
Story by Matt Foxwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Po-eems

Written this past summer.


It's only the wind...

Bodiless in flight, immaterial in falling

Beautiful to behold yet equally appalling

From what titanic loins did you children spring?

Progeny of Cronos, do you scour what you touch?

Whelps of Odin, do you give or bring word?

Do you not wish to be seen, because you are always heard?

Vessels of the voice and of music,

Carriers of truth and lie,

Invisible, invincible, infinite

Ever flowing and always touching

Like an old friend, like a young lover

Sometimes hateful, sometimes hurtful

Above victim's corpses do you even hover

Call out a name, you call back in like a voice

A god roars, you equal in tone and temperament

As you push away water

As you shove into fire

As you devour stone, wood, and dirt

You will remain

Invisible, Invincible, Infinite

It's only the wind

You are only the wind

The wind is only you

are the wind

and the wind

Is you

Spiral into eternity, eternity's spiral

You will consume everything

In your mouth of time
