Remember summer? (part 2)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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Keven and I where sitting down, I had my left arm around him. We where enjoying our company more than watching the T.V. as the host rambled away. I guess that Keven glanced at the window, because he jumped-up and ran to the window."OH MY GOD!" he shouted and I noticed his tail was wagging about a hundred miles a hour.I got-up and walked over to him, I looked out the window and saw nothing but snow... "We're only getting a inch of snow" I said "that makes three inches when this gets down"He started to run to the door and shouted "I DON'T CARE! I'M PLAYING IN IT ANYWAYS!""YOUR SUCH A PUP!" I shouted before the door slammed shut... If you cant tell, I'm way calmer than him!I walked to the door, his boots and coat is still here... He's also crazier than me! He's trying to teach me to live more like him... You know, live every day like it's your last. So I followed him, without a coat or boots... I hope he knows that he is helping me clean-up. I passed into the front yard where Keven was making a snow angel. He couldn't have cared about that angel because he jumped-up and ran at me, he turned and went around me than said "Greyson...Try to catch me!"He knows how to get me going. I spun around and broke into a full sprint, it didn't take long for me to tell that he was faster than me. Not much longer and I knew we where just running around my house. I stopped, just around a corner and waited.Before long, I heard his foot-falls and panting. The very second I saw him, I jumped-out and took him to the ground. We nearly died laughing at this.I only just caught my breath when Keven asked "you remember that time that I broke my arm?""the time you wanted to show me how to climb a tree?" I asked."Yeah" he said.I nodded. I can remember that very well, we have been together for probably three weeks. We where trying to catch each other, Keven decides to climb a tree. I said "Get down! I cant climb a tree!"He climbed down and asked "Want me to show how to climb a tree?" I noddedHe climbed as high as he could, giving me no explanation on what to do. "Got that?" he asked and started to climb down. He put too much weight on a dead branch and it broke, he fell about ten feet and broke something in his arm... He had to wear a cast for quite some time.Keven was now starting to cover me in snow. His ears perked-up and he said "snow plows coming... we should get inside before it runs us over or something." He pulled me up and we went inside.