New School New Gangs

Story by Foxular on SoFurry

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#1 of Burn

Hello and welcome to my story ^-^ I am extremely curious to see how many people actually see it and decide to click it >< Well I hope to make some things clear before beginning this series the main one being that the universe this story is set in Humans are the majority race. Though there are Anthros they are fairly rare usually one or two per town or 4-6 per city. Then there are the more common Neko who resulted from crossbreeding between the Anthros and Humans hundreds of years ago and for some reason no matter how many times the Neko breed with humans their offspring is always Neko. â€"Note that I will take some liberties with the term as it is the only term I know of used for something less animal than Anthros and more animal than Humans, so their traits aren't specifically tails and/or ears they may have others that will be discussed as the characters are introduced.(I felt that all this needed to be said for the fact that many stories are only anthro and this will make it less of a surprise when there aren't many anthros around. If this story gets some notice by some people then I will consider making it a kind of narrated prologue.) All anthros will receive increased reaction times and some animal features that will be related to fighting and some that are not some people may be upset because they claim it is not realistic, I feel that it makes sense so if you don't like it you may reconsider reading this story. Some neko will receive similar things though some won't get anything other than the looks. -One last thing this series will deal with gangs and fictional drugs and will include violence related to both ♪♫♪ First day of school 2012 "Hello and good morning class how do you feel on your first day of school this year?" Asked Mr.Felderson. The class just stared at the old human man with his combed over grey hair trying to cover his bald spot, it wasn't working too well, and his unhealthy weight, with his obvious over eagerness that wasn't at all contagious but he was a known as a kind teacher so he was fairly well liked. One student however did reply, "Well so far all it's done is remind me of why I don't show up". The class didn't even bother turning to look at him, he was an outcast never had been well liked because of his attitude and never cared about what other people thought of him. In fact when he had first come to this school people just for no reason at all avoided him before that he had been the perfect student, but things change when you have no friends. Many of the people there didn't know much about him and many of them didn't want to because he was an anthro there was much racism directed towards him and those who had wanted to know him were discouraged by their parents. However several of the students around the room snickered and agreed with him silently. The wolf had a cocky grin on his face as he leaned back against the wall. He sat on the top of his chair his feet placed on the seat of it he wore a leather collar around his neck along with a t-shirt for a metal band and slim but not tight jeans. He was a wolf with a shimmering black coat of fur and he had long black hair similar to his fur that he had bleached himself with peroxide he had stolen. He didn't know why he had even bothered to show up today he wasn't going to come for even half the year with all the days he cut anyways but he had a strange feeling that just made him want to come. "Well don't we all wish that you could bring yourself to show up a bit more often this year", replied Mr.Felderson. "Now back to business!" he stated as he walked over to the door and opened it and opened it and told someone that they could come in now. He turned and held open the door taking up most of the doorway the student had to squeeze past him and then walked into the room. He was a neko of sorts he appeared to be a fox but his animal traits were very prominent. He had the usual ears and tail, but he also had more pointed features, also his eyes were a strange color that only the front row of students and our wolf friend in back could clearly make out. He had long silvery hair that had darker grey streaks running down it and he also his tail was similar with the same silvery color and it had the dark grey in patches on it and it ended in a black tip, his ears had the same coloration pattern as his tail. He was dressed in a shirt that could have been either white or black the reason nobody could tell because there were equal proportions of both streaking it, with it he wore black jeans with areas worn until they started fraying he, also had on a weaved belt that was fraying at the end, on his feet he had on well worn black leather boots and on his neck appeared to be a black leather collar with red slashing through it giving it a candy cane type pattern, the wolf became interested at seeing the collar only people who were confident in their ability to fight and die wore a collar and even less people wore those around in public especially to school. "This is our classes new transfer student! Well why don't you introduce yourself and tell the class some things about you", said Mr. Felderson with is excessive over eagerness once again. The student looked like he was going to say no but instead he nodded with an uncaring and bored expression. "Well my name is Vulpi Trepi. As you can see I am a fox as you can see as long as you have eyes and aren't blind and as you can probably guess I don't care what you all think of me and I really think this is a waste of time for me to tell you anything more", He smirked as he said his last word proving that he really didn't care. The class just stared at him and our wolf friend smiled just slightly, "He would make a good addition to our group now wouldn't he", he thought to himself. Mr. Felderson cleared his throat loudly to break the silence, "Well I hope you all give him a warm welcome and give him any help he needs. Vulpi you may take a seat anywhere that is open" Mr.Felderson groaned inwardly the only open seat had to be next to Him why of all the open seats did it have to be Him. Mr.Felderson knew this probably wasn't going to end well for anyone. Vulpi moved to the only empty seat and sat down ignoring the rest of what the old man had to say and carefully began looking around the room for people of interest. Of course he didn't have to look too far as he had already noticed the wolf sitting in the seat next to his. He watched him out of the corner of his eye noting his slim build but he also saw just how much underlying muscle was there and of course he noticed the collar. Little did he know the wolf he was looking at was also looking at him and made similar notes but he also noticed several things the others hadn't, like that the eyes of the fox neko were subtly shifting between colors at certain times and that as he walked he noticed his stride and knew he was a frequent runner not just by the signature runner's build but by the way he stepped. There was also something interesting about his hands or more specifically his fingers, but he couldn't figure out what. After taking stock of each other they both began engaging in their own separate activities. Vulpi started looking around the room and noted that there were several people dressed similar to the wolf next to him, but only one other wore a collar. The fact that there were at least two others with collars meant that there were active gangs in the area which meant fighting "and hopefully drugs" he thought. At around the same time he wrapped up taking stock of everyone of interest of the room the bell rang signaling that class had ended. Vulpi got up and walked out of the room and after walking a ways down the hall he noticed that he was being followed by the wolf from earlier and the others who were dressed similar were with him. He just ignored them and continued walking down the hall, "Well they are interested in me so that saves me having to go through the trouble of announcing my intentions to them", Vulpi thought. He managed to make it to his next class and be seated before they got a chance to approach him and to Vulpi's surprise the wolf was in the same class as him once again. He managed to sneak a seat nearby him once again for his curiosity was growing he had known enough anthros to know that they all had their quirks. He studied the wolf once again and noticed that his collar didn't have the same markings as Vulpi's, but it still held the symbol all normal collars did and that was enough to get him killed if he wasn't careful. Vulpi sat down and his mind drifted to why he was here, he quickly changed the topic in his mind and looked around the room much in the same way he did earlier. He noticed that there were several people in the class dressed in an almost excessive amount of a shade of blue that was dark enough to blend in with a shadow but light enough to still be easily recognized as blue, instead of black, and that the wolf was fairly tense, thus he assumed that they must be from the rival gang. "Well it looks like things will be fun enough here the colors are similar." He passed a note to the wolf just before class ended that said, "Listen I know you are following me in passing periods and if you are indeed interested in talking to me meet me after school near my locker."The wolf just nodded after reading it and the meeting was set. "He is a clever one. I should have realized he would be, to wear a collar you have to pay attention to your surroundings or get a knife in your back. Still I thought we were being careful enough not to get caught that easily especially somewhere so crowded." The wolf was just getting more and more interested with the boy as the day went on.

Vulpi introduced himself to classes twice more in the exact same way as he had earlier that day. As the day went by he noticed that he had the exact same schedule as the wolf. He also noticed that there appeared to be at least 40 people in each gang that showed up to school there was no telling how many skipped. "This is going to be an interesting area to live in" He thought smiling slightly to himself. As the day wrapped up Vulpi stood leaning against his locker his tail flicking from side to side with anticipation he failed to realize the growing group of the blue gang before it was too late. He sighed "Of course I should have considered how much I look similar to the gang the wolf is in before I sat near him all day. Really wanted to observe both gangs before choosing a side but I guess I get to be with that wolf and his bunch if this goes where I think it will." Just then he noticed that the wolf was just walking up to him at the same time another anthro walked toward him out of the crowd. This new anthro was a Puma who had a broad smile on his face and was wearing all the shade of blue that he saw on all those gang members. As they approached him he noticed that while the wolf was taller and looked to be about an even 6 feet the Puma who looked to be about 5'8" was more muscled, Vulpi himself was actually the tallest there at about 6'3" though it had been some time before he had actually checked. As the two approached him they noticed each other and stopped about 5 feet away from him each and just glared at each other for several moments. Then the puma spoke in a calm voice that almost sounded kind, "It appears as though my men were correct, you did indeed already side with this wolf, I had heard how promising you appeared and had hoped to check before but alas you chose his side." He smirked as he noticed something about the collar nobody else had noticed yet having a cousin in that area did indeed prove useful, "Well Vulpi Trepi hope you have fun dying or worse." He winked at Vulpi before turning away, "Oh and my name is Hitsuki." Vulpi nodded at the last courtesy, knowing it would do no good to deny it and he got a strange feeling he didn't like from the puma anyways. "Well it's good to know someone recognizes the symbols we used out there" Vulpi thought to himself. Vulpi turned to the wolf and walked towards him saying "Well looks like I am on your side now". Vulpi looked the wolf over again and noticed that he was actually very attractive. "Wait, where did that come from" Vulpi shook his head to clear the thoughts and walked the rest of the way over to the wolf. The wolf smirked, "Nice to have ya with us. I'm Dolph, short for Adolph, which is a version of Adolf, which is the modern version of Adalwolf, which means noble wolf." Dolph was extremely proud of many things about himself and his name was definitely one of them and he intended to prove that it fit him and was not just a name but a name to be respected and possibly feared. Vulpi laughed, "Well I am Vulpi as you already know and it's basically a rip off vulpine that sounds good with my last name." Then he though I have a feeling that I am going to have a very interesting time with this wolf.

That's it's the first chapter of my second story ever my first in a year and my first on yiffstar hope people like it and i do intend to continue this if people like it things will move faster and if people don't please give constructive criticism not bashing As for what I intend to do with this I will introduce Burn next chapter it is a drug and it is bad worse than any drug we have and if I can keep the flow of the story where I intend it will be a pretty big part of the plot There wasn't any fighting this chapter considering these gangs have been fighting a long war and have rules such as the collar which is the biggest rule and most common used by gangs here and it's that you don't kill those without collars if it can be helped. I haven't decided who is going to wind up with who yet and as I introduce more characters my ideas can be easily swayed by people saying who they would like paired if I get a unanimous cry of put these two together I will most likely unless I have a plot point that says otherwise put them together.