Fur one and fur all! (Part 3)

Story by pizzaplatinum on SoFurry

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#3 of Fur one and fur all!

Wow, the indenting is really weird on this thing. Why can't I just indent one line instead of a whole paragraph?!? flips table

As I run to class, I hear my personal bully, Terry, say, "Hey, here comes Wolf Boy. Nice tail, loser!" His "followers" snicker stupidly at this comment. I decide to not even dignify my long-time enemy with a comment, so I just sneer at him and his followers. They keep shouting insults at me. I try to block them out, but I can't, so I just accelerate to a sprint in an attempt to escape them. This doesn't seem to go well, as I already don't feel well. I slow down, to keep myself from vomiting, and then, "Oh no, should we call the Wah-bulance?" Something snaps inside of me, and I stop. My subconscious compels me to lunge at Terry, animalistically, and I tackle him to the ground. How Terry curls up in a fetal position makes him very vulnerable... Then my sanity kicks in, and I run as fast as I can from the crime scene.

I make it into my class just as the bell rings, drenched in sweat and a couple stray drops of blood. I collapse into my chair. As I look up at the board to see the warmup for today, I feel a ravenous hunger settle upon me, along with my queasiness intensifying a little, so I resolve to buy a bag of chips or something during break, because I can't very well eat my lunch money. At least the pain is mostly gone. The warmup prompt today is "school lunch." As if the day wasn't bad enough, this prompt has to inadvertently mock me as well. I decide to just pull up some alternative metal on my knock-off mp3 player that I christened the iPawd, and write my one-page warmup about school lunches. My hunger stops me from writing a completely coherent warmup and causes me to think about what to eat. I want something with lots of meat. Scratch that, just meat. A nice big, juicy steak. I shake my head violently. Where did that come from? Then, just as I turn in my warm up, the loudspeakers announce, "Alex Yamah, please report to the main office." One of the students goes "Ooooooooooh, you're in trouble!," but I just grab my backpack and start walking to the office.

As I walk to the office, I stop at the bathroom, because I probably won't get to go during the lengthy speech and punishment I'm about to get. Looking at the mirror, I almost fall backwards in shock. What I see in the mirror doesn't look like me. The wispy hairs on my face have turned into an actual mustache and beard at this point, even if it's just stubble, and my face looks different, for lack of a better word. It's thinner, and my eyes aren't so much hazel now as green. Deciding against staying here any longer, I walk to the office.

In the office, I'm directed to sit down and wait. After sitting, I start getting really hungry, which makes me a little queasy and hurt.

Five minutes later, a bus pulls up, and as I get on and pay, people start giving me strange looks. At this point, I don't even know why they're giving me strange looks. There's too many possibilities to accurately deduce the problem. I just pull out my iPawd to get rid of everyone staring at me. As I'm about to put on my headphones, the bus starts to rumble, and my ears pull back against my head in response. Wait, wolf ears? Shit. I think I know what's wrong.