MLG poem (Credited to Simon)

Story by pizzaplatinum on SoFurry


#11 of Old stuff/To fix/etc.

Look at me, just pulling random things out of my google drive. I got this from a friend, Simon, and it's just gr8, m8. poem intensifies

Well, MLG quickscopers

Life for me ain't been no 720 instaswap crossmap carrier tomahawk suicide

It's had lag,

and crashes,

and trollers,

and dirty


But all the time

I quickscope

and I lurk

and rage quit.

And sometimes I run

when there ain't no shooter games

So MLG quickscopers, don't you turn back,

Don't you rage so hard you smash your xbox

'Cause you find it's kinder hard.

Don't you fall now-

for I have kept my cool

I believe you can too

And life for me ain't been no 720 instaswap crossmap carrier tomahawk suicide