Sui Generis: Intro

Story by MrSoucho on SoFurry

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#4 of Writings

The World of Sui Generis is one I made a while back and continues to be my go to for anthros and furry stories alike. Here's an intro to familiarize you all.

At first the quiet cold of space filled the empty universe. There was nothing, not a twinkling star, nor rouge comet traveled the vastness of space. Eventually though, everything began, and when it did, a planet was formed. It was a planet filled with greens and blues, colors and hues; with a beautiful star to guide it by day, and a handsome moon to lead it into the night, all was well. In time life began, and the greens grew into vibrant forests and floating landmasses; the blues grew into roaring oceans, rivers and streams and in time the first creature began living. From blessed soil this creature came and many know not from where he truly came, or even his name...he was only known as Generis. As a being he was considered lonely, but powerful. As more creatures slowly formed, Generis stood out, he was blessed with talents and abilities others only dreamt of.

Others thought the old creature was selfish, or better than all others due to his talents, and though he tried to prove otherwise, he could not. One day though, this all changed. Generis' abilities began to spread, and he gave his gifts to others, until the world was full of creatures filled with talents. It pleased Generis, and though he wished not, he became a paragon; a monolithic figure immortalized as a leader. He taught love and care for the world and it's inhabitants, a teaching his many followers never forgot. As he grew old, the world slowly grew, more places had been found and the many who found these places, continued on and dispersed. With such accomplishments under his furry hide, Generis could quietly pass on, knowing the world was in safe care.

All would mourn, and though he would be forever remembered, his passing shook all. At that time, this world had been going on for thousands of years, though nothing was as significant as he. In his passing the world was named after him: "Sui Generis", the final memoriam to a leader gone forever. His teachings lived on in the hearts of all and the world remained peaceful.

The animals roamed for millions of years never forgetting their duty of keeping the balance of the world unchanged. Time passed slowly, and with that the world grew with them; they began to evolve into more sophisticated beings. From four legs to two, the creatures of Sui Generis grew faster and faster. At first they were not used to the change given to them but eventually they learned to accept these gifts and use them to their advantage. While still having claws and fur they had thumbs to grasp and they grew capable of speech; and as they learned how to use their gifts they began to build, using their abilities and knowledge to make buildings, and monuments to their long past Generis. However while there was peace, the intellect of the animals made them feel the need for a system or order. With much debate and with such brilliance clashing, the eventual agreement was made. While Governments sprouted from continent to continent, and country to country, it was believed that unity was the key to success. Under the bright of day the Sunset Isles became the foundation for a new, unified government; the Starlight Rotunda was born. A group of brilliant minds under one roof, led by one of extreme character and insightfulness, the Rotunda founded laws all would abide by, and all governments would enforce...not everyone liked this though. Peace was eventually shattered.

Defectors soon broke out, and with them evil slowly crept into the world. At first it was quiet, but like a volcano, darkness would soon begin its assault. War after bloody war broke out and the peace of Sui Generis and its once peaceful people was horribly disrupted. Though the fighting would surface and suppress for thousands of years. The bloodiest had yet to come. As night fell, violence rose and the Night Wars began. From dusk to dawn, Generians fought, and evil and good clashed. As the fighting slowly came to a head, many had been lost, though in the midst of the night the fighting ended: evil had been vanquished.

With new purpose, and new unity, the Starlight Rotunda founded a simple, yet powerful group dubbed the Agency, which was meant to protect the interests of all of Sui Generis. With a new focus on military power, The Rotunda founded one final, small group; a small, yet talented group of individuals who's combat, and tactical expertise were unrivaled. F.L.A.S.H. was that team. An all-purpose, elite group of the absolute best Generis had to offer, the team's founding members served their world with pride. Through many highs and lows, their excellence led Generis through this newly found peace; though it's small size, the group served with far greater precision and ability that is still unmatched today.

Almost half a century has passed since the Night Wars ended, and while heroes were made, and legends were formed, so were outlaws. With a unified since of purpose, the planet of Generis and it's inhabitants grew; new advancements came from the talents of many...all of which shaped the modern world as it stands today. As peace stands tall to this day, the inhabitants of this planet must always be vigilant; darkness can always rise again.