Commission: Boobi Bonfire

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#33 of Commissions

Fun, quick little commission for azil31

Mandy breathed out a soft huff as she levered herself out of the car. The chubby boobi bird stretched her back out with a groan and looked around. She was out in the middle of nowhere on some land that belonged to a friend of a friend's coworker's relative. Or something like that. Still a bit fuzzy on the details overall. Only reason she was out here was because her friend had talked her into it. Come on out to the woods, have a good time, enjoy the unseasonably warm weather. The offer had been beyond tempting. Work had given her enough time off for the holidays. Paid vacation for two weeks? Don't mind if I do had been her only reaction. There'd probably be a few stragglers getting in some of that holiday overtime. Which is where she'd probably be if her friend hadn't pulled her along.

Well, either there or going to the gym again. Had to get her cardio in after all.

Julie, her elk friend, slipped out of the car and looked around. "I guess this is the place." She looked at the cars they'd managed to slip in between. Almost literally since the ground was a touch muddy and Julie's little sedan wasn't really made to go off road. Mandy looked at the cervine out of the corner of her eye. Always seemed like the elk was ready to step right onto the cover of a magazine. Or at least try to. She spent more money on clothes and whatnot than Mandy even cared to think about. Despite her style and grace and fashion sense there was always a little something that seemed to be lacking. Something that was on the very verge of unperceivable. Most people wouldn't even really care about it and just look at how lovely she looked. Mandy knew just how insecure she was behind all the glitz and glamour.

Mandy slipped her hands into the pockets of her hoodie and shrugged, "I hope it is. Don't think we'll be able to get back out easily. Not without help."

Ears flick as the elk gave a half smile towards her, "Maybe find one of these guys that could hook up and give us a nice little tug out of here once we're ready to go."

Beak clapped playfully, "Just so long as they don't rip our bumpers off." Julie looked at her, one ear flopping over in that cute way that it always did when she was confused. After just a few seconds both ears stood bolt upright and her eyes widened as her mind decided to give several vivid ideas of just what type of innuendo that could be.

The shock passed after just a second and the giggles started up almost immediately. She covered up her muzzle and giggled for a long moment. "Soo," she started as she came around the car, "you gonna get your bumper wrecked at all while we're here?"

She swung her hip and bumped into Mandy's side. The boobi swung hers and bumped the elk in return. "Probably not wrecked, but I'm not above a fender bender or so." Julie staggered from the bump, but managed to catch herself and keep from dropping her skinny jean clad ass into the damp grass. "What about you? Looking to get your..." She trailed off a moment as her car knowledge chose that moment to abandon her. Instead, she pulled her feathered hand out of the pocket and waved it. "Car based sexual innuendo that can be taken as wildly inappropriate."

It seemed like someone had planned ahead. While the parking area had only been lit up by a couple lanterns, someone had strung up strings of some really cheap lights to show off the path. They put out some really pathetic amounts of light. Really looked like those things you'd find at the dollar store. Out in the city, they really wouldn't be much more than just sparks of light here and there. Here in the woods, even these pathetic little lights were bright enough to show off the path. It was as if the stars themselves had shrugged little bits of dander off their celestial shoulders to light the way for their night of debauchery. Al the better to light their path and prevent them from accidentally breaking their necks. Would kind of put a crimp on their night if that happened, now wouldn't it?

Between the thick underbrush and the distance from the parking area to the fireside they were spared most of the noise of the gathering. Muted sounds grew louder as they rounded a bend. Thump of music blended with the drone of conversation. It grew louder and louder until they finally passed around a barrier of thick bushes and were blasted with sound and light. Both ladies had to stop and blink as their eyes adjusted to the overwhelming brightness of the bonfire. Someone had spent a lot of time stacking wood up high to fuel this all night bonfire. A pyramid of logs had been stacked and filled with branches before being lit ablaze. Other stacks of logs had been formed into crude benches and even couches for people to sit on. Camp chairs, inflatable couches, and even several mattresses that had been scattered around the area. Singles, couples, and even groups had formed a free-flowing mass of people. All colors and species of people mingled here. Lights shown down on a long table covered with food. Several coolers stood nearby, filled to overflowing with ice and drinks. Then the booze. Lots of booze. Looks like they'd bought half a liquor store out here.

What else caught her eyes was the box of cheap lights and wadded up blankets near the table. Didn't take a genius to figure out just what those were there for. Especially since a couple that were arm in arm with each other grabbed one of the lights, a blanket, and wandered off into the woods while practically eating each other's faces. Julie nudged her and pointed at the pair with a muted giggle as the large wolf paused mid-step and shuddered. The fox's teeth glinted in the firelight as he practically walked sideways, one arm moving against the wolf's front.

Mandy clapped her beak playfully, "So, want to have a score going?" She rolled her head to look at the taller elk with a sideways smile.

Julie looked at her with a curious expression. She moved her fingers just enough to her let voice come out less muffled. "What do you mean score?" She had to strain to her her friend over the thumping music being put out by the amateur DJ. Cupping a hand to her head, she leaned up. Julie glanced around before leaning in and repeating the question.

She gripped the elk's finger between two gentle fingers. "Get a score going. Not on who could get with more guys cause you'd win there." Even in the dancing firelight, it was a piece of cake to spot her friend's blush. "How about how exotic we can get?"

A huff came from the model-esk female, "Did you just come here to get laid by some random dude?" She leaned back and crossed her arms with a whuffle. Mandy only lifted an eyebrow as she reached forward to tap the elk's purse without a word. Ears fall back against her hair with embarrassment. "Point." Fingers tapped against her arm as she looked around at the assembled crowd for a second. "Alright, fine." She jabbed a finger at the boobi's beak, "But you've gotta have proof. A picture at the very least."

"Deal. Although should probably save the photo sharing until we're ready to leave." She snickered, "Don't want to be interrupting anyone's good time do we?"

Another one of those little giggles, they could get annoying if they went on too much, "Yeah, don't wanna have a bad time now do we?"

Many rolled her eyes, "No we don't. Divider and conquer?" Julie nodded and pranced off into the crowd, making her way around the fire. Mandy's hands found their way back into her pockets. While the elk went out hunting for a guy, Mandy decided to just sit back and wait for a moment.

Not that there wasn't plenty out here for her to pick from. Plenty of the usual lineup though. Wolves abound, not to mention a few equine and other cervine, and a small flock of other birds kinda just standing around here and there. Yeah, she could go over and see what was up with the, but she didn't give a flock. She giggled at her own thoughts and spared a glance around as she headed for the table. Julie was over talking with some big mule deer that looked like he might have more points on his antlers than on his IQ. As she watched, the guy flexed and Julie ooed and cooed over him a bit. Cute, but not really her thing. In her experience, bucks like him would be a small bit of build up to a very short showing. Eh, maybe Julie was gonna try for quantity and hope that one was more exotic than what Mindy could come up with. Or maybe she was hoping that guy had a more more stamina than he looked like. Who knew.

Venturing over to the coolers, Mindy started to sort through them. Couple good things, but most looked like the cheap piss water that liked to try and pass itself off as beer. "Anything good in there?" Mindy looked at the speaker and found herself having to do a double take. Standing right next to her was a feral gryphon. Actually, looking down his body she spotted some hoof like hind legs so a hippogryph. He stood tall enough to look her in the eyes; and judging by the flowing, rainbow colored mane, delicate looking cloven hooves, and slightly curved horn jutting from his forehead, looked like someone might have a bit of unicorn blood in them. Still feral though if a touch unusual. One might even say exotic. Although the bright eyes spoke of intelligence. Not to mention the fact that he talked just a second ago.

She shook her head and shuffled a couple of the bottles around, "Depends on your definition of good." She shuffled through the drinks before pulling one out. "Oh hey, a Mississippi Mudslide." The cap was easy enough to twist open with just a little help from her hoodie to grip the slick top.

Eartufts perked when she pulled the jug-like bottle. He braced a foreclaw on the edge of the cooler and peered in, "There another in there?" She'd already spied another when she was digging hers out. Handing her bottle over, she fished out the second and cracked it open. "Thanks!" he chirped, sitting on his haunches to take a long draw off the bottle. She took advantage of his anatomy and where she stood to take a glance down. His dark sheath stood out sharply against the light almost too white, feathered pelt of his belly. Definitely a very horse-like layout down there and just looking at the size of his balls it looked like he hadn't been drained in a bit. His long, slender beak clapped as he finished the bottle and looked around for a second before rearing up on his haunches. The now empty jug was tossed through the air and landed in a box that had been converted to a trash can. "Nothing but net!" he cheered before dropping and looking at her with a sideways grin. "Name's Guy by the way."

She sipped her drink and murred, "Mandy." Ceramic tapped against beak as she thought for a second. "Gotta say, I've never seen anyone that looks as... impressive as you." She kept a watch on the hippogryph out of the corner of her eye as she took a long draft. Feathers ruffled and he stood a bit straighter at her words. The corners of her bill turned up in a smirk, the firelight hiding the expression as she downed the drink. Stepping towards the male, she held out her empty bottle. "Do you mind?" she trilled as she fluttered her eyelashes.

Guy's chest puffed out a bit more, "Not at all." He took the empty bottle from here and reared back before lobbing it towards the trash again. Thick bottle bounced off the tree before rolling around of the trash barrel before dropping in.

This time when he reared back, she wrapped her arm around his neck and practically purred into his ear, "Handsome and skilled." She could feel him preening under the praise and her words as she purred at him. His slender beak combed through the feathers of her neck as he basked in her praise. She returned the light preens and let her beak work up over his neck and braided, brightly colored mane. The boobi smiled as she whispered at him, "Want to slip off into the woods for a walk?"

Her eyes narrowed just a touch as his beak worked along her neck and scratched lightly into her skin. She could feel his chest heaving as he breathed in her scent, "Sure you just want to go for a walk?"

Eyes rolled slightly as she giggled. Leaning in against him, she let her hand snake down across his broad chest. It took a bit of a stretch but she was able to let her feathered fingers brush over the smooth flesh of his sheath. "What do you think, handsome?" His beak clattered with a hushed moan. Mandy bent forward and let her tail flick a bit as her fingers tracked down the sheath a touch more before she stood up. She winked at him and let her tail feathers dance against his cheeks as she ventured over to get the light and one of the blankets. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the blankets probably weren't what one would consider clean. She didn't really care at the moment. Just wanted something to keep her out of the dirt while she had her fun with this guy.

Mandy glanced over her shoulder and saw that Guy was practically on her tail, beak inches from her back. She took a quick look around as she collected a light. Didn't see Julie anywhere. Knowing that elk she was probably using her looks to get a hold of some guy out there. She smirked and flicked her tail against his throat again, prompting a trill from the male. He strolled up alongside her as she turned on the flashlight, "Been out here a few times," He glanced at her with a sideways smile and a bright sparkle in his eyes, "Friend owns this place and I've been practically everywhere out here." Guy paused for just a second and ducked his head down to a satchel he had slung over his shoulder and dug out a light. Fiddling with it, he snapped it on and hooked it to the strap across his chest before heading deeper into the woods.

He really did know his way around. The hippogryph dove into the woods and abandoned the path within mere moments. Tail switched behind him as he sauntered through the woods ahead of her. She smiled to herself and stepped closer behind him as he picked his way through the woods. Mandy waited for his tail to sway off to the side before reaching in and gently fondling his balls. Wings shuffled against his back as the male breathed out a moan and slowed his pace. Mandy kept her touches light, never grabbing, only petting over the velvety soft orbs. Her fingers brushed and rolled over his balls and teased him ever so gently. They were nice and heavy, far heavier than what most males would have. One of the advantages of being a feral it seems. Tongue stuck out of her beak as she playfully juggled the orbs. Guy twisted his head to look back at her with his intense gaze, "Keep that up and we might not make it to where I want to get to."

She took a step closer and rubbed her fingers up along his sheath. "Don't think you've got more than one in you?" He stopped as her fingers coaxed along his swelling sheath. The skin was so smooth and hot under her gentle touches. Guy shuddered under her soft touches as she worked his privates. "You're a big, virile, strong male aren't you?" His body arched as he shuddered, hips clenching to keep his cock contained.

Guy flicked his tail against her face, "You wouldn't believe how virile I am, babe." He half pranced to get away from her groping hand and spun to look at her. He leaned in and nibbled at her beak. "Two more minutes and I'll get you somewhere that will knock your socks off." His beak clapped, "Before I knock them off by giving you a good fucking."

Mandy trilled, "Oooh, knocking my socks off twice? So you're gonna give me time to put them back on?" She grinned and licked along the fingers she'd been using to play with his meat and two bits. "Lead on, stud." He crooned at the stud title and turned, strutting forward again. She smirked and flicked the light over the trail as she picked her way behind him. Letting the guiding light dance upwards, she picked out the dark flesh of his privates that stood out against the almost luminescent white of his pelt. Despite his best efforts to hold it all back and in, his cock was still dropping from his sheath. Between her gentle caresses and the anticipation they both felt about what was coming up. Each step made that member sway a touch more as it swelled with excitement.

His increased pace meant that they reached the destination before the promised two minutes had passed. And yes, the view did knock her socks off. Well, almost. They were firmly on her feet still even if one was sliding down into her sneaker a touch. Didn't mean that the place wasn't amazing though. The moon gave the clearing a light silvery glow across the clearing. Smooth rocks were tucked against a bluff that formed one side of the clearing. A clear spring trickled down between the rocks, burbling softly before running into a crystal clear pond. She breathed out a low croon and stepped forward, "Definitely gets a wow from me."

Her feathers fanned and flicked as she made her way right to the rocks. Setting the lantern on a low rock, she flicked out the blanket on the ground and tucked it against the rocks. Mandy didn't look back at Guy as she started to take off her clothes. She could hear the male shuffling around behind her as she worked off and folded up her hoodie. His beak moved to comb over her back feathers as her shirt was peeled off and folded up as well. She looked back and breathed out a low croon as she unhooked her bra and turned. Guy breathed out a pleased purr in response as her breasts were freed into the cool air. He stepped up to her and pressed his cheek to her breasts, eyes narrowing a touch as he nuzzled between her weighty mounds. His head twisted to rub his smooth beak through the finer feathers across her breasts before rubbing over her nipples. A soft huff came from the boobi hen as that smooth, cool beak brushed over her blue-tinged teats.

Mandy let him play with her breasts, nuzzling into them and nibbling at her perking nipples, as she starts to shimmy out of her pants. Sneakers were kicked off as she leaned against him, using bracing her chest against his head. Guy breathed out a low, trilling purr as he savored the feel of her softest of flesh pressing against him. She trilled and turned to pick up her pants. He shuffled a touch and ducked his head to nudge his beak between her legs. She jumped at the feel of his smooth beak rubbing over her panties and thighs. And yes, the panties matched her bra. Unlike the bra, her panties were staying on for the moment. Although she wasn't about to stop him from nuzzling up and around her thighs.

Mandy grabbed her phone from her pocket as she folded her pants. Stowing them with the rest of her clothing before she sank to her knees on the blanket. "Come here, you studly thing. Let me get a good look at what you're packing."

"Don't mind getting to show off." His chest puffed out and his neck arched proudly as he strutted alongside her. Her little show and his nuzzling had gotten the male all riled up and ready for action. For all his hybrid nature his cock looked to be fully equine. It was a spire of purest obsidian, almost shining in the harsh white light of the lantern. She wrapped her fingers around the cock and cooed at just how warm it was in her grasp. His length felt about as thick as the bottle she'd held earlier. Nice and deliciously hearty but not more than she could handle. Maybe. One way or another. Fingers wrapped around his tip and gently rubbed it as she pressed her forearm to his length. He was long too! Longer than her forearm was. Thick she could deal with, thick she enjoyed, but she sure as hell wouldn't be able to take him to the root. He'd need another feral or some really honking large girl to handle that.

She murmured to herself, "Quite the big boy aren't you?" Sliding up under the male, she lifted her phone and smiled over at it. Licking over the cock slowly, she snapped a quick selfie.

"What was that?" He asked, half twisting to look back at her.

Mandy ran her tongue along his cock, tracing one of the veins that bulged along his cock. "Just taking a quick little picture. Friend will not believe me otherwise."

The cock flexed in her grasp as she licked it, tip flaring wider. "Taking a picture to show your friend?" For just a beat, Mandy felt a jolt of fear race up her spine. "Let me get in on this," he trilled as he turned and twisted. The hippogryph was oddly flexible, able to bend and twist his head so that his face popped up on his far side. Mandy laughed at him and held up the phone again. She adjusted phone and cock until she was able to get Guy's upside down grin into the shot as she licked over his length and snapped a second picture. "Much better," he trilled and shook out when he straightened himself. Feathers ruffled up as he shook out and waited eagerly.

Not one to disappoint, she set the phone down next to her and shifted to grab his cock. Mandy breathed out a low croon as she licked up over his cock. Her beak gently rubbed over the male's flared tip before she took it into her beak. Guy rewarded her with a deep moan and a fat drop of precum right onto her tongue. Mandy licked around his tip and teased his cum slit with it before bobbing her head forward. His tip crashed against her throat before muscles relaxed to let him slide right down her craw. Twisting her head, the boobi began to bob her head quickly. Throat muscles squeezed around his cock, milking it like her beak wouldn't be able to. Hell, in a way that a lot of mouths wouldn't be able to. One of the big advantages of being a bird was that lack of a gag reflex. Mandy took it slow with that first slow push. Beak sliding tenderly against his flesh as she fed half his length down her crop before pulling back with a soft gasp. Nice and slow, test his resolve. Last thing she really wanted to happen was to be pushing down on him and then accidentally hurt him if he bucked into her beak.

Guy could have been a statue for all he moved. His chest was heaving with excited pants and she could feel how his cock pulsed in her throat, but he was behaving himself nicely. Tilting her head to the side, she worked her hand up and down what hadn't been slipped down her craw. She swallowed and squeezed her throat around his cock as she held him as deeply as she was comfortable with. That slab of cock throbbed within her grasp in response to her gentle attentions.

Not that she'd stay gentle for too long. Mandy drew back until the flared tip just barely staying inside of her throat. Eyes narrowed as she rolled her head to the side and began to bob quickly. Throat muscles rolled and slurped around the mighty meat with muted gulped. Tongue danced against the cock, rolling over that delicious length with each bob of her head. She traced the pulsing veins up one side and down the other. Mandy wiggled in closer to him and bobbed her head faster over his length with each passing moment. Her hand was flying up and down his cock. Fingers rolled against the obsidian flesh as she changed her grip on him. Over handed, under handed, tighter, looser. Always changing and adjusting to what felt right at the moment. Reaching out with her other hand, she cradled his heavy balls and started to roll them. Juggling them around with her fingers as her head bobbed faster. It was almost like giving any other male a blow job, but just a bit of a different orientation.

A groan came from the hippogryph as his hips began to shake. His head dropped as the moan shook through his body. While he did his best to keep from bucking into her crop, his forelegs were far from still. His talons flexed against the blanket and plucked at it as he huffed. His belly heaved with his pants as he tried to keep himself under control. Beak chattered rapidly before he dug his talons into the bedding and threw his head back with a call that shattered the relative still of the night. Heavy balls jumped and cock lurched and shook, tip flaring wide. Mandy's eyes shot as wide as the tip stretched against her throat. The first blast fired deep down her craw, throat bulging with his hefty blast. She felt the thick cream flood her gullet and pour down into her gut with each blast. Mandy drew her head back until just his tip was inside of her throat, one hand stroking his cock needily as the other slipped down her front. Pushing her panties down, she buried two fingers into her own pussy and began to pump them in time with those powerful blasts.

Guy's climax wasn't long lived. Just a few thick bursts and a matter of seconds later and he was starting to soften. Not that he had to be with how much he put out. She could feel it leaking out of the corners of her bill and trickling down her throat. Reaching up, she ran her fingers along the thick cream, smearing it over her breasts as she gurgled out a coo. He came out of her beak with a pop, some cum still leaking from his tip and across her tongue as it did so. Closing her beak with a clap, she sat back and rolled her tongue back and forth to savor the thick, salty cream that he'd pumped into her. Much better than bringing some back up her craw for a taste. Although some guys did find that pretty hot.

Mandy sat back on her heels as Guy shook out and breathed out a trilling whistle. "That felt amazing." Feathers ruffled as he breathed out a huff and strutted around her.

Rolling her head, she smiled back at him; "Sure you're up for more? I mean, you're going a touch soft there, Stud."

He danced away when she reached back to give him a teasing rub. Prancing up behind her, he ducked his head and ran his bill over her tail feathers. "Don't worry about that. Just need a second to recover is all." He grinned up at her, "I've shown you mine, why don't you show me yours?"

"Fair's fair," came the trill as she gathered up her phone and moved to brace herself against the rock. It was the perfect height for her to lean against once she'd spread her legs and fanned up her tail. Guy trilled out his purr and leaned in to nuzzle her puffy mound. She breathed out a low huffing breath and arched. The motion rubbed her nipples against the cool, smooth rock under her. Her beak clacked softly with a low groan as it sent a pleasant chill racing up her spine. Between the icy touch of the rock and the burning breath of the male behind her, the boobi's body shivered at the thermal shock. Guy breathed out a low purr and nuzzled against her. Cheeks rubbed against her thighs and ran his beak up between her lips.

Guy nibbled over her thighs, "One thing real quick?" She moaned out a questioning noise as he teased her. "In my bag, there's a bunch of condoms. If you wouldn't mind getting one of those out."

Mandy crooned, "Guy reminding me to put a condom on him?" She smiled and stood, reaching into the satchel he'd stashed next to her stuff. The condoms weren't too hard to find, due to the size of the packages. Tearing one off, she strolled alongside the male and knelt. Surprisingly, he was hard and ready to roll again, his cock pulsing with each beat of his heart. She smiled to herself and opened the packet before checking over the rubber in the light. Rubbing the lubed condom against his tip, she teased the male for a second before slowly rolling it down his length until she reached his base. Crooning, she gave a couple test strokes before returning to her rock to brace herself.

He didn't toy with her too long though. The male reared onto his delicate hind legs and walked over her before lowering himself as gently as he could. "Don't think either of us want to wind up with a little hatchling popping up," he cooed as he laid his chest against her spine. Mandy huffed as his weight settled onto her back. Not surprisingly, the hippogryph was pretty heavy, even compared to some of the partners she'd had. His purr vibrated against her back as his talons scratched out a rhythm on her thighs. His beak, glistening with her juices, combed through her cheek feathers. "Get your phone ready, babe." She rocked with his gentle teasing tugs as she grabbed at the phone and fumbled with unlocking it. Guy waited patiently as she got the camera facing the right way and lined them up on the screen. The hippogryph angled his head to flash a smile at the camera. His talons scratched over her thighs as he lunged forward. Mandy's beak fell open in a pleasure-filled gasp as the blunt tip of his cock slammed against her entrance and powered through into her depths. Her finger slipped off the phone's sensor when he powered into her, making it snap a shot as she cried out in the rawest of bliss.

Guy drove deep into her with that first plunge, his thick cock spreading her nice and wide. That wide flared tip scraped against her inner walls and hit every pleasure center it could inside of her tunnel. Fingers shook against the phone before dropping it from numb fingers. Breasts heaved against the unyielding rock as she fought to draw a deep breath. Guy wasn't about to let her recover through. His first thrust had merely been testing the waters. His next thrust sank deeper, the male only slowing a breath as he neared her back wall. Beak pressed to her cheek as he tested just how deep he could go. Each thrust slowing at the last second as he measured himself. It only took a handful of thrusts before the male really gave her what for.

Mandy managed to suck in a deep breath just in time to cry out a second time as he started to really fuck her. The male's talons scratched at her thighs before pulling her up and back into his powerful thrusts. Each slam was at the prefect depth for her. The sound of her slick insides being beaten by his monolith competed with the gasping moans he was driving from her. Toes flexed and dug into the blanket as she groaned and rolled her head happily. Chubby body shook with each powerful thrust as he dug deep into her. Beaks chattered, almost touching in light kisses as the pair rutted like they were in season. A chatter and gasp came from her, met by a savage grunt slam from him. She could feel his tip touch and grind against the entrance to her egg chamber. Huffing, she rolled her eyes and shoved back against him as her tail feathers fanned and flicked over his belly. Pacing didn't matter, not with how monstrously thick his cock was. His covered tip scraped against each erogenous zone inside of her before battering her poor, abused insides. He yanked out, her body slurping as the wet muscles did their best to grab and hold onto the juggernaut.

Fingers scraped over the rock as she cried out. Feathers ruffled and body shook under him as she started to peak. Hips pushed and rocked back against his with wild abandon as she huffed and groaned. Inner walls fluttered and rolled over his unyielding flesh. A groan sounded from her as his thrusts rained down faster before tossing his head with another loud cry as he came hard. Low huffs and pants came from him as he rocked his hips, jamming his cock in as deep as he could. Mandy groaned as he bumped against her furthest reaches.

Guy slipped off her after just a few moments, panting lightly. Mandy's thighs shook softly as his softening cock slipped out of her with a lewd slurping noise. The boobi breathed out a low moan and turned to look back at him with a smile. Sinking down onto the blanket, she braced her back against the rock and let the cool air bathe her abused privates. He shook out and started to sink back onto his haunches, "Mind if I get one more picture, with you and that?" she asked, pointing at the sagging condom.

The hippogryph looked at her with a grin and a clapping beak, "Just gonna go the once tonight?" He padded alongside her and held still as she took the condom and tied it off.

Holding the balloon sized rubber, she waited as he moved to pose next to her as she retrieved her phone. "Well, just the once with the pictures, but until my friend is ready to head out..." she trailed off as she planted a kiss on his cheek as she snapped the picture. Guy dropped down onto his belly with a grunt, Mandy shifting to lay with her back against his flank. He purred and curled around her, tucking his head into her lap so he could nuzzle against her thighs. Fingers combed through the braided rainbow of his mane. Feathers ruffled as the wind blew across her front. "Is it starting to cool down out here?"

He turned his head to grin up at her, "I think the night is starting to heat up if you ask me."