Guardians: UGSM Serenity

Story by Akutenshi Ishimura on SoFurry

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The UGSM Serenity, her specifications and compliments as well as her construction history.

This is the lore behind the UGSM Serenity, Flag ship of the Unified Galactic Military.

UGSM Serenity

Class: Harbinger-Class Capital Ship

Length: 75,000 Meters

Width: 80,000 Meters

Crew Compliment: 435,678

Captain: William Scheck

Compliment: Contained five war frigates which were commandeered by 5,000 crew each. Along both sides of the hull there were two phaser banks, at least 150 torpedoe banks, an ARC weapon was mounted on the froward portion of the ship ontop of it. There were 2 Turbo Cannons that were stationed at each of the 24 hangers on the ship. There are multiple smaller turrets on the bottom side of the ship along with a Mass Driver that is used for orbital bombardment. The command bridge is stations towards the front of the ship but is inside of the ship, the use of monitors were necessary for piloting the ship but this added extra protection to the bridge compared to her predecesecors that had their bridge on the forward portion on the outside of the ship. Contains a state-of-the-art stealth system along with Warp Engines and a star system which enables her to form wormholes allowing multiple ships to enter in and leave the wormhole.

Weaponry: phaser and disruptor banks align the sides of the ship with several dozen photon torpedoe banks on her left and right side. On the bottom there is an Accelerated Rail Gun, or ARC which is capable of firing an accelerated plasma energy round capable of immobilizing enemy vessels, however, the ARC is not as accurate as the Lothians Immortal-Class warships. The ARC is capable of tearing through a ships hull if it hits it's target in the correct spot, failure to reach that spot let alone target it will result in excessive damage done to the vessel, but depending on the vessel that is targeted, will either hamper it, cripple it, or destroy it. They have several Plasma Turrets on the top of the ship.

History: Construction for this ship was started in March of 2738, conception of the Serenity was started on Humanities home world, Earth, and was later transferred over to Jupiter to finish up the concept and theoritical designs of the ship. In the year 2742, the designs where sent to the ship yards orbiting one of the three moons of Leben. Construction started in the year 2745. In 2750, security was heightened around her construction after a small Lothian assault force managed to break through the outer defense and initiated a small assault on Leben. within three months the UGSM acted quickly installing cloaking devices and jammers around the Serenity's construction site along with the Valkyrie's construction site/ Both ships where believed to be the key to winning the war along with their even bigger sister ship Titus beginning her own construction in the year 2749. By the year 2765, the Serenity had her first testing stage. She was sent out to test her engines and weapons systems at a test range orbiting Neptune. During which Insurrectionists attacked the ship and did significant damage to her, she was returned to the ship yard under escort of several Galaxy-Class warships. In the year 2776, construction of the Serenity was complete, the search for her crew began. In the year 2777, her crew was assembled and prior to that, it was decided that she would house the hundreds of Guardians and act as a mobile HQ for them to use while serving the UGSM on the front lines (as needed).