We're sorry for surprising you like that," Aislin said.

They stepped into his warm home. It smelled fresh as if a flower-scented perfume had been sprayed around. The layout was similar to Aislin's, but Ruari had quite a bit more furniture than her, mainly desks, shelves, and bookcases. Books were strewn everywhere; a few were even open on the floor. He didn't have a TV, but he did have the same couch. A glass table was set in front of it, holding more books and some pens.

There was an armchair in the corner beneath a lamp where William was sitting with his glasses hung loosely on his nose. He was reading until he looked up and saw Aislin and Saber.

He grinned widely and stood up to greet them. "Aislin! Saber! Ruari told me you two were here, but I didn't believe him. What brings ya to see me?"

Aislin immediately ran to William and jumped up onto him, giving him a big hug with her forearms and wings. Her black paws gripped his shoulders while her wings embraced him.

"Woah!" William exclaimed and staggered backward, trying his best to hold Aislin up as she wrapped herself around him.

Saber grinned softly, watching as she nuzzled him affectionately. He sat next to Ruari, who looked rather surprised.

"A- Aislin... this isn't like ya," William commented. "What's gotten into you?"

"I- I'm sorry... I'm s- sorry, William," she sobbed into his shoulder, breaking down as her emotions seeped from her.

William hugged her tightly, and that warmed Saber's heart. He wanted so badly to be the one comforting Aislin as she opened up her heart, but he understood that it wasn't his place this time. It was William's.

"C'mon now... what're ya bein' sorry for?" He rubbed her back comfortingly.

Aislin slowly calmed down, burying her snout into his shoulder. "It's m- my fault that we got you fired."


She shook her head. "It's my fault!"

"It's not your fault, Ash. There's no one to blame," he consoled.

"Yes there is! I could have waited... I could ha--"

"Aislin." William looked sternly at her as she raised her head. "What happened was for a reason. From what I understand, a very good one too."

Aislin looked at him with an empty expression of confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You and Sabe... erhm... mated while you were in heat, right? So you'll probably be havin' kids, right?"

Aislin nodded.

William smiled and patted her head. "That's a good enough reason for anyone."

"But Mr. Donley fired you!" she continued.

Aislin climbed down off of him, and William kneeled down so he was still face to face with her. "Listen, Ash... I don't need that job as much as you do. If I ever had to make that decision again, I'd choose the same without a doubt. I like you guys."

"We could have waited..." Her eyes were focused on the ground beneath them.

William patted her on the head. "It happened, Ash. Don't regret what ya did. I'm happy for ya... I'm not angry or upset."

Aislin looked back up at him and nuzzled him before embracing him again. Saber took that as his cue and walked up to William. He grinned warmly at the human, glad to see his friend again.

William smiled back and motioned for Saber to join them. Saber wrapped one wing around Aislin and the other around William, bringing them both in for a group hug. He rubbed Aislin's back to comfort her and nestled his head next to hers.

Saber wasn't sure how long they embraced like that, but it felt right. When they all separated, William glanced down at the emerald necklace dangling from Aislin's neck.

"That's a pretty necklace, Ash. It looks good on ya."

Aislin grinned toothily and looked at it admiringly. "Thank you, William. Saber told me that you had a part in this... I really appreciate it."

William smiled kindly and replied, "It's no problem." He stood up and offered the couch to them. "Stay and relax a bit. Ruari and I won't mind the company."

Saber glanced behind him and noticed that Ruari was missing; he must have padded off somewhere. He climbed up onto the right side of the couch and opened his arms for Aislin. He embraced her lovingly from behind as they cuddled together. Their tails intertwined and dangled off of the couch.

William was grinning widely as he returned to his chair. "Y'know, I always thought you two would make a cute couple."

Saber blushed warmly and buried his snout into Aislin's neck.

"And why's that?" Aislin asked, smirking.

He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "Just a feelin' I had. I just never thought you'd hit it off so quick!"

Aislin smiled and nuzzled Saber. "I knew we would."

Saber added, "She was very persistent."

Aislin nibbled his chin playfully. "I get what I want."

Ruari returned, balancing a platter that carried a steaming kettle, several tea cups, and some cream and sugar. "I made us some herbal tea," he said. "You're welcome to as much as you want. It helps you sleep!"

William quickly cleared off a part of the table for Ruari so he could sit it down. Aislin and Saber both thanked him and grabbed a small cup of hot tea, sitting on the floor in front of the table. Saber sat between Aislin and Ruari.

"How long have you lived here, William?" Aislin asked curiously. "I didn't realize we were neighbors."

"Neither did I! I'd say we've lived here for well over a year now. Right, Ruari?"

The black dragon nodded. "We moved in last May."

"So then how did you two meet? I've never heard of a dragon and a human living together like this."

William chuckled awkwardly and Ruari turned his head away. "Well... I guess we met at a bookstore here in town. I really like to read, and Ruari really likes to write."

Aislin and Saber both looked at Ruari with surprise. "You write, Ruari?" Aislin asked.

A small grin curled his lips and he nodded. "I do."

"What do you write?" Saber asked curiously.

"Fictional stories, mostly."

William continued, "He really knows his stuff, too. He's published a couple of books!"

"Dragons can publish books?" Saber asked. "I've never seen any before."

"It's quite the convoluted situation, really," Ruari began. "A dragon is entitled the rights to publishing, but most companies won't even give an attempt to publish a dragon's name with a book. William and I have been working together; I write the stories and he publishes it through a company under his name. That way I can make a living doing what I do."

"That's unfortunate," Saber commented and took another sip of his tea. It tasted good and it felt nice and warm going down, soothing.

William nodded. "We're hopin' to someday come out with the truth. Maybe we could change a few minds."

"That will be a pleasant change," Aislin said.

Saber's eyes wandered around the room while they continued to casually talk about different subjects. He half-mindedly participated while sipping on his tea. It was a peaceful-looking home. Everything was arranged perfectly for both dragon and human. In the room to the right, Saber could see a desk with a laptop sitting on it, open with a blank screen.

Then he noticed something on the table in front of him that caught his attention: a half-full bottle of lubricant. It was just sitting there, completely forgotten by whomever's it was. Saber figured it was William's since dragons didn't need lubricants to masturbate. But Saber thought it was odd that he'd leave it out in the living room.

An idea clicked in Saber's head, and he finally realized why Ruari had acted so strange earlier. He and William were mates! Did Aislin know that? Was Saber supposed to know that? Ruari and William didn't seem to want them to know, and they hid it quite well. Should I tell them that I know? Maybe I'm wrong...

But Saber could see the intimate connection between Ruari and William. When their eyes would meet, Saber could see that there was a special glinting in them like his and Aislin's. They both shared that same soft expression, a kind and caring one.

Saber decided to snoop around first for some information. "When you two first met, what made you decide to live together?"

Ruari blushed and turned away. Even William seemed a little flustered at the question. "Well... uhm... We figured it would be easier to keep in touch. Ruari needed a place to stay, so he moved into my place for a while. It was rather cramped there, so we moved here together," he explained.

Saber nodded, understanding entirely what was going on. He was surprised; there wasn't much talk about humans and dragons mating, and certainly not two of the same gender. It was odd in both cultures to have the same genders mating, but it wasn't unheard of. From what Saber understood, dragons were much more comfortable with it than humans were.

But neither of them seemed to want Saber and Aislin to know. They kept their secret hidden. Saber understood why they would, but he wished that they would have been more open, if they really were mates.

As the conversation died down and the tea had been drunk, Aislin and Saber decided to take their leave, as it was getter rather late. They both hugged and thanked William again and turned to leave.

"You're both welcome to come over anytime you'd like. Just make sure you buzz us first!"

Aislin chuckled and grinned toothily. "Yeah, we wouldn't want to catch you two in the act," she joked suggestively.

A moment of awkward, dead silence passed between the four of them. Aislin looked around with a confused expression. "Was that supposed to be a secret? You two didn't hide it very well..."

"Uh, well... we... uhm..." Ruari tried to object or say something, but he ended up shaking his head with a flushed face, looking at William for help. Even William was blushing profusely! Saber had never seen him so abashed before; his usual calm and collected self was stunned.

"You two really are... mates?" Saber asked, finally certain about the whole situation.

William rubbed the back of his head and adjusted his glasses. "Well... yeah... you could say that."

"It's okay, William," Aislin reassured. "We won't tell anyone if you want this to be kept secret. I didn't realize you weren't open about it. I don't see a problem with it."

William chuckled nervously and Ruari fidgeted around. "Thanks, Ash... We don't really want anyone knowin' about us... it's too unusual, even for a dragon."

"It's not that unusual for a dragon to mate with the same gender," Aislin explained. "It's just different for a dragon to mate with a human."

Ruari nodded and said, "Among our own kind, it's quite common for us to experiment with pleasure... I suppose it's only natural that we happened by chance."

William agreed as well. "But how did you know, Aislin?"

Aislin grinned smugly and held her head high as she began, "When I was hugging you, I could smell Ruari's scent on you. I thought it was just because you lived together, but it was really strong when I climbed off of you. That, and I saw the bottle of lube on the table."

"I told you to shower, you stinky oaf!" Ruari scolded playfully hitting William with his tail.

"And I told ya to make sure everythin' was cleaned up!"

Ruari grumbled and nipped at his hand. "Maybe we should have agreed to what I wanted to do. Then we wouldn't have had any complications."

Aislin chuckled and nuzzled Saber, whispering, "I didn't actually smell anything on William. I saw you looking at that bottle, too."

Saber laughed with a big grin. "So you guessed?"

Aislin nodded, grinning smugly. "Have good night, you two," she said to Ruari and William, turning to leave with Saber.

They nodded and bid them farewell, continuing a lover's quarrel as their guests left.

Aislin and Saber walked into their apartment and cuddled on their bed together, happily relaxing as drowsiness settled over them. Saber thought about mating with her again, but he realized that his body was exhausted. It had been a really long day, and he was glad it was finally over.

"So... William and Ruari, huh?"

A sly grin spread her cheeks. "I kind of figured something was up. I think it's kind of cute," she replied.

Saber nodded. "I wonder who likes to be the bottom."

She chuckled and answered, "William. I'm sure of it."

Saber laughed with her and placed a forepaw on Aislin's warm belly, rubbing it in gentle strokes. "What do you think our hatchling will look like?" he asked, changing the subject.

Aislin nuzzled and licked him tenderly, tracing her tongue across his chin. "I'm sure he or she will be the most beautiful hatchling in the world."

Saber smiled happily and nodded. He nuzzled his snout into her shoulder and felt himself slipping into slumber.

Saber woke the next morning holding Aislin tightly against him. He drowsily blinked his eyes and yawned, thinking he might fall asleep again. He nuzzled her with a happy grin across his muzzle, enjoying the warmth of her body against his. Again, his exposed flesh was rubbing against her rump. He sighed and crawled out of bed, careful not to disturb Aislin's sleep.

Saber was glad that he was sleeping much better now than what he had. Instead of waking up early and having to take naps during the day, he was sleeping well through the night. It also helped that he had Aislin to cuddle with. She made him feel relaxed and calm.

While eating his breakfast, Saber realized that he wasn't sure what he would do today. Now that he didn't have to work at the jewelry shop, he had a lot of down time. Hopefully, Aislin would wake up soon so he could spend more time with her. She could decide what to do much better than he could! Saber wouldn't mind mating with her again either.

Saber grinned as vivid and lewd images of Aislin ran through his imagination. He felt his sheath stir excitedly. After he finished his meal, he climbed up onto the couch and turned on the TV, letting his mind roam as cartoons played on the screen.

Aislin walked into the room soon after with her nostrils flaring. She yawned and stretched in front of him.

Saber blushed as her emerald eyes immediately searched between his legs. "G- Good morning, my love." He shifted to cover himself better, bringing his hind legs up.

"You didn't jerk off on the couch, did you?" she asked teasingly, joining him within his embrace.

"N- No! I didn't..." He bit his lip as Aislin rubbed the back of her hind end against his hard flesh. He tensed up and lightly groaned.

"Relax, Saber! I wouldn't have minded that anyway," she cooed and licked his muzzle.

Saber smiled and nuzzled her affectionately. "Then you won't be angry if I tell you that I masturbated in my old bed?"

"I wondered why your scent was so strong in there... I can't believe you did that."

"What was I supposed to do?" he teased, licking her forehead while grinding his cock against her rump. "You can't expect a guy to be around a female as beautiful as you for that long and not have the chance to relieve himself."

"I slept in that..."

Saber smirked and flicked his tongue across her cheek. "And you enjoyed it."

As he grinded against Aislin, she cooed lustfully, pressing back into him. Aislin grinned and nuzzled him. "Every second." She cooed softly and lifted a rear leg. "Take me right here, Saber," she commanded.

Saber's eyes grew. "You want to mate already?" He didn't think that she would have wanted to so quickly after waking up.

"Of course I do!" she grumbled impatiently. "That's why I exposed myself for you."

Saber grinned toothily and licked her cheek happily. She still wasn't a morning dragon, but he loved that about her anyway.

He lifted her tail, moving it over his hind end, and shifted his hips forward enough until he could line up his cock with her vent. He gripped her raised leg with a hind paw and pulled himself forward, prodding for her entrance. Aislin cooed encouragingly as his tapered tip poked into her warmth. Saber growled lustfully as he sank into her soft, moist sex, sliding into her heated folds.

Aislin gasped and clenched her toes. Saber's hard length spread apart her muscles until his knot pushed against her entrance. Her tight muscles constricted around his cock, twitching as she adjusted to him. He nuzzled and caressed Aislin while holding her in a loving embrace. A forepaw caressed her chest while the other intimately caressed her lower belly. He intertwined his tail with hers and began to slowly dip in and out of her.

"Oh... Saber..." she moaned and relaxed her body, her head lying on the arm of the couch. "I love you."

Saber grinned toothily with a fuzzy warmth blooming in his chest. He sensually licked behind her jaw, flicking his tongue over sensitive scales.

"I love you too." He wrapped a wing around her as he began to nuzzle and nibble on her neck. While he intimately caressed her, he slowly humped her body, letting his length slide in and out with deliberate, gradual movements.

Aislin cooed and closed her eyes. She massaged him with her soft, internal muscles, pleasurably squeezing his hard cock. Saber moaned into her ear, gasping as he felt her clench down hard. He winced hugged her tightly, pushing into her a little faster. Aislin's soft moans encouraged him and made it clear that she was enjoying this.

Saber had never taken it this slow before and wished he had. This was one of the most pleasurable experiences he had ever had. It felt like they had all of the time in the world in their paws, so why would they waste it? What was the point in a quick finish if they could just mate like this for as long as they'd like?

Saber moaned and realized that mating like this for an extended period may not be possible. He was already feeling an orgasm building up as he gently pushed in and pulled out of her. He clenched his toes and cooed into her ear, rubbing her body with his paws. His blue hind paw held her tighter while his other foot mingled with hers, their toes mixing together. Saber slid his member into her and felt her muscles beginning to undulate.

Aislin moaned loudly and suddenly tensed up. She started panting and her sex pulsated around his length. Saber's eyes widened with surprise as Aislin's orgasm flowed through her body in a shuddering wave. He moaned with her, encouraging his mate as she reached the peak of pleasure. He gently nibbled sensitive spots in her neck while he continued to slowly dip in and out of her pulsating sex.

The way her muscles moved and milked his length made Saber groan. He enjoyed the pleasant feelings coursing through him as Aislin orgasm died down. She panted and relaxed again, cooing and moaning.

"K- keep going... don't stop... please," she quietly said between breaths. Saber happily nuzzled her and did as she asked. He was surprised that she climaxed so early. Usually he was the first one to have an orgasm!

As Saber continued at his steady pace, he felt Aislin flinch and her muscles twitch. He could tell that her flesh was extremely sensitive from her orgasm. She occasionally winced and grunted, making Saber concerned.

"Are you sure you want me to keep going?" he asked worriedly.

"If you stop, I'll smash your balls in," she hissed.

Saber gulped and retorted, "A simple yes would have sufficed." He waited for her reaction, but she was too enraptured with pleasure to respond. He smirked and humped her a little bit faster, eager to finish too. The claws on his hind paw clenched her gray scales tightly as Saber gently rocked their bodies back and forth on the couch. He pushed in until his knot stopped at her entrance and withdrew until his tapered tip nearly slipped out.

Pleasure welled inside Saber's loins, encouraging him to go faster. But he took it slow, enjoying every second of lying intimately with his mate. His instincts tried to convince him otherwise, but Saber was determined to take it slow. With each gentle thrust he felt the pressure in his loins building. Letting that pressure sit there and accumulate felt almost as amazing and blissful as an orgasm.

Saber moaned softly and nibbled her shoulder. Aislin licked between his horns, cooing softly next to his ear. He embraced her tightly while rubbing and caressing her underbelly. His thrusts were increasing in speed whether he realized it or not. His knot was soon slapping against her vent as their hips created wet smacks.

Aislin growled lustfully beside him, taking his eager thrusts with pleasure. "Oooh yes, Saber!" she moaned encouragingly. Saber panted and blushed warmly, feeling lust fogging his mind. While his one hind paw held tightly to her leg, his other hind paw moved to the arm of the couch, pushing against it to give him extra drive in his thrusts.

Saber held her tightly and suddenly felt his pleasure peak. He gasped and shoved his length as deep as he could inside her without knotting her, letting his seed spill from his tip. His cock throbbed and pulsed against her walls as his semen filled her. Saber snuck a forepaw between her legs and began to massage Aislin's clitoris. He moaned into her ear while lewdly slathering his tongue across her cheek.

Aislin cried out and climaxed, her shuddering orgasm claiming her body. She writhed as her inner muscles clamped down on his cock and milked him for a second time. Saber felt their warm, mixed liquids ooze out of her vent and past his knot, dribbling down to her thigh.

Saber sighed pleasurably as all of the pent up arousal finally released while his cock throbbed non-stop, ejaculating his seed. Aislin clenched her toes and moaned with him as her second orgasm soon came to an end. She relaxed, basking in the afterglow while Saber's warm seed filled her.

As Saber came down from his climax, he panted and caressed her light-gray underbelly tenderly, cooing softly. He nuzzled her neck with affection and grinned.

"That was amazing, Aislin."

A soft smile spread her lips. "So I've heard before."

"That's because it's always amazing," he retorted and flicked his tongue beneath her chin. She chuckled and nibbled on his jaw.

Saber was content in lying there with his mate while affectionately nuzzling, licking, and biting her. They remained connected at the hips until his length softened enough that it returned inside his sheath.

When Saber finally looked at the time, he was surprised to see that almost two hours had passed since he woke up. Another several hours remained until they had to work.

"So what would you like to do today?" he asked. "It's been a while since we last had a day to ourselves."

"We could go get lunch somewhere," she offered. "I'm not very hungry for a slab of meat and could use something a bit more."

Saber nodded. "I found this neat little restaurant with a patio for dragons the other day. They have umbrellas and everything!"

"It's too cold to eat outside," she complained. "What about somewhere that will allow us inside?"

Saber tried to think of all the places he'd seen, but he wasn't sure whether or not they were dragon-friendly. "I don't know... I can't think of any."

"I know of a few in the food court. We can look around there, but let's clean ourselves first."

Saber smiled and nodded again, following Aislin into the shower as they separated. He quite enjoyed showering with her now. Since they had the time, they made sure to clean each other everywhere, making sure to spend extra time cleaning each other's nethers.

Saber enjoyed having his testicles caressed, and Aislin knew that well, especially since after she _cleaned_his balls, she'd have to clean his exposed cock as well. He didn't mind that whatsoever, but he wished it would have gone farther than just a tease!

They finished and dried off, and were soon ready to leave as Aislin grabbed her necklace and coinpurse. Saber smiled as she put the necklace on, glad to see that she liked it. She kissed him and they were on their way to the center of town where the food court was.

As they touched down, Saber looked around, curiously eyeing the bustling area. Humans walked around, dressed in warm, winter clothing while a few dragons here and there made their way around. Saber noticed that even some dragons were wearing apparel to shield their bodies from the cold. He didn't think that was a bad idea!

Aislin and Saber padded side by side, looking around for a good place to eat. The cobblestone tiles were cold beneath his paws, chilling his feet unpleasantly. It was another cold, mid-autumn day. The skies were gray and melancholy, threatening to snow.

The food court was a long and wide street, filled with a variety of shops and restaurants. It was the most cultured place in town; it attracted a lot of public attention since humans seemed to travel here all the time, from in and out of the city. Walls were painted with soft designs, the architecture of the buildings was fancy, and street décor was excellent. Overall, it was extremely pleasant to the eyes.

Scents of different foods wafted into Saber's nostrils, filling his nose with pleasant odors that tickled his senses. Though he couldn't distinguish what was what, besides cooked meat, it made his stomach growl hungrily.

When Aislin found a suitable place, they stepped inside after Saber held the door open for her. Greeted by the warmth, Saber sighed and shook his body to rid it of the cold. His violet scales rattled. A smiling server came up and guided them to their seats in a section designated for dragons. The chairs and booths were specially designed for a dragon, sitting lower to the ground so a dragon could sit up and eat at a table.

Saber and Aislin sat together in a booth and went over the menu. Aislin leaned against Saber with her head resting on his left shoulder. He wrapped a warm wing lovingly around her, grinning toothily. This was much different from their first time eating together, and Saber really enjoyed it.

A few other dragons were in the same area as them, and so were another pair of mates. They were happily chatting away while they ate, seeming to be having the time of their lives just like Saber and Aislin were.

Aislin placed her order first, and then Saber right after. Their server returned with their food moments later and some water. Aislin ordered a sandwich, and Saber ordered a salad with an extra serving of meat. She laughed at him for it, but Saber thought it tasted pretty good!

They eagerly dug into their food and were done before long. They paid for their food and left, returning to the cold, outside world.

Saber looked around, wondering if there was anything else they could do.

"Should we return home?" Aislin asked. "I dislike mingling with human society."

That sparked an idea! Saber shook his head and bounced up and down eagerly. "Let's go see Rebecca!"


"The lady that sold me your necklace! She'd like to see you," Saber insisted.

Aislin grumbled. "Fine, but she better not be a snobby, stuck-up woman."

Saber chuckled and replied, "She's not. She's far from that."

They leapt into the sky and flew to the mall area, which was only a few blocks away. Once the small jewelry shop was in sight, they angled down and landed outside of it. Saber excitedly trotted up to the door and opened it for Aislin. She rolled her eyes and stepped in with Saber close behind.

Rebecca was helping a male customer and didn't quite notice them yet, despite the clanging bells that announced their presence. Aislin looked around with awe, admiring all of the pieces of jewelry set on display. Saber nuzzled her, looking at the items with her.

When Rebecca finished helping the customer, she finally noticed them. "Saber?"

Saber whirled around and grinned toothily. "Hey, Rebecca!" He was nearly bouncing excitedly again, glad to see his blonde-haired friend. "This is Aislin!" he said, nuzzling his mate as they walked up to the counter. Aislin turned and greeted Rebecca politely, her emerald necklace in plain view.

"Wow... you are beautiful, Aislin. Saber's told me a lot about you." Her smile was sincere and genuine as was her compliment.

The gray dragoness immediately blushed and dipped her head. "T- Thank you... Rebecca."

"Saber really did know what to get you... that necklace looks stunning on you. It matches you perfectly."

Aislin smiled softly, admiring it herself. "He's a bit more sensible than he seems, but not by much," she teased. Saber playfully tapped her with his tail in protest.

"Oh, I think he's quite the sensible guy! I have to help most of the men in here pick out what they want for their significant other. Saber, on the other hand, knew what to get you almost immediately."

"You didn't help him at all?"

Rebecca shook her head, and Saber held his blue chin up high and proud. "Nope. I even tried to convince him otherwise, but he was insistent on that necklace." Rebecca leaned forward and rested her elbow on the counter. "I'm glad you two stopped by."

"Why's that?" Saber asked. "Miss me already?"

She sighed and chuckled at him. "It's been a rough day so far. I had some asshole come in and threaten to tear up the place because I wouldn't lower the price on something he wanted. That, and business is picking up because of the upcoming holidays and I keep getting more and more customers. Not that it's a bad thing... but I'm probably going to have to hire some help because I can't help them all at once."

"You need some help?" Saber asked with an idea already in mind.

Rebecca chuckled. "What? Are you planning on working here again?"

Saber shook his head. "No, but we have a friend who was just fired. He could use a job."

Aislin nodded and added, "A human friend."

"Oh, really?" Her brow furrowed with thought. "Well... what was he fired for?"

Saber and Aislin both blushed and turned their heads away. Saber tried to explain. "Well... it's not his fault that he was fired... it was ours because... well, it was because of us," he finished, deciding that some information is best left private, also because Aislin hissed at him, obviously wanting that information to be kept private.

"Okay... I see," she said, eyeing them with scrutiny. "I guess I won't ask any further. What's his name?"

"William," Aislin answered.

"What about his last name? There are a lot of Williams around."

Aislin's face scrunched as she tried to recall William's last name. Saber didn't know it either.

"Sorry, I forgot that you guys don't deal with last names very often," she apologized. "Just have him stop by someday if he's interested. I'm sure it won't be a problem to hire him."

Saber nodded. "Thanks, Rebecca."

Aislin nudged Saber and gestured to the clock. They had about an hour before they needed to work.

Rebecca noticed too and said, "Don't let me keep ya here!"

"We do have to get going. See ya, Rebecca!"

She nodded. "It was nice meeting you, Aislin."

Aislin smiled softly and replied, "It was nice meeting you too."

"Take care of Saber, will ya?" She winked and waved at them as they waved back.

Saber stepped outside first and held the door open for Aislin.

"I'm going to start disliking that if you keep doing it," she responded.

"Why? I see humans doing it for their mates all the time!"

"Exactly," she hissed. "I find it demeaning. I'm perfectly capable of opening the door myself, you know."

Saber rolled his eyes and grumbled. "It's not like I--"

"What are you doing with that necklace!?" a man shouted, quickly approaching Aislin. Saber immediately jumped between him and Aislin and growled. The man stopped and glared furiously at them.

"That's stolen property! I'm going to call the police."

Aislin hissed and stepped in front of Saber. "What do you mean stolen?"

"You just robbed the store! Don't try to lie to me; I watched you walk out of there!" He suddenly lurched forward, trying to grab the necklace from Aislin's neck.

Aislin wasn't going to have any of that. She immediately struck him faster than he could react, tearing a few holes in his jacket without touching his flesh.

"This is my necklace, you bumbling moron!"

The man fell to the ground, clutching where she struck him. "Lying bitch!" He kicked at her, but Aislin backed up. He withdrew his phone and began dialing. Aislin jumped on him and grabbed the phone out of his hand with her teeth, biting down and snapping it in two. With her tail, she shoved him to the ground while growling threateningly. She made sure he was subdued.

Saber stood and watched, unsure of what exactly was going on.

Rebecca, having noticed the commotion, came running out of her shop. "What's going on?" she asked.

The man started screaming for help despite Aislin's hissing, continuing to say that he would, "call the cops."

"Oh, for God's sake," Rebecca swore and walked over to the man flailing on the ground. Aislin backed off and watched from a safer distance. Rebecca slapped him across the face to get him to shut up. "Those are my customers that you're harassing!

"They're dragons!" he responded.

"They sure fucking are!"

Saber raised an eyebrow at that. Even Aislin looked at him with shock.

"Get your ass off my property like I told you the first time before I call the cops!"

The man muttered a string of curses and climbed to his feet before walking briskly away. "You'll be receiving a call from my lawyer!"

Rebecca raised a middle finger for some reason and directed it at him.

"Wow, Rebecca," Saber said, "I didn't realize that you had quite the potty mouth."

"Sorry. People like him piss me off. I was about ready to slap him earlier anyway." She looked at them, her face flushed red. "Are you two alright?"

"Of course," Aislin responded. "We're dragons."

Rebecca grinned and began walking back into her store. "Sorry again! Have a good day!" She waved back at them as they exchanged farewells once more.

"That was odd," Saber said as they began their flight home.

"It's expected," Aislin stated, seeming rather indifferent about the situation.

"Why did he think you stole that necklace?" he asked inquiringly. "He seemed rather... insistent on it."

She looked at him seriously. "It's because I'm a dragon, Saber. Dragons don't wear expensive jewelry like this."

"Oh... so he just assumed that you stole it because you were in a jewelry store?"

Aislin nodded and stared straight ahead with steely eyes. Saber's mood dropped. After that incident, Aislin didn't seem very happy at all. She seemed angry, but she didn't really show it. Saber sighed.

After they briefly returned home, Aislin dropped off her necklace and coinpurse. Saber kissed her and went to tell William about the job, leaving Aislin to watch cartoons.

Ruari wasn't around, so William answered the door. Saber briefly told him about the job, and William happily thanked Saber.

"That'll be great! Thanks, Sabe," William replied cheerfully, patting Saber between the horns.

Saber grinned happily and nuzzled the human. "I have to get to work. See ya!"

When Saber returned, he noticed Aislin still had an expression of distaste contorting her muzzle. He wanted to know what was wrong, and he even outright asked her at one point, but she didn't bother to give him a reasonable explanation.

They departed for work soon after, flying in silence.

When Saber stepped into William's old office, he was surprised to see Mr. Donley not there, which relieved him greatly, but he was even more surprised to see Ruari sitting at the desk with a pen in his paw.

"Ruari?" Saber asked with wonder.

He turned around and smiled toothily. "Oh, hey guys! I'm employed here now!"

"Really?" Aislin asked. "Why are you sitting behind that desk?"

"This is my position of employment! I'm your manager," he said cheerfully, smiling proudly.

Aislin's eyes widened. "How? Mr. Donley hired you?"

The black-scaled dragon nodded excitedly and climbed off of the chair to greet them. "I met all of the requirements, and he was rather impressed with my resumé."

"Your resumé?" Saber asked, confused.

"Yeah... It's a document with your written experiences and education." He chuckled nervously and pawed at the ground. "Sorry. I realize that not all dragons have those."

Aislin looked at him with shock. "You have an education? I didn't think dragons could attend school."

Ruari shook his head and explained, "There aren't any schools that educate dragons around here. Before I relocated here with William, I resided in an even larger city. It was extremely difficult and tedious for me to attend, since there were countless humans that rejected me, but I persevered and received my diploma after a few, extensive years."

"That's amazing, but I'm still surprised Mr. Donley hired you." Aislin commented.

He searched for an answer. "What do you mean, my dear?"

"Well," she continued, "you're a dragon. He dislikes our kind."

"He appeared to be a chipper, old fellow to me. He even embellished me with several compliments before he left me to my work alone."

"We're happy for you, Ruari," Saber chimed in. "It will be nice seeing another friendly face around."

Ruari nodded and grinned toothily. "Yes, I look forward to working with you both." He bowed his head slightly and climbed back onto his rolling chair, looking like he almost slipped. "Now, I must return my attention to my work. As much as I love William, the blundering fool can't keep anything organized, and I've got to sort through everything twice over!"

Aislin and Saber both chuckled at that, and then they left him so they could prepare for another work day.

"Lucky bastard doesn't have to wear these suits," Aislin grumbled, dressing into the white and orange, reflective flight suit.

"I'm sure whatever he's doing is a headache," Saber replied.

"William hardly ever did anything. I'm pretty sure that's why Ruari took this job; since he's a writer, he can write his stories while he works here, making money along the way."

"Oh, that's not a bad idea," Saber commented.

Aislin nodded in agreement.

Aislin had her first package moments later, and Saber had a few envelopes before she returned. They were back and forth that night, not really getting much of a chance to see each other. Saber was glad he could talk to Ruari now instead of wallowing in boredom by himself while Aislin wasn't around.

Saber thought Ruari was probably the most intelligent dragon he'd ever talked to. Saber knew that he himself wasn't stupid, as he had a small education while he lived with his human family. He learned to read when he was just a whelp, and he expanded his knowledge rapidly during his adolescence. But he had been fairly limited due to the fact that he was a dragon.

Ruari, on the other hand, had pursued his thirst for knowledge well past what Saber had. The difference between them was evident, given how different Ruari seemed. He didn't act quite like a dragon, but Saber liked him and his unique personality.

They were sitting together in Ruari's office area, happily chatting away after Aislin had just left on her last delivery. It was getting late, and it was about time to head home.

"Saber! Ruari!" Rhona shouted excitedly as she stepped inside.

Saber whirled around and gulped, trying to swallow all of the mixed feelings gripping his throat. "R- Rhona... why are you here?"

She swaggered over to them with her hips bouncing up and down, her tail swaying back and forth deliberately. Her white scales were glinting beautifully while a satchel hung over her flank. "I came to apologize for yesterday. I happened to be in the area and thought I'd stop in for a moment."

Saber flushed as she stepped closer to him with her nostrils flaring. Saber covered her view of his genitals with his forelegs.

Ruari curiously assessed the situation, not entirely sure what was going on.

"Y- You shouldn't be here... Aislin could come back any second, and she's not happy with you."

"You told her?" she asked, raising her brows.

Saber nodded.

Rhona glanced at Ruari and returned her attention to Saber. She sighed. "Listen, Saber... I need to talk to you. Can we go back into the break room? I don't want Ruari to have to hear this."

"Oh, sorry!" the black dragon apologized. "I don't intend to interfere."

Saber gulped again and nodded, following Rhona into the next room. He shut the door behind him as she poured a cup of water from the fountain. "Would you like some?"

"Uhm... sure... what's this about, Rhona?" Saber asked. A grin stretched her lips, and she handed him a small cup.

"It's nothing, really. I just wanted to sincerely apologize for my behavior yesterday." She sipped her water and sighed despairingly. "I was desperate... and I crossed the line. I'm sorry, Saber." Her soft, blue eyes were kind and sincere. "I didn't want to build a wall between us."

Saber drank his water and mused over what she said. "You're not entirely at fault, Rhona. I shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place. I'm sorry that I got your hopes up."

She grinned and gently nuzzled him. "Thank you, Saber. I hope we can still be friends."

Saber returned the nuzzle and her smile and nodded. "Of course, but I'm not sure how Aislin will take it... I'll tell her that you apologized to me."

"I appreciate it." She opened the door and said, "Well, I guess I better get going before she comes back! See ya!" She padded away and left Ruari and Saber alone again. Saber felt a weird, empty feeling inside him. Rhona hadn't seemed quite like her usual self, but he didn't quite mind that.

"She apologized to you?" Ruari asked.

Saber nodded. "It was an awkward situation I'd rather not bring up."

"Ah, I see. She's a very... different dragoness," he said. "I've never had a female come on to me within the first few seconds of meeting them."

Saber grinned and chuckled. "Will you ever tell her you don't swing that way?"

Ruari smiled slyly. "If it ever gets too serious... but until then, I think I'll indulge myself a little."

While Saber waited for Aislin to return, he continued to talk with Ruari about his school life. But something felt... off. Saber felt a little sick and woozy, though he didn't really show it. He couldn't comprehend well what Ruari said while his thoughts were roaming elsewhere, but he nodded anyway, happily continuing with the conversation.

When Aislin returned, Ruari said his farewells for the night and invited them over if they wished to come. Saber and Aislin thanked him and went to undress. They finished and flew home in the chilly, night air.

Saber noticed that his flying felt a little strange and that his vision was wavering. He worried that he could fall out of the sky, but he tried not to show it for Aislin's sake. But she noticed as soon as he fell a few feet.

"Saber!" she cried out worriedly, checking to make sure he was alright.

Saber shook his head, trying to clear it of the dense fog that hazed his thoughts. "S- Sorry... I'm just feeling really tired..."

Aislin nodded watched him closely. "We're almost home."

Saber and Aislin returned to their apartment while Saber nearly dragged his paws inside. Aislin walked beside him and nuzzled him worriedly. He steadied himself and kissed Aislin goodnight. "Sorry to worry you. I'll be fine in the morning," he reassured.

Aislin nuzzled him tenderly. "Sleep well."

Saber gave a weak smile and trudged into the bedroom, closing the door behind him while Aislin stayed up to watch some cartoons.

Saber nearly fell as soon as he closed the door. He struggled to stay standing on all fours as he approached the bed. He could hardly tell what was what anymore as dizziness overwhelmed him. His entire world was spinning. What is happening to me?

A strange figure revealed itself from the shadows and approached him and nuzzled his cheek as he squinted and tried to see who it was. "A- Aislin?" he asked. His tongue felt heavy.

"No, Saber... let's get you up on that bed."