Entering the Abyss: Escape!

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#22 of The Great Balancing

Kitt's head throbbed as he slowly opened his eyes, it'd felt like a Mac truck had just hit him, his eyes readjusted to the light as he looked around he see Lauren still passed out beside him. As Kitt's eyes focused he saw some sort of personnel transport filled with aliens all of them chained to their seats. Then he realized he as well as Lauren was chained down and they both wore some kind of leather collar with a small metal box on the side.

Kitt knew that he should be able to easily break the steel of the chains but for some reason he couldn't focus. He looked to a fish headed alien with a smooth slightly oily looking reddish skin that sat beside him. "Where am I?"

The fish guy looked over to Kitt with a sort of broken frown. "You'd have been better off staying unconscious, we're going to the Rock..." he said solemnly

"The rock?" Kitt responded confused.

"The Arcanum criminal detention center, the worst of the worst of the unaligned universe's prisons." The fish said.

"How did I get here?" Kitt asked slowly remembering what had happened.

"Can't say you and the female were loaded onto the ship...you've been out for roughly two days."

"Fuck..." Kitt mutters looking down at the grungy steel floor of the ship.

Lauren slowly awoke about an hour later and Kitt explained the mess they had gotten into.

The shuttle rumbled and shakily landed, quickly six armed storm troopers rushed into the shuttle and begin un chaining the prisoners and shoving them out the door way onto a tarmac that sat about a hundred meters off the barren rocky desert of the planet. All fifty prisoners were lined up; Kitt and Lauren did their best to stay together.

Soon a tall Dinosaur looking being, dressed in a warden's uniform steps out in front of them. "Welcome to the Rock you low life pieces of Twilk shit. From now on your asses belong to me and my staff. Stay in line and don't cause trouble and you may survive, if not..." Two black armored storm troopers push a prisoner out and down to his knees right in front of the warden, whom drew a large gold plated pistol and quickly without remorse blasted the back of his skull out over the tarmac. "...you get my drift?"

The group was forced tightly into the elevator and sent down into the bowels of the planet, Kitt, Lauren and several others were forced out into a kind of processing room with a long steel bench. Another raptor looking lizard stood there his long clawed hands gripped a black wooden stick with a cattle prod device at the end. "This will be your home now until you die, level 135B, I am the commander here you do what I say when I say it. The collars around your necks are neural suppressors so just incase you have telepathic, telekinetic or any other freakish abilities these will make them controllable oh and also if you decide to get ballsy there's enough explosives in it to vaporize your upper torso, so don't get smart. The rules for this level are pretty simple, do your work, keep quiet, and obey the guards, and you won't suffer what you saw the Warden did up stairs. Understood?!" he hissed out and got no complaints from anyone.

Kitt and Lauren were taken to their cell which looked more like a cave dug into the dusty orange walls; it was setup with four cots a toilet and nothing else. Apparently they were going to have roommates.

"What are we going to do?" Lauren asked looking about.

"The first duty of any military prisoner, escape..." Kitt said feeling about the walls.

"How? We don't even know where we are."

"Yeah but someone has to."

Lauren and Kitt sat on the two empty cots discussing ways to get out when their roommates entered, a human looking alien with dark blue skin and black long hair the other was surprising a fox, dirty matted gray fur covered his body, both of them looked absolutely exhausted and as if they had no hope left in either of them.

"Fresh meat huh." the humanoid said collapsing down on his bunk not even paying them the slightest attention.

The fox however stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh my gods! I never thought I'd see another fur in my life!"

Kitt looked curiously at the fox. "How did you get here?"

The fox, having to calm himself down. "I uh, don't remember, all I do is waking up in this place."

Suddenly a klaxon rang through out the floor and both the fox and other both sighed and begin to leave the cell. "C'mon you can't be late, I'll show you the ropes." The fox said.

Standing in front of the main elevator shaft, near the entire floor was there, over a hundred different aliens. Kitt and Lauren had been given grey jumpsuits to wear.

"Where are we going?" Kitt whispered to the fox.

"Work detail, we mine the deuterium on this planet for export. It's best that you just show up and work your shift, or else the guards make it rough on you." The fox responded.

"Great..." Lauren grumbles under her breath.

Once down in the depths in the planet the fox took Kitt and Lauren to their worksite. The cave was massive stretching all the way up to the surface, simply shelf after shelf of prisoners loading the red iridescent stone into barrels as they were carted away. Several guard towers hung along the catwalked each with at least four dino guards toting large high powered assault rifles.

"While down here and I guess with any other section of this shit hole. Just keep to yourselves, several gangs seem to think they are in control like those guys over there, they are the worst." The fox said gesturing over to four brutish looking raptors that wore the same jump suits but weren't doing all that much work.

"Hey Ellis! What the fuck are you looking at?!" one of the raptors bellowed out as they all turn and started to walk over.

The fox that Kitt guessed was named Ellis just turned away looking down at the ground as he dug his shovel into the rocks.

"I asked you a question." The largest, seven foot tall light beige and red scaled lizard hissed.

"I wasn't looking at anything..."

The raptor looked over at Kitt and Lauren. "Heh, new toys. Hey dog, is that female yours or is she available?" he said with a toothy grin.

The fur on the back of Kitt's neck rose as he growled. "Don't even think about it."

"You'll learn something very quickly here; I do what I want, when I want." The three other raptors converge upon Kitt as he tensed his grip around the shovel he'd been holding.

With a lightning strike one of the raptors lunged out, but Kitt pivoted around spinning the shovel around and breaking it over his back, the others quickly launched at the wolf. Kitt saw the strike coming but couldn't move fast enough as the raptor's long sharp claw gouged into his side sending a spray of blood over the ground. Kitt collapsed down to one knee and yelped out in pain. The raptors where about to continue but a squad of the dino guard came charging up ordering everyone to halt.

Back in the cell Lauren finished wrapping a bandage around Kitt's mid section tying it off tightly. "I don't get it Colonel normally you would have torn those guys limb from limb..."

Kitt sighed and winced from the pain. "It's these collars, they can even limit my ki powers...we have to get out of here."

Chapter 2

Day's turn into weeks as Kitt and Lauren toil away in the prison which they'd come to know was called the rock, not surprisingly. They worked ten hour shifts down in the mines while being given another seven to sleep and roam around their level. For a prison they had pretty good rein over their movements but again not surprisingly since getting to the surface had proven to be near impossible.

The grey fox, Ellis showed the two wolves around, told them places where they should avoid.

"Any luck?" Kitt asked quietly to Lauren as she sat down at the long steel bench with here food.

"No, this place is sealed up tight; the elevators have bio sensors on them so any being not registered by the system is detected. How about you?" she responded distantly.

"Me neither, the ventilation is controlled in the same manner so no help there...don't worry, we'll get out, some how." Kitt said reassuringly. "And Alec will tear apart existence to find us."

Kitt walked down one of the corridors, just marking out distances to everything and exploring when he here the clacking of claws coming up behind him. Turning sharply he saw the large raptor leader of what had become known as the Blood Claw pack. "Galen...haven't seen you in a while."

He hissed and points his long index claw at Kitt. "Because of you, I spent the last two weeks in the hole and you put one of my pack mates in intensive care."

"I never asked for the fight, just walk away now." Kitt fired back.

"Well you've got yourself a fight now, watch your step bitch; you have the entire Black Claw coming down on you." He said bluntly before turning to walk away.

Kitt balled his fist up. "Fuck..." he said to himself.

Kitt came back into the cell seeing Ellis nursing a scrape on his arm. "What happened?"

"Oh nothing just, an accident..." he said not telling the whole truth.

"Who did that to you?" Kitt said sitting down next to him.

"One of the guards, he said I wasn't standing in the right spot and he hit me. Nothing serious." Ellis responded as if it'd happened before.

"I see...is there anyone who's escaped here before?" Kitt asked.

"There are stories that only one person has ever made it out...but he never made it off the planet." Ellis responded.

"Do you know how he did it?"

The fox shook his head. "No, no one knows the details...at least that I'm aware of."

Kitt turned his head looking out the hole in the cave spotting two guards walking up. "Prisoner 76109, the warden wants to see you, let's move!"

Kitt looked to Ellis then stood up. "Let Lauren know where I went."

The guards stood on either side of Kitt both pointing large rifles at his body as the elevator doors open to a gigantic office with a twenty meter wide window looking out over the barren windy surface. At the head of the room sat the warden just beyond a desk made of some kind of black metal. "Thank you for coming so promptly prisoner." He said.

"Not like I had a choice." Kitt responded sharply.

"True...I called you here because...well I don't know who you or your companion is. You were simply placed in my care, I want to know why."

"Frankly it's none of your business..." Kitt barked only to have the butt of one of the rifles cracked across the back of his knees making him crumple to the floor.

"You are high spirited, that will break in time. I also read the report of your fight with the Blood Claws, not the smartest thing to do here." The warden said leafing through a folder.

"I did not start the fight." Kitt said standing back up proudly.

"True but you are none the less in it. Maybe we can help each other." He said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Kitt cautiously said.

"I can feel when one of my prisoners has potential for something better, and you definitely give me that feeling, there's something different about you and I want to make you a deal." The warden said.

"I'm listening..." Kitt said.

'Good, I will solve the coming blood bath with the Claws and you participate in the Kilath Nar."

Kitt shook his head not knowing what the hell he was talking about.

"It's a competition, a most brutal one, a battle royal between two combatants to the death, it's also very lucrative.

"You want me to become a prize fighter?" Kitt exclaimed.

"Yes, you won't have to rot away in this cesspool and you will be paid very well. How does that sound?"

Kitt looked away and sighed. "I want my two friends to accompany me."

The warden laughed. "I think not, but since you will agree to this, they both will be moved up here into protective custody just to make sure you don't escape or try and double cross me. Do we have an arrangement?"

Kitt grinned and nodded. "We have a deal."

"Kitt! What are you thinking?" Lauren exclaimed back in the cell

"Look Lauren, this is our only shot, once I'm out I might be able to get a message out to Alec." Kitt responded.

"But you don't have your powers anymore..."

"I didn't always have these abilities I'll have you know, I can win. It's the only way to keep you both safe and probably get us the fuck out of here." Kitt said.

"But you could get killed!" Lauren growled.

Kitt looked dead into Lauren's eyes. "And how would that be any different than any other day. I don't have time to just sit around and hope that something comes across us. The mission only has two years left and so do I. Now follow my orders captain, understood?"

Lauren looked down to the floor and nodded. "Yes Colonel...just be careful."

Chapter 3:

In the rock, Kitt stepped out into the ring, surrounded by hundreds of the prisoners who were allowed to watch as well as a mass of others who were not prisoners but the civilized elite whom just wanted to see the fight.

Kitt walked to the middle of the ring, nervous as hell, looking up at the warden sitting next to Lauren and Ellis only getting a weird nod from him as he saw his opponent. Galen, the mammoth raptor strutting towards him.

"I told you I would deal with the Blood Claws, here is your chance!" The warden laughed evilly out loud.

"Fuck..." Kitt said to himself as the raptor steps right up to him with a confident toothy grin.

"I told you this wasn't over yet." Galen said.

Kitt was about to respond when the raptor belted Kitt right in the chest knocking him over on his back. He rolled over coughing, trying to regain his breath. Kitt growled and inhaled deeply, going back to his training years before he'd ever heard of an ascended being and stood up clenching his fist into a fighting stance. "Lets get it on."

The raptor grinned and paced around with Kitt for several seconds before winging his powerful leg out at the midnight blue wolf, whom ducked out of the way and took advantage of the massive height of the dinosaur and connected his fist with his upper knee taking him off balance for a moment allowing Kitt to leap up into the air along Galen's body bringing his fist to his jaw, toppling the raptor over.

"How'd that feel?!" Kitt snarled out as Galen got to his feet and lunged at Kitt, responding by side stepping and cracking his elbow into the back of his skull, but doing little to affect the raptor as he tackled into Kitt, slamming him against the stone wall.

Kitt yelped out in pain being held a full two feet off the ground, kneeing and punching Galen as hard as he could but his grip remained strong until he tossed Kitt over his shoulder. The wolf grunted as he crashed into the ground and had to roll off to the side as the whip like tail came crashing down at him.

Kitt flipped to his feet, holding his back.

"Awww is the little doggie feeling the pain." Galen snarled only getting cheers from the crowd.

Kitt huffed and smirked. "Nah just bored, almost falling a sleep here." Kitt raised his paws back up into his fighting stance.

Galen grimaces and runs back at Kitt. Kitt looked down at the loose sand and gravel of the ground and kicked it up into Galen's face at the last second causing him to roar and stumble right passed Kitt.

The wolf stepped right up to the blinded lizard and jammed his boot into the knee he'd already hit, trying to weaken it, Kitt landed four hard strikes to the joint before Galen batted him away with his forearm.

Kitt looked up, coughing out blood, but seeing Galen limping forward towards him. Waiting to the last second Kitt vaulted up, bypassing his feet landing down on one knee but simultaneously crushing his fist into the damaged limb of Galen and with a loud brutal crack the joint separated making the raptor yowl and roar out in agony and fall down to his good knee.

Kitt stood and stepped behind Galen. "Do you yield?"

Galen whimpered and nodded. "Yes I give up." Kitt looked up to the warden through the boos of the crowd.

"Finish him off; these fights are to the death!" He bellowed out.

Kitt looked down at Galen. "No, I will not!"

"If you do not, our deal is rescinded and all three of you will die as well." The warden snarled.

"I'm sorry Galen..."

"Just make it quick..." he said quietly.

Kitt sighed and grasped the sides of Galen's head. "Forgive me..." with one pure twist the vertebrate in the raptor's neck crack and shatter as he slumped down dead.

Kitt looked back up at the warden baring his teeth.

Kitt fought three more times that month each time just barely making it out with his fur on. He sat in the more comfy suites at the top of the prison complex wrapping a tight brace around his shoulder, while Lauren and Ellis stood there just staring yet Kitt said nothing.

Lauren sighed and stepped over to Kitt helping him tightening the brace, slightly tighter than he's expected making Kitt wince. "Kitt, what are you doing...?"

Kitt grunted and stood up walking over to the window that looked out over the mass of nothingness of the red dust ball. "I don't know Lauren, I really don't. But this won't go on much longer. My next fight will be off world as some arena on a planet called Arus, hopefully I'll be able to get a message out from there."

"If you survive that long, Kitt I don't want to see you hurt..." Lauren said quietly and clutched to Kitt's chest. Kitt stood there confused about how open Lauren had became over the last two months but wasn't about to press the matter, only returned the hug.

Chapter 4

The arena was a roar with cheers and boos as Kitt peered out onto the round lifted steel ring that was surrounded by a moat of water. He saw row after row of stood filled with fans this sport fighting was extremely popular. At the center of the ring was a short creature that sort of resembled a monkey with spindly arms and a long agile tail covered in a light pelt of beige fur, in his hands he held two long curved knives.

Kitt inhaled deeply looking back at the warden. "You expect me to fight unarmed?"

"Of course not, wouldn't be good business, we get more money if it's a good fight." The large raptor grinned and past Kitt a set of steel rods with hooked blades at the ends. "I trust you know how to use these."

"Guess we're going to find out..." Kitt growled as he took his shirt off and grasped the weapons spinning them around his wrists. Steeping out onto the ring Kitt felt the shivering sudden silence over the crowd.

"Fighting for the Primus Mining consortium, weighing in at one hundred, seventy pounds; Kitt the Black Warrior!" The announcer yells out over the PA system as Kitt raises his paw showing up to the crowd. "And for the Quin investors, Jalix the Lightning." The crowd burst into a deafening cheer as the two fighters set into their stances.

"I've heard of you, made quite the name for yourself on the Rock." Jalix said pacing his lanky flexible frame in an odd cross legged stance to Kitt.

"Really, isn't that sweet." Kitt responded

Kitt sneered and lashed his weapons out, spinning them around like a top instantly locking to an intense melee of clanging steel. For a moment it seemed like Kitt had the upper paw but the monkey quickly pivoted around Kitt flipping into the air, booting Kitt across the spine and knocking him to the steel plating of the ring.

Turning over he saw the monkey leaping into the air bringing his knives down leaving only a fraction of a second to roll his body backwards. Kitt climbed to his feet swiping his blade down, catching the monkey across the shoulder making him leap away dripping blood onto the polished steel surface.

Kitt spread his arms out, holding his weapons aggressively to his opponent. "Well am I everything you hoped for?"

Jalix growled and wiped away some of the blood with his paw and licked it up. "I'm impressed." Then he leapt back at Kitt hissing out as he unleashed yet another vicious volley of attacks giving Kitt very little time to react.

The entire fight lasted several minutes both combatants getting cut up pretty bad. Kitt panted heavily as he side kicked the monkey on the chest feeling two of his ribs crack against the force. Jalix stumbled back yowling in pain and threw one of his knives at Kitt whom dodged to the side and ran up smacking his boot across his stubby muzzle and knocked him to the edge of the ring barely able to keep himself from falling into the water.

Kitt stalked forward looking down at the defeated warrior. "Do you yield?"

Jalix weakly looked back up sort of puzzled. "You have to kill me..."

Kitt bared his teeth to the stands. "Bullshit, do you yield? I will spare your life."

The monkey tossed his remaining weapon into the water and nodded. "Yes, I give up."

Kitt turned to the stood and threw his weapons away. "The fight is over; I will not take his life!"

The entire arena booed and began to throw stuff. The announcer chimed in over the PA "The rules state that this fight is to the death, finish him!"

Kitt shook his head and walked out of the ring being met by the warden. "What the hell are you doing, you have to play the game, or you forfeit the deal."

"I think not, just think how famous you're going to be by sponsoring the one fighter who refused to kill. Our pictures are going to be all over the news." Kitt grinned.

The warden was about to say something but stopped to think about it. "You may have something wolf..."

Chapter 5:

"It's been three fucking months, how can you tell me you haven't had any leads yet!" Alec snarled out harshly to the alligator intelligence officer of the assembly.

"It is a big multiverse Colonel; let me assure you we have all of our resources looking for your crew mates." He blankly said.

"Well how about this mercenary you sent my mate after, have you at least got him yet?" Alec asked in an equally pissed off tone as before.

"We have but he has fled to free space, we cannot enter into it without authorization."

Alec bared his teeth. "But I can, I'm not allied to you, tell me where he is, I'll bring him back."

The Blackstar roared through the inter-dimensional rift into a blank section of space.

"Shar gimme a full sensor sweep of the area, track this fuck down." Alec ordered.

"Working Alec, primary sensors coming online." Shar worked quickly for a minute or two before yelping in delight. "Got him, uploading co-ordinates to the helm, sensors indicate it's a cruiser sized vessel proceeding roughly at two-hundred AU's per hour, we can intercept in fifteen minutes." Alec quickly ordered the Blackstar into movement towards the mercenary Armin Gradnom's ship at a fury speed.

Shar opened as communication channel as Alec stood looking at the view screen at the large almost shark like ship. "To mercenary vessel this is Colonel Alec Dominaz of the starship Blackstar, heed to and prepared to be boarded."

The view screen quickly changed to the beige-gray furred gryphon with the lighter gray feathered wings, Kitt and Lauren had been sent to arrest. "We are in free space, no military has authority here."

Alec growled. "Well how about I just blow your ship into a fine mist, how would that sound? I want the location of the two wolves you met three months ago and I want it now."

Armin chuckled with a cocky grin. "Oh them...I didn't kill them if that's what you're worried about, although I'd be surprised if they were still alive. I sent them to a nice little vacation spot known as the rock..."

Drek the panther weapons officer looked to Alec. "Colonel, he's slowing and coming about, detecting shields rising and targeting sensors active."

Alec nodded. "So we're going to play it that way, alright..." Alec closed the communication channel. "Drek, target weapons and engines...Shar hack their computers as soon as the shields fall, we need that data if he's still got it."

The bridge crew of the Blackstar was doused in a red light as they ship went on combat alert a loud siren sounded. Armin's cruiser swept around and unleashed a volley of high energy red beams that impacted on the octagonal plating of the Blackstar, shaking the structure.

"Report!" Alec called out.

"Sir, reflective armor holding for the moment, this bitch's got some strong weapons though." Drek quickly reports.

"Forward batteries lock on and fire at will, load torpedo tubes four, six and eight and fire when their engines become visible." Alec commanded, the Blackstar diving down as the shark shaped ship passed right along side. The Blackstar's guns began to glow before the high pitched noise of the beam cannons fire and strike the underside of the shark.

Then the Blackstar's round ports on the head of the ship cast out a pulse of seven green glowing projectiles which flew with great speed and slam into the blue hued shield of Armin's cruiser causing it to buckle and shatter as the eighth torpedo flew and detonated right against the large round engine ports, gouging out a large hole in the ship.

"Colonel, their shields are down, detecting a hull breech in there engineering section, they are dead in the water." Drek exclaimed.

"Good job Drek, take out their weapons. Shar, how are you doing?!" Alec pivoted the command chair around to the silver fox rapidly working at her station.

"Thirty seconds and I'll have their database." She responded.

"Communications; alert Assembly command and notify them there is a ship that is in need of immediate assistance. That should give them enough legal pull to nail this guy."

Alec strode out to the conference room filled with assembly officers. "Colonel, thank you for you aid in bringing this criminal to justice..." the alligator officer said.

"Save it...what do you know about the Rock?" Alec bluntly said.

"It's a maximum security prison and mining colony ran by a sect of dino government. Only the worst of the worst criminals get sent there, it's known for it's brutal staff, especially it's warden, he likes to pit his prisoners on the Death Bout syndicate." He explained.

"We're going in there to get my crew out." Alec ordered.

"Of course Colonel, we'll have a strike force ready to go within the hour."

Four Special Forces operatives all dressed in black combat fatigues burst into the suite where Lauren and Ellis sat watching Kitt fight on a video screen. Lauren jumps to her feet and readies for a fight.

But Alec blasted right in. "Captain!"

Lauren's muzzle grew a big smile as she ran right up to Alec and gives him a quick salute. "Colonel, good to see you finally."

"Where's Kitt?" Alec cut to the chase.

Lauren looked to the video screen as he's belted across the concrete fighting ring in the complex. "It was the only way he could keep us safe long enough for you to find us."

"Let's get you to the Blackstar we have to hurry." Alec said turning around.

"Wait sir, we found someone, this is Ellis Hue, and he's from our universe we have to take him with us." Lauren said as the fox stepped up.

"Fine, let's ride."

Kitt stood shakily up as he received another hard jab to the jaw, toppling him back over, his muzzle dripping with crimson blood as the brawny scared gryphon stood over him. Suddenly his ears perked up as Kitt detected a scent, something other than the death and dried blood he'd become accustom too.

Kitt looked and saw a group of soldiers rushing the guards at the entrance to the arena and blasting the steel barred gate off its hinges. The gryphon dropped Kitt and looked to the group.

"Kitt!" Alec howled out seeing his mate in a bloodied heap on the dirt.

Lauren quickly took aim with her assault weapon she'd gotten from the Assembly Special Forces and sniped off the four guards that stood along the ring. While Alec, in the blink of an eye flashed up to Kitt, placing a key into the control collar, releasing it from his neck, the fur underneath matted and dirty from the months of wearing it. "Kick his ass." Alec whispered, letting Kitt stand as he regained the control of his powers.

Balling up his fists Kitt growled as his muscles bulged and tensed suddenly he roared out his golden ascended aura blasting outwards casting up a hurricane of dust. The gryphon's eyes widen as he dropped to his knees pleading for his life. But Kitt's attention was elsewhere as the Warden arrived with a squad of sixteen of his brutish looking raptor guards.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The warden bellowed out.

Kitt stood his aura not fading, flaming out from his body. "It's about time you paid up for what you've done.

"The Assembly has no right to barge in here and attempt to free one of my prisoners!"

Alec stepped up. "On the contrary, these three were wrongfully imprisoned here and were subjected to cruel acts."

The warden chuckled. "You have no proof."

Kitt growled deeply "You told me you were interested in me because you didn't know who I was. But yet you still were confident that I could make it in these fights, the only way you could have known about that was if you were working with a mercenary named Armin Grandnom..."

"...and he's already been arrested." Alec continued. "...so I'll bet the assembly has plenty right to arrest your ass for abiding a known felon."

The warden hissed as his guards all raised their weapons and begin firing. But Kitt now back full with his powers, put his paw up, stopping each and every one of the bullets dead in the air. "Time to renegotiate our deal..." Kitt said and in a split second all sixteen of his soldiers were strung out about the fighting ring leaving Kitt standing right up to the warden.

"Give me one reason...I'm pretty sure the assembly won't be as forgiving." Kitt softly said.

The warden sighed and growled back at Kitt as he helplessly tried to draw his side arm knowing that he'd be better off dying right there. And Kitt reacts even before the pistol leaves the holster swiping his open palm across the thick neck dinosaur severing the spinal column and killing him with in a fraction of a second.

Kitt dropped back down to his feet as his power died, the heavy silence in the arena was evident as no one quite knew what had happened it had gone by so fast. Kitt panted and again felt the pain of his injured and collapsed into Alec arms. "Get me out of here..."