End War, Start of another War

Story by Wolf_Ghost on SoFurry

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#5 of War Heroes

Sorry it took so long, I was busy XD here's the next chapter, welcome to WWII kamerads. Now, should I follow history with this or should it go into an alternate time line... I'd love to hear your suggestion guys, thanks!


November 11th, 1918

End War

It was the end of the war. Finally, we made it to the end. We had been fighting so hard to get this far. In the end, here we are, the victors of a bloody war. I was proud to see an end to this... slaughter. This wasn't right for us to... no, I can't say that. What we did was right, we came in to stop the war...

So as I watched the Germans give up their weapons, I smiled, knowing that the war, the Great War, was now at an end. The German Empire had collapsed. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was no more. The Ottoman Empire was gone. All that was left was powerless countries with nothing. No military, no wealth, no support. This will be the last war that ever plagues Europe. There will never be another war.

September 1, 1939

Alexander Von Wulfe, Wehrmacht

As we entered into Poland, driving on and on, we watched them retreat, their forces running in terror of our might. Soon, Poland will fall... and then Europe will be ours. They say war never changes, but from Aaron Geischer lecturing us on how warfare was during the first Great War to actually living the battle, I can definitely tell you that everything has changed.

"Achtung, Panzer rolling over them, kamerads."

And then the major popped on over our radios. "Hans, keep off the radio, damn it."

Our light armor moved in, shooting anything in sight. As I marched in, I stopped, pondering this very moment. This attack would change the entire world... as we closed in and choked the Polish defenders, the world will shake as we begin our march...

"For the Fatherland," my kamerads shout, hiding behind cover as they open fire. I was behind some sandbags when I grabbed a stielhandgranate before pulling the cord and tossing it, the five second fuse counting down. As it landed, I heard the blast and some screaming before the firing commenced.

Our major suddenly gives us an order, though not like we needed it, we knew the plan already; take Warsaw. "Alright kamerads, push forward, break them, kill them."

Our light armor moved in, followed by the grunts. We would surprise the world with our new doctrine that was implemented. Infantry as support and armor as the main assault force.

Poland will fall by October... and then France will be next.