Open Season Chapter 54: Family Time

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#54 of Open Season

The FINAL Chapter!

Open Season concludes with this 22 page chapter, enjoy!

it has all lead up to this...


Chapter 54

Family Time

As time passed, Gwen's Pregnancy proceeded normally. It was confirmed a month later that she was indeed carrying twins. Cassandra was also growing round with the new life within her. A boy, the ultrasound indicated. Mike was overjoyed; a son to carry the Ferretti name into the next generation was on the way.

At the six-month mark, Gwen was complaining she was indeed turning into the Coona-year Blimp! Kel and I spent time cuddling with Gwen between us, caressing her belly--marveling as the little ones moved within her. The guest room nearest our room was converted into a nursery.

Kel faithfully took Gwen to Lamaze classes. I attended as many of them as my schedule would allow, which was most of them. And aside from a bout of morning sickness, Gwen was radiant throughout. Kelso, being the trooper she was, gladly stepped up to take over Gwen's "wifely duties" as Gwen had been "benched" from those activities when she approached the six-month mark.

Phone calls to Helen Coona reassured the young skunk that she wasn't going to burst, despite how she felt at the time. Then that fateful day arrived--the day that Gwen had been secretly dreading--the day Rick brought out the camera.

"Noooooo hoho! I'm huge!" Gwen wailed, waving her arms at the grinning raccoon.

"Exactly my _point_love, you're radiant!" I cooed, trying to get her in the frame.

"St-hop, you _can't_even get me in the frame." she cried, laughing despite her distress.

"So I'll back up a little." I said, maneuvering for a shot. Kel sat, doing her best not to laugh _too_loudly at Gwen's antics.

"You'll need to back all the way to Portland to get me in the shot!" Gwen mewed piteously.

"Hon-ney, you're gloriously abundant with our children, and I want to capture your loveliness on film." I pleaded good-naturedly with my protesting wife.

"You'd need a six-shot montage just to get all of me on film!" she giggled.

"So, I'll make a poster!" I chortled raising the digital camera once again.

"Noooo!" she wailed, wobbling down the hall, making her way to the bedroom.

"Oooh, great idea hon, boudoir shots!" I called after her, snapping a shot of her retreat.

"AAAARrrgggh" Gwen howled, leaning against the wall for support and laughing at my last comment in humorous frustration. This was too much, Kel grabbed her sides laughing uncontrollably and rolling off the couch to land with a thump on the floor.

"Hon-ney, you were a model. Strike a pose," I managed through my own giggling. Kel's laughter was infectious. "My folks want to see you. So until we can get down there, or they can make it up here, all we can do is e-mail them pictures!" I pleaded, this was _way_too much fun.

"O-okay, let's try a simple chair shot." Gwen relented, padding out and bringing one of the dining chairs, she demurely sat with her legs crossed and her paws over her breasts.

"There, how's this?" Gwen asked, a delightful smile on her muzzle.

"Great." I snapped a frame. "You look beautiful hon," She next went into the kitchen tied on an apron and smoothed the fabric over her distended belly and turned a profile. I took another capture.

"Kel, get in this shot!" I directed, now putting on my veritable '_ Mr. Camera' _hat. She stood next to the pregnant fur.

"Perfect! One more. Face each other, and hold hands..." I snapped one more picture.

"Okay Rick, _your_turn," Kel said as she reached for the camera. I stood side by side with my wife, grinning and pointing at her belly. Kel captured that shot.

"Kneel, Rick and face her--ya know--venerate the Buddha Belly!" Kel chuckled as I got into position.

"What?" Gwen squawked, as I placed my hands on her belly and Kel captured another shot.

"You know," I said as I slowly rubbed her belly in a circular motion. "Rub the Buddha, rub the Buddha, rub the Buddha." I intoned in a reverent voice. Kel snapped another frame as Gwen swatted at me. "Perfect!" Kel crowed.

"WHAT? You didn't!" Gwen squawked at Kel.

"EEP!" the vixen chirped, nodding with a big grin.

"Okay, upload them to the comp and lets see what we've got." I smiled, hugging the mother of my kids to be. "I love you, my beloved skunk-mom."

Gwen stroked my cheek with the most loving look in her eyes and whispered, "Love you too, my procyon Papa."

"Pics are up!" Kel announced from the computer hutch off the dining room. There were nine thumbnail images on the screen.

"Ooh, nice," I said as Gwen clicked on the second image, the one of her sitting on the chair.

"Aargh,see_I told you I was _huge!" Gwen complained.

"You're beautiful!" Kel and I said in unison.

"Bah, cultists!" Gwen grumbled teasingly.

"Cultists?" I asked with a grin.

"Cult of the Swelly Belly" Kel answered, caressing Gwen's abdomen. We all oohed as Gwen cycled through the pictures; the ninth was an image of the ultrasound of the twins. Two pear shaped baby blobs with tiny muzzles, tails, paws and feet. Everybody "awwwwed." Gwen looked lovingly at her swollen belly, smiling and running her paws over it as if to cuddle the children growing within her.

"Thanks guys--you know hon, you're right. I may be huge, but I feel beautiful."

Kel and I enfolded the seated skunk in a loving embrace, each placing a hand on her belly and were rewarded with movement by the twins.

"Oof, looks like they want to get in on these hugs too." Gwen beamed at her kids yet to be.

I drafted a quick e-mail to my folks and attached six of the nine images; one of Gwen in the chair, the profile, the first with Kel, both ones of me and the ultrasound of the twins.

"There, that should give them some material for bragging rights in the grandparents' club." I chuckled, hitting 'send.'

=Two and a half months later=


"Rick..." Gwen said with a hint of distress in her voice.

"Mmm? Uh, Yes, what is it hon?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Call the Doctor. My water just broke." Gwen said with an inward smile.

I'm very awake at this instant! "What? OH--right!" I fumbled for the phone, failing my dexterity check as it tumbled to the floor. Fortunately, I managed to hit the Doctor's speed dial on the fourth try, and after an eternity, he picked up on the sixth ring. "Mm, this is Doctor Procyon."

"Doc, it's Rick Coona. Gwen's water just broke!" I said on the edge of panic.

"Calm down, Mr. Coona. " The doctor soothed. "Everything is on schedule. Perfectly natural--I'll meet you at Mercy General in forty-five minutes. How far apart are the contractions?"

"Oh God, I've got no idea! Honey, how far apart are the contractions?"

"Ummm, about five minutes, I think." Gwen grunted as a slow contraction passed.

"OH God Doc! She says five minutes! Can we still make it to the hospital or should I start boiling water or something?" I felt like my whole world was coming apart at the seams.

"Everything is fine,Mr. Coona!" The Doctor chuckled. "There is plenty of time to get to the hospital. Please keep it under the speed limit. I haven't lost an expectant father yet. I'll see you at the hospital."

"What? Oh, right, Thanks doc, um bye." I looked around quickly trying to think of what to do first. Gwen was drying herself with a towel, a look of unearthly serenity on her face. Gods she was beautiful! I went and got Kel up, announcing it was zero hour. My next order of business was to throw on some clothes and get the Rolls out of the garage. They were going in style; this was after all, a _very_special occasion.

Poor Rick, Kel thought. He's acting like he just bolted twenty espressos in three minutes--new father jitters. They talked about that in Lamaze class, she recalled as she helped Gwen get ready. Fortunately her bags had been packed over a week ago.

Gwen had a paw on her belly exhaling in a grunt. "Ooh, these guys want out...soon!" She smiled at Kel who took her bags and lent a paw as they made their way to the waiting car. I sat in the Rolls parked by the front door willing myself to relax as I waited for the girls. It was a beautiful clear late April day--the full orange moon was just starting to set and the sun would be up in a few hours. This was it, I thought; baby day. I would get to meet my kids today.

I looked over in time to see the girls emerge. Pausing at the edge of the porch, Gwen grabbed the rail for support as another contraction hit. I dashed to her side,

"Honey, are you okay?" Kel turned from locking the door as Gwen was trying to reassure me.

"I'm_fine_love, it's just your kids want to come out and greet the world...Now! Oof, They are kicking up a storm. Easy you two, no fighting on your birthday." I helped her to the car as Kel set the bags in the trunk and taking her place next to the mother to be in the back. I let as much tension flow out of me as I focused on the drive to the hospital. Three contractions later we arrived. Kel helped Gwen out as I dashed into the E.R., skidding to a stop in front of the nurses' station.

"I'm having a baby! My _wife_is having a baby--no--_babies;_it's twins! Who do I go where?" I stammered in a panic.

The lop-eared rabbit duty nurse in the green E.R. scrubs just grinned radiantly at the babbling expectant father. "You must be Mr. Coona. Dr. Procyon said you were on your way. Now, where is the mother to be?" she asked sweetly. New fathers panicked so well it was endearing to watch, she thought.

"What? Oh! are!" I was looking around frantically for Gwen and Kel when I spotted them waddling in the sliding doors. The Nurse turned to a similarly-attired otter femme. "Samantha, would you take over here while I run Mrs. Coona up to maternity?" she asked, as she came around picking up a wheelchair on her way to meet the waddling skunk.

"Sure thing Rosanna." Samantha smiled, taking her place behind the desk.

"Hello dear, you must be Mrs. Coona. Dr. Procyon's expecting you. Now if you will have a seat, I will wheel you up to maternity. I'm Rosanna, by the way." The rabbit smiled. Gwen sat with a great sigh. "Oh, seems they are jockeying for position," she chuckled as we headed for the elevators to the third floor maternity ward.

"You picked a _great_time to come in." Rosanna said. "The _last_full moon, we had laboring mothers lined up in the hallway; it almost reminded me of a teamsters convention." The rabbit chuckled as the doors opened on the third floor, which was the maternity ward.

The birthing rooms at Mercy General were a wonderful place to bring a new one into the world. They were done in blues and greens; the lighting was diffused and could be adjusted to a subdued cozy ambiance. Each room had both a birthing bed and chair with overhead straps suspended from the ceiling to allow gravity to assist in the birthing process. There were handrails set in the walls to give the laboring mother something to use for support, as

well as an adjustable sling with stirrup straps. Of course, there were the standard padded stools on casters the doctors would use for delivery; often referred to as "Catchers' seats." Additionally, there was a couch for the fathers to sit on to keep them out of the way.

As the nurse wheeled her into Birthing Room #4, Gwen noticed that it had a lovely forest mural along one wall, and a picture window looking out on the Cascade Mountain range.

"Oh, this is wonderful--oof!" Gwen bent slightly "It seems they like it as well." Gwen smiled at the nurse who nodded sympathetically.

"Thisisa nice room, my two were born here." She said.

"Oh? Then thank you for bringing me here." Gwen beamed at Rosanna.

"Let's get you all set up here, and I'm sure_Dr. Procyon will be along soon. " she said, installing Gwen in the birthing bed "_to start" so she'd be more comfortable. The rabbit quickly and efficiently set up the monitoring equipment, and soon Gwen was beeping away. "Now, is there _anything_I can get you hon?" Rosana asked.

"I am a tad bit thirsty..." Gwen nodded.

"Ice Chips." The nurse nodded. "I'll be right back, you just relax and let nature take its course, okay?" she said, reassuring the new mother to be.

"Thank you." Gwen called after the retreating nurse.

I was immediately at her side. "Is there anything I can do for you hon?"

"Oh, I don't think so love. Remember, it was you _doing something_that got me here in the first place. You really plowed me well love." Gwen smiled, her green eyes sparkling.

"Oh yeah, I know what you mean there, Gwen." Kel chuckled with a wink.

"Oh my god Honey I'm soo sorry!" I blurted out, causing Gwen to laugh, interrupted by another contraction. I must have looked like I was feeling horribly responsible for her current predicament, which if I'd thought about it, I was. But it takes two to tango! Kel noted by the clock on the wall they were coming about every three to four minutes now.

Nurse Rosanna returned with a large cup of ice chips. "Here you go hon, I've informed doctor where you were and he should be here in about ten minutes. Now, if you need anything, push that call button and someone will be here presently." She radiated friendly professional confidence.

"Now, I need to get back downstairs. Good luck hon and congratulations; it's a great adventure."

I was holding Gwen's hand--loving her very much, when I heard Kel say "Now _that_would make a nice picture." And indeed she snapped a picture.

"Oh damn! I forgot the camera! D'oh!" I cried, slapping my forehead for being so stupid! Kel snapped a picture of that too. "I didn't!" Kel giggled as she snapped away.

Three or four contractions later a large, jovial raccoon with a white lab coat over his blue scrubs walked into the room. "Well now, who's ready to deliver a baby or two?" he smiled as Gwen raised her hand returning his grin. Kel, for her part, captured another shot.

"Dr. Procyon, thank God you're here, she's getting worse!" I blurted out. Everyone in the room gave me 'The look.'

"Worse, Mr. Coona? I _hardly_think that's accurate, but what do I know. _I_only have eight years of schooling _and_twenty-five years in practice. What's _that_compared to the opinion of an expectant father?" Charles chuckled, patting me on the back--for I had that inevitable 'pole-axed' look, I swear it must have flown out of my mouth without brakes!

"Rick, females have been birthing babies since time began, it's a natural process and you feel useless, am I right?" I nodded glumly as Kel took another photo.

"Thought so. That's why midwives used to have males boil water, it gave 'em something to do and stay out of their fur." I wilted. Charles chuckled good-naturedly and sympathizing with me. "I know what you're going through, my friend. I got to deliver my two kids, it's one of the perks of being a doctor, don't you know. Just be _glad_we have these birthing rooms. Back in the day, new fathers had to pace the waiting room floor while their wives were wheeled into an operating room. So why don't you have a seat, and let this good lady do what nature intended?" I nodded, pulling up a seat on the couch next to Kel who rubbed my back as I sat with my head in my paws--feeling useless.

"Now then, my dear. How are you coming along?" the Raccoon doctor asked. "Oh-oof!" Gwen bent slightly. "_That_was a bit stronger then before."

"Well it looks like your kits want to come out and meet their mom, or play." He gave Gwen's paw a reassuring squeeze as he checked the fetal monitors. A quick ultrasound confirmed his suspicions.

"Well my dear, it looks like they both want to claim first place in the birth canal. It shouldn't be a problem, twins usually sort it out when--if you'll forgive me--push comes to shove." He flashed her a quick smile, and Gwen just rolled her eyes at his choice of words.

"But we could go with a Cesarean if you would prefer to have them out right away?" Gwen shot him a shocked look. "No thank you_Sir_. Not unless there is no other way. I want them to enter the world as nature intended." Gwen tapped her belly, "You hear that kits, stop fighting or the doctor here will open me up and send you to your room!" Gwen grinned at her mock anger. "Now behave." she chuckled; her belly visibly moved as the twins shifted in her womb.

"Oof! Watch that knee Junior, that's mommy's _rib_there!" Gwen rubbed her side. After a quick exam Dr. Procyon declared, "Well, you are at twelve centimeters; whenever they are ready to decide who goes first you can begin to push." Then a massive contraction racked her body.

"Whaaaaa-hooooooh!" Gwen wailed, panting rapidly. Kel and I were at her side a moment later as another hit. "Grrrrrrrrrrrr-ha-ha-ha..." Gwen grunted through the contraction with a look of concentration on her face.

"Ice!" she snapped. Kel began feeding the laboring skunk ice chips. Meanwhile, the doctor pulled up a seat and got into position. "Okay now my dear, breathe through it, good. Now, when you feel the next one crest, push." the doctor coached.


Gwen rode through the wave of pressure.

"Oh honey, you're doing great." I comforted.

" Look what you did to me! You son of a bitch!** AAAGH!**" she snarled as another contraction hit.

Seeing the devastated look in my face, Charles just patted my knee. " S'okay son, She's just going through transition, it's a normal part of labor..."

"WAAAAAAAAAH they're moving! OOOOOOH-AAAAH!" Gwen sat more upright pushing through the contraction, then collapsing back panting. "Oh wah,_that_was!"

"You're doing fine Gwen; would you like to move to the chair? It will give you a gravity assist, unless you're comfortable here?"

"N-NNNOOT OOOOH. HUGUH RRRrrr!" she groaned incoherently, panting all along.

The doctor placed his paw over her pelvic arch. "One of em's on the way down, two or three more pushes and we will see your new kit." Charles smiled, seemingly not at all concerned.

Two minutes later, Gwen was a lot farther along. "You're crowning, now PUSH!" "Uggggh-oowaaaah!" Gwen intoned as one of the twins was finally delivered!

"IT'S A GIRL!" The doctor held a miniature black and white skunk kit with a pale brown mask over her eyes. He brought the kit close to Gwen so she could see. "Your Daughter!" The kit mewled, sounding almost like a squeak. We could only respond with an "Awwwww."

"She's beautiful hon," I declared amazed at the miracle unfolding before me.

Three minutes after, Gwen began to deliver our son. "Congratulations folks, It' a BOY!" The doctor held up a cute brown and white raccoon kit with a white stripe running from the tip of his pink nose to the base of his ringed tail.

Both kits were wiped down, swaddled, weighed and measured; twenty-two inches and six pounds each--then they were placed on Gwen's much deflated belly. She held them, drawing them to her breasts where they rested in the crook of her arms. "Happy birthday, you two." Gwen whispered exhaustedly as Kel immortalized the moment on camera. A muzzle-splitting smile framed Gwen's face, and outside the sun crested the Cascades as the kits latched onto mom--a scene so beautiful Kel had to capture another shot. Indeed, it was a beautiful day to be born into the world.

"Got any names picked out yet?" Dr. Procyon asked. Gwen nodded and she identified her daughter, "This is Kacy Kelso Coona." Kel gasped at this new development. "And this fine young male is Richard Randolph Coona."

"Well congratulations to all of you, and happy birthday to Kacy Kelso Coona and Richard Randolph Coona, my newest patients. Looks like you two chose a beautiful day to be born..." Charles beamed, looking out the window at the glorious sunrise outside.

"Oh my god," I whispered reverently "They're so tiny, absolutely perfect. Look at their tiny paws." I stroked them with a finger as they suckled their mother. "Those ears!" Charles nudged Kel, pointing at the look on my face, and she framed the picture. "Behold the veneration of the newborns." Kel whispered as Charles nodded. "I never get tired of seeing that. So I guess this makes you an aunt after a fashion?" Kel nodded. "Yup, and I'm just so...the miracle of life." she sighed.

"I'll see to it that a bassinet nest box is brought--oh, here it is now." The doctor indicated a large Plexiglas and mesh cube with soft cuddly blankets that was being rolled in by a honey-badger maternity ward nurse.

"Aaaw, they're darling, happy birthday!" She cooed at the twin skunkoons. "Congratulations Mom." She grinned at a rather tuckered looking Gwen. "Thank you," she beamed. "They were a lot of work, but I'm pleased with the results."

"Here's a nest box for when you want to get some sleep. And if there's anything you need I'm just down the hall, buzz me."

"Thank you Miss Aspen." Charles added. The nurse nodded.

"We've got another one on the way, ETA is under ten minutes, Doctor."

"Place her in room two, if you please." "Yes Doctor." the exiting nurse replied.

"Well, it looks like you started a trend here." He chuckled "Now if you will excuse me--" "Sure thing doc, you did a great job." I said without thinking.

"I think _she_did the great job here, _I_just caught them on the way out." He said good-naturedly as he left the room.

"Hey Dad, wanna hold your kits?" Gwen asked. She looked exhausted but radiant. "Ooh, could I?" I blinked.

"Of course. This_is your son--" She handed me the raccoon kit with the white stripe. "Hi there lil guy," I whispered looking into his bright blue eyes. "I'm your _dad." I nuzzled my son and he reached out and swatted my nose, burbling. I just melted.

Gwen handed Kacy Kelso to Kel who cradled her in her arms "Hiya, I'm your auntie Kelso. Welcome to the world, lil' one." She cooed as she took the bundle of joy to me.

"May I present your daughter, Kacy Kelso Coona." She beamed at me as I tucked my daughter into the crook of my arm. Kel took three steps back, snapping another picture. Gwen sighed contentedly, smiling at the newest additions to the family. "Honey, when you're done admiring our work there, would you please put them in the nest box? I think I need a nap."

I was in my own world this had to be the best day of my life. I was a father.

Kel patted Gwen's arm. "You get some rest hon, I'll see they get tucked in."

And with a contented "thanks," Gwen drifted off to sleep.

Kel just marveled at how I was with with the lil'ones. Curled up in my arms, their arms, legs and tiny tails tucked in looking all 'beaned up' and content, Kel had to admit they were gorgeous as she snapped another photo. I rocked slowly, the smile on my face one of pure wondrous bliss. The kits trilled softly in my arms as Kel brought the nest box bassinet over.

"Aren't they amazing! T_hey are so--" I leaned in, sniffing my children. "Have you ever smelled anything so..._wondrous. It's sweet_and a bit like fresh _cream."

"Gwen's taking a bit of a nap. When you're ready, we can put them in here." Kel whispered.

"Oh right, these lil'ones probably need their rest too." Kel lifted Richard Randolph Coona from my arms, sniffing him. "Hey lil' guy, I'm your auntie Kelso." She gently kissed him on the top of the head and set the little skunkoon into the mesh nest box. I nestled my new daughter next to her brother. Kel took one more picture, then rolled the nest box next to the bed within easy reach of the sleeping skunk.

Kel pointed to the door, after closing it behind her she handed me her cell phone. I looked blank.

"Your folks, call them."

"Oh yeah, right. Thanks." I flipped open the phone, punching in my parents' number.

"Hi Grandma! Yup, about six this morning--a boy and a girl--twenty-two inches and six pounds each, yeah big!" I chuckled.

"Oh, Richard Randolph Coona and Kacy Kelso Coona--yup, thanks mom. Well she asked us to name one after her when she introduced us. Sure, let her know she's an aunt. We will be E-mailing pictures when we get home...oh tell Max and Sally now they are an aunt and uncle! Can't wait to hear how she's going to react to Auntie KC! Okay, love you too, bye mom!"

The elevator opened with a wail of a laboring fem.

"Aaarrg God Damn IT Mike! This _Alien_you stuck in me is _ripping_me apart!"

Kel and I exchanged looks; we knew that voice. And sure enough, Cassy came wheeling out of the elevator flailing in a wheelchair, quickly followed by a panicking ferret.

"Mike, Cassy!" I called as we dashed to our friends.

"Oh Kel, thank_God_. I'm gonna--WAAAAAAAAH!" Cassy screamed grabbing her belly, as she was wheeled into Birthing Room Two.

"Rick? What are you doing here? Oh my God, my poor honey bunny's dying!" Mike wailed as he watched her being wheeled away--at least Kel was with her, he thought.

" Mike! My kits were born this morning--I'm a Daddy!" I said.

"What? Huh--I don't--oh really?" Mike stammered as I guided him into the room.

"S'all right Mike. We'll get you through this, believe me. If I can survive this, so can you. Let's see how Cassy is doing."

Mike froze in the doorway. "Oh my god! She's _beeping_again!" Chuckling, I responded, "It's all good Mike, relax." I saw that Kel was helping the laboring bunny get control of her breathing. Dr. Procyon made his entrance.

"Oh good, you know each other. I just checked on your wife and kits, sleeping peacefully. Now then, good morning Mrs. Ferretti--"

"WAAAAH!" Cassy screamed, arching her back, a death grip on the bed rails as she panted through another contraction.

"Ah...Nurse, I think a little Demerol is in order here."

A few moments later the badger nurse handed the Doctor a syringe, and he approached the wide-eyed, grunting bunny.

"Here's a little something to ease the pain and help you relax," he smiled as he injected it into her I.V. line. "There now, that should--" Cassy raised herself up on the stirrups, arching her back.

"Don't give me that s_hit--GIVE ME _MORPHINE!" she bellowed. "This little monster's _killing_me!" Cassy growled as Kel tried to help her breathe through the contractions.

"Oh my God, it's _killing_her!" Mike gasped dashing to her side,

"Wait, Mike, don't--" I tried but it was too late. Dr. Procyon just rolled his eyes, knowing what was coming next.

"Oh, honey love. Everything's going to be okay..." Mike simpered. Cassy turned on him, murder_in her eyes. "Get away from me you little--aaarrrgh, I'll r_ip_your balls off for what you did to ME! Arrrgh!" She glared at her distended belly as the baby moved within her. " THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! _" she snarled, trying to bite him.

"Transition." everyone in the room said in unison to Mike. I took him aside. "It's called Transition; It's a normal part of childbirth, Mike. You should have heard what Gwen said to _me!_It means your son's about to be born!" Cassy's breathing came in grunts and snarls. Kel placed a paw on her shoulder and sent a wave of calming energy into the laboring, panicking rabbit. Her breathing became more controlled and she looked more focused on the birthing process.

"That's better, Looks like the Demerol's kicking in. Tell me, Mrs. Ferretti. What's happening with the contractions?" Dr. Procyon asked.

"It--it feels like I wanna push, but there's an explosion of pain racing through my lower back." Cassy panted.

"Ah,back labor. I think moving you to the chair will help immensely, that way gravity isn't working against you." Kel and the doctor helped her into the birthing chair. Cassy took hold of the suspension straps and began squatting. A look of profound relief washed across her face. "Oh wow. That _IS_better." Cassy felt the baby shift forward taking pressure off her back.

"Okay, now when the next contraction comes, I want you to breathe into it, then push, then breathe." A moment later Cassy took in a huge lungful of air, growled, bore down and felt a slipping.

"Good, baby's in the birth canal. Shouldn't be long now!" The doctor grinned up at her.

"Th--th--that was better. No way _near_as painful." Cassy said between panting breaths as Kel moved behind her, massaging her back. "Oh, thanks Kel...that--UUUGH"

"Push! Push! Push!"

"Oh my gawd!" Cassy gasped. "RRRRRRGH!"

"Push, push, push, that's it--almost. Push, you're crowning--a little more and..."

Some very wet noises marked the entry to the world of Mike and Cassy's new child. "A-a-a-ah!" Cassy panted.

"That's it. Congratulations, it's a BOY!" the doctor chuckled, holding up a light tan and cream bunny/ferret hybrid.

"Oh, oh, oh Mikey! He-he-he's beautiful." Cassy said breathlessly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she hung limply from the straps, and the doctor held up her son. The little guy was a perfect synthesis of his parents; father's face and muzzle, mother's tail and feet and a melding of body shape.

"Oh my god, honey bunny!" Mike hugged his drooping wife. "You did it! We're a family!" The doctor weighed and measured the little lad and presented him to his father. The little guy let loose with a nasally 'Naah' that was so cute. As he wiggled in Mike's arms, Dr. P and Kel helped Cassy back to bed. "Look'e there Rick, at's My Boy!" Mike beamed, holding up his new son for me to see. Then he handed him off to Cassy.

"Congratulations, m'dear, 8 pounds 14 ounces, 21 inches long." the doctor smiled at the new mother.

"My _God_Doc, he's _huge!_No wonder this little guy felt like he was ripping me apart." Cassy giggled as she offered him a breast; he latched on immediately.

"Yup. He's Mikey's all right. A tit man from the start." she beamed at her husband, whose muzzle looked like a bottle brush.

"Congrats my friend--but I've got to check on my own lady love and our kits." Glancing at my watch, I saw that I'd been here over an hour.

Slowly opening the door to room four I peered in, Gwen was sitting up, a dreamy expression on her face. She grinned sweetly as I came in. The twins, a furry mass of sleeping kits.

"Hi love," I whispered kissing her. "My beloved, mother of our kits, my sweet soul mate." I mumbled in her ear, eliciting a trill from her. "My sweet love, we did it."

"Oh, guess who else showed up? Cassandra and Mike. They're in room two. She delivered a bunny boy with dad's face and color and mom's feet and tail. Adorable. Kel's over there now--is there anything I can get for you?"

"Not at this time, love. That's wonderful though, how did it go for the poor dear?"

"Fairly quickly, but she had back labor." I trailed off, knowing that if we hadn't acted, Cassy would have never been able to walk out of the hospital.

"He's a big bruiser--8 pounds, 14 ounces and 21 and a half inches long." I grinned as Gwen winced. "Ouch, that's huge!"

"Oh," leaning in giving her a big kiss. "That's from mom. She said to tell you that she's very proud of you; she loves you and is overjoyed at hearing the news of her new grand kids..." I just loved the look she was giving me. "In fact," I flipped open Kel's cell phone and hit redial. "--Hello, here she is..." I handed the phone to Gwen.

"Hello?" Gwen said, keeping her voice low so not to wake the kits.

"Helen? Oh thank you--no, no--they were fighting for first place, but Richard proved he was a gentlefur like his dad, and let his sister go first. No, no, they are right here in a bassinet nest box, cuddled up sleeping. Poor dears had quite a workout on their birthday--yes--Randolph was my father's name...I know he would have loved to see them--no, he died a few years back. Thank you Helen, yeah, I miss him--well KC has my markings with a light dusting of a mask over her eyes--what was that? Oh Randy--he's brown and white with a white stripe from the tip his nose to the base of his brown and black tail. Yup, just like Rick's...AAW thank you, Helen! Yes, we have pictures! Kel took some here in the birthing room. Wait 'til you see the one of Rick holding the Kits, one in each arm. I tell you the look on his face would melt a heart of stone." Gwen smiled at me.

"Oh yes, I love_being a mom. Thank you Helen. Oh do you remember Rick mentioning Cassandra and Mike? Uh-huh, that's right--well she just delivered an 8 pound 14 ounce, 21 and a half inches long bunny boy. Yeah, that's what I said--_Ouch. Oh, I know, it's so intense! Oh, oh Helen no, you don't have to do that. Okay, okay--thank you so very much, yes, yes you know best..." Gwen chuckled softly.

"Okay, will do, have a wonderful day grandma Helen! Here's Rick," she said, handing the phone to me.

"Thanks Mom. I think a diaper service is a wonderful idea; I know you said it saved you with KC and I, thank you--tell pops he's a grizzled old grandpa coon. I know, he's been practicing for years...I will! Love you."

Closing the phone, I turned to my wife, the mother of my newborn children.

"I love you, Mrs. Coona."

"I love you too, Mr. Coona. Father of my children, soul mate of my life." Looking over at her sleeping kits--a radiant smile on her muzzle--she reached out for me. I took her in a loving embrace; a family. We both _marveled_at the miracle of life--nestled together in the nest box next to the bed, the kits mewed softly in their sleep.

= END =