New Horizons - Chapter 6

Story by tacynol on SoFurry

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#7 of New Horizons

Trey woke up to the sound of his mother screaming up the stairs telling him to get up out of bed. Trey then realised that today was his first day of school. He got up and got dressed; Blazer and tie. Trey hated school uniform. He envied the French who get to wear their own clothes to school. Trey got dressed, still complaining to himself within his head.

Trey walked down stairs where he was greeted by his mother and his little sister Chelsea. Trey was nervous about his first day at a new school and he never felt hungry. So he left his house without his breakfast and started the long 1 hour walk into the city. Trey didn't mind walking alone, but he did miss having Alex with him. In fact, Trey had spent most of the morning looking out the window waiting for Alex to leave his house and come round for him. But instead, Alex went to school alone; leaving Trey to do the same.

After the long tiring walk, Trey finally entered the school unsure of where to go. He had received a letter from the school telling him where and what his lessons were, but this was no use to him. Trey was in the same form group as Michael and Alex, so he decided the best thing to do would be to find either one of them. He also knew his form room was in the science department.

After making his way to the science department, Trey saw Alex leaning against a wall. Trey looked at the door next to Alex to find it was the door leading into his form. As the door was locked, Trey had to stand outside with Alex. There was nothing but awkward silence.

"Why have you got to be like this??" Trey said quietly

"Why? Why?!" Alex growled "B'cus you fucking had sex with Zack. And you liked it!"

"It was rape" Trey pleaded

"But you liked it" Alex shouted back. The two furs just started into each other's eyes; full of anger and hatred of one and other.

"What is going on?" A familiar voice said. Trey turned to see a German shepherd and a border collie walking up the hallway towards them. The two canines were holding hands. The German shepherd looked at Trey to ask him a question "It's Trey isn't it? Is this guy bothering you?"

"Yeah, that's my name but, it's nothing. Honestly" Trey replied

"Oh c'mon Alex" The collie said looking at the Husky "What the hell you gone done now? You're always like this; always picking fights. You could have came to New York with us if you weren't so aggressive"

"Go to hell, all of you" Alex shouted. He looked at Trey and then walked down the corridor, leaving the three furs alone in the corridor.

"Hey. They call me Lilly" the collie told Trey "And I see you've already met mah Boy Friend"

"Yeah, and Lilly is my Girl Friend" Michael told Trey blushing slightly. Slowly in small groups, the rest of Trey's form began arriving.

A fat â€" and I mean FAT â€" ginger squirrel walked down the corridor and opened the for room door. Trey, Lilly and Michael all went into the room. Before Trey could sit down next to Michael, he was stopped by the squirrel. Trey had already guessed that he was his form tutor.

"Ock, Yar must beh Mah nyew pyoopul" the squirrel started in a very strong Scottish accent. Trey was finding it a little hard to understand "Aye am yer form tuter. Yar can call me Mister Smith. Mah tokn might be a little hard to understand at firs'. But you'll get yoosed to eet"

Trey went and sat down next to Michael. Lilly was on the other side so the three of them began talking about Alex â€" who still had not come to form. It turned out that Trey had his first two lessons with Lilly. He was happy as he would not be alone.

He was also hoping to find out a little more about Alex. Alex did not seem aggressive at all to Trey.

After form, Trey followed Lilly to his first lesson. It was Religious Studies. He had two hours of learning about what people do when they get stuck in a house fire. "Do they pray to Jesus or dial 999?"

Trey told Lilly about living next door to Alex and that he and Alex were close friends until a few days ago. Trey left out the fact he had had sex with Alex and Alex's step-father.

"Oh My God!" Lilly Said "Alex has never had a girl friend, no wonder. So you and him were... Like a couple?"

"I guess so yeah" Trey answered

"Well, Alex isn't what you'd call: relationship material." Lilly started "He sees something and quite often gets the wrong end of the stick. You've obviously done something, and without even asking you why you did it, Alex is presuming stuff."

As the day went by, trey got to check out some nice furry asses in his PE lessons. Break was only 15 minutes so Trey went into the cafeteria with Lilly and bought himself a nice hot cup of hot chocolate. He needed to take his mind of Alex b'cus Alex had been on his mind all morning.

Lunch would be a lot harder to avoid Alex in. Lunch was 50 minutes long. Lilly had basketball practice. This meant Trey had to go around with Michael. Trey liked Michael a lot, but he was good friends with Alex and he knew Alex would be with him; or at least that is what he thought. Trey found Michael and it turned out that Alex was avoiding all three of them.

Slowly enough, the day came to an end; Lilly want home by herself, leaving Michael with no one to go home with. Trey thought about asking Michael to walk with him, but decided not to when he saw that Alex had gotten there first. Michael told Alex he did not want to walk with him when he saw Trey was alone.

As Trey was leaving school, he felt two large furry arms wrap around him from behind, then he felt the rest of the body press against his back.

"Hey there" The familiar voice of Michael said "You've looked stressed all day, maybe I can help you out a little"

Trey felt himself being pulled sideward's into a room. Michael pulled Trey into the room and locked the door. Without saying a word, he pushed Trey up against a wall and began to kiss him. Trey felt his trousers slowly being pulled down. The German shepherd broke the kiss and moved down to Trey's crotch. Michael began to rub Trey's sheath until his member was hard and throbbing.

"See I told you I could help" Michael said grinning

The German shepherd began to slowly suck on the cock of the Wolf. Trey could do nothing but murr from the pleasure. As he sucked, Michael played with Treys tail hole, slowly poking his finger in and out. Michael enjoyed the pre-cum he was given by Trey. Michael began sucking faster and rubbing harder to cause the wolf to fill his mouth with his seed. Trey let out a loud groan as he reached his climax. Michael swallowed all of the cum as not to create any mess.

"Well, we better go home" Michael said while Trey was pulling his trousers up.

Trey answered with a nod. Michael put his arm around Trey and they left the school and walked home.

Michael did not live as far as Trey, so three quarters of the way home, Michael left Trey. This gave Trey some time to think about what had happened. Then the thought struck him.

"Michael is straight" Trey said aloud "He has just cheated on his girlfriend. Hasn't he?"

I'm sorry it is late, but I have been busy. I have a life remember *coughs* ensaf *cough*

Yeah... please comment, I like comments more than anything. I need your opinions and ideas b'cus I always get bored while writing this.

I have the basic story line in my head, but I get bored while writing it. I also get distracted by certain people. I will not name them... ensaf again ^_^

So please, just tell me what you'd like to see. But keep in mind, I am gay. So there will be little M/F