Gold Lightning…Part Four

Story by Gold Lightning on SoFurry

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#4 of Powers

This is part 4 of my series powers. I am still on mobile so it is still hard to type. In the next part Inwill go into more detail of this chapter. I will mostly check up and update a new chapter starting every other day from January 2nd and going like that until June. I will mostly see your comments every morning and night I can.

I am going to my secret lair at midnight one morning, and find it more clean than I had left it. So I had my power ready to throw at someone, and found of it was my best hero friend. He said that it could use some cleaning so he he cleaned. If you are wondering who my friend is it is Black Lightning. He always loved to come unexpected. He said he had come to ask for a computer, I said that he could use the mega screen computer I have for checking the town out from the base. I loved doing that every morning. I said that I had to use it at 3am today to do the check of the town!