Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 13: Black Holiday

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#13 of Season of the Black Rose Series

Alright ladies and gentlemen, I lied, this is actually the final chapter of the volume and I hope you enjoy reading the entirety of ot

On the fourth of December, an eerie stillness lingered in the air while a violet vixen stared at the wall in a catatonic state akin to being frozen in time. Inside her mind, the crevice between two personalities grew to a hairline, only seconds away from sealing. They locked eyes with one another inside the mental plane, "Ready for this?" Erika asked, prepped to charge against her other half. Akira did the same, praying to the high heavens this would work, "Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't"." she said, waiting for the fissure to seal.

Erika pinned it to the precise moment, announcing "Go!" then they began their collision course head on against one another. Once they made contact, Akira's head felt like it was hit with a ton of bricks as she glanced around her room, viewing everything in Black and white like she used to, "Hell yeah! I'm colorblind again!" she cheered, overjoyed to be whole once more. She covered her right eye yet there was nary a change, except a throbbing headache that was easily reyouied by an aspirin, before she went into the bathroom searching the medicine cabinet.

She grabbed the pill bottle, popping a couple of the low dose painkillers then noticing herself in the mirror, "No more switching back and forth, and no eyepatch anymore! Just me..." she said. The Vixen started making faces at her reflection, sticking her tongue out and generally enjoying her own silliness. She noticed her hair and how it looked awful, "Maybe I should do my hair wavy? I'd look awesome like that!" she said, her ears perked up.

Akira visited her bedroom again, perusing through her wardrobe closet to discover the disgusting taste her psychological predecessors had, "Eww! Never liked all this emo crap to begin with and I'm not starting today, Daiko might like it!... Oh yeah, Note to self, Kick his ass later!" she said, remembering one finite detail about her boyfriend. She grabbed whatever she didn't desire in her closet throwing it out on her bed, before grabbing a couple white trash bags, marking them "For Daiko Kajiya, Happy Holidays!".

The Vixen gazed at the barely empty hangers, noticing a lack of anything decent, contemplating who she should call for emergency clothes, pulling up her phone contact list. She scrolled down in her friends folder, "Caesar, like hell no, his pants probably have a lot of 'mystery' stains; Celestine, No...well some of her clothes fit me but she always steals my panties; Iraimei, rather not hear him bitching about it; Kenashi, I'd rather wait till I have something to introduce myself in; Linnette, way too short for me; Rociel, She'd probably have some of her kid clothes fit me; Zoya, I would but her folks are likely celebrating this time of the year." she thought, going through who'd help her the most.

Rociel's Datapad rang in the middle of her 'holiday fun' as she sat on Barrette's lap wearing goat fur bracers and leggings along with a pair of horns while he was dressed up like Sinterklaas, "Ugh goddammit!" she said, unhappy about the interruption. She picked up her wrist-top computer in disdain, answering the call "Yeah, What's up?" she asked, eager to end it shortly. Akira swirled her finger around her bedspread, somewhat nervous, "Hey can you come over, I need to borrow some of your old clothes, Don't ask why." she answered.

The Crossbreed didn't question her comrade's motives, "Uhh sure, Let me finish up doing the task at hand. Give me an hour or two." she explained, providing her ETA. The young Ms. Yamazaki realized she did one of her own taboos, "My bad, tell Brett I said hi and sorry" she said, still slightly scatterbrain from her headache. Rociel shook her head then ended the call, returning her focus onto her 'session' at hand, "Now, I'd wish you'd ravage me!" she whispered in her lover's ear...

...A hour and a half later, Rociel and Barrette knocked on Akira's door with a backpack full of old clothes, "Hey Slut! Open up!" she hissed. The Fox opened up the entrance to her home, dragging them in from the freezing cold, "Hey, Let me see what you got!" she said, snatching the bag out of the crossbreed's hand. Surprise and shock overcame Rociel, bewildered by the sudden assertiveness, "Hey Erika, is everything okay?" she asked, unaware of the change.

A chaotic evil giggle echoed not from the Hyena's lips, but Akira's, "No Erika, No Akira, Just me me me!" she said, boasting her pride as she sat on floor and sifted through the knapsack for clothes . Rociel's eyes widened in glee, intrigued by the new personality that emerged from the ashes of two, "It happened already? What's the rush, let's celebrate!" she cheered, teasing her beau's sense of adventure. Barrette felt out of place in this case, "Wait, is this that one girl that had a split personality?" he asked, sifting through what his lover told him about her associates

Akira didn't wish to be reminded of that dark period of her life anymore, "Uhh duh! I thought Rociel said your dick was big as your brain but I guess that's not true." she remarked, repeating her friend's verbal wit. Brett's cheeks turned red while he tapped his fingers with a guilty expression on his face, "Well... measure them and find out for yourself!" he replied, considering he knew the answer to that question. Rociel started laughing, enjoying the new 'Akira' and her brash attitude, "Hey, Both do what I want them to do, and his brain is definitely bigger in terms of mass and density, though the other has both." she joked, reassuring his Esteem.

The Vixen was more to eager to accomplish her list of goals before anything, "Yeah, I might later, First I have to rape Kenashi then I'm going to cheat on him, and I'm going to kill Lilith. I'll deal with the consequences later." she explained, hellbent on revenge. The Hyenic couple laughed at the idea, "That's second part is gonna be pretty easy or hard...depending on how brave you're feeling." she replied, staring at her behemothing boytoy. Akira quickly caught on to whom she was referring to, looking at him and considering the option, "Ehh... I'd rather rape Kenny first, then I'll think about the second thing afterward." she said, preferring to see where her first objective takes her.

Brett wasn't in a hurry for his next escapade, shrugging his shoulders, "Whatever, I don't have time at the moment. My grandmother should be in town soon, and hell hathn't any fury like a woman bent on piercing and tattooing everything in sight. I'm picking her up at Ms. Tazuna's place anyway, so you want a ride Akira?" he said, fearing the results of leaving of such an elder unattended. "Sure!" Akira answered, despite her mission to ravage Mr. O out of spite. In the midst of their conversation one aspect of the room disappeared, Rociel vanished into thin Air, "Oh hell no! She's stole my Slipdisc!" he said, noticing something out of place on his person, patting himself down in a panic.

The vixen giggled at the ridiculous moniker for a device, "What's it do?" she said, never understanding half of Rociel's ramblings about High Technology. The greatest concern for Barrette was his counterpart's safety, considering his little gizmo was a mere prototype, "Well, since Rociel let me use her Nano Assembler Chamber to build some things I've kept on paper for a long time. One of them was a means of propulsion by creating a vortex, a pocket of space time, if you will, that enables the user to travel from Point A to Point B without time affecting said user. It essentially uses an intense electromagnetic field using a compact plasma battery charging a series of ferromagnetic coil to produce said field and using Tesla's Unified Field theory..." he explained until he experienced an untimely interruption. This wasn't a surprise to Akira since some Esper researchers performed experiments like this to figure out the science behind some of these psychokinetic abilities, "So she can basically bend space with that gizmo better than you can because she can interface with it?" she summarized.

Barrette slack-jawed at her comprehension of the matter, but impressed by it regardless, "Basically yes, and it's the only working test model I have." he said. The slip disc happened to be one of his latest projects in order to compete with his lover's technological advancements, "Oooh.... That's not good, especially with her sense of humor. It's like those specter lens that can see through clothes." Akira fretted, disturbed by the potential of it finding a home in idle hands. He started walking towards the door until the adolescent crossbreed came through it, curious about where she went, "Rociel... Where did you go and what did you just do with my Slip disc?" he asked, concerned by her smile and the subtle cues along with it.

The giddiness of Rociel's expressions told her boyfriend that she planned a surprise of an unknown nature, "Oh nothing just testing it out, that's all. Let's go greet your grandma already, she sounds like a fun lady!" she said, though Barrette knew her deceptive tendencies. It didn't create any concern for him, due the fact he'd be extremely worried if she's concealing a secret, "Alright, but please tell the truth next time. It freaks me out when something's up and I'm left in the dark." he said. She entwined her hands around him, embracing her goliath of a young man, "I'm sorry, but temptation itself is one aspect that's hard to resist." she admitted, burying her face into his clothes.

Akira felt disgusted as she watched Brett blatantly forgive Rociel transgressions by a caress of her head, "How the fuck do you do that? How in the fucking hell can you forgive someone that easily after they just flat out lied to you?" she asked. He thought nothing of what transpired, looking at the vixen, "Because it's the right thing to do, and it takes patience to understand her... Not to mention a lot bonding." he explained, privileged to top secret information that no one else could comprehend. Her mind easily drew a comparison to Dr. Hentzel himself, "You sound like her dad when you say that, it's creepy..." Akira pointed out, setting herself up for disaster.

Rociel's sadistic streak reared its menacing head once again, capitalizing the moment, "Hey dip for brains, it's called imprintation and that determines our attraction to certain potential partners. Brett shares some personality traits that create a sense of security for me, and it's the same damn way with you and Kenashi. I dunno what it is that tickles your fancy about him, maybe it's his libido, considering you have four goddamn sisters." she harshly lectured. Unfortunately, she lost both Barrette and Akira in a twisted train of thought as he tried connecting the dots, "If my Nana is a tenacious person, and my Mom is? Does that mean?... Ahh to hell with it brain, the less I think about it the better off I am, save it for a slow rainy day." he thought, pinning it down for later. The Fox immediately cringed at the concept, "Eeeeeew! You sick cunt! That's like the worst thing you can ever say to me!" she replied, due to the fact her father was as brazen as Kenashi when it came to the opposite gender.

It intrigued Rociel to witness her beau's reaction, impressed by how he handled psychological knowledge imparted on him, "Anyway, Let's go visit your Nana, I wanna meet the old lady!" she cheered, eager to meet the Arsenault matriarch. Barrette fished his car keys out of his pocket, then led everyone out the door, pressing the key fob button to unlock the sleek muscle car painted a pitch ebon black bearing the Aerotek logo on the rear. Akira was shocked by the expensive-looking vehicle, albeit resenting its owner somewhat, "How the hell can you afford something like that? That's not even out yet, They don't even have a demo model for it!" she said, surprised he obtained the 2039 Tau Phi Sporter months ahead before its release.

The truth of it was that it was a labor of love, Barrette designed the entire blueprint of it utilizing the holographic modeling software that his dearest made, then Rociel built it from the ground up. What made this piece of automotive engineering the Zenith of his beginnings was the engine, aptly named a Dynamic Plasma Diffusion engine, the engine that he hoped that would run the world eventually. The fact it was capable of running off a variety of fuel sources leaving little to zero emissions, able to crank twelve thousand horsepower, and top speeds of 375 miles per hour made its Mother of Invention and Father of Innovation proud in their combined efforts.

He couldn't resist revealing that they built, explaining its operations and functions in precise detail, as Rociel rested on the hood with a cheshire grin. A famous phrase came into Akira's mind that wasn't heard in a long time, "Oh my god! Who is John Galt?... Though in this case, Who is Barrette Arsenault?" she partially quoted, staring at the couple who held the future in their hands. He beamed with joy at the reference, letting his associate hear the splendid news, "The newest Engineer at Aerotek and maybe the newest CEO in the near Future." he said, joking about the latter while he felt his flame glaring at the back of his head.

Akira empathetically squealed in excitement, gleeful for him, "Awesome!.. Though I always thought Rociel's Geostatic engine was the engine that would change the world. It does take energy from the atmosphere and all that fancy mumbo jumbo." she said, a little confused if there was a difference. Rociel sighed, afraid she was correct about her own innovation, "The problem is my Geostatic engine does takes teslas found in the air for power but it lacks the power needed for heavy operations unless you supersize it or construct an Atmospheric Agitator to excite said static then that power increases. The amount of infrastructure required to make a geostatic engine a viable would take some time to construct, while his PDP engine is more practical at this time for implementation. Most developing countries would be able utilize his engine due to the fact it can utilize alcohol, ethanol, and similar combustible liquid fuels due to the processing. Personally, I'd let him have his victory because in his hubris, he overlooked that his engine can produce Isotopes of Hydrogen..." she explained, having made a discovery while he was busy testing.

Barette's eyes went wide at the unintentional capability of his engine's capable of chaining atoms together via intense electromagnetic fields to increase fuel efficiency, "Wait what? It does what?" he said, slack jawed at the potential danger and applications. His awe went into overdrive once he heard "Yeah, I ran some tests with liquid hydrogen and your engine produced Helium-3, not to mention I recreated the same experiment with Neon and came up with Oxygen." Rociel explained, still tinkering with the spare engine at their hideout in the forest. Thoughts of Nuclear Fusion danced upon his mind, "Helium-3.." he uttered until fainting from his overexcitement, his brain dreaming of an electric eden.

The pair of adolescent maidens watched the Titan of a young man collapse from the weight of the world on his shoulders, "...And he is outta of here!" Rociel joked, surprised he passed out from the gospel that slipped her lips. Akira, out of concern, checked his pulse but found nothing wrong, "Okay, What's Helium-3 and why did he faint?" She probed, worried if it was something dangerous. The Technokinetic Hyena giggled then smiled, sympathizing with his happiness though contained about it, " Helium-3 is an isotope that can be utilized in Nuclear fusion but one issue is that it's only found in outer space, though my experiments with his Engine yielded a method of synthesizing it from liquid hydrogen, ergo we both made advances in similar strides. He's been working hard so he's exhausted as well..." she explained.

The vixen spotted the great unifier for the hyenic couple, "You two work well together, I see both of you like to make progress! Plus you seem a lot calmer since he's been around..." she said, complimenting their dynamic. Of course Rociel didn't mind the flattery while she contemplated how to fit him in the back seat, "Thank you, and yes, I've been considerably more focused without the distraction of my biological urges. He's bloody egghead of a brute and I absolutely love that about him, along with his bravery... Or some might call it sheer stupidity but evidence to contrary, I say it's courage. Now help me get him in the car, I'll drive." she commanded, determining where his centers of gravity were located. Akira nodded, picking him up by his feet then dragging the seven foot tall behemoth to his car, "Aye aye Captain!" she cheerily replied....

...Barrette awoken atop of a coffee table, staring at bluish gray ceiling with the bizarre tingling sensation on his chin, "Rociel... Are you there?" he asked. An elderly woman with brunette locks sat down on the armchair above his head, leaning over him with her own marked face, "No... But I appreciate you were so excited to see your nana my little toa." she said, glad to see her grandson again. He turned his head, gazing at the jar of ink and the steel chisels bearing various heads, "Please don't tell me you started what I think you started..." he said, fearing that his elder began the process.

Rociel walked from the bathroom after washing her hands, staring at her boyfriend's new tattoo, "Excellent! I'll bet it'll look brilliant finished." she said, praising the old woman's prowess in the art of the tatua. He closed his eyes briefly, pulling out his phone to use it as a mirror, "You should've asked first..." he said, looking at the markings on his chin and lower lip. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate his nana's efforts but felt it inappropriate to do so abruptly until his beau scolded him, "Hey stupid! She flies all the way across the Pacific, manages to make it down by her lonesome to provide you a gift, mind you one that is a tradition. Don't give her any ajida... Beside it makes you look cuter!" defending the venerable woman.

"You can call me Mele dear, and you're such a polite young lady to respect an old hag like me, hehe!" Mele humored, considering her full name was incredibly difficult to pronounce in the first place. Rociel sat on the couch adjacent to them, bringing the Arsenault matriarch a cup of Mint Tea with a lemon slice, "Oh stop that, you're not that old, mid sixties is still young enough to give a buck a run for their money." she said, complimenting her counterpart's elder. Brett's grandmother showed off the silver wedding band with a pearl in it, "As much as I would like to at my age, to be respectful of my Milo, I'd rather chase the local pahuna!" she said, exhilarated by the adolescent crossbreed's company.

The sound of the pair chattering merrily back and forth, he stood then sat next to his flame, "Glad you're having a great time..." he said, content with the progress of his day. His grandmother enjoyed the company present, invigorated by the young crossbreed's vibrancy, "Indeed, and how did you find this feisty fireball here? Hmm?" the 5'2 matron probed, curious about his fortunate discovery. Rociel pulled out Brett's koru despite the fact it was simultaneously on his neck, "Cause of this!" she said, wielding the genuine article or a well-made duplicate.

Both Arsenaults immediately locked eyes on the charm as tension rose, "Is that a fake or did you switch mine with a fake?" Barrette questioned, his mind trying to determine if he wielded the original. It became clear that Mele wasn't only here for yuletide and hot chocolate, before she snatched it from the esper's hands, "Gotcha!... Now my little toa, Can I have yours?" she said in a commanding tone, staring her grandson down with an unnerving grin. He hesitantly handed his version over to his elder, "I'd be careful nana..." he forewarned, sensing a trick up Rociel's sleeve.

Mele carefully examined the two charms, comparing their weight until she sniffed the heavier of the two, her face turning pale white from the unmentionable stench, "Oh heavens no, you nasty girl!" she uttered in her native tongue. She'd been deceived by the giggling trickster and probably the worst way possible, "You know what the worst part is! That's the real one!" Rociel stated, busting a gut laughing. The elder hyena fished out a bottle of antiseptic cleanser from her tattooing satchel, drenching a rag with it and cleaning Milo's Koru, "You and my late husband are alike, a pair of jokers." she said.

Ms. Hentzel felt it appropriate to ask about Brett's Grandfather, considering he never told her how he passed, "I know it's kind of rude but how'd he die? I'm curious." she asked. His nana wasn't offended by the query, in fact, she was delighted to answer, "Well, He picked a fight with old Kahu, the biggest shark around Rarotonga, and won but he was pricked by a flower urchin, it didn't help he was allergic to the damned creatures." she explained. It wasn't the worst to way to go, albeit fighting a shark and winning deserved her respect, "Toxopneustes pileolus venom isn't the worst way to go, but I have to say, Your husband sounded like one of the bravest people I would've known. He sounds badass!" Rociel replied, consoling her grief.

Mele teared up somewhat, discovering solace from the memories of her spouse, "You know, the funniest thing is when he first wanted to marry me, my father made a big fuss about him being from the Marquesas. He said he wasn't a man, but Milo told him where to shove it when he brought back Eteka's hide, I loved the look on my father's face that day. " she said, giggling at the mental image of her own progenitor's disbelief. One of Rociel's Facets present itself upon learning of the diverse lineage Barrette possessed, "Oh, Your husband was a Marquesan native?... And I'm going on a hunch you possess Maori roots?" she probed, intrigued by her culture. The 64 year old hyena liked the direction of the conversation, hoping to teach about her family history, "Yes, though I'm a bit of a mongrel, my father has Maori blood while my mother was Rarotongan islander, but I somewhat emphasize with my patrilineal roots. The tattoos are evident of that, and not many people wear a moko like I do, except those Paheka who use it as a fashion statement. It breaks my heart how much of our tribal culture is fading into history... I'm probably the only one in the entire chain who knows how to create a proper tatau, especially a ta moko." she said, bragging to some extent.

Barrette silently listened, wishing to hear how to pass on the art as his girlfriend discussed cultural matters, "So am I, my father has Nordic roots with some Roman influence, and my mother has Arabian and Berber ancestry as well as North African roots. Now I'm curious again, since the origins of the word, Tattoo, originate from the cook islands, and how do you make one of those facial tatua?" she asked, secretly recording the conversation with her datapad to preserve for future reference. The titillation on the elder tribal's face couldn't be more obvious, excited to describe the meaning of a tatua, "Well most Westerners don't understand it's part of a system, though not a very easily understood one, since I had to travel the islands to learn myself. In Maori culture, it has a lot to do with the community and your position in it." she explained, still going on.

"As an old general saying goes "Between the Reds and the Blacks, the Work will be done", and the Tatua was used back then to communicate position, rank, role and status in society. The chin to signify prestige, and most cases adulthood, the jaw for birth status, the cheek for the nature of one's work, under the nose above the lip for one's signature, the temples to tell marital status, around the eyes and nose for one's village rank, under the brows for position, and lastly, the forehead for one's general rank. A tatua on the right arm indicates occupation, while one on the thigh tells something that escapes my memory at this time, though the right cheek shows patrilineage and left shows matrilineage, but that's sort of reserved for royalty that can kiss my ass!" She explained, not explicitly fond of the idea of leadership through birthright.

"Now, I personally prefer to just do the lips, chin, jaw, cheek, and under the nose as far as traditional moko because forbid if make a mistake, I will never hear the end of it. For the rest of the body, I prefer to do hawaiian and marquesan patterns, though the latter is different from the Maori tatau since for the marquesans. it's a matter of status within one's family and individuality, along with a bit of style from my viewpoint from what I know of history. Whenever some Paheka comes to my shop on rarotonga for a Tatau or a Moko, I piece together samoan, marquesan, and Hawaiian markings to design something that's politically friendly and gibberish to anyone who understands the meaning of a tatua, though most of time I just use good fortune markings." Mele divulged, nearly out of breath from explaining the meaning of a Tatua.

The sound of clap echoed from Rociel's hands, entertained by the lecture, "Well, that was neat to learn but we should head home, my father's sick and he's miserable." she said. Mele cooed out of interest, remembering an old family remedy stemming back decades, "I know what can help, my nana's Bomber soup does the trick." she boasted. Brett licked his lips, his stomach growling at the thought the infamous soup, "That sounds perfect for this weather." he replied.

The thought of B-52 entered the Technopath's mind, and her assumption wasn't too inaccurate, "Okay, What's Bomber soup and why is it called that?" she questioned. The elder grinned out of pride, beaming from ear to ear at the fact she had a willing listener, "Well, when they used to have an American Airforce Base or two on the islands, my nana and papa volunteered for them. He helped load cargo on the planes and she worked in the kitchen serving airmen before they were sent to the front lines. Of course some stuff is always liable to be misplaced when dealing with cargo, my papa ended up with a few cans of potted meat and some spare rations but my Nana couldn't stand the taste of it. Grandmother felt so sorry for the air crews who had to eat the stuff that she gathered some ingredients then started making it for every rotation until the war ended. You never know what you can do with a little bit of coconut milk, lime, basil, ginger and mango puree, and a little bit of suckling pig." she explained.

The sound of empty bellies harmonized symphonious hunger harmonized between the adolescent pairing, "I love that sound!... but prefer to have a better pantry available and I have a feeling a young japanese boy is being violently molested in the next room." she said, uncomfortable with the inaudibly faint squeals and the potential idea she was trespassing. Rociel dawned a guilty expression, considering she convinced Kenashi in a hogtie, "Yaaaa... You are quite perceptive." she replied, impressed by her acute senses especially in her age. A loud shrieking moan boomed from Ken's room, Brett silently enjoyed the sound of the supposed suffering before gaining the necessary motivation, "Let's get going, I'd rather see a murder scene on the news than in person." he said...

... The sound of gravel crackling panged as Barette drove up to the Hentzel cottage, turning off the engine, grabbing groceries from the trunk then heading to the kitchen door. He walked in to see the good Doctor in a sorry state at the dining, "Good afternoon old man, how's your fever doing?" he asked. Rhyne nodded but fretted about the presence, "Not well, and you shouldn't be here for your own safe-.." he said, until he sneezed.

The young arsenault found himself outside again, bringing the same food he brought it in earlier, walking in again with the strangest sense of deja vu. He turned to Dr. Hentzel with curiosity before he noticed he was about sneeze again, quickly stopping him, "Thank you Barrette" he said. Brett didn't react to the anomaly that occurred but felt that he prevented it from repeating itself, "No problem old man... But did I ever tell you the definition of Insanity?" he said and grinned, realizing what he did or at least a potential option.

Rhyne didn't like the sound of that phrase, "Boy, bust my balls and I will send you home faster than you can say "Geronimo", but I'm not fond of misusing power." he jeered, grouchy from his clogged sinuses and his psychokinetic ability misbehaving. He started coughing loudly, creating spacetime distortions in the air above, "Woah, what are those?" he asked. The ill doctor focused for a minute once he heard Rociel's footsteps outside the door, dispelling the anomalies before she stepped inside with a short elderly woman in tow.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Rociel asked, wondering why her boyfriend stared at the ceiling for any apparent reason. Her father maintained his facade, with a pack of playing cards appearing from his sleeve, then arching them across the table in a vegas style shuffle, "Now remember this card you two." he said, showing them a black Joker. She observed intently, keeping an eye out for any sleight of maneuvers, then watched her progenitor pull a red joker, and tapped it twice before it turned black in a flash.

They blinked rapidly out of disbelief, though Rociel was more interested in other things, "Cool, anyway, I'm going see what cell's up to, come on Brett." she instructed, grabbing her beau's hand. Loneliness crept on the ageing hyena until he noticed the elder woman in his kitchen preparing soup, "Oh hello! Are you Brett's mother?" he said, innocently flirting with her. His daughter heard the chatter immediately called him out "Don't you dare you filthy scavenger!" she yelled, discouraging her father's tendencies.

Mele mirthfully laughed at the dialogue between the two, tickled pink from his sly gesture, "I see where your daugher gets her charisma!... But sadly no, I'm his nana. You can call me Mele." She said, introducing herself. Rhyne giggled and smiled, politely extending his hand, "My name is Rhyne Hentzel, nice to meet you... and whatever you're making is boiling over." he greeted, looking at the large pot lid rumble. Her ears perked at the warning, turning to fix her hearty concoction, "Aye! Damit..." she said to herself.

Upstairs in the loft, Rociel crept on her younger sister, who happened to be sitting on balance ball at her desk, deep in reading articles about various types of plant species and their strengths. Celestine, despite being of lagomorphic persuasion, wasn't that lucky when she felt the sting of her eldest's palm strike her hindquarters, "Nyaeh! Hell's Bells!" she cried, jumping upright. It was no secret that puberty was kicking into high gear the 2nd of the Hentzel brood, evident by her hips widening, "My god, you're getting fat!... At least where it counts, and you've gotten taller!" the crossbreed said, complimenting her sibling's growth.

Celestine giggled, grinning out of her happiness before she pounced her sister in a hug, "Thanks for whatever you did!" she said, thinking of the experiment she believed she underwent. Rociel rolled her eyes, returning the gesture twice fold in strength, "Have faith in yourself, not in me because I did very little. That gene therapy you thought I did, it was just a little designer hormone booster to give you a kickstart, I'd never go rooting around in your DNA because you're my sister." she answered, since it would have been a waste of resources for such a simple solution. Nonetheless, she couldn't be anymore content with the results, "Still thanks, I hope your boyfriend doesn't die soon though cause he's so big!" she said, breaking away from the sisterly embrace

Barrette perked at the ring of death in his ears, "Say what now?" he said, pondering the reasoning for the wild accusation. The concept of his gigantism leading to a diminished life span raised a valid concern in Rociel's mind, "No, she's right, why aren't you dead yet? Most individuals your size often suffer from pituitary tumor or some sort of disease that leads to gigantism. The nanomachines in your system report no trace of any tumor or the signs of it, you... Are an anomaly. Nurse, get my scraper and my sequencer!" she said, pretending to be a doctor while her sister fetched her Genetic Sequencing Kit. Cell brought back the small box containing a bizarre tray like device, a small vial of grey liquid, and nitrile gloves, setting it down next to her computer, "Here you go! Let's do some sciency stuff!" she said, excited to participate in biology related activity.

The boyish brute took a seat on a gaming chair, expecting them to take a sample, "So you think there is something bizarre with my DNA structure to allow for a mutation that enables my stature? Well, test away, kind of curious how old I'll live." he said, genuinely interested in the possibility. Cell adorned the gloves, picking up the Blood sampler that looked like it belonged to a diabetic than a DNA kit, "careful,this stings!" she said, pricking the middle finger on his left hand. He winced, cringing at the sharpness of the needle, "Shit!" he complained, making it one of the rare times he cursed.

She handed the sample to her eldest, who removed the vial containing the Blood sample, introducing the grey fluid into it and shaking it then inserting it into the tray, "Now if I remember correctly, I left my Genetic Sequencing Program on Cell's PC for backup in case I have to crash my laptop, and all we have to do now is process your DNA into binary then reconstruct a digital model of it." Rociel explained. Brett stood to watch the computer, as well as his lover, at work, "Won't that take a while? Even on a gaming rig?" he said, assuming from the bioplastic case that it held your normal circuit boards. She laughed at what she thought was a cute guess of what lied inside, "Nah, it'll take like ten minutes." she replied...

...Ten minutes later, After a series of whirs and glows from Cell's computer, it finished its task, allowing Rociel to search for a particular strain DNA that didn't raise too many questions in the scientific world. She finally discovered the source of his size, shocked at what she found, "Partial Gene activation? On the Nova strain?!? That is... Incredible!" she said, turning her seat towards her boyfriend beaming ear to ear, even Celestine herself was smiling. Barrette became lost at the mention of such a string of DNA, particularly due to the fact he never heard of it, "Sooo... What is this Nova strain do and where did it come from?" he said.

"To explain it, it's the reason why Espers like me and Cell exist, and the reason why twenty thousand researchers across the globe are still scratching their heads. The Nova Strain is the physical remains of the Novus virus that hit about 20 years back, Starting in India and spread across the globe. It was originally meant to be a gene therapy to counteract the effects of schizophrenia, dementia, and similar mental dysfunctions but nature is a huge bitch. Those who survived it and developed psychokinetic abilities, due to the how it affected those on a cellular level. The rest who got sick without developing the additional mental faculties became carriers for it, though there has been a theory kicking around some of those carriers have it partially activated within their genetic structure. " Rociel explained, summarizing how it happened, according to her father's account.

Barrette hummed to himself, "It sounds like someone had a little too much time on their hand waiting for the next stage of evolution to happen. I'm happy that I know I'm not going to die of natural causes anytime soon." he said, sharing his optimism with the two. Rociel continued scrying through his genetic structure, finding out his estimated age of death, "Actually you're likely to live 89 but with modern technology, I'll presume you will live way longer than that." she answered, secretly glad he wasn't liable to perish anytime soon. He felt humored by this knowledge, "So why was there a list on your computer Cell that says "List of plants to crossbreed in order to conquer the world"?" he asked, remember witnessing her listing out various flora and fauna.

Downstairs, the ill doctor Hentzel sipped on the soup, partaking of the exotic tropical brew, "Thank you Miss Mele! This is delightful..." he said, his cold slightly remedied by the vitamin packed stew. The elder matron smiled, flattered in regards to his praise, "Your welcome, I just hope everything goes well between your daughter and my grandson." she replied, praying that Barrette wouldn't have to look any further for love. He giggled at the sentiment, simply content with the results of his daughter's relationship, "I'm just happy that she's benefitting from it in terms of her health, she isn't as anxious anymore and considerably more mentally focused, She smiles more often too. I even noticed Barrette changed since I met him, he seems stimulated by her presence and pretty happy to be here." he explained, detailing his mental notes on the pair.

"Its nice living on an island but sometimes it isn't great for the mind, especially an inquiring mind, and to be honest. I think he needed room to grow and now that he is on the mainland, he has all the opportunity in the world to do it." Mele stated in all honesty, even she grew tired of living on Rarotonga with current political strife that was occurring. He couldn't agree more on the topic, "Yeah, I used to have relatives that lived in Hawaii that couldn't handle how stagnating it was until they moved New Mexico. There's limited opportunities in such places, and it's the reason why I never moved to the house my great Aunt left me, it logistically wouldn't be good for the development of my children." he explained. Her ears perked at her opportunity to leave her own troubles behind, "Hey, would you mind renting it to me? I would love the chance to get away from all the nonsense politics going on at home and I don't like having people looking over my shoulders when I work. It would make me feel a lot better to be closer to my family instead of being halfway across the world." she asked, appearing genuine in her motivation. He shrugged his shoulders, seeing nary a reason not to, "If you can pay the utilities, be my guest. I'll send the keys to Emile along with the paperwork, I need someone to maintain the place anyway." he said, glad to have some remainder of his past decently utilized.

Mele leapt from her seat then hugged him, "Thank you sweetheart! Not many kind people are left in the world today." she cheered, overjoyed with his answer. He didn't think much of it, albeit her words true, "Meh, at my age, the less I have to worry about, the healthier I am." he replied, utilizing it as an excuse for his generosity. The entire house tremored with vibration originating upstairs, sounding as if Rociel and Barrette were wrestling, "So should I be expecting any great grandbabies soon?" she asked. Rhyne repositioned his glasses on his nasal bridge, insuring they were secure on him, "The essence of love is Madness and Insanity!" he answered...

As the year drew a close, so did the past of Rociel and her comrades, allowing for a new dawn in this chapter of their lives. Romances bloomed, reforged, and began again as fall and winter passed, while friendships blossomed between those who would once consider one another enemies and those with broken hearts. It was truly the Springtide of the Black Rose, paving the way for the Equinox of her life....