
Story by xansteel on SoFurry

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#24 of Finding One's True Self Webseries

Altair meets with and old friend who reveals some disturbing information. Julyna shares this information during a staff meeting as the GrandMaster arrives.

Major Edit


By Xan Steel

The day had started off like any other as Altair got to his office at Alliance headquarters, and began looking over the reports he got from the Captains under his command. Several reports concerned him that were coming from the front lines as two ship were in desperate need of repairs, and we're heading to a nearby Starbase, claiming that the Rebel fleet had started deploying a new type of weapon on their ships. He sent out requisition forms to those Starbase's to get them prepared for their arrival, and what to expect for repairs. The last report he read came from Julyna, and it was both good and bad news. The good news was she found more resources that the Alliance had been running low on for quite some time, the bad news however, was a lack of Gaia class planets for the colonies to move too. She also mentioned that she and her crew believed this to be a stellar nursery. Meaning it would be some time before any of these planets were habitable.

He finished up his morning work and looked up at the clock. "Noon already?" He said to himself. No sooner had he said that did his assistant page him. "Admiral. Admiral Torid is here to see you." "Oh let him in Tini." Torid opened the door as Altair stood up to greet him. "Hello Torid." "Altair, good to see you." Torid was a Ryconian, a species akin to a Raccoon. "Listen Altair I don't have a lot of time to chat at the moment, but I wanted to ask if you'd go to lunch with me in about an hour?" "Sure where do you want to meet at?" "How about we go to our," he clears his throat, "Usual place?" At this point Altair knew this wasn't a social visit. Something was very wrong. As they only ever went there, when there was need for secrecy. Altair kept his composure, "Sounds great, it's been a while since I had their Golini." "I thought you might like that. So I'll see you in an hour." He said as he left. Altair watched him leave his office. "Lady Tini?" He said as he walked out to her desk. "Yes Sir?" "I need you to reschedule all my meetings for tomorrow please." "Of course Sir." "Then take the rest of the day off." She thanked him as he left the office.

He took his personal transport to a nearby parking center and parked there. He then took a bag out of the back and proceeded to a nearby restroom and changed into regular clothes. Once he finished he placed his uniform back into his transport, and then continued to walk to a nearby gift shop to pick up four gifts he would need. Once he had those, he went out the door and around the corner to flag down a public transport. He gave the pilot the address and told him to take an indirect path there. After a forty five minute ride, the transport stop in front of a alley that look deserted. He got out as the driver drove off, and he began to walk down the alley with the gifts. As he got half way down the alley he stopped at a marker near a fence. The marker had the names of a female and three younglings. His previous mate and family. This alley was a popular travel route many cycles ago, until a masked shooter killed everyone walking through here. The reason it was deserted, because it was now a place of remembrance. He knelt down and placed the gifts around the marker, then placed his left handpaw on it and bowed his head. He didn't speak only remembered, as a few tears fell to the ground.

After a time he got up and continued down the path to the restaurant that he and Torid were meeting at. Once there a waiter took him to a table in the back corner that was dimly lit. Torid was there waiting for him as he sat down. "Sorry I'm late." "It's quite alright, I know the path you take." They made their orders and small talked for a bit, before Torid turned serious. "Altair, We've known each other for many cycles now, and in that time I can honestly say that I trust you implicitly with what I'm about to tell you." He said as Altair nodded at him. "The reason I needed to talk with you is, I've discovered that the Four Heads of the Alliance have found that Julyna is carrying restricted DNA on her ship." "Restricted?" "Yes, and apparently it's not from this galaxy." Altair sat there in thought. "I did some checking with a few others I trust to keep quiet, and apparently this DNA first appeared over two hundred cycles ago from a six person crew in a small ship." Altair interrupted him. "How did they find out?" "They have a spy onboard. And the big shocker is" Altair interrupted again, "He carries the protein." He said hanging his head. "How did?" "I've been trying my best to hide this, but it seems until that spy is removed all my efforts are for naught." He sighed deeply. "I take you know this person?" "Intimately, and he's from the Fayriden Galaxy." Torid was shocked to say the least as that was quite a distance to travel. "Is he bringing others to invade?" "No, he's the sole survivor of four, after passing through a Quantum Vortex. They were on their way to another planet in their galaxy to start a new colony." Altair continued to tell the story for him. He also told him how the Grandmaster had an interest in him and was overriding the Alliance in this. Torid told him that the Four Heads likely didn't care and were planning on confronting her about it soon, and would likely try to confiscate him. Altair needed to inform her as soon as possible. He turned to Torid one last time, "Just one more question, how did you learn of this?" "I have lookouts in key spots. These are people I trust." He paused sighing briefly, "I've had this feeling that something has changed in the Alliance in the last few cycles. So I've been quietly planting eyes and ears everywhere, and so far my suspicions have been confirmed. This is why I came to you. I don't know of anyone that I can trust to investigate this, without raising an alarm." Torid finished. Altair wasn't sure how to respond as he knew someone that fit the bill, but he was unsure if he would help. "Give me some time, as I may have someone. Not to mention I'll need to warn Julyna." Torid nodded "Just be careful when you do" he said. They sat there eating for a while, and finishing up on some lighthearted conversation, before parting ways for the night.

It was mid-shift when Julyna called for a staff meeting. There were some things she needed to inform the crew, as well as get an update from everyone on the tasks she had assigned. Everyone was already sitting down as she came in, and proceeded to take the head seat. "Alright everyone I'm enacting Security Protocol Red. This meeting isn't to be mentioned outside of this room. Is that clear?" They respond with 'Yes Ma'am' as she continues. "I've called this meeting for two reasons. One I need a progress report on your assigned tasks, and Two I've just received some disturbing information that I need to share with you. Feros, lets hear your report first." He sat up and cleared his throat as he began. "Well to begin, his people are a dichotomy with having both ancient and new technology." He continued to explain the old technology based on the material of the ship, the communications system, environmental system, computer systems, and a primitive replicator for food processing. The next part he got excited about, "I then can across a treasure trove of these." He said opening a small box with a glowing cube inside. Tygera spoke up, "What is that?" "This is a Quantum Storage Cube. It took a couple hours to figure that out, but this is some highly advanced technology. We've not been able to make a stable one of these, and there's twelve on his ship. Just of one of these has more storage capacity than our entire computer core by a factor of thirty." Julyna was impressed to say the least, and wondered if Rubicant would allow the use of them. Feros continued to explain that all the medical equipment had been handed over to Dr. Mortora for further study, and that his team was currently downloading all information stored on the computers for studying. The power system on the ship, wasn't to far off from what was currently being used on the Kestrel. Which surprised him, until Julyna told him that Rubicant was a Mechanical Engineer. "Oh? I didn't know that." She spoke again, "Once he is cleared from medical, I want him to learn this ship inside and out with you, with any luck it will keep his mind off things, and make him feel welcomed." She finished as Feros agreed with her as having an extra hand was always a good thing.

Julyna then turned to Zalina for her report. "I have some disturbing news. I've been following a low level radiation signature that's started showing up around the arrival of our special guest." "What's the signature?" Julyna asked. "Aurorian radiation." Everyone sat stunned as she continued, "Regardless of what rumors, and legends say about this Radiation, I can not stress enough how important having protection against any form of radiation is." She paused, as Mortora spoke up. "Where has the sensors picked up this radiation?" She asked. She sighed before taking a deep breath, "Everywhere, in every room, and corridor with the strongest spikes in Cargo Bay Three, and Medical." Julyna and Mortora looked at each other briefly. Julyna turned to Zalina, "Does there appear to be a pattern to it?" "I don't have that information as the computer is still working on it. It should be finished in three hours." "Good keep me informed, and keep monitoring it." She turned to Mortora, "And Doctor, try and come up with some type of inoculant against this radiation." Mortora nodded. Julyna then asked for Mortora's report on their special guest. "Well, after a life threatening complication, I'm pleased to report, that he's going to make a full recovery. As of right now, Lady Iris is completing one of the last two tests on him. I feel confident enough to release him from medical once I have the final test completed, in two days." She finished with Julyna nodding. Adreena's report was on the weapon systems. She stated that they were in desperate need of upgrading or at the every least resupplied as they only had a quarter of their maximum capacity. She added that there was a supply depot two jumps away, where they could get the upgrades she had planned, as well as resupply. Julyna took it under advisement knowing it needed to be done, but now wasn't the time unfortunately.

Julyna cleared her mind before she began, "Alright, I've been informed that we have a spy on board this ship." Everyone's attention was now grabbed by this fact, as Julyna heard their thoughts on how one got aboard the ship. "Apparently the Four Heads of the Alliance knows of our special guest or at least his DNA is on board this ship, because it's restricted." Tygera spoke up. "What do you mean by restricted?" "Apparently his species has been to our galaxy before, some two hundred cycles ago. And they discovered what Mortora did a few days ago that I've asked her to keep quiet about." Julyna said looking at her before continuing. "As of right now, he is under the authority of the GrandMaster, who should be arriving." She was interrupted by a incoming hail. "Kestrel, this is the ship Tailar. The GrandMaster would like to board." Julyna gave a handpaw gesture that said 'speak of the devil'. "Beam him directly to me, as I have information that he'll need to hear Tailar." "Understood. Tailar out."

A few moments passed as the GrandMaster appeared in the small meeting room with a data pad in handpaw. Everyone bowed in greeting and respect, and after Julyna offered a chair for him to sit in. "Student, I was hoping to meet our guest." He said as he finished sitting down. "I'll take you to him once this meeting is finished, as I have information you'll want to hear Master." Julyna concluded and began to start over. After the initial retelling she continued. "It also appears that the Four Heads of the Alliance plan to override you Master, and try to confiscate him, possibly by force if necessary." Everyone was quite for a moment, as the GrandMaster stood up and went to a terminal. He activated it as a holo image appeared at the table. He spoke as he entered in the data for all to see. "There are reasons as to why I can't allow the Four Heads to have him. First reason, and the only I'm going to reveal here is, he carries the Protein for the Derlenian's survival." The holo image changed to show horrifying images of the last six that had entered their galaxy. They watched as the doctors used a device to forcibly remove the protein from the host bodies, and then watched as the bodies began breaking down on an atomic level, it was almost like they were melting. Feros spoke in disgust. "How barbaric!" Mortora then spoke in anger, "That goes against Medical Ethics!" Julyna was to stunned to speak. "Unfortunately, if the Four Heads are planing to come here, and override my authority then it means they are desperate enough to do anything to get their hands on him. We must tread carefully here." The GrandMaster finished, as Tygera spoke up. "You don't think they'll label us Rebels do you?" He turned to look at her, "That is a distinct possibility." Julyna turned to Feros, "Is there a way to hide his bio-signature from scanners?" He thought for a minute, "There might be a way, but I'll need to study it first, and run a few tests." "Sorry, but I need this in an hours time." "Understood." He got up and left. "Mortora, do you still have the Weapon covered in his blood?" "Yes, I take it you want to use that instead of him?" "Yes, I want it to look like a piece of debris, and Tygera, I need you to alter our records to match that." They both agreed and left to get started.

Now it was just Julyna, the GrandMaster, and Zalina in the room. They noticed the Zalina was fidgeting with herself. Julyna spoke softly to her. "Zalina?" She jumped and cleared her mind quickly. "Oh um, sorry Captain, I guess I was day dreaming." Julyna knew she was having strong thoughts about Rubicant. She spoke in a caring tone. "You do know that Rubicant is both mine, and Lady Iris's mate right?" A sudden look of dejection came across her face as she hung her head in shame for having such thoughts. "I'm sorry Captain." she said softly. Julyna sighed, and was upset at the GrandMaster for even mentioning the fact he carried the protein openly with everyone in the room. "Zalina, I need your help keeping this part quiet from the rest of the crew. Right now Lady Iris and myself have no plans to mate with him until we understand what is going on with him and the GrandMaster here." She said casually pointing to him. Zalina nodded to her. "I'll do my best Captain." "I know you will Zalina. I just don't need a Derlenian mating riot on my hands." A sudden thought came over her as she looked at Julyna. "Was he involved with the incident on Travaina IV?" Julyna nodded. "Did he know then that he carries it?" Julyna shook her head, and explained everything to her, and why it was necessary to keep things quiet, not just to the crew but to him as well. She also said that if he wanted anyone else in his life, it was up to him. Zalina nodded as she now had a better understanding of what was going on. Julyna then suggested that for now, just be a friend. Which made Zalina smile a bit.

Julyna then dismissed her, and then turned to the GrandMaster. "So you haven't told him?" he questioned. "No right now that the last thing he needs to know, until he feels more at home here with us." "I see. Well my plan was to have him go to Dr. Graphra. I've been talking with him, and he believes that he may have another way to spread the protein to others, so that he's not spending his entire life mating." Julyna smiled a bit, "Dr. Mortora said she wanted to take him there for a second opinion on her work of him. Thing is, Graphra is on the other side of the galaxy, and would take about two cycles to get to him Jumping the whole way, and sadly I don't have the energy on this ship to do that." "I know. Right now we have plenty of time, so I need you to head that way, but don't try to be to obvious about it, or the Four Heads may setup a blockade." Julyna nodded as Tygera came over comms to warn her about two large and distance jump signatures that registered, and were headed for them. "Get us into a nearby nebula, and go to low power mode!" "Yes Ma'am" Tygera responded.