A night of change

Story by anonentity on SoFurry

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So while I may have made this account just to watch others I do have a desire to get back into doing creative things. Not sure I'm there yet but I thought sharing this little thing may help jump start me a little.

I used to play World of Warcraft way too much back in the day and while I never role play I always had a little plot building in my head as I played my main character. Once I was ready to transfer over from the Horde I thought this up and decided to actually write it down. I don't find it particularly impressive but its what I have on hand at the moment. I tried to tie this in with the source material as best I could and as such you may have to be a big WoW fan to really care about this.

So otherwise I hope you guys enjoy! And if you have any feedback and criticism on it I'm all ears! (probably the formatting, ha) I have a couple more involving these characters so I guess I'll fix those up and post them as well while I'm at it eventually.

The night sky was being choked by dark foreboding clouds that night. The moon only barely shown through the few spaces between, as if desperately struggling to illuminate the landscape below. But his eyes were not on the skies but rather the city below him. It had an eerie silence to it, as if it dared anyone to enter and face whatever dangers may be lurking there, be it one of the Forsaken, Alliance scouts or even some other evil. Judaus found himself still surprised that the existence of such a massive and baroque city had evaded attention for so long. Humans weren't exactly the most subtle race, and something as simple as a giant wall should have done little to keep both of the worlds factions out for so long. Regardless the perfect timing to visit this doomed land was upon him, with the Forsaken occupying the outskirts of Gilneas and the Alliance constantly harrying their advances with guerrilla tactics the territory itself was widely empty in its innermost parts. And within those parts his quarry would lay, if luck was on his side. The city had come and gone as his gyrocopter roared and whirred over it's harsh architecture and soon the gloomy and harsh landscape of the neighboring forests stood beneath him. He slowed his flying machines' speed and flew down, closer to the forest, the trees almost seeming to lash out at him in anger shadows twisting and contorting their shapes to the naked eye. He paid no mind to his imagination, he was seeking a certain part of the forest peering over the fuselage of his craft he shot his gaze everywhere in an almost bird like fashion.

As he grew more impatient his thoughts turned to the curious man he received the lead from. His manner was typical for a man of his trade, seedy and with a piercing gaze that only searched for one thing: money. That and the easiest means to kill you. His posture and his peculiar accent stood out to him there was also an air of viciousness that he had not seen from many before, not the blind blood lust of the Orcs yet not savage and deranged like the beasts of the earth. He couldn't place it.

"You want a tip on a relic. Something powerful? I got a piece for you alright. And it'll cost you, but I swear on me mums grave you'll be one of the few to know of it. Aye, any who do would sooner forget it!"

The man's shady appearance didn't make him doubt him more than he ever has any other person willing to part with information for a price, but using his shadow magic he could skim his mind. He seemed rather truthful, more than most. He spoke of a large acre that was filled with gnarled trees with not a single leaf on them he described it as a giant cursed blot on the land. It was named the Black Wald. As soon as those words raced across Judaus's mind he saw it. A giant hole in the forest nearly pitch black and only showing a part of its form with twisted braches reaching out into the sky like the decrepit ghouls he had faced in Northrend. Immediately he raced towards the area and pulled a pair of goggles over his eyes.

His flying machine slowed and whined as it shut down. Disembarking Judaus surveyed the environment, its imposing appearance none the more pleasant on the ground. The air smelt musty and heavy with moisture, which was strange to him at first considering the over abundance of dead trees present. It didn't take long for him it sense this places true nature though, supernatural forces were at work here and the familiar feeling of magic called to him, almost literally whispering in his ears. Whatever it was, it seemed to be originating from the center of this forsaken plot. That is where he would go.

He walked briskly through the trees, their thorns and branches scratching at him, scraping the flesh on his face and seizing his clothes, they almost seemed to be consciously trying to stop him in place, the snaps of the branches he forced aside and crunch of the underbrush beneath his feet seeming to cry out in protest. Considering the type of magic he sensed he wouldn't be surprised if it was. Suddenly a new sound joined the cacophony he was creating, it was much harsher, the sounds of wood being scraped shot through the air and into his ears and heavy steps and rustling of the brittle foliage came from behind him. Darting his gaze he course found little but thorny bushes and a fallen log. Then more of the same ruckus met his ears from different directions. Quickly he cast a spell upon himself, his figure faded into the shadows a muddied silhouette is all that forming his visage. Slowly he stepped forward searching for this would be stalker his mind clear and ready to send it to the nether with fear instilled in every fiber of its being. The sounds continued as he progressed and grew louder and louder, it was one, and it was close. Suddenly a form jumped out of the of a large bush, Judaus threw out his hand ready to cast a ray of pure agonizing shadow upon his assailant.

He quickly paused and watched the fox that quickly darted past him and back into the shadows of the forest. With his concentration broken his appearance returned to normal as he shook his head. "Damnable beast." His thoughts of the animal soon vanished however for his eyes had found the very thing he was looking for. Past the final bits of dying plant life stood a tall and imposing structure, a tree far larger than another others that had held onto what looked like Night Elven architecture in its giant branches, almost as if lifting it high as a trophy. Swirls of bright blue light swirled around its trunk, emanating the feeling of nature magic, a sly grin came across Judaus's face, this was it, the tree that housed not one but three druidic artifacts. The ground beneath the tree had been dug out beneath its enormous roots and there sat three fountains glowing vibrantly, likely the source of the magic. Without hesitation Judaus approached the three fountains, his demeanor now lighter with his growing excitement. "One more relic I'm sure someone could use to cause some idiot disaster. Let us see about relocating you to a place where none shall see you again." He reached for the brim of the fountain as a dull surge of pain surged through his body. He jerked himself back griping his hand as he glared at the fountain, its soft glow almost taunting him. He looked about the area trying to sense any sort of magical defenses, but he could sense none. Shaking his head and focused on the fountain intensely as he cast a shield of light upon himself, he would have this thing, somehow.

With a deep breath he reached into the glowing waters. His mind filled with horrific screams and roars of a demonic nature and his body felt as if it were about to explode. Just as soon as he dunked his hands into the pale waters he fell back onto the ground with a shrill cry. His muscles felt loose and weakened and his visions blurred. He turned his head up just enough to see the glow of the fountain again. He growled struggling to stand again, there was no reason for this, he has seen nature magic before and never before has he seen such a reaction in himself. He looked up into the trunk of the tree, veins of magic raced all over its surface, spreading along like some kind of parasite. He winced trying to contemplate what was happening, resisting the urge to run away from this place, this was clearly something more important than he had ever thought. The lines of light flickered and pulsed like a living thing, as he watched them he almost found himself in a trance of sorts. His thoughts seemed to bleed from his mind and the only thought that went through his mind was a word: Why?

Then his shoulder found a new pain, the feeling of teeth cutting and tearing. He shrieked and turned to witness a giant wolf beast snarling at him as he pushed him back to the ground and pounced on him swiping at his back and ripping both flesh and cloth. Struggling to gather his wit through the pain he cast a shield upon himself and let forth a terrorizing scream, sending the beast back in cover its ears and shivering in terror. Needles of pain stabbed his entire body as he forced himself to his feet and looked upon the creature. It was a Worgen, the same half man half beast abominations he had encountered in various parts of the world. Stretching out his uninjured hand he afflicted him with a curse of pain. The beasts mind wracked with aches and fears that he neither understood or truly physically felt. But they were real enough to send it into panic, as it staggered around helplessly swiping at horrors that weren't there. Satisfied the monster would be dead soon enough he gathered his strength and ran from the tree as fast as his aching legs would take him, cursing himself for allowing such an ambush. His breathe was labored as if the very air he was breathing was fighting him. Stumbling over rocks and branches he let out several Thalassian curses pushing himself to return to his flying machine.

His heart raced, his vision was growing darker and it felt as if a burden was being pressed down upon him. His muttered a quick can trip to heal his wounds, but the light didn't answer him, he couldn't focus on anything, only the pain. He slumped over to the ground one final time, the cold wet mud embracing him as he looked up to the sky, the clouds began to bellow with thunder and rain. Judaus found himself suddenly becoming angry he cursed the man who told him to come here, he cursed the forest, he cursed himself, he shouted hysterically. He closed his eyes tightly as he began thrashing and contorting wildly his own body seemed to be fighting him. Soon though, he would stop, and be silent.

He found himself in a dark place. A hill illuminated by nothing speckled with graves all around him. Before him stood a giant tree that peered over him as he lay on the ground wearily. Using all the strength he had left his looked upon it and stared in awe, the same he had encounter in the Black Wald only smaller, younger. In the middle of the tree though, a man was held by its gnarled branches imprisoned, slumped over and with shallow breath. The man was him. "I'm... dreaming. This is my mind. I'm trying to remember... myself? Why?" He couldn't understand, he could only stare at the man and the tree, hoping for some answer. He would expire once more before they would yield anything of the sort.

The sound of creaking and sloshing water met his ears. Still disturbed by what he had seen in his lucid dream he was too fearful to open his eyes. He felt strange, heavier somehow. He listened intently as the sounds of hushed whispers crawled to his ears.

"He's finally waking. Fetch some water." a raspy voice demanded. He could no longer resist and opened his eyes revealing the muddied sight of a ships barracks, from what he could tell anyways. A strange looking figure stood over him.

"Stay still, you will not be ready to walk for a bit longer." the same harsh voice belonged to her. He ignored her demands and sat himself up wincing at the pain that stung his back.

"Where are we? " he weakly demanded as he put his hand to his aching head.

"We are onboard an Alliance vessel, the Champion. They'll be taking us to a safe place." Immediately Judaus's eyes shot open, his vision clear and sharper than normal.

"Alliance?!" he turned to his caretaker and yelled in horror. She was one of the very same beasts he encountered earlier, and behind her were many more. He pushed himself reaching for his side arm in panic. To no surprise it was absent. He thrashed himself out of the bed trying to ignore his aching body and scamper to his feet. He had hardly got to his knees before three other Worgen had seized hold of him. As he struggled to gather his thoughts the woman waved her hand in front of him, a soft green light brought his mind a modicum of ease. He felt the presence of nature magic once more, something he was in no mood to see.

"Calm yourself. You are safe." A human woman came to her side and handed her a bowl of water. Taking the bowl and removing the rag wading inside of it she held it before Judaus. "Look. You, and all of us have undergone a change. You will need to accept that." Judaus glared at her as she motioned for him to peer into the waters reflection. He stared into her eyes as he struggled under his captive's grip, her gaze had an intensity about them, searching him for something. He returned the look letting a slight growl escape his lips before finally easing his struggle enough to peer into the bowl. What he saw was not his face, but that of a Worgen. His face froze as he looked upon his new visage, his fur was a pale white while his eyes still glowed with a dull green. Sharp teeth protruded from his mouth reminding himself of a Troll, a thought he reviled. Silently inspecting himself he turned his head many ways, his face failing to hide his inquisitive nature. Shaking his head he returned to a state of panic once more.

"Wh-What trickery is this? Enough I say! Unhand me you flea bitten beasts!" He tried to shake free of his captives grasp once more, quickly realizing it was futile. The Worgen woman looked at him with a judgmental glare as two human marines approached from the hall.

"Is everything under control Ma'am?"

"Yes, thank you." she gave them a dismissive wave as she locked her sight onto him. "We bear the curse of the Worgen, any denial will not change that, it's important that you remain as calm as you can, fear and rage will consume your mind." she channeled the same spell as before on him as before. Some time had passed but eventually he began to tire. He stared down at the floor as his mind raced for any other sort of explanation, any at all. It was clear he would find no other.

"Wonderful." he said in a monotone voice. He glared at the two that still held him. "You are free to unhand me now. I'm house broken." one of them rolled their eyes.

"Oi, drop the dog jokes lad. They are tiresome indeed." he released his iron grip with a slight push. He rubbed his arm as he glanced around the room, many of the same beast-men and women looked back at him, the few human marines guarded the entrances of the barracks watching him even closer. With an indignant expression he waved to them.

"So, this seems to be organized. Since when did the Alliance start shipping beast-men around the sea like slaves? Needing more muscle for their farmlands do they?"

"That remains to be seen." The worgen woman seemed to share his sharp attitude. "We have no choice but to join them. Lorderan, Alterac, Stromgarde have all fallen and so too our beloved Gilneas. Stormwind is the last bastion of humanity in the world and the only allies we can turn to."

"Though there is the mage kingdom of Dalaran, in a sense." The human woman sheepishly piped up. The worgen simply glared at her from the corner of her eye. The women cleared her throat and backed away as if being physically pushed away by her gaze alone.

"Regardless, if your heart beats with Gilnean pride you will find this whole ordeal as painful as I do, though I already question what pride you could have." Judaus cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh it isn't the first time I've heard that, and surely not the last. But tell me, if I am so unworthy why was I saved, how did you find me and the rest of these obviously equally pride lacking people as well?" he waved his hand to the others challenging her.

"You know our home, there are many places to hide. Not all of our people had been found when the Horde had occupied our city, and many were taken by the curse as well. While a campaign continues on the outskirts of our country there are still many that we have been able to bring back from feral insanity." Judaus nodded intently trying to mask his surprise, his predicament was nothing short of ridiculous. "And you would have known this if you had been drawing breath for the past six months. I find it curious how you evaded danger for so long, and behave as if you weren't at all present when the Forsaken and feral worgen set upon our lands, near the very site of the where a connection to the Emerald Dream lies no less." she leaned in closer baring her teeth slightly and a low growl rumbled in her throat.

"I needed to stretch my legs! For a long time." he joked trying to disarm her. "And I was thirsty. That glowing water is tempting, you'd have done the same."

"Do not jest with me you sham!" she shouted pushing him to the floor. "You sought to corrupt the wells with your horrible fel magics! Do not deny it! I can sense that horrible feeling anywhere!"

Judaus found himself growling back in a bestial manner "I didn't do a bloody thing! I was lost! And you know nothing of my disciplines Druid, if I wanted to foul your precious waters and trees I would do it with a bomb!"

"Enough! Both of you." a wizened worgen yelled out wearily. "Elrissa, whether he is a warlock or not is immaterial. As a brother of Gilneas he deserves salvation just as much as the rest of us. Is that not why you began this operation?" she turned to him glaring intensely. She knew he was right whether she wanted to admit it or not. She turned her back to both of them.

"Get your rest. We will be arriving in Darnassus. You in particular will need to steel yourself." she started out towards the hall in a hurried pace.

"Considering the circumstance you can't get angry if I say you're a bitch, isn't that right?" Judaus shouted. She turned back to him bearing her teeth with a baleful growl before leaving in a huff. One of the men who held him before growled also. "Oh come now! You surely were waiting for the opportunity to say the same thing!"

The air was moist, but in a far different manner than it was in Gilneas, it was almost soothing as a soft breeze blew over the city. Yet Judaus felt more threatened than anything else. He nervously looked to the Sentinels and other night elven folk, frightened one may recognize him regardless of his new shape. He found his senses sharper than ever, tormenting him as he listened to any little noise he could and any smell that met his nostrils, searching for whatever danger he could fathom. Trees and ancient towers seemed to look down upon him judgmentally and he wearily gazed back tugging on his new coat as if begging for it to comfort him somehow.

"Come along ! We mustn't dally!" Elrissa called out from the passing group he arrived with. He quickened his steps, his mind far too preoccupied to make a snide remark. Following them they arrived at a large hollowed out tree. The site was peculiar as many houses that looked as though they were lifted right from the streets of Gilneas stood around the trunk. Judaus raised an eyebrow at the site, as out of place as they seemed he appreciated the site of buildings that were more concealed. The night elven pagodas were in poor taste in his mind, typical of the mongrels his people grew from. He looked about intently as they passed through the town, both humans and worgen went about their lives in a seeming comfortable fashion, stalls stood with merchants heckling passerby's, and children played in the streets without a care in the world.

Despite smiles and cheers the others gave to them there was an unmistakable heart ache in the people's eyes. One he could feel himself sympathizing with. He looked to the ground as he reminisced of the time the scourge ravaged Quelthalas, the very same look was in their eyes, and in his. He was pulled from his thoughts as they approached the entranced of the Howling Oak. It reeked with the same magic that the wells emanated. He drooped his ears as a fear welled up inside him, something tugged at his stomach as if in protest. "Judaus! For the last time!" Elrissa scolded again and she entered with the rest.

"You make a disgraceful tour guide!" he rebuked. Swallowing hard he chased in after them, whatever was going to happen now he knew it would not end well. Inside a large well sparkled brilliantly, as wisps and all kinds of birds lingered about it. The waters seemed inviting in a way, but the fel energies inside of him started to manifest stinging him from the inside. He ignored it as best he could as a night elf addressed the group.

"Elune's blessing upon you friends. I am Belrysa Starbreeze. On behalf of the priesthood and the Kaldorei I welcome you to Teldrassil." Judaus scoffed at the so called priestess. Her gown was scandalous, a bright gold fabric with what looked like a gilded bra and skirt with large holes revealing most if not all of her legs, a holy woman indeed. A man stepped forward, likely a druid.

"As you are surely aware you have under gone a curse that will likely change you for the rest of your life. However there is hope, while you have been imbued with the essence of Goldrinn, the wolf ancient, you can re assume your original forms, and better hold onto your mind. If left on your own the potion created by Krennan Aranas will fail you. We are here to save you from this fate." he stopped before a fountain that looked much like same kind from Gilneas and scooped from it a chalice full of water. "Long ago, members of our order sought to master a new form, one of both man and wolf. The very form you posses now. It is an abomination and causes one to lose both mind and soul. This was never meant for the likes of any of Elune's children and the cost is dear, but those who repented of these actions however created a ritual that allowed such blind rage to be cleansed from the spirit." Elrissa and the Belrysa approached him with two other challises which they poured into a large basin. The waters mixed and glowed in a spectacular fashion, as it they had been filled with the essence of life itself.

"It was the folly of our kin that brought this curse into being, so it is our burden to guide you all to salvation. These waters have been ritually blessed and will bring balance to yourselves. The curse of the worgen is something you will always bare, but it can be done with a tranquil soul." Belrysa spoke with a soft assuring voice as she beckoned the nearest worgen over to the basin. Judaus watched nervously as they drank.

"That is well and good, but what can you tell us about ticks and fleas?" he joked trying to mask his fear again. The priestess looked towards him quizzically only briefly. Judaus heard one person behind him chuckle. He turned to the voice behind him, a worgen woman leaned against the entrance to the tree staring at him. He sensed magic that clung to her like smoke from a pipe, fel magic. He stared back with a mute expression before turning his gaze back to the woman that last drank from the basin. Her body shrank and fur receded, she was human again. Another drank and simply gained a new level of calm upon his face, no longer snarling constantly. One by one each drank and radiated joy. Only he remained.

"Come." Elrissa beckoned. He sheepishly approached the basin, the dull pain in his body aching more. He looked to Elrissa who only returned a cold stare. He breathed deeply and plunged his mouth into the bowl taking as large a drink as he could. Instantly his innards felt seared and he reeled back in pain. Never before had he felt pain this intense, even in all his travels he felt as though he was being ripped in two as he found himself screaming incomprehensible things in a demonic tongue. Visions flashed before, of a lone tree over a burning plain, then gnarled claws dripping in blood, then his father, then various demons crying out in fury, eventually they became a blur that he could no longer comprehend. The pain only grew more and more intense welling up inside him to the point of bursting. His legs finally giving away he fell upon his hands as he vomited violently. The crowd watched him in astonishment, Belrysa looked over him with a pity while the druid shook his head.

"A testament to how terrible it is to dabble in the arts of fel magic. I had sensed it within you as soon as you entered here. It is remarkable you have survived with such a strong taint, I pray this has opened your eyes to the consequences of your actions." Judaus fell over to his side hyperventilating as the druid offered his hand to him, his face full of judgment. Judaus swatted his hand away as struggled to stand on his own slowly he stammered towards the exit, he wanted out of this place immediately. Grunting and growling his every step became heavier till someone forced themselves under his arm, he looked to them in surprise, it was the woman who was watching him before. Her face painted with what looked like sincere concern, with a hint of playfulness, her longer than average ears flitted about disturbing the dark brown bangs the nearly covered her eyes, she was a curious sight.

"Careful now darling! You are in no shape to be wandering off by your lonesome!" she seemed to smile, or at least it looked like she was. "Come with me, you can rest at my sister's home." He pulled himself way.

"Kind as that is I've experienced the pains of drink before. You have a variety of sick puppies to tend to, bother them." her "smile" only seemed to widen.

"Now, now none of that! I have questions to ask you, I find you fascinating!" her voice was as gleeful as a child during the eve of winter veil.

"I find myself fascinating as well." he retorted dryly as he tried his best to get away from her. The three watched the two leave.

"He should not remain here. Elrissa, it would be best if you told him. Please inform him he will need to take his leave in 5 days." Elrissa nodded without hesitation.

"Must we? His condition could be unstable! he should be tended to!" Belrysa protested stopping in front of Elrissa. The druid shook his head.

"You let your guilt cloud your judgment, The druids of the pack, the Scythe of Elune, it's all in the past now. Elune is watching over him now." Belrysa looked to the ground with a sullen manner shaking her head.

"Yes of course. Forgive me." her tone was hushed as she stepped out of Elrissa's way.

"Beatrixe!" a familiar voice called out. It was Elrissa, her arms crossed as she approached in a defensive posture. "What are you doing here?" she asked coldly.

"Sister!" she turned to embrace her in a giddy fashion. "I heard you where returning from the homeland! I wanted to see how you've fared!"

"Well enough." her face soften only slightly looking down upon her younger sister almost in pity. "What's your interest in this sham? Have you not dug yourself a deep enough hole with the dark magic you already know?" Beatrixe only laughed.

"Why of course not! I can see power infused in his very blood! It's nothing short of incredible! You must teach me what you know!" Judaus sneered as he shook his head. beginning to walk off again. "Come now! Lets at least see about a peck of tea!" Beatrixe pleaded as she seized hold of his arm.

"Sister. Where are you going next?" Beatrixe looked to Elrissa almost perplexed.

"Why Stormwind of course! Perhaps you would like to come with? It's actually quite lovely there." Elrissa shook her head grimly.

"I've been told this man is not welcome here. Take him with you." she paused and stared into her sisters eyes with a hint of sorrow." Sister, be safe. Please." without another word she turned her back to them and started toward the Howling Oak.

"You too! Cheers!" she waved to her contently only to immediately droop her ears "That girl, she's such a bloody bitch sometimes." her tone was miffed.

"Well, so are you." Judaus mumbled as he began walking again. Beatrixe laughed.

"Right you are! So, what might I call you?"

"You might call me Scruffy, or Fido. Or perhaps Judaus."

" Judaus? Dashing! My name is Beatrixe, Beatirxe Wellard! but I suppose you already gathered that. So, how do you like your new body?" Judaus grunted.

"There's hair where there wasn't before thus making me far more flammable, everyone is too loud and..." He paused and sniffed the air. "Everyone stinks now."

"Oh too right, you get used to it though, why I just love being this way, people look at me with a hint of fear, and I get to be so tall! It's smashing!"Judaus smirked.

"Well yes, certainly it isn't all bad. I'm now tall enough to stare right down everyone's shirt." he quickly turned to her gazing down her blouse hoping to offend her. She merely giggled.

"Oh! Well perhaps I know of something to barter for to learn what you know! So, might have you known Vitus Darkwlaker? He is who taught me fel magic, but perhaps you learned yourself? I would assume so! You radiate the stuff! I have many questions!" she was excited beyond what Judaus could bare.

"Stormwind. Yes that sounds... adequate. I think I'd prefer such a setting to this over glorified garden. Especially since humans are known to wear CLOTHING!" he shouted at a passing Sentinel. "Shameless I say..." he mumbled shaking his head.

"Ah Stormwind! Yes I love it there, a touch too sunny at times but it reminds me of home. Where you planning to take the next voyage there? If we leave now we should be able to board."

"No. I assumed I'd swim there."

"Well! You'll have to teach me that as well. You know I can pay your way... just promise me you'll teach me what you know!" she stepped out in front of him, her hands on her hips and her expression, for the first time was quite serious. He looked to her wearily.

"Very well, I'll teach you now. Simple imagine something's mind..." she stared at him quizzically. Seeing a nearby squirrel he stretched his hand toward it releasing a dark tendril of energy into its skull. It squirmed and squealed for but a second before falling to the ground as a lifeless husk. Beatrixe's ears perked in excitement. "Then simply do that." Judaus said nonchalantly.

"Fascinating! Well let's move along, we have a boat to catch! Come along!" she began to hurriedly walk along the road almost with a spring in her step. Judaus sighed heavily. There was much to do, and reconnecting with his contacts and resources would be a challenge. He gave his coat a tug and adjusted his favorite hat pleased to see it still fit him. Perhaps this new body could aid him in his work, the foolish masses would certainly not cease chasing after dangerous magical devices and neither would he.