100 writing challenge #1 Introduction

Story by Aryot on SoFurry

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#1 of 100 Writing Challenge

My best friend Ben started doing this 100 Writing Challenge thing and I figured why not join him. It will help me become a better writer, and who knows maybe I will make a friend or two while doing it. Don't be afraid to send me a shout or message I love talking to others. So we are starting with #1 Introduction.

#1 Introduction

By: Aryot

Well here I am again with the dreaded task of introducing myself. I wouldn't blame you if you just look this entry over and skip it all together. I don't live what you may call an exciting life, in fact all my life I have never really gone out and just went wild if you know what I mean. I've played it safe and didn't take many risks. If I haven't scared you away yet you just might enjoy reading this, getting to know who the person is behind this spotted fursona, or persona as some might say. I'm not going to go back to my childhood and bore you with every detail, for this is a furry site I am going to stay for the most part having this introduction stay furry.

First a little about me before I jump right into how I found the fandom. If you asked those who knew me they would most likely say that I am a cool guy to hang around, but if you ask them what makes me different from the average Joe you will get a thinking face most likely. I am not talented with art, nor am I this crazy dare devil. The only real thing I think is kind of my trade mark is my music, I play the guitar. Even then I am nothing special in that sense. I have always felt more feminine than masculine, so my fursona is almost always female. I grew up in a sheltered home living in a bad part of town. I was homeschooled my high school years, and never really had any friends. I have recently moved up north and found a mate who has a cub I now see as my own. So yea like I said I am nothing really special so let's get into the story of how I found the fandom and became furry.

I guess you can say that I have been a furry for most of my life, but didn't identify as one till late 2009 early 2010. I came across the fandom like most others, the porn. I am a big Lion King fan and it was November 28, 2009 when I got my first personal laptop, and I wanted to get some Lion King photos for my desk top background. As I was searching the internet for said pictures I came across, at the time finding them weird, some Anthro versions of Lion King art. Now this art was different than all of the others and I found it creative and wanted to find more of it. After doing some research on finding more of the pictures the word furry so I started using that as the root word for my searches, and man was I taken for a trip. So yea that's how I found the fandom if you are still reading this then you deserve a cookie, gold star, or a big hug for I am shocked that you made it this far. So how about we follow the chain of events and I tell you the story of how I found myself identifying as a furry.

So I now kind of know a vague definition of a furry while discovering the Lion King art. In my mind I saw a furry as someone who liked animals who looked like humans, and they drew art. I didn't know back then that I was only partly right until I found a site called FurNation, I don't know if the site is still up and running or not for I haven't been to it in years but, it was the site that opened my eyes to the fact that being a furry isn't all about art. I realized that being a furry was a lifestyle in a way. I still feel that way about it, and I was curious about what all went on behind the "only members can view this page" screen I kept getting sent to every time I clicked on something.

Now I see this next step on what I'm about to do as a major turning point in my life. My curiosity got the best of me and I created a profile on FurNation under the name Daniel Celliman. As I was creating a profile it asked for my species. I was a little reluctant to continue in fear that I will be seen as an outsider and get ignored or picked on (yes, I have a low self-esteem). After giving some consideration with this question and deciding to go through with it came the challenge of what species I am. It didn't take much thought in that before I put down lion and continued with the sign up process. After I was done I looked over everything I entered and something was off, I went back to that question species and erased lion and put in Snow Leopard. I grew up in Alabama but the family would often take trips up to Colorado. In the fall of 2008 I saw snow for the first time and fell in love with it. Hell as soon as I woke and saw it covering the ground I almost ran out in nothing but my underwear! So snow leopard was the species I went with.

So there I was a member of FurNation under the name of Daniel Celliman. To everyone on there I was just like them and was treated as such. I was scanning the home page and found this fur by the name of Dodge Vulpe, who now last time I check is this popular furry, I saw that he was also new to the site and I messaged him. Shortly after he messaged back, it didn't take long for us to become best friends. Through him I discovered that being a furry wasn't only about the art, but how we identify as the species we have chosen.

I stayed on FurNation for about two years before my parents found out and threw a fit saying that I was joining a cult and I was putting the family in danger. They took my laptop computer and everything else that I had that was connected with the fandom for a few months. I look back on that time as the dark time, yes I could walk away from the fandom easily, but what hurt the most is the fact I was taken away from my friends. I'm sorry I don't want this introduction to turn into a sob story so I am going to get on to the next big event in shaping my furry life.

For the first while of my furry life I thought it all stayed online, it wasn't till I left home did I find that in some areas furries get together to hang. I found the group FIC, Fur Iron City, through Vil and Zanth, they helped me when my parents would not. I was disowned by my parents because of the furry thing. I started going to the Pizza Meets and started to find my place amongst them. I finally felt like I belonged and my life had turned around. Ever since then I have found strength in the fandom and grew with it.

So yea that is a brief description on this Snep and a little background on how I found the fandom. Through the fandom I have meet the love of my life, and a handful of close friends. If you actually read this whole thing props to you. Thank you and I look forward to #2 in this challenge Love. Till then stay fluffy my friends and keep moving towards what makes you happy.