Harem Tales: Rinn's Story

Story by Nickylion on SoFurry

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#1 of Harem Tales

Harem Tales: Rinn

By Nickylion

The sun beat harshly down upon the desert sands of my captors' homelands and awakened me from my exhausted sleep. I stared up at the great yellow orb hanging low in the sky, its light divided twain across my vision by the bars of my cage. Thick and wooden they sat there, lashed together with reckless and yet somehow sturdy care, and held me firmly, keeping me from venturing out into the sea of dunes that swept across my vision.

Briefly I was struck by the humor of this situation. Here I was, barely able to walk, let alone run to escape my captors, all of whom rode non-morphic horses and could easily ride me down. As if to add insult atop the pile of my injuries I had sustained during my capture, I was now far from the snowy peaks I called home, and the heat had rendered me weak and easily exhausted. The food my captor's provided refused to stay down, and the beatings I received for not being able to tame my stomach only reinforced its behavior.

My captor's caravan was made up of several strange wagons, similar to those I had seen enter my village in my youth, but altered, I presumed, to make traversing the desert sands easier. The soldiers, the ones who caught me that fateful day, garbed themselves all in thick black fabric. More desert survivalism, I suppose.

I lay in one of the cells within the wagons watching the dunes fly by, stretching myself on occasion to try and gain some semblance of strength within my muscles or at the very least, stop them from atrophying. I would glance about, looking at the other couple of beings within 'my' wagon. Both seemed of very similar stature and I could tell that they must have been from the same village. They bore spots and fur very short like my own, but colored instead like the dunes themselves. They watched me in return, and often would comment to each other weakly. I felt ostracized.

Every so often the wagons would slow and stop, and our captors would arrive bearing canteens of water that we would eagerly gorge ourselves upon. The water must have had something in it, for it tasted slightly bitter, and we always fell asleep soon afterwards. We would wake several hours later, throats still parched from the dry desert air, still in our wooden prisons. Despondently I looked up at the sky, as if willing my gods to come down and remove me from this place. I wondered why they, oh merciful and bountiful gods, would send me into this barren hell of a wasteland.

Night came slowly, at first thought to be a welcome respite from the day's heat. That thought, I am certain, quickly disappeared from my imprisoned 'cohorts' as well as my own, for the desert night was cold and cruel, with violent dust-storms and the added threat of these venomous reptiles without legs, snakes I believe they were called, who would steal into our prisons for warmth, and strike as if in payment for their stay. Three nights past I saw one such prisoner the morrow after, his face drawn tight in a grimace of death. I thought it a horrible way to go, considering our captor's paid no mind to his beliefs, leaving him to die upon the sands, but as the days wore onwards, I began to wonder if he was indeed the lucky one.

A grueling two fortnights after the caravan entered the deserts, our captor's arrived at their destination. To my eyes, what I saw defied all my attempts to describe it. Huge stone walls, as far as my eye could see, greeted us, and within the very domiciles it's people resided in seemed sculpted from the very earth we trod upon, rising high into the sky as well. Occasionally I would see a person or two scurrying along, but overall

All manner of smells assaulted my sensitive nose. In some ways, this 'city,' as I heard it referred to, was very similar to my village but on a much grander scale. We passed a wide open area where vendors of all shapes and sizes hawked their wares, even to ones so completely incapable of buying as us.

I noticed at this point, that my two prison-mates were as equally terrified and confused by this place as I. They looked about with wide-eyed wonder, and turned to each other, chittering quickly in their own native tongue. I looked downward at myself, noticing how the sand of the desert had penetrated my once-pristine white fur, tinting it a terribly ugly shade of dirt, and had to force back tears. They at least had each other. I had no family, no friends anymore. The feelings I had long since held in check, since my capture, since leaving the mountains I called home, started to emerge.

At that very moment I heard a strange voice that seemed to stand out amongst the crowd. Deep and melodious, it seemed oddly re-assuring, and a shadow fell across the light that shone into my cage. I looked up, half expecting to see one of my captors standing over me, whip at the ready, but instead I saw a pair of feline eyes, deep golden orbs staring back at me. I looked at them without fear, resigned to my eventual death, and noticed they were connected to a rather large cat with splotches of spots within spots. He continued watching me, staring right at me all while my caravan passed by, and I felt oddly empty when I could no longer see him.

The wagons traveled for a bit longer, then came to a sudden jerking stop, sending me careening into the front of my cage. Our captors then began unloading us, letting us out of the cages, but quickly grabbing each of us by the scruff of the neck and throwing a tight awful band of iron around it and clanking it shut. Our hands were bound with a thick, rough rope, and we were made to hobble away, moving about in a slow, methodical daze. I had a particularly rough time of this, since my captor's had not exactly allowed us to run around, and my legs were weak with the pain of a healing scrape and several weeks worth of inactivity. Once or twice I stumbled and was swatted back into step by one of the captors.

I felt a hand upon my back, lending me some unseen support. When I felt I was unwatched, I looked back and noticed one of my cell-mates was behind me, winking at me as if to say, "Keep it up. You're almost there!" I nodded and looked forward again, noticing that the line was finally starting to slow down. Sure enough, we had been lead to a stopping point. One by one, our captor's were detaching the metal bands, replacing them with a simple leash of rope, and dragging us up onto some kind of stage. There was a very ostentatiously dressed feline there, who would yell and cavort the crowd, causing various people in the audience to raise a hand every once and again. As I watched this behavior, I noticed that one by one, the people raising their hands dropped out, finally leaving only one.

Another few rounds of this later, and I was next. My legs grew weaker with fear, not knowing what was going on, unable to understand the language of my captors. I wanted to run home, to hide, to somehow go back and stop myself from leaving the village that day. To never want to wander again. They undid my metal band, and I was rudely jerked on stage. The cleverly dressed feline pulled me to the center, and a bright light shone upon me. I held up my hands to fend off the light, clearly revealing the rest of my body. This was, I assume, much to the delight of the audience, who began clamoring almost instantly. The holder of my rope seemed pleased by this, and began his usual spiel.

Many hands went up, more than I'd seen previously, but they just as quickly, they reduced themselves down to two pairs. I looked out into the audience, finding the two bearers of these hands. One hand belonged to a mean, gnarled looking canine with long fangs and a cane in one hand. The other, much to my shock and awe, belonged to that same feline from the market, who I noticed, was dressed in a white cloak and tunic. His golden eyes still bore into me, even from here, and I found myself lowering my hands shyly, trying to remove all reason for him to want to look at me. A long several moments later, the canine growled and ceased to raise his hand. The feline who held my rope waited a moment or two more, then banged his fist on his podium, smiling broadly.

He handed my rope off to a burly looking guard, who tugged my violently off the stage. The tugging was a bit too violently for my knee, apparently, as it chose that moment to buckle, sending me crashing down, just off stage. The guard, a regal yet somehow ragged looking fellow, yanked me up by the scruff of my neck and set me down. He handed me a clean white linen tunic and roughtly shoved it over my head and neck, tying it at the sides for me. It was at this point that we both noticed the man in white was standing in front of me now, motioning towards him. The guard towed me violently towards the man, who took my rope and then belted the guard harshly, growling some kind of words I did not yet understand. Their impact was immediate upon the guard, who nodded and bowed, obviously cowed by this man.

The man in white motioned for me to follow him, tugging gently at my leash as if to coax me forward. Hesitantly I stepped forward and followed him, realizing with a growing amount of horror, that I had just been sold. I belonged to this man in white now. He pulled me out into one of the antechambers between the stage and the street and waited a moment more. Soon, the same guard from earlier returned, this time bearing the person behind me in the line. Smiling, he handed the leash over to the man in white, who lead us, both frightened and unsure, clad only in these plain white tunics, out onto the busy streets of the city.

Thankfully for both of us, we did not have long to walk, for soon we were ushered into another wagon, this one much more lavish than our previous 'transportation.' He motioned for us to sit down and we did so without thought, so tired were we from our ordeal. The man in white reached into his robes and produced a canteen from which he drank and then proceeded to offer us a chance to drink as well. Not realizing my own thirst, I seized it and gulped down a few mouthfuls of the precious liquid. I looked to the man in white then, who gestured for it to be given to my friend from the wagons. He took it equally as eagerly and drank his fill, slowly handing the canteen back to the man in white, who was now smiling softly.

The bumps in the road became more numerous after a bit, and I noticed we had again left the city. Looking about, I itched unconsciously at my bonds, and felt a strange presence upon them. I turned, and came face to face with the man in white again. He had placed his hands upon my bonds, and with a soft snapping sound, had rent the rope with his claws. Instinctively I moved to wring my hands, but his hands stopped me. He looked down, noticing that the bonds had left deep impressions in my fur and skin below it, and began murmuring in some foreign tongue. His hands glowed and a soft white light filled the cabin. When it died down, I felt slightly light-headed, but the pain and impressions on my wrists had ceased to be. I looked up at him, amazed, when he did something even more unexpected.

He spoke my language, "I have shown you good faith, have I not, kitten?" His voice purred out the language of my people as if it were his own, "Please return my faith, and do not attempt to escape. You're a long way from your home, and it is not within my power to return you there." He finished tending to my leg, then added, "Get some rest. Your physical wounds have been healed, but your body still needs time to properly mend."

Dumbly I nodded and sat back down. This man had confounded all my expectations of my captors in a single night. He had purchased me, freed me from my bonds, and healed my wounds. I looked over at him, noticing he was treating my friend with the same attention he had just shown me. My friend looked over at me and for the first time, I saw the glimmer of hope upon his face. I smiled to him and looked back out at the sands, counting the dunes as they passed by as I did on our journey here. Eventually I grew tired, both from the heat and from my counting, and my eyes simply closed. When they opened again, the large walls of a 'city' were again within my view.

I sat up with a start, worried I might somehow be back in that horrible place before I remembered what had transpired. Curious still I looked out at the walls, realizing they were different somehow. Not as tall, and not spanning quite so far, perhaps. I looked over at the man in white and noticed that he, like me, had fallen asleep. I put a paw delicately on his knee and shook it gently, wishing to ask more questions. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Yes, kitten, we are here," he spoke as if he knew what I was going to ask, "This is my home. And now yours as well." The gates to his castle swung open wide, and we entered in, our wagon coming to a stop some distance within the gates. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I suppose I was still in a bit of shock from all that had happened. The man in white emerged from the cabin, and prompted us both to step out.

As I stepped out, I was immediately aware of another spotted cat watching us, dressed in long flowing pants, a gauze-like sash, and simple blue vest his only clothes. He walked over and said something to the man in white, who nodded and turned to us.

"This is Saeltim, my head servant. He is going help me out with getting the two of you looked over and made ready to serve." I cocked my head curiously and was dumbly lead off by Saeltim, who ushered us much the way a mother would do with her cubs, into the palace proper.

We barely had time to become amazed by the décor within the walls of the palace, when we were ushered into a completely different room. This one appeared to be some kind of smithy, replete with anvil and forge, but no weapons or horseshoes, nothing that would indicate its use, lined the walls. Instead Saeltim lead us by our leashes to a table next to the anvil, and pulled out a small box from beneath the table. Opening it, he withdrew two simple looking bands of a silvery metal, and two faintly glowing gems.

Saeltim turned to my friend and placed one of the bands onto his neck, the opening facing towards him, then placed the gem into the opening. There was a flash of light, and when I could see again, the band had fused with the gem, appearing to be one solid metal ring with a glowing eye in the center. The head servant spoke in soothing tones to my friend, who nodded, somehow now understanding him.

Saeltim then turned to me, and I backed away, fearful of what had just happened. Did this cat just enslave the mind of my friend? What did that gem and band of metal do to him? I backed away another few paces before bumping squarely into a large furry chest. I felt a hand on my shoulder, holding me softly, yet firmly as Saeltim approached, still speaking in soothing tones to me.

I struggled slightly as he slid the band of metal into place, and the hands moved to hold me more securely. I watched with anticipatory horror as Saeltim approached me, holding the faintly glowing gem. I closed my eyes and waited for my mind to enter oblivion. That never happened. Saeltim pressed the gem into the band. This is true. There was a flash of light. This is also true. When the flash subsided, I opened my eyes, amazed I had not lost any control of myself.

Saeltim only grinned, "There we go," he cooed, "Not so bad, is it?" I nodded again, not completely understanding what had just happened. He seemed to know, much like the man in white, exactly what my questions would be, "Lord Harishalith crafted these collars to keep track of his servants, and so that they might understand one another." He gestured to both of us with a knowing smile, "Now come on, I bet you're both quite hungry, and the food the slavers feed you is quite terrible."

We nodded and followed. I put a hand to my collar in slight amazement, and tugged at it experimentally while we walked. My friend on the other hand, was quite a bit more curious and able to overcome his fear than I, "W-who is Lord Har-Har-ish-alith?" He stammered when he spoke the long name.

"Why, he's the one who bought the two of you," Saeltim replied with a grin, "as well as myself and many others. He is the lord of this castle, and a kind and caring master for those who obey him." I looked at the cat, curious now, about the praise he heaped upon someone who owned him, and the loving respect he seemed to hold for his "Master."

We were lead into a large dining hall, "Sit down here, please," Saeltim said courteously. We did so, and he vanished into a nearby door, returning some minutes later with two piping hot bowls of a delicious smelling soup. "Here, eat slowly, and do not strain yourselves," he said, looking at me directly, "By the look of you, neither one has had enough to eat, or perhaps what they fed you didn't agree with you?"

I nodded and brought the spoon in the bowl to my lips. The liquid was so hot, and yet felt so good going down my throat. I sat there for a moment more, then helped myself to a second spoonful, then a third and fourth. Before long the bowl was empty and Saeltim's smile broadened as he refilled it, this time providing a small bit of bread as well. After finishing this off Saeltim patted us both on the shoulders, "Feeling better, you two?" We nodded, "Allright, now lets get you cleaned up." We were shuffled off again, this time into a large room on the east end of the palace.

"This is where you'll be staying," Saeltim replied, "this is Lord Harish's personal ha-rem," he pronounced the words and paused, "Do you two know what that means?" We both shook our heads. This elicited a slight chuckle from Saeltim, "Then let me ask you each a different, more personal question." He looked us straight in the eyes, "Have either of you ever had sex before?"

I stumbled in my walk, "N-N-no! Never!" I stammered out, blushing furiously all the while. My friend likewise shook his head, similarly bewildered.

Saeltim grinned and opened the door into the room, "Then you're both in for quite an educational experience here." We walked in, wide-eyed with wonderment. All my previous terror, hunger, seemed suddenly so distant as I walked into this large room. The harem was large, and the side we walked into was, quite clearly, the bathing area. A series of roughly seven pools filled my view, five of them linked directly by waterfalls while the other two spilled off of the topmost pool and remained alone yet linked, twin arms of the main pool body. The bottommost pool transformed into a beautiful green grotto, trees providing a lovely shade from the unseen and most likely magical light

On the opposite end of the room, a large tent was set up, with plush pillows for sitting and lying down, as well as several tables whose purpose I could not discern. Beyond these tables and tent lay another series of rooms, what I assumed must be our living quarters. We were lead up a series of stone steps, up to one of the arm-pools. Saeltim walked over to one of several benches next to the pool and lifted the lid, revealing a storage space for towels, a strange looking brick of some kind, and several bottles of a viscous liquid. He withdrew the brick, a couple of the bottles, and three towels.

"All right, you two, off with those tunics." His voice brooked no question this time, and soon we both stood as naked as we had upon the auction house stage. I looked over at my friend and blushed as I noticed that he was looking back at me. Saeltim took us both by the hands, "I'm not going to have to order you into the baths, am I?" I noticed at this point, that he was also quite nude, a state that only made the redness of my cheeks grow.

"N-no sir." I stammered out again and took a step into the water. It was cool, a welcome respite from the heat of the day, and brought forth a small pang of homesickness for the snow covered cliffs and caves where my fellow villagers had eked out their living. I looked over at my friend and noticed now that I was up to my waist in water that he had yet to step in. In fact, he looked quite terrified.

I held out my hand, relaxing my guard a little in the process, "C-come on, umm," I realized I had known and seen this creature for weeks now, but had never known his name, "What are you called?"

He took my hand, "I am Kincha," he said as he took a step into the pool. Saeltim was already quite immersed in the water, and he beckoned us over to the waterfall from the topmost pool. I slowly led Kincha out there, holding my breath and closed my eyes, letting the cool water cascade down upon my head and wash the dirt and grim of the weeks of travel off. I felt another hand on my shoulder as I passed through the waterfall. I opened my eyes to see Saeltim positioning himself behind me, his hands pressing my body down onto its knees, on a natural shelf that sprang from the side of the pool.

"This is a lot to take in," he said softly, "so don't worry if any of it seems scary. Just let one of the older slaves know and we'll work with you to help." He continued massaging my shoulders, and I let out an involuntary moan as he hit upon a knot in the muscle, probably the result of the many nights I'd spent on the rough floor of my cell. I could feel Saeltim smile slightly as he leaned in to add, "And you don't have to call me Sir. That title is reserved for Lord Harish. I'm just a slave too." To emphasize this, he pointed at the glowing torque that sat strong upon his neck the same as mine or Kincha's.

My ears perked up and I reddened slightly, "S-sorry," I squeaked out, "this is j-just a little much." I looked over at Kincha, who had taken to the water like a fish, splashing around in it, smiling and happily washing all the dirt out of his fur. I looked back at Saeltim, "You said this was going to be e-educational for us," I said somberly, "wha...what did you mean by that?"

His features softened even more, "You know what a slave is?" I nodded. "A harem is a place where certain slaves reside. These slaves are dedicated to pleasing the lord who owns them." He smiled and pointed at himself, then me, "You and I are such slaves. Kincha will probably end up working in the kitchen or perhaps the fields." I looked over at him, a worried look crossing my features. Saeltim seemed to notice this, "Don't worry, you'll still be able to see him if you want to. Lord Harish allows us to choose mates if we wish, so long as it does not interfere with our duties to him."

I blushed again, "M-mates?" I squirmed slightly, my mind not quite sure what all this meant, but my body, I think, was starting to realize what it all meant. My sheath was beginning to swell, so I shifted my body to hide this from Saeltim.

He chuckled, "I believe you're beginning to catch on, little kitten." He patted my sheath lightly, sending a slight chill of pleasure up my spine, "But we'll have to attend to that later, when you're more rested." With that he brought his hand back up and continued massaging my shoulders for a while longer. When his hands finally tired I was motioned to stand up and brought back underneath the waterfall. Saeltim yelled to Kincha too, and soon we were massaging the contents of the two bottles, something Saeltim referred to as 'shampoo' and 'conditioner' into our headfur. I must admit, the liquid did a tremendously good job of making me feel cleaner then I'd ever felt before. We finished bathing by rubbing bathing salts through our fur and rinsing off in the waterfall.

It was roughly a half hour from start to finish, but when we emerged from the bath, I felt oddly energized, but also very nervous. I had discovered my purpose here in the harem was to be some kind of pleasure slave for the Lord...my Lord. This knowledge was counterbalanced by the fact that Saeltim and the Lord, through their actions, seemed to genuinely care about me. While we dried off, I looked over the rest of the harem.

"How many more harem slaves are there?" I asked curiously. I hadn't seen anyone while bathing, but the bathing pool seemed designed to give those bathing a sense of privacy.

"Counting you and I?" Saeltim chuckled as he looked at me, "Five." He finished drying and donned his own clothes again, "Now if you would, throw out those filthy tunics. The slavers make them out of scrap cloth, and we'll get you much better, fitted clothes a bit later." We nodded and bundled up both tunics, handing them to Saeltim to get rid of. "C'mon then you two. Let's go finish getting you settled in, okay?" He waved us down the hall, walking and expecting us to follow despite the fact that we were nude.

Doing our best to maintain our modesty, we walked swiftly down the corridors of the castle, following Saeltim very closely. He finally arrived in a medium sized room with no door to speak of hiding it from the prying eyes of the rest of the castle. Aside from a door to another room, very little populated this room save for a large stone pedestal, a few books, and two very talkative creatures.

"Really? Can I try it with the silk rather than the satin?" The creature on the pedestal asked rather jubilantly. His body was very slim, almost feminine in appearance, with cream colored fur devoid of any distinctive marks on his body save a trailing white stomach. His head and tail, however, were a completely different story. His tail was long and fluffy, with alternating rings of black and white fur all the way to the tip, and his head was very similar to mine or Saeltim's, but his snout came out almost to a point. His clothes, if one could call them that, and movements seemed to pull at me, drawing my attention right to his hips and buttocks. I blushed, covering myself a little more lest he notice.

"You know you're only allowed one garment a day, Cerid," spoke the other creature, whose appearance I recognized from the traders who came occasionally to our village, "Besides, you and I are supposed to help these two get situated now." He pointed to us. People of his race were known as otters, and this one in particular seemed just as chatty as the creature on the pedestal, his voice and actions almost mimicking the other's, but I could tell this was the creature's natural way of acting, not some attempt to imitate or make light of the way Cerid moved or spoke.

Cerid nodded, hopping down off of the pedestal and extending his hand to Saeltim, "Harem brother!" he exclaimed, "It's fabulous to see you today!" He smiled a jubilant, radiant smile, and hopped over to us, "And what do we have here? A Cheetah..."he looked at Kincha, "And..." he arched an eyebrow, "A white leopard?"

Saeltim nodded, "They're known as snow leopards, and be nice to this one. He's had a rather rough time of it by the look of his fur and tummy," he pointed to my stomach, which seemed several shades away from emaciated.

Cerid nodded and looked me over once more, "I shall certainly try not to man-handle you too much then, little one." He extended a paw lightly, like a lady might, "I'm Cerid, by the by, and you are?"

"R-rinn," I stammered out.

"Well R-rinn, it's nice to meet you." Cerid took my hand lightly and shook it, a smile and look from his eyes telling me that the mocking of my name was merely a jest, his way of expressing happiness.

Saeltim took the moment's gap in Cerid's conversation to clear his throat loud enough for us to hear. Cerid looked up, and hopped backwards and off, going over to the otter to speak in hushed tones to him, occasionally pointing at me or Kincha and nodding conspiratorially, "Well then, which one of you would like to have their clothes made first?" Kincha raised his hand faster than I, and Saeltim nodded, "Very well Kincha, you go with Cerid and Douglas." He turned to me, "Rinn, please follow me through this door."

I nodded and followed Saeltim, the next room looking starkly different to the previous one. The room appeared cold, lacking any trim or fancy stylized architecture. In the center of the room lay a large stone table with a long cushion atop it, made for a person to lay or sit on it. A middle-aged lynx was moving about behind the table, organizing beakers and bottles filled with salves and poultices of various colors and textures.

"Come in, come in," he murmured, not looking up, "I'll be with you shortly, Saeltim." The jaguar took a seat on a nearby chair, and motioned me to sit up on the ledge. The lynx turned around, almost bumping into my leg, "Oh goodness," he muttered, and looked at Saeltim, "New recruits, eh?" He smiled and turned to me, "And what have we here...a snow leopard!"

I nodded, "Y-yes sir," I noticed he wore a similar collar to the rest of us, though his glowed with a reddish white light. He wore spectacles as well, and glanced down at me with a bemused grin.

"Now now, none of that," he said nonchalantly. He walked around behind me and produced a comb, drawing it in an upwards motion through the fur on my back, "Well, no fleas or ticks, that's a good sign," he mumbled, moving upwards to my muzzle. The lynx opened my muzzle and pulled out a small stick, tapping it against the table, which caused the end of the stick to burst into a soft, direct light. He pointed the stick into my mouth, "And your teeth look pretty good too." The stick moved to my eyes, making me squint slightly, "Eyes are clear, very nice blue." His hands slowly twisted my head to the side, and the light-stick was pointed in my ear, "Mmhmm, good, good. How old are you?"

"N-nineteen," I replied hesitantly.

He nodded motioned me to stand up, "Well no obvious symptoms of any parasites, though we'll need to give you a few injections to make sure you don't catch anything." He moved to stand in front of me, "Now stand still for a bit, this may feel a bit, strange." He knelt down, and I felt a paw on my sheath, very gently rubbing about, occasionally poking in an uncomfortable, but not painful, way, "Good good, no abnormal lumps or what-not." He looked over at Saeltim and smiled, "Now if you would, be a good boy and bend over."

I looked at him, blushing fiercely, "W-what?"

He looked me right in the eye, "Bend over, please. I need to finish your examination. Try to relax, okay kitten?" I nodded, complying slowly, my sheath thickening slightly. I felt horribly embarrassed, but even more so with what came next. A wet, slightly thick finger pushed against my tail-hole, pressing it in slowly. I gritted my teeth, trying with all my might to relax and let him in. A moment or two later his finger slipped in further, poking about and withdrawing.

"Well nothing wrong there either." He stood up and turned me around and looked me square in the eye, "You seemed to be in okay health. Need a bit of vitamins, and you need to eat better, but I think we can remedy that." He smiled and gestured to the door, "Now go on, get dressed." He winked at Saeltim, and pulled out a piece of parchment, "Lord Harish will have my report by the end of the day."

I walked out, Saeltim following me only long enough to beckon a now-dressed Kincha out of the room. I marveled at the cheetah's appearance. Kincha now wore a perfectly fitted pair of flowing tan pants and a beautiful white tunic, as well as a pair of very comfortable looking sandles. I felt another furry paw on my shoulder and I turned, just in time to be greeted with a pair of smiling bright eyes.

"Come come! Let's get you fitted with something nice!" I was practically pulled and spun onto the stone pedestal. I whirled about to face the otter, swaying slightly from the speed with which I was dragged onto the podium. My hands reflexively covered my groin, eliciting a slight chuckle from the otter, "Shy? Don't worry, we have a way to fix that!" He stood in front of a stone pedestal and waved his hand over something on that pedestal.

I blinked, my hands floating out to my sides, "W-wha!?" I yelped. I couldn't move a muscle, my entire body was floating a couple inches above the ground, arms and legs floating an additional several inches apart from my sides. The otter walked calmly over, producing a length of white rope, and proceeded to measure my waist, chest, arms, legs, even my sheath length from top to bottom.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" The otter skipped back and looked over at me, "Hmm...what colors go good with white..blue, green perhaps?" Without waiting for me to answer, he continued, "Lace or satin, hmm?" He continued at this pace until he had made up his mind on several colors and variations, the clothes completely obvious to him yet unknown to me, as they existed only in the otter's mind. All the while he continued waving his hands over a series of crystals I could just barely see from my vantage point. After a few more moments of this, he waved a hand again over a set of crystals and I was set very gently back down, startled at suddenly having the use of my limbs.

He walked over and took my hand, "Over this way please," courteous all the while walking me to a very ordinary closet and opened it, revealing several sets of clothing, all glittering silk or satin. I stared in awe and he clasped my shoulder, "Go on, compliments of our Lord." I took one of the garments from the hanger, feeling the soft silk in my hands. It was a simple blue satin vest, which I hastily donned, eager to be rid of my nakedness. When I reached for the pants, however, I balked slightly. The pants were a gauzy, light blue silk, so light one could see my fur beneath the silk, bound at the waist by only a slightly ornate ring of jewels. Blushing I donned it and realized that the garments only served to further highlight my groin and belly area.

The otter clasped his hands together, "Fantastic! Fabulous!" He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around and around, leaving me slightly dizzy. He reached into the closet and handed me a few additional sets of clothes, "This should get you set up quite nicely."

I looked at him with abject horror, "You mean," I paused and looked down at myself, "I'm going to have to wear clothes like this all the time?" He looked at me and nodded and I found myself stammering, "But...but but..." I tried to start voicing my displeasure, but the words just wouldn't form.

A firm hand placed itself on my shoulder, jolting me out of my embarrassed stupor, "C'mon now, Rinn," Saeltim said as I turned about, "Time to get going. Lord Harish is expecting us soon for dinner and the choosing of his nightly servants." I balked as I was towed out scrambling all the while. I barely had time to notice Kincha being talked to by the lynx and another feline, this one quite a bit larger than the rest.

"C-choosing of nightly servants? What's that? And where's Kincha going?" I looked at him cock-eyed as we hurried along the halls, sputtering questions as we hurried along.

Saeltim chuckled at my onslaught of questions, "Kincha will be fine. He's not a harem servant like us. And as for the choosing, it's a ritual wherein Lord Harish chooses who will share his bed with him that eve." He smirked a little more as my eyes went wide again, "Normally it's only one or two, but he's had as many as four of us in there at one point."

I blanched white, "Y-you don't think..." I looked at him, "I-I'll be chosen t-tonight, do you?"

Saeltim shrugged, "There's no way of knowing the master's wishes, really. Sometimes he's very nice to his servants, and sometimes I've seen him be very demanding of his slaves." I opened my mouth, ready to ask more questions when I realized we were now standing at the door to the harem again. Saeltim pushed it open and we emerged back into the harem.

Saeltim strode quickly down to the assemblage of pillows and I followed as swiftly as I could, stumbling only once or twice along the way. Once he arrived he sat down on a particularly plush assortment of pillows, and beckoned for me to sit beside him, "Now Rinn," he said somberly, "A few things that we haven't already covered yet, before our master gets here."

He pointed at the other slaves, "Cerid, you've met," he said, pausing only long enough to let the other cat wave happily, "he's a cacomistle, by the way, very rare for out here in the desert." He pointed at a tiger who was sitting quietly, almost martially, on his set of pillows, "That's Nyseme, he's also fairly new here," the tiger grunted in Saeltim's direction, giving him a slight glare.

Saeltim shook his head and looked at me, "Truth be told, you're handling this much better than he is." I felt slightly better at that, but only slightly, "And last but not least, we have Anissu," a small set of ears perked up, and very suddenly I saw a streak of movement zip towards Saeltim. I looked down and found a small, almost childlike cat hugging him, "Anissu, this is Rinn," Saeltim said as he turned that cat around, "Rinn, this is Anissu, a sand-cat."

I looked at him and tried to suppress the shock that crossed my face, "H-he's a child!" I half exclaimed.

Anissu looked at me as if I had just insulted him, then burst out laughing, "Nope!" His voice was melodious, like water droplets against a crystal chime, "I'm almost a quarter century old, silly kitty!"

I looked at Saeltim, who answered as if he'd known that would happen, "He's a sand-cat, and that's about as big as they get around here." He shrugged and shooed Anissu back to his patch of pillows, "At any rate, a couple of rules to follow: First," he put a hand on my shoulder to indicate his seriousness, "Lord Harish is our Master. He owns us, and can end our lives if he so chooses." I blanched and Saeltim continued, "Second, Lord Harish is to be addressed with such reverence as Sir, Master, or Lord, at all times, understood?" I nodded, "And third, Lord Harish can alter any of the first two rules as he sees fit." I blinked and he smiled at me, "And believe me, he often chooses to." I nodded slowly, understanding the first two rules, but very little of the third.

At that particular instant, chimes sounded next to a nearby set of doors, and a hush fell over the assembled harem. I looked around, expecting either Anissu or Cerid to make some kind of sound, but their eyes seemed glued to the doors. A moment later they opened, letting the jaguar from earlier who, dressed in white with those stark emerald eyes, had purchased me and Kincha. He strode in, confidence flowing from every pore of his body, and looked over the rest of us.

I sat there, meekly attempting to avoid eye contact, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up into those same emerald eyes, "You shall come with me, this evening," boomed his powerful, yet quiet voice.

I felt myself nodding, shaking with fright and standing, "Y-yes Sir," I managed to get out, wishing I could trade places with any other member of the harem at that particular moment. His hand guided me gently to his side and brushed my long black hair back. I looked out at the others, who seemed slightly disappointed they had not been chosen.

We walked over to Saeltim, who like me, looked down when our Master approached, "You too, shall come with me this evening." He brushed my hair again, as if to also reassure me that the most familiar face I knew would still be around when I accompanied this powerful man to his bed.

Saeltim rose, smiling broadly and looked up at Lord Harish, "Thank you, Master." He paused a moment, then took up his place next to me. I looked up and over at him, and he winked in return. This alone made me feel much safer, and I was able to relax a bit more as we exited the chambers and made our way up and around the castle, into one of the rear towers.

The tower itself was quite amazing. Three floors of strange devices, mysteriously self-boiling pots and potions, and at the topmost floor, a library filled with tomes of ancient wisdom that gave off a musty smell which caused my nose to wrinkle up slightly. Lord Harish chuckled and reached up, pulling down a cord connected to a set of stairs leading up to a higher, more private floor.

As we entered, I let out a small gasp. A rich aroma of incense and musk hit my nose, sending my sense of smell into a pleasurable overload. The room itself was still just as small as the floors before it, being only a tower, after all. But strangely, it seemed larger than it really was, making it difficult to get my bearings as I walked in. Saeltim entered after me, and motioned me over to the foot of a very large, round bed. He knelt down and I followed suit, mimicking him as best I could.

Lord Harish...our lord, entered and walked over to stand in front of us, towering over our kneeling forms, "Rise my servants." He smiled at us and took my hand lightly, "Join me in bed," he looked in my eyes and I felt a wave of some unexplainable energy ripple through my mind, "Rinn." He turned to Saeltim, "Show young Rinn what he is expected to learn in the coming weeks," his voice was still as strong as before, but silky smooth, like what I remembered from the ride to the palace, "Dance for me, my slave."

Saeltim nodded and rose, walking over and tapping a small glowing red crystal that sat atop a dresser. A cascade of light and sound filled the room, as if a hundred instruments had leapt out of that tiny little gem. I climbed up, sitting on the bed and watching as Saeltim slowly and sensually approached the foot of the bed. Bowing low before our lord, he slid into a deep and rhythmic dance, moving like water to the flow of the music. I watched, captivated by the way he made his body move and gyrate in time to the beat. Our lord beckoned for me to sit closer, and I obliged, painfully tugging my eyes away from Saeltim to look over at my new Master.

Lord Harish smiled from where he sat, "Saeltim is one of my best," he said as he gestured for me to sit in front of him and lean back, "I had him trained by the best dance halls in the city just to dance for me, and to show the rest of my special slaves," he traces one clawed finger down my temple and cheek softly, "how to do the same." He plucked a small bunch of grapes from its sitting place in a bowl atop his night stand, "Would you like any, Rinn?"

I nodded slowly and he smiled and plucked one grape from the bunch, "Open your mouth, please," the small round fruit was placed delicately on my tongue and I closed my mouth, popping it and letting the juice slip down my throat. I opened my eyes, savoring every bit and chewing the pulp, finally swallowing it, almost sorry to feel it leave my mouth. My Master smiled at me, "Like it?"

I nodded, "Yyes Master," still watching the dance, I felt his hands pull me inwards to cuddle up against his chest, exposed by the way he sat in the bed.

"Saeltim told me you've never had sex before," he whispered and I nodded, "Don't worry, kitten." His voice was calm and sweet now, "we'll go as slow as you like." His hand drifted down between my legs and I gasped softly as he drew a finger down the length of my now swollen sheath. That single act alone cause the tip of my member, soft and pink against my white and black fur, to poke out. My master smiled and ran a second finger down that way, sending more of my member into the warm air of his bedroom.

"You respond well to my touch, Rinn," he cooed to me, "I do believe you'll like what happens next," his fingers slipped up and around my exposed member and began to softly fondle it, up and down and all around. The feeling was incredible! I closed my eyes and shivered with delight, the rest of my leopard-hood exposing itself in a single surge of erotic energy. Lord Harish continued to pump my organ up and down with a slow and steady tempo, letting me feel every surge of excitement as if he could read my mind.

At the foot of the bed, Saeltim spun about, sweat beginning to form at his brow as he moved to the rhytmn of the music. As I watched, my thoughts clouding over with a pleasurable haze, his vest fell to the side, and soon, his sash swung about in his paws. A moment later, his sandals and pants were tossed aside, leaving him nude save for the flourishing sash he twirled about. He brought it to his face and I could see his sheath, fat and heavy with desire, growing larger by the moment. Soon his entire shaft throbbed in the low red light of the crystals and candles that lay about the room, and he slowed, stroking himself in the same manner my Master stroked me. The feeling, the look of it, overwhelmed my senses with arousal.

I felt something wet touch my leg and looked down, momentarily distracted from the flow of the music. My penis had fully hardened, and was now dripping a clear and musky fluid down onto my legs. I looked up at Lord Harish and blushed, "S-sorry, Sir," I mumbled, trying to apologize for getting his hands wet with my fluids. He only smiled and gave my shaft a soft squeeze that made my vision swim.

"It's alright, Rinn," my master replied, "that's a natural response." He looked me firmly in the eyes, "Enjoying yourself, my slave?" I couldn't help but nod, blushing furiously but managing to keep eye contact with him, afraid for what might happen if I didn't. He only continued to smile, "Good slave," he gave my cock another gasp-eliciting squeeze and beckoned Saeltim, whose dance had now spun to a glorious close, over, "Come here, slave Saeltim," he said in his powerful, sibilant voice, "It's time for young Rinn's next lesson."

I looked over at Saeltim, who walked over to the bed and slipped into it, still smiling slyly as he moved towards me, "Did you enjoy my dance, harem brother?" Saeltim asked in a lusty, almost feminine voice. I nodded and he smiled a bit broader, "Then you'll love what comes next." I looked at him confused and tried to look at Lord Harish, but found that my master's hands had stopped stroking my arousal so they might slip themselves around my waist and hold me tight.

Shivering, but feeling oddly comforted at the arms around my waist I watched Saeltim kneel down in front of me, his muzzle perilously close to my crotch. Slowly, almost casually he took my arousal into his muzzle, enclosing my member in a velvet cage of warm wetness from which there was no escape. I moaned, arching my back as the pleasure made its way up my spine and through my brain, a miniature orgasm crackling through it. Saeltim closed his eyes and took more of my cock into his mouth, an inch at a time he took my entire member into that talented muzzle of his. My body shook and I could feel the arousal and lust climbing to an apex. Not there yet, but close even still.

Just as that feeling was about to crest, Saeltim stopped, released my cock from his muzzle and looked up at our lord, "Sir, do you wish slave Rinn to climax yet?" He asked softly. I felt my Master's muzzle shake side to side and I whimpered.

He looked down at me and whispered, "On you hands and knees, Rinn." The words weren't callous or cold, but they struck a shiver within me just the same. I did as I was ordered to, sliding out of my Master's grip and onto my hands and knees. From this vantage point, I could see that Lord Harish was enjoying himself just as much as either of us. His member, fairly large and impressive, stood out plainly against his yellow and black spotted fur.

My mind spun about, "Does he want me to suck on it, like Saeltim just did? Am I supposed to ask permission first?" The thoughts raced around in there, seeking some direction from my Lord, and at first finding none. I watched his eyes looking at Saeltim, then his head nodded and I felt something soft and warm, pressing itself against my tail-hole. I groaned and relaxed as I had done with the lynx, trying my best to let Saeltim's fingers into me. They were very slick, with a coating that seemed to rub itself off as they moved in and out of me. I continued to watch as Lord Harish slowly began to stroke his length, causing it to grow larger. My attention continued to switch from Saeltim to Harish and back again, torn between the ministrations of my fellow slave and the arousing sight that my master provided me.

Lord Harish noticed this and looked over at Saeltim. He nodded and edged himself towards me, "Okay Rinn," his voice slipped into my ear, "Saeltim's going to start fucking you in a moment," my eyes widened. I looked at my master as he continued speaking, "he'll go as slow as you wish, but I will see you deflowered this night, my slave." I trembled slightly, but managed a nod and gritted my teeth. Behind me I felt Saeltim's own member, warm and slick, press against my tail-hole. I felt a bit of pressure, and tensed slightly as the head of his cock pushed in against my anus. The feeling was quite unlike anything I'd experienced before and it seemed to grow as Saeltim slipped further and further inside me. I tried my best to be calm and relax myself, but even so a groan or two of pain escaped my muzzle.

Lord Harish held up his hand for Saeltim to slow and placed his hands on my body, rubbing my head-fur and back affectionately, "Shh, it's okay Rinn," he cooed at me, "just let it happen," his hand brushed down my spine, "just let Saeltim in." I nodded weakly and Lord Harish's hand dropped. The procession into my rear continued, but only for a moment or two more before I felt my harem brother's balls bounce against my own. We sat there for a full minute or two, just basking in the connection, my feeling of fullness, of another male inside me. I realized I liked that feeling, that perhaps it was the reason none of the ladies of my former village had caught my eye. I was a tail-raiser, and didn't even realize it.

Just as slowly as he had pushed in, Saeltim began to pull out, leaving a strange, empty void, yearning to be filled once more inside me. I felt him pull almost all the way out before he switched directions again and pushed in to the hilt with me, a bit faster than before however. This too, was a new feeling. The jolt of suddenly being filled struck another chord deep within me, something I would come to know in later years as the prostate. This chord reverberated a tone of pure pleasure down my spine and I gasped, my brain trying vainly to vocally recreate that feeling. My lord smiled and I could feel Saeltim's hands along my back, tracing the spots in my fur as he pulled most of the way out, then hilted me again. This time I was ready for the pleasure and managed not to gasp, but to instead move my head down into Lord Harish's lap.

My master smiled and nodded, brushing my head-fur affectionately, "Go ahead if you wish, kitten," he said warmly, "just take your time and enjoy yourself." I smiled and closed my eyes, letting the urge to mate take over. My mouth engulfed my master's cock, savoring the tangy musk. He moaned softly and rubbed my head-fur affectionately, making a small part of me blush, pleased that I had pleased him. Saeltim must have been watching, because he began to speed up at just that particular moment, sending jolts of pleasure down my spine.

We stayed in that position for several long minutes; me sucking on Lord Harish's cock; Saeltim fucking me at an ever increasing pace; Lord Harish watching, enjoying himself, and occasionally rubbing my head, urging me to continue. Eventually I could feel a change coming over me. A churning, roiling pleasurable sensation rose up deep from within my loins. I broke from sucking on my Master's cock and he gave me a knowing look.

"Do you know what that is, Rinn?" I shook my head and he smiled, "Just enjoy then." He winked at me and nodded before my eyes closed in a writhing pleasure. The nod must have been a signal, because Saeltim growled and thrust one final time, deeper than ever before.

My vision went white and I let out a loud moan as a wave of pure, unadulterated pleasure burned and erupted from my loins. Saeltim groaned as the muscles in my rear spasmed, and I felt a different, yet still enjoyable, sensation flood my anus. A brief, shining moment later, the world seemed to come back and I noticed a sticky spot on the sheets beneath me. I was panting and shaking from the exertion. I looked up at Lord Harish and noticed he was also panting. A line of white fluid was visible from where it landed.

Lord Harish rubbed my head-fur slowly, "Did you enjoy your first climax, Rinn?" I nodded, still shaking and panting, "Good slave," he said softly, beckoning me and Saeltim forward, "Now I believe we are all ready to sleep now, yes?" For once there was no hesitation in my response. Saeltim pulled out of me very slowly, sliding out with a wet pop.

Weakly I crawled up further onto the bed next to Lord Harish. His right arm slid around me, the silken shirt he was wearing swept softly over my fur. His left arm slid around Saeltim, who had taken up a position similar to my own. I looked up at my new Master as my eyes closed in sleep and smiled. Perhaps this new life wouldn't be so bad after all.