entry 19

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#19 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

So, I got suspended again today, though not for the same reason as before. Apparently our principal has a bug up his ass and is suspending my brother AND Aaron for the MAXIMUM amount of days (which means a week by the way) for 'public displays of affection', which is a load of horse shit, because when they were 'caught' all they'd done was hug, while some bitch less than twenty yards from us at the time was trying to suck her boyfriends balls out through his throat. The reason I'm getting suspended with them is because I called the principal a fucking homophobe.

It's not fair, they didn't do anything wrong and they're being punished all because of some closed-minded fucker who can't pull his head out of his own ass long enough to see that what he's doing is wrong. Oh well though, apparently this incident was the match to start a forest fire, cause my parents went ballistic over it and now, parents are pulling their kids out of school there left and right.

I'll laugh if the media gets involved to. As for my brother and Aaron though? Well, cats out of the bag now, which my brothers upset about but now but Aaron's there to comfort him at least.