Rise of the Demon: Chapter 2

Story by Kurojaki Satsui on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: All that is Unholy

He looked around as he shook the snow and ice from his body, he was close to the temple, but something seemed off to him. He wasn't smelling any hint of human activity, it was strange, this was how he knew where to find it when traveling through the constant blizzard that surrounded the mountain peak. He trudged on, knowing he was close enough to see it's shadow when he was in range.

"Where the hell is that damn temple, it's freezing!" He growled to himself, the wind carrying his words away, along with his heat.

He stopped again to look around, and that's when the new scent reached him... smoke, and burning flesh. He started Flash Stepping, following the scent's path, his mind considering the worst as the scent grew stronger. He saw the blazing fire that was the temple through the snow and rushed towards it, other nights lying on the ground with a few priestesses as well.

"Is anyone alive!?"

"Over here!" The voice was hoarse, but Kurojaki managed to pick it up and walked forward, seeing the barely alive knight at the door step. "Kuro...jaki... it was a raid, an entire army of demons attacked the temple..."

"How did they even know where to find this place?"

"I don't know, most of the knights are dead as well as a few... priestesses. The rest evacuated to the caves with... Rosary."

"Come on, let's get you up," He said as he kneeled to pick the man up.

"No... it's too late for me, I've already lost too much blood and frostbite is setting in at my stomach... you need to go to the caves."

"I'm not gonna let you die!" He said, picking the man up regardless.

"It's too..." He drew his last breath...

"Damn it!" Kurojaki growled as he set the knight back down. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

He collected the Knight's pendent and rushed into the burning temple to raise his core temperature as well as reach the evacuation tunnel door. He would be able to find the scent and follow it so he wouldn't get lost, if it was still there.

"HELP!!!" He looked to the stairs as the scream came.

"Hang on, I'm coming to get you!" He yelled and started up the thankfully stone stares. "Where are you!?"

"I'm trapped in the library!"

He ran up the stares and started down the hall to the large room at the end. It was the library, a collection of scriptures brought back from traveling knights and priestesses. It was blocked by blazing rubble, and from what he could see the room was a maze as well. He drew his sword and activated his Soul Flame on just his sword before rushing forward and charging through the rubble with a single slice. He started navigating the maze of ruined castle structures, books, and shelves. He soon made it to the priestess and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Kurojaki," She hugged him close, "I'm glad you're alive."

"Me too Kari, now let's get out of here," He said as he took her hand and led her to start weaving through the maze once more, but it collapsed right as he was entering. "Fuck!"

He pulled himself out, patting at the flames that burned away his fur and clothing. He looked around for another way out as Kari pressed herself against his side. The only option they had was the window, but he wouldn't be able to do land without injuring Kari.

"We're gonna have to go through the window," He said as he looked at her. "I don't think I my legs can take the both of us even if I channel energy into them, I'll come out okay, but you'd get hurt though, possibly even a few broken bones."

"I can handle that, it's dying that can't be fixed!"

"Good point," He removed his strap and put around her instead before kneeling slightly, "Hop on my back."

"I hope you know what you're doing," She climbed onto his back and wrapped her arms tightly around him as he hook his arms around her legs.

He charged forward and jumped through the window and into the blizzard. Kari screaming into his ear as they fell towards the ground. He channeled furious amounts of energy into his legs, but when they hit the ground, he still folded under the force of the impact, Kari slamming into the snow with a cry and grunt of pain.

"You okay?" He asked as he got to his knees with a pained growl and started helping her up.

"Nothing's broke, but now I'm going to freeze to death," She said as she accepted his help.

"Well, we better get to the caves then, can you lead the way, I've never been to the caves?"

"Yeah, just let me catch my breath for a second," She said as she stood straight and started walking, "It's this way."

"Here, this should be better then what you're wearing," He said as he swung his duster around her shoulders, she quickly slipped her arms through the sleeves and buttoned it. "If we get too cold I'll stop and we'll use my Flames, all you have to do is stand close enough for the heat but don't touch the flames."

"Okay, come on, we don't have time too waste."

They started running through the blizzard in the direction she pointed to. He didn't know what to think though as he followed along. It was cold, he was cold, but he was worried about Kari, she was only human, a number of things were working against her. She was also a young priestess, as well as skinny, she wasn't as lean as Kurojaki was, so she insulated little to no heat at all.

"Somebody, get her to the fire!" Kurojaki yelled as he ran into the caves, carrying the shivering and almost unconscious Kari. "Come on!"

"Right away, sir," One of the knights ran up to him and took Kari from his arms and rushed her through the cave to the fires in the alternate chambers.

"Where's Rosary?"

"She's at the back of the cave, in the last chamber," The other said, pointing down the caves.

"Thanks," He took off at a run to the end of the cave.

He almost ran into his lover as he ran for Rosary, his mind on fire with the questions that were running through his head. He ran straight into her chamber and slid to a halt at her feet where he bowed his head to her. She chuckled and let him rise.

"The way things are at the moment, you can skip the manners," She spoke softly.

Rosary was a middle aged woman, with a gorgeous body. She had light brown hair, almost dirty blonde, and sky blue eyes. Her breasts were about medium sized which matched her hips and buttocks which were curvy but not thick. She wore the Head Priestess gowns, virgin white with gold and red trimmings.

"Rosary, what happened to the temple?"

"It was attacked by demons, how I don't know, until now you are the only demon that's ever been able to find the place," She said as she looked him over. "Where's your duster?"

"Kari has it, I brought her from the temple with me. I gave it to her to try and keep her warm."

"And it's exactly those thoughts that made me think you weren't the one that led those other demons here, I do know that you willingly worked with your brother who is technically supposed to be targeted."

"I'm sorry, but I won't let you target him, he serves in wars to sate his blood lust, but he refuses to attack the innocent," Kurojaki defended, "And without him I would've been killed."

"I know this, Fira already explained everything to me."

"Fira made it, where is she?"

"She's resting with the other familiars, you can go see her when were done here," She said as she motioned to the chair. "Please take a seat, help yourself to some warm tea, I'm sure you could use it."

"Thank you."

He did help himself to some tea and let her tell of the attack on the temple. An entire battalion of demons had assaulted the temple and killed as many as they could find, destroying the temple and setting fire to it as they did so. These demons seemed more aggressive then Kurojaki did when he found the temple... which suggested feral or controlled, or even both. He could have already guessed that The Chronical was behind it... it wasn't that hard to figure out.

"He also tried to make contact with my brother," He said as he looked into her eyes. "For what I haven't yet concluded, but he's plotting something, and it's causing my stomach to knot up."

"Go eat and rest, see Fira and Kari's older sister," She smiled. "Yes, I know about it... but I don't object as much as I should, but don't think I'll allow everything that comes with having a relationship."

"Yes ma'am," He said before getting to his feet and walking away.

Kari's older sister Momoe was waiting just outside the chamber for him. She wrapped him in the tightest hug he could imagine. She looked like an older version of Kari but with long red hair instead of short brown, but they both had emerald green eyes. She had small breasts and hips, as well as her bottom... but she was still beautiful. He liked how petite she was, her lithe body and fluid movements.

"I was scared I wouldn't see you again," She said softly.

"I'm okay... I promise," He said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh my god, you're freezing," She said as she took his hand and started pulling him away. "Come on, let's get you warmed up."

"But I wanna see if Fira's okay," He said as he started pulling her where Rosary had directed. "I sent her ahead of me and I need to apologize to her."

"Fine... but then you're being given no choice but to come lay down by the fire in my room okay," She said as she stopped trying to pull him in a different direction.

"Of course," He said as they entered the room and he went straight to the scorched nest that his closest friend sat in. "Hey Fira, I'm glad you're okay."

She chirped and jumped from her nest and onto his shoulder where she nuzzled her beak against his cheek. She seemed to have been worried about him as well.

"Okay, I'm not letting you go ahead of me next time, I'll just let you fly around over head while we travel back," He smiled and gently rubbed at her neck.

"You too are very close compared to most familiars."

"So how many hunters did we lose?"

"None, you're the only who's come back?"

"None, these are all the house familiars."

"Damn... I guess me and you are lucky Fira," He smiled, making her chirp in response.

"Okay, now it's time to make sure you're okay," Momoe took his hand and started pulling him away.

"Okay, okay, I'll come back later Fira, okay?" She jumped from his shoulder, gliding once again to her nest where she lit up with flames and heated it once more.

"So I heard that Rosary knows our little secret?"

"Yeah... but she seems okay with it as long as it doesn't go too far between us," He smiled as she led him into another chamber where there were several man made dug outs with beds and lamps inside. "Nice, I didn't know these caves were so prepared."

"Rosary wanted us to be comfortable if we ever had to stay here for long periods of time like we do now, until a new temple is built, but it'll probably be hidden better next," She said as she looked him over. "Come on, mines this one here at the end."

She led him to her dug out where there was a big enough bed for only one person. She seemed to know what to do though a she cast a small prayer and put a sound and vision illusion across the front of the dugout and started removing her robes. When she stood beautifully in only virgin white bra and panties, she started undressing him, carefully removing his shirt and taking her time so she could admire his muscular build. Then came the strap around his waist which held his dagger and sword, then his boots and pants. He was covered in fur, so he wore no underwear, but she didn't mind that much as she suddenly pressed her body against his fur, knocking him onto the bed and her following and landing on top of him.

"You feel warmer this way," She said as she nuzzled into the fur on his chest, her hands resting on his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around her. "So much muscle. Yet you're really soft..."

He pulled the blanket up over them and let his eyes shut as his hands gently rubbed her back until her soft snoring rustled his fur. He smiled and let sleep take him as well, his eyes drifting shut until the realm of dreams took him from reality.

Kurojaki woke with a small murr as she nibbled at his neck. He reached his hand up and set it on her cheek before turning his head and kissing her deeply. They broke after only a few short seconds and sat up, the sheets falling from them as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes as Kurojaki turned and swung his legs off the bed, Momoe wrapping her arms around him and rubbing at his chest.

"What are you doing?"

"I have to go see what Rosary wants me to do now that I'm warm and well rested," He said as he grabbed her forearms and held them where they were. "Don't worry, I'll stay another night."

"You better, I missed you," She said as she kissed his cheek before releasing him and letting him get to his feet.

He started getting dressed as she cuddled back into the bed, right over the warm indent he left behind. He was soon dressed in the same clothes he walked in on... it was the rule of a temple attack. Leave everything except the clothes your wearing as long as you escape, you can rebuild. He walked out of the cut out that was her room and started towards Rosary's, happy to see that she was up and about already.

"Ah, Kurojaki, just the knight I wanted to see," She smiled as she looked at him. "I have a small task for you my dear."

"what can I do for you?"

"I need you to head down the mountain and escort a supply wagon back up, we don't know how many demon's if any are left in the area," She said as she sat down at the small table in the room. "And you're known for taking on more then one demon when the occasion occurs."

"I'll get to it then ma'am," He said as bowed his head then started out the room.

"Come see me again when you get back, I do need to address a small issue with you," She said.

"I'm guessing my brother?" He asked as he stopped at the door.


He shook his head and left her room, walking to find Kari, he needed his duster back if he wanted to stay somewhat warm on this forsaken mountain. But it was a decent hiding place until now. They needed a new place to hide though, and he had a feeling he had an idea as to where they were moving.

"Hey, do you know where Kari is?"

"Yeah, it's the large room over there," The young priestess smiled and pointed. "She should be awake finally, it took forever to get her warm last night so she's probably still a bit tired."

"Thank you."

He walked into the room and found it to be the temporary hospital wing of the temple. Kari was at the back of the room next to the fire. She smiled as he walked up to her and kneeled beside her bed.

"Hey Kari," He smiled, "How you feeling?"

"I'm doing better, still tired and a bit cold though," She said as she let him take her hand. "Thank you for what you did for me."

"It was nothing," He smiled as he kissed her knuckle, "Where'd they put my duster, I have to escort a supply wagon up here?"

"I think they put it under the bed in a small box," She said, watching him duck out of sight and grabbing his duster.

"You just sit here and rest, okay?" He said as he straightened up again.

"I will, they won't let me do much else."

"I'll come see you later," He bent and kissed her forehead before getting to his feet and walking away, swinging his duster over his shoulders and slipping his arms into the sleeves.

He left the cave, flipping his hood up over his head, the blizzard dying down enough to see the temple from the caves. It was burnt to the ground... not even a section of wall standing anymore. He sighed and started towards it, looking around to memorize the path back to the caves. It was going to be a long and lonely walk back to the town at the bottom of the mountain.

Half way down the mountain seemed to be an exciting spot though as he could sense the demon's around him, staying close, tracking him. He needed to deal with them so they wouldn't attack the wagon when he brought it through. This mountain wasn't accessible by vehicle, so most traveled by horse in the area.

"Alright boys and girls," He smiled as he stopped, making up his mind as he drew his cutlass, "Let's get this over with."

The demon's came in quickly as the energy he held changed, ready to be used at any given moment. He pumped that ready energy through his body as well as out the tip of his sword as he spun quickly, kicking up a thick cloud of snow. He could just use his senses and his smell to take them down even though he was blind now. He charged blindly to his left and started swinging his sword, feeling it slice through flesh. The pained growl he heard let him know it was a demon but this was also a dangerous game for him... if they weren't feral, they could sense him as well. Non-feral demons were a decent battle, easier to kill then a feral demon, but they possessed greater abilities which made it harder to get passed their defenses.

"Oh shit," He fell backwards under the swing, rolling up onto his shoulders with his feet in the air before pushing off the ground and arching forward to land on his feet once more.

He surrounded himself with his soul flame once more and spun, throwing it in a large circle, hearing the growls as the flames scattered to the winds and covered the demons around him.

"Okay now... who's where?" He started running through the snow cloud as it started to clear around him.

He charged the first demon he came into contact with and managed to get a clear shot at it's head, driving his sword through it's neck, killing it. The next two were already recovering from his soul flame as they turned towards him, their arms raising to attack, he swung at air, flicking another small amount of flames into their faces as he jumped at one, slicing from it's shoulder to the lower half of it's opposing ribs. The next one was straight across it's belly. He found himself slamming into a brick wall though, the elongated claws thrusting all the way through his stomach and lifting him into the air only to throw him a good few feet away. The demon's started to scatter as he lay there, bleeding into the snow covered ground, panting as he tried to get to his feet. He didn't have the same healing factor as the other's, most time his arms would repair themselves, other times, he didn't heal at all, instead his blood would run freely and his energy would slowly fade. Like with his arm when he was battling along side his brother... it only healed half way, Karren had to sew the rest shut when he got back with his brother.

"Come on!" He pushed himself off the ground as his slitted eyes grew narrow and he started used his flash step to start moving down the mountain, he had to make it to the town before he fell unconscious from blood lose.

"Looks, it's him!" The priestess said to the villagers on the wagon as she saw Kurojaki stumbling his way down the road from up the mountain. "Something's wrong with him..."

She jumped from the wagon and started rushing up the road as she watched him fall. He didn't have his hood up or anything, and the snow under him was starting to grow red as well as a trail of blood that followed him. She quickly dropped to her knees and pulled his hood over his head, gasping when he noticed the four holes in his back. She rolled him, making sure his head was to the side so his face was hidden, four more in his stomach.

"Kurojaki... what happened?"

"I was winning... but it managed to... run me through..." His voice was quiet and even harder to hear as he was also panting.

"Can you get back up, I need to get you somewhere private?" She asked as she looked at the villagers slowly walking towards them.

"I can try," He said, growling in pain as he just barely mustered the strength to sit up and get to his knees.

"I gotcha," She said as she bent and put his arm over her shoulders and straightened, helping him stand before they started walking towards the town's inn.

He looked around as he felt the needle passing through his skin, his head aching and his body cold. He was in a small wood walled room, a small wood stove on one side. She worked at his stomach with a quickness, he guessed it was still day outside.

"How long have I been out?"

"There's only a few hours of sun left, but you can't make it up the mountain in this condition," She said softly as she looked at him. "I guess your healing factor wasn't taken into account this time?"

"Not in the slightest," He said as he looked down, watching her anchor the thread before he sat p with a small growl of pain. "Where's my stuff?"

"You can't be serious!?"

"I made a promise to be up there tonight, I'm going back with or without the wagon, so you might as well tell them to get ready to move out," He said as he swung his feet off the bed and stood up, stretching but hissing as he moved wrong and pulled on the stitches. "Get my stuff please?"

"You're to stubborn," She huffed as she laid his shirt, duster, and weapon strap on the bed before walking to the door. "I'll tell them to get ready to head out while, you'll have a horse waiting."

"Okay," He said as he growled as he fought against the pain and got his shirt on, hearing the door close behind him.

He put his duster on before taking his weapon strap and swinging it over his right shoulder, grabbing it as it came up from his right hip. He quickly buckles it and moved the sheathed dagger over the buckle before he pulled his hood over his head and walked out of the room.

Once outside he saw the beautiful black gelding saddled and being held in front of the wagon. He started walking towards the man holding him.

"Is this the horse I'm riding?"

"Y-yes sir," He said, holding the reigns out to him before backing away.

"Guess they don't like us toughies eh?" He whispered to the gelding as he started petting it's neck. "Let's give them a show then."

He stepped into the stirrup and pulled himself into the saddle before taking the reigns and adjusting them before he turned the gelding towards the wagon. Everyone was ready to go as the priestess nodded at him. He lightly squeezed his knees against the gelding who started forward, up the road into the mountain range. He was still cold from his lack of blood... but he needed to keep his word.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," He yelled back to the convoy behind him.

He looked around, his jaw jittering a little bit from his current temperature but he was otherwise okay, the stitches were bothering him though. Every small misstep, because the snow covered every hole and big rock, made him move and stretch causing a pull on the stitches.

"Hey Kurojaki!" The priestess yelled from behind him. "I think we have a small issue following us in the trees!"

"Hold!" He raised his hand as he stopped the gelding and swung off the saddle before drawing his sword and looking around.

"To your le..."

"Quiet!" He growled back as he closed his eyes. "Gotcha!"

He charged off to the left as the flames engulfed the blade of his cutlass before he jumped into the air and came down through the trees. They cringed at the howl of a slaughtered demon, their eyes following Kurojaki as he walked out the trees, slipping the cutlass through it's loop, the blade covered in fresh blood. He remounted and they were off again, working their way up the mountain one yard at a time. He was hurting bad but he had to keep pushing himself, he knew he could do this, he had enough energy. He only wished he had the ability to heal the way other demons did, or that he could heal by focusing his energy on the wound itself.

It was almost midnight as they reached the temple, or rather, what was left of the temple. The caves were another half hour travel away, though Kurojaki couldn't help but feel as though something was calling him to the temple. He couldn't keep going until he went to find out what it was.

"What's wrong Kurojaki?" The priestess asked as he suddenly turned the gelding and started moving along beside the wagon.

"You'll be fine for the rest of the way, there's something I need to check out," He said as he tied the reigns to the wagon before he brought his leg up over the horn and faced one direction. "Tell Momoe that I'll be there in a little bit."

With that, he pulled his other foot out of it's stirrup and slid from the saddle to the ground. He walked back towards the temple, reassuring the line of horsemen that followed behind the wagon. He sensed no demon around, not even the energy of a cloaked demon which faded in and out. The temple was pulling at his soul though... he couldn't place it but it was a familiar pull, a pleasant feeling as he drew closer and closer.

"What am I looking at exactly?" He asked himself out loud as he started walking through the rubble. "I'm sure I'll know when I see it."

He started kicking some rubble aside every other step. His senses were running wild but he wasn't entirely sure what he was sensing. It was the strangest feeling he had ever been put through, it didn't feel good or bad, it physically felt good to him, but his mind and soul were telling him to keep away from it.

"Where... are you?" He asked as he kicked over another pile of bricks, seeing a strange glow underneath. "Found you!"

He dropped to his knees and began digging through the brick until he came across the strange rune carved into the temple. He placed his hand on it and watched as it suddenly slipped through. On the other side was warmth but nothing more, he held it there for a second and started to slowly pull back.

"Strange, it's not a gateway so it has nothing top do with demons," He talked to him self, his hand suddenly being grabbed and pulled on, his head slamming against the ground. "Fucking damn it, let go of me!"

"Quiet young one... I only wish to present you with a gift," The voice suddenly came.

It was angelic sounding, soothing as he struggled against who was holding his arm. He knew the voice but he also had run into plenty of people that could impersonate someone to the point of actually becoming someone. He wouldn't let his guard down and his struggles continued.

"Stop!" He suddenly slammed against the ground again, this one knocking him unconscious.

His eyes fluttered open to the feel of a warm, wet clothe running over his stomach. He couldn't lift his head to see what was happening, but he knew he was in the caves once more. He was still dazed but his head was throbbing with great pain. He tried lifting his head but growled in pain as his head gave a sharp pain.

"You're awake," Momoe said as she looked at him. "Take it easy, you have a concussion and some minor fractioning in your neck, almost like someone smashed your head into a door frame."

"Sounds about right," He said as he brought his hand up and looked at it. "How long have I been out?"

"It's only been a half hour, how are you feeling?"

"Like a horse kicked me in the head," He said as he brought his other hand up and started parting his fur. "Nothing seems all that different..."


"Oh sorry, talking to myself," He said.

"Why do you push yourself so hard?" Momoe asked as she looked him over. "You should've stayed in the village long enough to at least regain strength."

"I had a promise to keep," He said as he looked up at her.

She smiled before bending over and gently placing a kiss on his lips. He hugged her close to him, making her fall on his wet fur which she had been cleaning the blood out of. He held her like that for the longest time, until she almost fell asleep.

"I wish you could hold me longer but it's time for dinner," She said as she moved off of him and stood beside the bed. "I'll be right back."

"No, it's okay love," He said as he sat up and got to his feet. "I'll just go with you, I can't lay there much longer any way."

"This is the only time I'll let you," She gave him a hard look before she took his hand and they walked to where food was being served.

"These rooms were man made, weren't they?" He asked as they walked into the large dining hall.

"Yup, everyone's, except Rosary's room."

"I figured as much," He said.

"You're leaving again tomorrow aren't you?"

"I have to, the villages are more important then rebuilding the temple. I have to do what I can so the rest of the Order can rebuild and reestablish order."

"Okay," She said as she moved his arms so it would wrap around her shoulders. "In that case, we're making this night a special one."

"As you wish Momoe," He said softly as he hugged her against him and kissed the top of her head.

"Ah, Kurojaki, I see you're feeling better," Rosary said as he walked in. "Come, have a seat, the Jade Tea's fresh."

"Thank you ma'am," He said as he sat down, accepting the cup placed in front of him.

"Now, about your brother,"

"He's fighting on the right side of the war he's chosen, I promise," He said as he looked.

"That's not why I want to talk to you about it," She said softly as she looked him over. "He's had contact with Chronical, he might be of use to us."

"You're thinking of inducting him?"

"No just asking for his help, that's all," She said as she sipped her tea. "What do you think?"

"I can take off to ask him in the morning?"

"Then you should do that," She said as she watched him drink at his tea.

"Are you sure you want to do this Ookami, my friend?"

"I am sure," He nodded as he laid the unconscious Karren on the rock slab. "I'd give anything to have her alive once more."

"Then ask of your unquestioning services in return..."

"You can take my soul if it'll bring her back."

"Then I'll shall take it," He flashed a wicked and evil grin as the dark energy suddenly engulfed Ookami as well as Karren. "You foolish little boy, I will grant your wish, but you won't like the deal you just struck!"

Karren's eyes fluttered open slowly before she saw the star filled night sky above her. She was outside and the stone under her was cold. She thought nothing of it at first, until she realized that it felt cold instead of warm. She was warm without her lover holding her.

"Ookami," She suddenly sat up and looked around her. She saw nothing but severe claw and sword marks dug into several boulders and pillars. "No... Ookami... you didn't!?"

Kurojaki held Momoe close, but could not find sleep himself. Something in the back of his was telling him that something had went wrong in this world. He could feel a dark energy growing and becoming stronger. It was the strength of a monster he had never known in the mortal world.