Burning Desire

Story by Kurojaki Satsui on SoFurry

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Kurojaki woke slowly, the weight having left his chest some time ago, Miroku was no longer lying in bed with him. He sat up and began rubbing the tired blur from his eyes before opening them to find his Knight Uniform and a note lying on the bed. He smiled and reached out, [picking it up and unfolding it before he even got it close enough to read;

Dear Kuro,

You probably doesn't remember what today is since you've been focused on everything that happened, but it's okay. It doesn't much matter because it hasn't changed anything between us, I still love traveling with you and sleeping beside you when it's in our bed or laying on the grass in the middle of the forest. But I know you're still going to be upset for forgetting something so I've prepared something to take your mind off things. It's important that you wear your uniform this time, and try to find me. You're not allowed to ask anyone if they've seen me or anything, you have to follow my scent love, and I won't make it easy to do that!


He chuckled as he swung his feet off the bed and stood. They were taking a nice long break after their last misadventure to Zamoroz Island, the cold island sending them home in tears and a small fit of depression for both of them. When they arrive at the temple, Kurojaki removed his name from the active list and promised not to put it back for an entire month. He still remembered explaining everything to her on the boat ride home as he held her close underneath his duster...

He held her close, one arm wrapped tightly around her while the other gently pet through her hair. It was quiet and they were alone below deck on the pile of hay. She laid on top of him with her head resting on his chest, listening to his heart, cuddled against his warm body underneath his duster. She had questions but she didn't know how to ask them, she didn't want to upset him or makes things worse then they already felt. She just wanted him to hold her tight and melt away her troubles with his soft and gentle touch.

"I'm sorry Princess," He said softly before kissing the top of her head. "I shouldn't have let you come with me on this one."

"That's not what's bothering me," She said as she nuzzled his chest.

"I know... I want to explain it to you... but I'm scared of what you would think."

She smiled a bit as she looked up at him, scooting up his body a bit more and nuzzling under his chin before kissing his neck. He smiled as well, but there was still a lump of fear choking him when he tried to speak about it.

"It's okay love... take as much time as you need..."

"I've already died once," He said as his hands stopped, holding her tightly to him. "That's how I got my Chaos... You saw what happened when the seal for my chaos was broken. In the underworld, I always look that way. That's my true form as a demon... I was given a seal on the full release that would regenerate after being broke 10 times if I was calmed before my soul started to degrade. I only have three left, then it's either become a full demon once more, or find a someone who can seal it away for good."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying... I was born too kill, my blood lust is one of the strongest in the underworld. That's why it's so easy for me too kill... it's just a part of who I am. That's why I joined the order, so I could put this horrible thing to use, so I can use this vile trait for a good cause, I don't like killing, but killing someone or something that hurts and kills innocent souls is better then becoming one," She slowly broke his hold to sit up and looks down at him, seeing the tears mat his furry cheeks.

"It's okay love," She said softly as she straddled him and cupped his cheek, smiling lightly as he took it in his, nuzzling against it. "That's what gives you the right to have a soul... You're not a monster, and you're not a demon... you're my knight, and you're the sweetest, most caring person I've ever met..."

He started dressing... it was time to give Miroku his undivided love, attention, and affection without his duties as a Knight of the Order becoming a wall between them. He looked in the mirror as he finished knotting the leather thong at his shoulder. It was specially made just for him as the usual knight armor didn't fit him and got in the way when he was fighting. He didn't feel comfortable in this uniform, It was heavy and less flexible, but he would wear it for Miroku any time she asked him to. It was an all read uniform with white accents. His jeans, a requested material, were red, the hooded robe was red with white trimming, and the steel platted armor, each plate separate like the light armor of an assassin, was white as well, with the symbol of a hunter over his heart. He finished the uniform with his usual black combat boots before he took the letter once more and slipped it into his pocket, in case he lost her scent which rarely happened, but was still a possibility. He doubted he would need it, she had an intoxicating scent, a scent he lusted after when the situation rose between them.

She laughed as she watched him sniff at the air, immediately recognizing and following the scent she had left behind for him to follow. She was able to remain unnoticed as she wore perfume that she left behind before she sprayed on some borrowed perfume and back tracked. The best part was that he had no idea what she was doing to him because it was her scent, but there was something more as well, it was surrounding him, it was in his pocket, it had been on their bed.

"You're in for quite the shock my Demon Knight," She iggled as she waited for him to turn the corner before she moved to follow him.

Kurojaki laughed several times as he followed the scent all the way through the temple. Her scent was everywhere, including the garden, but that was where it stopped. He found himself standing in the middle of the red roses that made the large circle in the middle of the garden. He smiled though as he saw the one thing that stood out... the black rose which was attached to a note upon further inspection.

Dear Kuro,

Okay Mr. Hot Fox, you did the first half easily enough. Let's see you find me now. Try not to lose concentration.


"What are you planning Princess?" He asked himself as he brought both notes up to nose and started sniffing at them to pick up her scent once more.

She felt everything drop as he did that. She didn't know he would do that and it took every ounce of power she had to not burst out laughing. This was supposed to be a harmless prank for now but it was going to happen a lot faster then she planned if he continued inhaling the scent off those notes. It was that time of the year for her... she was going top make it a gift for him to take his mind off everything that happened. She had woken up several times to whimpering and such in the middle of the night. Kurojaki was still bothered by what had happened in Zamoroz... he was still having nightmares and small fits of depression every couple of mornings, worrying about her feelings and thoughts on everything she had learned. She knew that he battled regularly... it was playing hell on him and yet he was still more focused on her.

He murred as he inhaled the scent, his body was growing warm but he couldn't find the scent any longer. He slipped the notes in his pocket and stood, closing his eyes. She felt her heart skip a beat as he suddenly vanished and appeared in front of her, but she ducked under his looping arms and started running away from him.

"No fair, you cheated!" She laughed as he chased her through the garden then into the forest.

"You didn't say I couldn't sense your soul," He yelled in return as he noticed that she gaining a slight advantage as they moved deeper and deeper into the thick forest.

She was feline after all, she was easily dodging trees, logs, bushes, and such without losing any speed what so ever. He wasn't no push over either. He was flexible and agile, but the one thing that would help him the most were his reflexes. She only had to make one mistake and she was done in their small game. She was wearing more comfortable clothes as well though, a simple green spaghetti strap top and mid thigh blue shorts.

"I won't let you catch me!" She yelled excitedly.

"I don't want you too let me," He said, making her look over her shoulder... he had vanished once more.

She looked up and saw him jumping through the trees and working on his uniform at the same time. She laughed a bit as it reminded her of the manga she often read while she was waiting in their room while he was talking to Mother rosary over a cup of tea. She looked back down. barely dodging the tree in front of her. If he was going this far, she knew she was fixing to be caught. She heard the flapping and knew that he had now disposed of his armor so he would have even more flexibility and speed with the lessened wait. But a small glance up revealed that he had also ditched his robe. He was right over her now and matching her speed perfectly without anything to hinder his performance.

"Brace yourself Princess," He laughed before he dropped from the tree in front of her and wrapping his arms around her as he started jumping backwards so the momentum wouldn't topple him and slamming into him wouldn't hurt because he moved with the force of the impact.

"Cheater!" She shined before nuzzling him.

"But you love me," He chuckled.

"Yes," She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. "And you love me too."

"With every flame of my soul," He said softly, making her blush.

She smiled as he nuzzled her before nibbling on her ear. She wanted the next day to pass by quickly while she continued to secretly prepare him for it.

"So what was this all for?"

"Just some fun my Knight," She smiled as she took his hand. "Come on, let's go get something to eat, I'm starving."

"Okay," He followed, collecting his uniform as he did so.

She giggled as he licked at her neck, nipping here and there as he kept her trapped against the bed. She was taking it as her punishment for not only making him run around the way she had today, but also for what she would put him through the next day. It wasn't fair to him, but the reward would be well worth the torture. For now, he seemes happy just to be holding and teasing her.

"What are you doing?" He asked as she suddenly started nibbling on the tip of his ear.

"My ears," She said around it before continuing the treatment, gently rubbing his back as she did so.

"Okay," He smiled as he let her have her way, slowly fading from reality as he relaxed.

"Sleep my love," She said softly as she gently moved his head from her shoulder to her breasts.

He woke with the soft purring vibrating his chest. His nose was picking up the smallest scent of the woman using him as a body pillow. He didn't put much more thought into it before he hugged her close to him and ran his hands over her beautiful body.

"Good morning my Demon Knight," She said softly into his chest.

"Good morning Princess," He smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept really good. I had a beautiful dream about you."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, but I'm not telling you about it,"v She teased as she nuzzled his chest.

"That's okay," He chuckled. "I can pretty well assume what it was."

"I doubt it," She kisses his chest. "Let's get dressed and go get some breakfast. Tonight's a big night for us."

"It is?"

"I didn't really count on you remembering. It's not a bad thing, don't worry," she kissed his forehead as he sat up. "It's weird how we seem to switch top and bottom when we fall asleep."

"Yes, but why's tonight so special?"

"You'll find out," She smiled.

He sort of felt bad that he had forgotten something important. He knew it wasn't any anniversary or something along those lines. She accepted that he didn't care about how long they were together until it was time for them to part.

"Come on, get up, I'm hungry!" She threw a shirt and a pair of jeans into his chest.

"I'm coming hun, you have to give me time to get dressed," He laughed as he got dressed and followed.

He smelt the smallest ting of guilt from his lying to the woman he loved as he ran through the trees at his fastest speed. He knew all would be forgiven though, this was one of those lies that were okay because it wouldn't hurt anyone, but lying to Miroku still felt bad. Rosary agreed to tell Miroku the same story he told her if questions were asked though, which he took as a good thing.

"Ah, shit!" He dodged the ball of flames that rushed through the forest. "Who did that!?"

He was given a solid answer as the demon appeared and attacked. His sword was drawn in an instant as he blocked the claws. He grabbed the arm as he drew back his sword then yanked hard on the arm as he swung, cleaving the demon in two.

"Alright, let's go [pick up that package," He said as he tossed the degrading half of a torso to the side and continued running.

He was shaking a bit in the hands, he was nervous about what he was doing, but not nervous of how she would react. He wanted something that was absolutly perfect for her, a present, the way he dressed, what they were doing when he gave her this gift. He pumped energy through his body and started moving even faster. He had to make it back quickly so he could set up a small surprise for her.

Miroku waited patiently for him as she sat on the temples front steps. It felt off, she wasn't usually this patient. But a quick trip[ to town and back was nothing compared to how long she had planned the night ahead as she had a week to do so before she started putting her plan into action. She was sure he could smell her all the way through breakfast though, it was almost unbearable now.

"Hey Miroku?" A priestess sat down beside her. "A few of the hybrid knights have been talking about you strangely, is everything okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine.... just preparing a special gift for Kuro," She said shyly as she closed her legs.

"Oh, that's so cute!"


"what;s the surprise?"

"I can't really tell you... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand."

"It's been a hard few nights for him since we got back and despite what he's going through he's still more worried about how our last outing effected me."

"What happened?"

"Bandits, he was kidnapped, his full chaos seal was broke twice, I had to kill someone, and he helped me get through it, but he's still having nightmares."

"That's horrible, you two need a trip to some romantic hot springs, just the two of you."

"He's been planning that for the end of our month before he puts his name back on the active list."

"Well... I hope you huys get through this stronger then when you went in."

"Yes, Absolutely, thank you."

"Sure thing hun."

She smiled as she hugged her knees close, her eyes growing soft as she thought of her love. He was a good person, and he was very sweet, protective, and caring... she still couldn't believe this w3as a demon that she had on her mind when she thought these things.

"Kurojaki," She said softly to herself.

She tried to see around the blind fold as Kurojaki led her through the forest. She had been undressed and redressed by him before they left. She was wondering what he was planning and couldn't help when she tried to cheat with the small cracks of light around the edges of the blind fold.

"Okay, stop," He chuckled as he lightly pulled on her shoulders.

"what are you up to Kuro?" She asked cutely.

"You'll see in a moment," He started untying her blindfold but used his hand to keep it covering her eyes when he released the leads. He gently tilted her head forward, making her look down.

She gasped as she saw her outfit first... a blue kimono with red lining and koi fish dancing about below the belt. She turned to look at him and felt her heart stop and the words catch in her now knotted throat, her wide eyes devouring every part of his body. He wore a red tuxedo with a tsplit tailed coat, and his fur was silky and fresh.

"What is this about Kuro?"

"We're not done yet," He said softly as he kissed her forehead before motioning around them.

Paper lanterns and multiple candles of different colors decorated a circle around them it lit the dark forest with a small yellow glow as they stood in the middle. It was beautiful and romantic.

"Is this... all for me?" She asked with confusion.

"Yes... to make up for forgetting something important," He smiled as he took her hand in his while his other arm wrapped around her waist. "Because it was important to you."

"Kurojaki," She said softly as she gently put her hand over his heart.

They slowly swayed about. dancing to their love, creating their own music uin the silence that surrounded them, but not a word was spoke. Words were not needed between them in this moment. She could feel his heart beating under the palm of her hand, and her eyes refused to leave the flames that danced in his.

"Kuro, why are you doing this?"

"I'll show you when we're done dancing," He said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his chest.

They danced for a while longer until the moment left them and their legs became tired. Her eyes went wide as he dug into his pocket while going down to one knee. She watched him pull out a small wooden box, hand carved and stained cherry wood, a beautiful grain decorating the lid.

"I'm not asking you to marry me, we're not ready yet," He said as he looked up at her. "This is a promise to be there beside you until we're ready, when we're ready, and after it happens."

Tears started swelling in her eyes as she saw the ring. A promise ring hand engraved, a small pink jewel known as a love stone set in silver, standing in the middle of a fox and lynx's heads. One hand covered her mouth as the tears rolled down her cheeks. He pulled the ring from the box before gently taking her hand and sliding it up her ring finger.

"Kuro," She said through her whimpers before taking him to the ground and shedding her tears onto his tuxedo.

"Easy love, calm down," He said softly as he kissed the top of her head and gently rubbed her back..

"I don't know what to say," She cried as she kept her face pressed against his chest. "My gift seems so small now."

"The smallest ones are the most precious," He said with a smile.

"I'm in heat..." She felt herself blush at those words. "We've made love plenty of times, we've had sex just for fun... I wanted tonight to be about worshiping each other while it was at it's peak... I couldn't think of anything else to give you. I wanted to take your mind off everything that happened on Zamoroz, wanted you to go to bed happy tonight and not worrying about how I feel."

"I worry about how you feel because I love you," He said softly as he placed his hands on her shoulders as she looked up at him. "I worry for you because I'm the soldier, I'm the knight, I protect people with both arms... but for you, I'd sacrifice my soul..."

"If I wasn't already holding it," she said softly, finishing with oine of her favorite lines that he used.

She nuzzled under his chin and started licking at his throat. He murred as she did so... his neck being the most sensitive in these moments. He slowly started removing her new kimono from her body.

"No... this is for you..." She pulled his hands away and pinned them behind his back before she gently bit into his neck.

He growled in pleasure as he struggled half heartedly against her, until his struggles turned real. He suddenly rolled so she was on her back, making her look up at him with shock in her own eyes. His were thin slits and the silver was the brightest she had ever seen as he leaned down and kisses her, entangling his tongue with hers as they wrestled for dominance over the other's mouth. Kurojaki won the small tongue fight as they kissed long and deep, his hands giving subtle but effective caresses here and there to her most sensitive areas. Suddenly he pulled away and slowly started to undress her. She blushed as he licked at his lips with everyinch of her body revealed until she was left in nothing but panties and a bra. He took a nipple in his mouth and sucked it until it was a hard little nub between his lips. She arched her back, feelng the heat between her legs growing to greater heights as he teased her body. She mewled softly as his hand landed just above her hot box, rubbing before cupping her and rubbing in slow circles.

"Kuro... no teasing," She moaned out to him.

He continued rubbing as he started kissing down her stomach, stopping and dipping his tongue into her bellybutton before contuing down and giving a long slow lick over he hot cunny before taking her clit between his teeth and making her arch her back. He slipped a finger inside her as his free hand started petting at her bumb as she brought her legs up and placed them on his shoulders. He surprised her though as he got his finger wet and eased it into her rosebud, wiggling it around inside her bottom. She moaned out his name once more as he did so and began sucking on her clit and worked both her holes in sync with each other.

"Kuro!" She gasped as he took her clit in his teeth and started rolling it.

She felt it rush out of her as she started arching off the ground, her mouth opening in silent screams of pleasure as she covered him in her juices. her wings suddenly sprouting from her back and glowing a lustful red in the flames of the candles around them. Kurojaki drank her juices down and cleaned her, murring at the taste.

"Did that feel good Princess?"

"That was amazing... but I hope you're not done," She panted as she watched him get to his knees and started working out of his tuxedo, her eyes devouring his body, the ridge of each muscle showing through his clean and silky fur.

"Enjoying the show?" He asked as he presented his tight, bulging red slacks.

"Shut up and get those pant off."

He unbuttoned his slacks and slid them away, falling to his butt and pulling them off his feet before the pouncing cat took him to the ground and smashed her lips against his in a heated kiss. It didn't last long as she reached between them and grabbed hold of his shaft and angled thetip against her cunny before sliding down into his lap where she started grinding hard against him.

"E-eager Princess," He growled softly as he took her hips in his hands.

She smiled as she slowed and bent down over him again and started bouncing on him in small twitches as she looked into his eyes.Whether this was her intention or not, this was out of love, enjoying the ultimate joining of two bodies and souls. They were one person in this single moment. She started moving on him more as she kissed him again, this one softer, more emotional, digging into the depths of their love. She felt his knot start swelling and gasped as it slipped inside her then popped back out while it was small enough to do so. She continued to do so, enjoying the noises her loves made as well as the heate flashes through her cunny when it stretched her a little more each time until pressed against her cunny, making her moan as she forced herslef onto it, falling against his chest as she climazed once more as it stretched her and entered her once more. She moaned loudly as Kurojaki wrapped his arms aroun d her and thrust up at her through her orgasm, causing another orgasm to follow the one before right on its heels as she poured her juices over his hips, crotch, and thighs. He growled as he suddenly pushed into her and she felt the heat of his seed spurting into her. She mewled and twitched at the pleasure of feeling his cum fill her, the knot keeping it from escaping her as he continued to throb and empty inside her. They lay together panting and holding each other, enoying the afterglow of theirpassion.

"I love you Miroku, He said softly as he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too... Kurojaki," She answered with a smile as she nuzzled against his chest, his strong heart beating against her ear.

It was a calming ound that put her to sleep, not caring that he was still trapped inside her as her light snoring, cute and innocent, put him to sleep as well. There was something about the forest that helped them rest peacfully and without a care. It didn't help they had given each other their bodies and much more.

She woke with a small yawn, feeling the wet clothe press against her inner thigh. She smiled, knowing that Kurojaki was cleaning her, it wasn't the first time he had cleaned his mess from her fur. She put her arm under her head and smiled as she watched him.

"Good morning my Demon Knight," She said softly.

"Good morningMi'lady," He said, moving the clothe up her leg and gently washing the fur around her cunny.

"So what's on today's agenda?"

"We go pack and head out for the hot springs," He smiled as he reached out and dipped the clohe in the small bowl of water once more. "You know... I didn't have any nightmares last night."

"That's good," She smiled as she looked him over, seeing that he was already clean, probably having swam in the ice cold river that ran through the valley. "Kuro?"


"Forget my thighs a lay down, I want my morning cuddles," She smiled as she reached out and grabbed his hand before pulling him up besid her and nuzzling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, her leg throwing itself over both of his. "And thank you."

"For what?"

"For last night... it really did mean a lot to me that you went through all this trouble."

"No trouble when it's for you Princess," He smiled before kissing the top of her head.