A White Encounter of the Strange Kind

Story by Snake Burton on SoFurry

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#1 of Random Requests

Here is a story request I fulfilled awhile ago. Not sure if the person liked it or not, but I had fun writing it! The tags have spoilers, so read them at your own risk!

I would never tell this to anyone, but secretly, I was more than happy to take over the night shift.

I ran my hand over the glass as I watched the object of my fantasies for the last few weeks pace around it's room. I've asked on multiple occasions exactly where they found it, but the superiors all seemed to be hiding something from those of us on the lower echelon. In the end, I decided it was best to leave the issue where it was, before they decided that my curiosity would get the better of me.

How foolish of them to trust me here all alone.

I watched the creature intently. The one thing I knew for certain was that this creature was not from this world. Some sort of alien from outer space. It was small and pale, very different from the movies. It's skin was covered in weird patches of light fur, and it's eyes were an unsettling red. The creature walked on two limbs, but was hunched forward in an uneven gait that I felt it's frail body would fold over itself. It was such a disturbing and ugly sight. This creature so foreign from those of my own kind, a creature so grotesque that it sends shivers down my spine.

Yet I couldn't help myself but become excited at the sight of it.

I stepped away from the desk to check up on the notes left by the superiors. All the data they'd collected from the creature since it arrived, all collected into a single file. I skimmed over the words searching for things relevant to my needs. Subject seemed nonviolent but fearful of the care takers. Subject appeared to not have any claws or teeth sharp enough to cause serious damage. Subject appears healthy but refuses to eat.

My lips curled as I heard the creature shuffling about.

I put down the tablet and turned back around to face the creature through the glass. It moved around the door, as if trying to find a way to open it. Watching it's body bend and stretch sent an erotic thrill between my legs. I couldn't stand to wait another week, let alone another night. This was the perfect chance! I slowly moved towards the door, mouthwatering as I neared my prize. Peering through the one way window in the door, I studied the wretched, beautiful being up close. With a shaking breath, I finally hit open the door.

Had I known any better, I'd say it gave me a look of shock and terror.

It quickly fled to the other side of the room as I filled the door way, making sure it couldn't make any impromptu escapes. Once sure it wouldn't try any funny business, I slid all the way inside and shut the door behind me. I had always wondered why they put door scanners inside the room instead of keeping them on the outside only, but now I finally appreciate who ever designed this wing. With the door locked behind me I could now put all of my attention on the creature in the door. It huddled in the far corner, arms wrapped around itself as it's two piercing eyes watched my every move. I slowly stepped forward before kneeling down and putting an open palm forward, gently cooing to it.

"Don't worry, everything is okay."

We both kept still for what felt like ages. I could feel the ache in my joints slowly burn hotter and hotter as I held frozen in time, hand held straight like the discipline practices from military training. I was patient though, and continued to goad the creature forward. The nights on this planet were long, and no one would be wondering around this wing of the lab for many hours.

I, like the creature, had plenty of time.

Still, I put our closeness and stillness to good use. From this range, I was better able to see it's body. It's torso was flat with what could only be bones pressing against it's flesh from the inside. The rest of the body was similarly slim too, giving it a very lithe and agile look. It's legs, while thin, seemed a bit short, seemingly the same length as it's body. I wasn't disappointed, far from it. I've always liked things smaller than myself. Between it's legs was something unexpected, however. There I spied what looked like a fleshy pouch beneath an equally fleshy tube like appendage. I felt my loins flare as I studied what I expected to be the creature's genitals. From afar, I could never get a good look at it, seeing as how small and how well it blended into it's body, but up close, with it crouched against the wall, I could see my prize dangling in clear view.

The excitement was nearly impossible to contain at this point.

The creature seemed frozen as I my hand inched closer and closer. I could feel a strange heat radiating from it's body, something that I've never felt before. Something so small and frail yet so irresistibly hot. My body was quivering in anticipation as I neared the final stage. I felt my fingers finally make contact with the hot flesh and the skin ripple under my touch. I had hardly realized I had stopped breathing, and by the sudden panting, so had the creature. I placed more of my hand on it and gently pet it, taking my being unharmed as a good sign.

"You see? It's okay," I whispered.

The longer I felt it's warmth underneath my hand, the braver I felt. I began to explore it's body further, petting and squeezing every part I could reach while gaging it's reaction. It seemed to react positively to being touched on the head, chest, and legs. I traced the lines along it's body with a single long finger, committing this moment to eternal memory. The creature made adorable little noises as I probed and caressed it's body, it's pale skin growing more and more red as it squirmed more and more. Soon the crouch I was in proved too uncomfortable, so I rose up high to look down at the creature.

Now, it was time.

I held my hand out to the creature, and after a moment, placed it's hand in mine. I helped the creature stand and guided it towards cushion the scientists placed as a makeshift bed. I let go of it's and hand and pointed as I took a step back. It seemed confused for a moment, but eventually it climbed on top. I let my eyes eat up the sight of it's body bending and shifting, the muscles and bone underneath the white skin driving me wild.

No longer able to contain it, I stripped.

I quickly began tugging at the hook loop vest of the facility jumpsuit, eager to finally be free of the stuffy material. After removing the top most layer, I began zipping apart the protective plastic underneath. Once free from the protective uniform, I looked down at the creature on the bed. It's eyes were wide as it looked all over my body. I couldn't help the smile growing on my face as I began climbing onto the bed. I pushed the creature onto it's back and worked myself above it, my heart beating faster and faster as I watched it shrink beneath me.

I never felt more aroused than this moment.

I leaned my head down and began to taste the creature's flesh, no longer caring in restraining my base desires. I had already come this far, and the creature seemed to be nonviolent. It's flesh tasted of water and salt, so foreign to the taste of my past partners, yet all the more appealing. I ravenously licked over every inch I could find, slowly working my way down. The weird hair over parts of it's body didn't deter me in the slightest, despite how odd the texture felt. As I moved further south, I felt something poking into my neck. I picked my head back up from it's body to study what happened only to be met with a shock.

If this creature is anything like my own kind, then it's obviously a female.

The fleshy tube from before had expanded and solidified since I had last seen it, the fleshy spire jutting out from between it's legs. The sac beneath it had also changed size, now hanging much lower than it was previously. However, at the tip, I could see the very noticeable slit. From what I had read from it's files, they had classified the creature as male, but now I realize they were wrong. The fleshy shaft closely resembled a woman's organ, a tube that extends from the body with an opening to accept a man inside. My own loins were inflamed with passion, and as I spied a bead of lubricant producing at her tip, I felt my own rod release from within my body.

The look on the creature's face when it spied my treasure was nothing short of erotic.

My flesh extended out of my body and flowered apart into it's four petals, exposing the thin inner tube. I could feel a rush of moisture slide out from the base of my crotch, covering my seed giver in anticipation and dripping onto the creature below me. I panted hard as I gently wrapped my hands around the creature's genitals, feeling the exotic warmth and hardness as I lined it up with my own. I slid my tip against hers, spreading our combined fluids around it's opening. The creature's noises turned to something close to what sounded like worry, but I lovingly shushed it, stroking my thumb against it's face.

"Don't, everything will be fine."

I began to cross the final line as I pressed myself into her opening, her body beginning to trash against my strong grip as I felt the tight entrance wrap around my tip. The creature's noises grew louder and louder, so I had to halt my progress and hold her steady. I did my best to hold it's mouth shut as it tried to escape my hold. I did my best to try and calm it's fears, but it only seemed to make it more excited. As it twisted and shock beneath me, it's flesh rubbed and tugged on my own, creating immense pleasure from deep within me. It must be a young member of it's species, I decided. In my years of experience, I have learned how to handle a maiden's first time.

I took hold of the creature's shaft, and thrust myself hard and deep inside.

The creature squirmed and howled and I could feel her member convulse and throb around me. The feeling was nothing short of heavenly, and despite struggling with the creature's shaking, I savored every moment. I held myself inside the creature as I waited for her to adjust, her howls and screaming stopped, but she still attempted to free itself. She continued to try and wrangle herself from my grasp, but as minutes passed, she soon had tired herself out. Her body soon stilled under my own, and I could feel her member soften and shift around my flesh. I gave a few testing thrusts, the creature letting out weak moans as I felt her slit stretch around myself, far more than it did when it was hard.

Now, nothing could stop me.

I was eternally thankful that there was no one around, her screaming was sure to have echoed across the whole wing. I moved my hips back and forth, the feeling of her warm, slick tunnel convulsing around my tower of love was unlike any woman I had slept with before. The creature's weak noises were soon overcome by my own panting, and once I was sure she would no longer get away, I released her. I felt the creature's struggles begin to rise once more, but she was far too exhausted to fight me off, and instead let her arms fall limply above her. Seeing the creature so weak and defenseless beneath me was more than thrilling, and I leaned back down with a hard thrust and began to lap at her skin once more.

By the stars, she was delicious.

My hips worked her body hard and fast, now. Each time I pressed down into her, her body would sink into the cushions. The constant rubbing around my flesh was pure ecstasy. After minutes of my constant humping, I eventually felt the creature's shaft inflate once more, the creature's face turning far redder than I'd ever seen it before, and her little noises turned from grunts to gasps. As I slid myself in and out, the tube extended further and further, until every time I let myself back in to the hilt, I could feel her flesh meet the base of my groin, her tip pressing into the lubricating pores. I let out a loud growl each time she hit the base, the pressure there and the tightness around my spire left me seeing stars.

My passion grew even hotter than the suns.

I suckled the creature's neck as I went into the final stages of our mating, the creature's gasps rising into long moans. Her arms wrapped around my neck, but to hold me close or to steady herself, I wasn't sure. The world around us blurred as I roared and shot my hips deep into her, digging her tip hard into the roots of my petals and released my load into her core. As my cum rushed into her nethers, I felt her shaft began to twitch in time to my own, and felt her fluids shoot out from around my spire. I let out a long, low groan as I emptied myself into her, letting the last of my energy going into a few weak thrusts.

Never have I felt so satisfied.

bodies conjoined to witness the mess we surely made. White liquid oozed from her tip, staining my roots and slopping down her shaft. I pushed myself up and slowly began to pull myself out of the creature. She let out a long moan as inch after inch slipped free from her tunnel. Once finally free, my own blue seed welled up after, as if trying to return from where it came before being overcome by the creature's white. With a tired sigh, I rolled over to the side and pulled the creature close to me. She at first tried to push herself away, but eventually gave up and cuddled against me. I purred to her and held her close to my chest as she slowly went to sleep. Watching her body rest beside me was an fulfilling experience all its own, and I was glad that I would have the time to rest after the vigorous rutting.

Squeezing her to my body, I finally let myself sleep.