Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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#1 of Fanfic

The Obligatory UNDERTALE fanfic. Without sex. Rated adult for implied violence.


yall review and enjoy

Toriel sat by the fireplace. The armchair her favorite, as usual. She was happily reading about the thing she liked to eat most. Snails. This new world above ground had been a shock to many monsters. Things that they had thought were normal were harder to find. But at the same time, there was so much stuff available it was hard to miss what had once been their most prized things to find.

As well many monsters found it pleasant to be met with curiosity rather than fear. Mankind had grown so used to their absence it was impossible to believe that they were real... and back. And their presence only mad things more fun. While there were issues, many were handled simply and quietly by the Ambassador and the committee. Five monsters, five human adults, and one child named Frisk. Frisk was a fairly happy child. Though her life before the adventure had been dull. She had been an orphan. Living quietly in the orphanage. Always overlooked by the parents that come looking to adopt. She had wandered out into the forests and up the mountain. And having emerged, she now had something the loved dearly. A mother to call her own. Toriel was a wonderful mother. She was firm when she needed to be. But otherwise she was loving, tender, and most of all, devoted.

Frisk was quietly sitting in her room when she heard the knock at the door. Smiling she got up and went to look over the rail as Toriel opened the door. It was Sans. "Hey Tory." He said. "Oh, Sans. Hello there. Why do you not come inside?" Sans stepped in with a soft chuckle. "No need to be so proper with me Tory." Once the door was shut she smiled at him. Frisk noticed her blushing.

As she watched them talking, an idea began forming in her head. Everyone knew they liked each other. But neither would exactly come out and say it. Frisk went back to her room, and began planning. She would make her mother and Sans very happy indeed. Later that evening, after dinner she got on her jacket and went to the living room. "Mom. Can I go play with Papyrus and Undyne?" "Of Course my child. But please be back before it gets too late. I do not want you to be out in the cold for too long please.'

Hugging Toriel, Frisk smiled, "Ok momma. I love you." Toriel smiled brightly as she hugged back. "I love you too my child." Frisk went outside. It would be a few hours before dark. That was all the time she needed to speak to Undyne and Papyrus. Skipping down the road, she paused to pet one of the Lesser Dogs that was standing guard over the rode. Once she reached Papyrus and Sans' house, she knocked on the door. The sounds of Undyne inside with them and Alphys were clear. Sans opened the door and smiled. "Hey kiddo." "Hey Sans. Can I play with Papyrus and Undyne?" "Sure thing. Come on in." Leading Frisk in, Sans smiled. "Look who stopped my!" "Frisk!" Undyne cried happily. Papyrus bounded over, "HUMAN!!!" scooping Frisk up, Papyrus hugged her tightly. Frisk giggled and hugged back. A few hours of playing cards passed before frisk stretched and yarned. It was almost dark when Frisk noticed the time. "Uh oh.." Sans looked up.

"Don't worry kiddo. I got a short cut we can use." Papyrus stared at his brother a bit. "Where ARE all these shortcuts... You just vanish the moment anyone looks away and pop up elsewhere." Sans just chuckled and waved. Helping Frisk get her jacket on, he led her out and to the left of the house. Papyrus rushed out to see where they were going, but found just a dead end to their tracks. As they were walking, Frisk spoke softly. "I guess it's true..." "What is kiddo?" "You and Flowey have the same power I do.." "Oh? And what power is that?" Frisk paused. "Save and Reset." Sans actually tripped. Almost landing face first in the snow. He chuckled nervously. "Really kiddo. You got an active imaginia...tion....." "I killed everyone once and you know it....Just like you killed me once and I know it..."

Sans grew quiet. He just stared at Frisk. She came close and hugged Sans' arm. "I'm sorry about it... all of it..." Sans stared down at Frisk before pulling her into a hug. "Let's just keep this between us ok? The others... They don't know about that kind of thing. And they wouldn't understand." "Yea.... I ... I don't think I could take having to fight Undyne again..." Both laughed. "Come on, she isn't that tough." "No... but when she gets angry she smells like old sushi." Sans burst out laughing. Once they got back to Toriel and Frisk's home, they found Toriel waiting on them. "Oh my child. Thank goodness. I was growing worried." "No need to worry Tory! I got my eye sockets on her." Toriel blushed and nodded. "Thank you for bringing her home Sans."

Frisk saw him blush as he rubbed the back of his skull. "Yea. No worries. I promised you I would take good care of her a long time ago." She smiled brightly and nodded. Knowing he was protecting her. Frisk sneezed suddenly, causing both to turn. "Uh oh. Better get you inside and into a warm shower kiddo."

Toriel nodded in agreement. Once Frisk was inside and into a warm bath, Toriel spend time talking to Sans. "Thank you for seeing her home safely Sans." She was blushing, muddling for words. Sans, for once was not better. He had very few times that he couldn't think up at least a bad joke. "Eh its nothing...She's a good kid. And my friend too."

The next morning Sans sat up. His phone was ringing. It was really early... this better be good. "Hello?" "SANS!!! HELP!!" Toriel. Sans about blew a hole in the ceiling when he jumped. "Tory!!! What's wrong?!?" "Its Frisk..." Sans was there near instantly. Toriel dropped the phone when the door swung open on it's own. "Tory!!" Sans called out. She came running. "Sans... Frisk is.... She's running a fever and coughing... Frisk..." Sans could see the terror in her eyes. He remembered what happened ages ago.

There was no way in hell would she accept it may be something as simple as a cold. "Alright Tory, let me go see her." He said softly. She led him to Frisk's room. He slid in and shut the door softly. Sitting on the bedside he smiled. "Hey Kiddo...feeling under the weather eh?" Frisk nodded and smiled softly. Sans nodded and pat her head softly. "How about I get you a doctor. I can get Tory to fix you some snail soup." Frisk smiled and nodded. 'Wow.. she must be sick. She didn't even bat an eye at Snail soup... either that or she likes it,' he thought. As he left the room he came to Tory. She was sitting in the hall, sobbing into her paws. "Hey Tory.." She looked up, startled. "Come on Tory." He said and held out a hand. As he helped her up, he hugged her. "Come one. It's ok. I will go get the doctor. She asked for some snail soup. Think you can whip her a batch up?" Tory nodded and wiped at her eyes. "Y..yes Sans. I believe I may be able to perform such a task." Sans frowned softly. After a moment he spoke. "Tory... Relax. You aren't queen anymore... You are a mother. And you have to relax ok? Frisk can't get better if you get upset and can't focus on her."

Toriel paused a moment, before nodding, "Alright. I will get the soup ready. But please... Please hurry back Sans." He winked at her and moved for the door. She looked back at Frisk's room. No sooner than she looked back, the door was fixed and Sans was gone. She smiled weakly. Sans was a good man.

The time it took Tory to get the pot on and heating, Sans was back. Tory was chopping fresh snails when the Doctor entered. He was a well dressed human male. He tipped his hat to Toriel. "Ma'am. Sans said your daughter Frisk was ill." "Y.. yes. Please doctor.. no matter the cost.. Please help her." The doctor had seen that look before too. A mother that had lost a child to illness before. Nodding he let Sans lead him to the room. He stayed in there a full two hours before coming back out.

Tory was pacing the living room when he came back. She looked at him expectantly. "It will be alright Ma'am. Frisk has a minor chest infection. I will come back tomorrow with some medicine for her. Just keep her warm and let her rest. Soups and lots of fluids. Don't worry too much. Children her age have them from time to time. In this day and age they very rarely die from them now. Modern medicine and techniques have improved. I promise you, she will be fine in a week." Tory seemed a little relieved, but not convinced.

Sans noticed. "Come on Tory. I bet Frisk could use some of your soup and a good bedtime story." Tory nodded and went to fetch a tray. Sans sat in the living room quietly. He listened to the faint sounds of Tory reading to Frisk. Pulling out his phone he looked at it. He dialed up his brother. After a moment the phone picked up. "Sans? Brother where have you been. You missed breakfast, and lunch." "Hey bro. I'm over at Tory's. Look Frisk is a little sick. I'm going to stay here a while and help Tory take care of her." There was a long pause. "Sans. Are you going to be ok?" Sans had never had Papyrus ask him that.

"Yea. I'm going to be fine. You take care of yourself for a while ok?" "Of course Sans." Sans hung up after that. He noticed a small radio in the corner. A TV beside it. They looked very unused. The book case however was full to bursting. And looked like it was used every hour on the hour. Smiling he thought to himself, 'At least the kid loves to read. Just like her mother. Of course living with your teacher helps that too. Heck I bet the kid is smarter than all of us.'

Sans sat there for nearly five hours before he heard Tory come out of the room. Moving to meet her he sat her sitting in the hall sobbing. Kneeling beside her he hugged her. She hugged him back and cried. "Sans.... I can't..... I can't take this... Please... tell me how to make it better.." Sans sighed and pulled her face up to look at her. "Tory... chill. Frisk is a strong kid. She's stronger than both of us. You know that. I know that. The doctor will be back in the morning with her medicine. And then we just have to make sure she takes it. Keep her warm and fed. You and I both know that's how this will get better."

Tory looked into his sockets. His eye glowed faintly. She nodded with a gentle smile. "Come on. You need some rest too. I'll keep an eye on Frisk tonight. Can't have you getting sick with worry.' Helping her up, he smiled. He watched her wander off to her room. He couldn't help but imagine being in there for her one day. Calling her his. Kissing her. Sleeping beside her at night. Being a father to Frisk. He shook his head. No. That was impossible. Tory was a woman of standards. Standards he couldn't measure up to, even if he actually tried.

Moving into Frisk's room, he saw her resting. She was smiling softly. Taking a seat beside the bed, he pat her arm softly. As the night wore on, he grew tired. He was kept awake by hunger only. He hadn't eaten all day. He was a skeleton yes. But he still needed to eat sometimes.

It was in the early hours of the morning he felt a blanket drape over his shoulders. He looked up to see Tory, still in her night gown standing over him. She smiled softly. Turning she headed for the door. "I will have some food for you two in a few minutes." He looked to Frisk. He was surprised to see her hand lightly wrapped around his. She was still smiling softly. Such a sweet child. He remembered all those times things were reset. But this time... there had been no reset. Something had happened. Had she lost that power? Or was she neglecting it? After a moment Sans realized it didn't matter. Everyone was safe, happy... Everyone... except one. Sans had to handle that, but after Frisk was well again.

The week passed. Each day Frisk got a little better. Each Day Tory and Sans grew more comfortable around each other. Frisk was noticing as well. She hadn't planned on getting sick. But in the end it helped. She sat up one day and found Toriel asleep in the chair beside her bed. "Mom?" Toriel stirred and looked up. Seeing Frisk sitting up she smiled. "My child..." She said. Hugging Frisk, she whispered. "Are you well now?" Frisk nodded. "Where is Sans?"

Toriel grew quiet. After a moment she spoke. "He said he had things to attend to. But that he would be back for dinner. I was going to make your favorite. Snail Pot Pie." Frisk nodded, smiling softly. As she lay back down, Toriel looked at her phone. Sans had sent her a text. "may be late." She was worried. Sans was many things, but never late.

Sans stood in the forest, staring at the lone flower in the one clear patch. The snow that normally covered the area was gone. "Why have you come Sans?" It asked. "Because I need to talk to you." "Why would you speak to me? No one else has." Sans was silent. "Who are you?" "I am Flowey. Flowey the Flower..." Sans chuckled. "Too bad. Because if you were Asriel Dreamurr you would have to come with me to dinner at Toriel's.... with your sister."

Flowey said nothing, but hung lower. "You know... The kid still likes you. I don't know why. But they do....." "You lost your power of Save and reset too didn't you?" Flowey said, looking up. An evil grin on its face. Sans only nodded. "Just like you did. But then... we don't need those powers anymore... we can both be happy now. We are free." "Now... I can't. I'm trapped in this form... I can't love. And if I can't feel love, then I can't be happy." Sans sighed and then laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Sans looked at the flower. "If you remember... You can be happy. If nothing more, you can be content with remembering. And knowing that someone does love you. As family. And maybe your parents would like to know you are still alive. You have no idea the pain they feel.... Thinking you are gone forever. Maybe you can't be your old self again. But you can still be their son."

Flowey was silent. After a bit he spoke. "I can't go inside. I have to have connection to the soil." "I got a pot of dirt in my pocket." Sans said and held it up. "A cage..." "No. A place mat. Until you are ready to leave. Just say you want to leave and I will bring you back outside." "What word can I trust from you?" "Mine? Never. Im a lazy bum. But the kiddo... I'd do anything for Frisk. And you know that. That's why we haven't traded blows yet." Flowey was silent for a long time.

After a bit he spoke. "Put me in the stupid pot." Sans carefully placed Flowey in the pot. Adding extra soil to make sure he had room to wiggle and get comfortable. Carrying Flowey back to the house he came in quietly. The smell of fresh snail pie was strong. "Hmm dinner is almost ready.' He said. "Tory... I'm back. I brought a guest!" Toriel came to greet them. "Oh that is pleas...." She paused when she saw Flowey. He looked away. "Toriel... You know Flowey."

Her paw glowed with fire magic. "Yes. I do..." "Then you will be happy to know he came to see Frisk and make sure she was better." The glow faded instantly. "Oh.. well She is in her room. She is still a bit weak. But she will be joining us for dinner." Sans nodded and winked. "Im taking Flowey to see Frisk. I'll bring them both to dinner when you say it's ready." While Toriel was displeased, she would not touch Flowey with Frisk around.

When sans opened the door, Frisk was sitting up and smiling. Seeing Flowey, her smile brightened. Flowey felt bad seeing Frisk, his savior looking weak and sickly still. Setting the pot on the bedside table he winked. "im right outside if ya need me kiddo." He whispered.

Once the door was shut Frisk picked up the pot and set it in her lap. She smiled at Flowey. Flowey couldn't understand why Frisk was so nice to him. After everything, he remembered but he couldn't understand. After a moment Frisk spoke, "Mom is doing good. I see Mr. Asgore every day. He's the caretaker of the school grounds. He makes it look so pretty. So many flowers. Have you seen it?" Flowey nodded, and then sniffled. "W.. Why are you nice to me?" "Because you deserve it. You are a good person inside." Flowey looked up at Frisk. Even sick, she was being nice.

His eyes watered as she hugged him gently. He leaned his face on her shoulder and cried. Toriel came up after a while and saw Sans listening through the door. "How are they?" "Hes just crying. She's being nice to him. I think... I think he's just hurting like we all were. He doesn't have friends or family. I think Frisk is the only one to ever be nice to him. And he doesn't understand."

They waited a bit more before Toriel knocked on the door. "Dinner is ready." Frisk got up and carried Flowey to the table. Setting Flowey beside her on the table, she got a small piece for him. "Do you want me to help feed you?" she asked softly. "N.. No thank you. I can manage." Using a thin short vine, Flowey managed to cut small bites off and pick them up to eat. As the meal went, Frisk talked about how fun school was and how much she loved story time.

Toward the end of the meal, Flowey asked to be let back outside. Sans took him outside. He vanished into the dirt soon after. Flowey went to the one place he thought he could find some peace. Asgore's garden. He could see Asgore through the window. He was reading a gardening book. Flowey felt the hot tears welling in his eyes. "D..daddy...." Asgore looked out the window. He spotted Flowey easily enough. Coming outside he knelt by the flower. "Hello there... can I help you." Flowey looked up at Asgore, crying. Asgore was moved, and gently scooped up the flower. Carrying it to a large pot he brought it inside.

Sitting with Flowey Asgore tried to cheer him up. "Would you like a cup of tea?" Flowey nodded. "You always made good tea." Asgore looked puzzled. But went to fetch some tea. As they drank tea, Asgore wondered just who this was. He had never met them before. "Can I help you little flower?" Flowey looked at Asgore and burst into tears. After a moment he said a single word. A word that broke Asgore's heart into a billion pieces. "D...Daddy....."


To Be Continued.........