Gut punching beating

Story by Galaxyclouds on SoFurry

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Ok, lets be real....

The best place to punch someone is in their gut, you take their air out, its softer than a place with bones, its long and big enough so it's easy to aim, it feels nice to know you hust caused pain to your enemy, and then.... It's horrible to get hit there xD

So always try to be the one with a safe belly :p

Ok, I may be (I am) the coolest, cutest, best and most amazing Armadillo.

Yet I belive my shiny self encourages other species to fight me, not so bad, I like fightin' anyway

It was 3 AM in the morning, most species where happily sleeping, just some nocturne people where still awake, Bats, Possums, etc. And there was this one of a kind guy, he was an Armadillo, who rarely had features of a Bat. His name was Ernesto, yet everyone called him Elliot, he was 16old Medium height most of his body was his belly, Hes fur was orange and creamy yellow. He was cocky (Its by the mere fact that he barely loses) jolly and someone who enjoys friendly fighting and gut punching.

Enjoying the night he walks in the streets near a park, Wearing some blue shorts, blue hoodie and blue shoes, like he always does, full in blue. It was winter already, he loved this cold, even if it seemed weird, he was mostly shirtless in this kind of weather, yet he still used kind of clothes so he wouldn't get sick.

I was dark near the park, even if there where outdoor lights It was really misty, really creepy looking and seemed like hell itself was being contained there! Elliot decided it would be a cute place to stay for some hours waiting for the sunrise, so he went there in no time. The dillo didn't notice, but he was being followed by a Grey tall slenderymuscled Wolf he was 22 old and had the idea of stealing the armadillo. In the forest Elliot couldn't stop looking how cool the place was, he sat on the ground, and enjoyed the scenery. Suddenly stealthily the wolf began to approach the Dillo, how sudden, how epic! It is the best plan, he will win and have Dillo for dinner! The wolf is right behind him!

Elliot: U'kno, I've seen soldiers wearing boxes and even them are more stealthy than U.

???: wha?

Elliot: what a pesky wolf U are, stabbin' someone from the back? and I tho spammers where horrible.

The dillo stands up to face his Victi- ehm.. his assaulter.

Elliot: U can at least tell me U'r name

???: my momma told me to never speak with strangers ya'kno.

Elliot: yet, she let you learn how to approach strangers from the back, what a cute mummy

Wolfy: ah cute

The wolf approaches the Armadillo

Elliot: so, Wolfy, what makes us be in this fateful encounter?

Wolfy: It's ea- how do you know my name?

Elliot: well you see, I'm writing this story, I can call you whatever I want.

Dick wolf: you do understand this isn't a cute comic book, Right? I don't care how you know my name, just give me all you have, and this will be a non-fateful encounter, shall we? I do like how that sounds, so, let's begin with it

Wolfy opens his arms in a hug like pose, to make him look cute

Elliot: Cheeky, I wasn't told I was going to be robbed, I didn't bought my gold mine, sorry

Says while winking and smiling

Butt wolf: Enough jokes, give me everything you have, or I'll take your sheet out

Elliot takes his hoodie of him and throws it to the wolf

Elliot: there, enjoy yourself, I won't take it back.

Wolfy: ughhh, Enough!

The wolf rushes to get the annoying Dillo in front of him preparing a paw to hit him as hard as he could in the head, BAM! The sound of something furry punching echoed in the park, yet, the wolf got unlucky it seems, two Dilllo fists strike the wolf right in the stomach, before any more damage is made, the wolf steps back avoiding any deeper assault.

Elliot: dude, I'm-a plush, and I'm way harder than that, seems your muscles are just to show off.

Wolfy hugs his belly while glaring at him, waiting for the opportunity to assault him, while also resting his own muscles

Elliot: hmm, what did that finish so quickly? Ohhh, ohh I get it, you're the hard ones, or are you just submissive, well it won't matter in the end I suppose...

Elliot rushed at the resting wolf, and punched him rhythmically in his belly changing from left to right paw every two hits, he could only moan in pain to the rhythm ''ugh ugh, oof off!''

Elliot: geez, at least try you punchable pillow.... GRAND FINALE!

Wolfy hearing this flexed his abs as hard as he could and closed his eyes,............., wha, why no sounds? Did the Dillo just corrupted and his program exploded? He opens his eyes and suddenly! A boop to his nose... and he falls to the ground on his back.... What a pathetic wolf....

Elliot: how does that always work.... Really... twice a day, well I guess I'm lucky then haha..

Wolfy is in a mix between pain and anger, and has no idea of what he's going to do, but he will do something, he jumps of the ground and runs toward the orange shirtless thing in front of him....he gets grabs him.... Well that worked! ....... Somehow


(He's still laughing in the background) well it did worked...... he did do something, and it worked! Yet it seems he's unable to follow up...... poor Wolfy

Wolfy: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-cough cough- Aaaaaa ha... ha... a............



Elliot: well dude, youre supposed to continue....

Wolfy: I have no idea what to do, normally the main character escapes the assault... I mean Im confused

Elliot: a good! Then let me explain you!

Wolfy: woof!

Elliot: now just leave me in the ground!

Wolfy lets him fall

Elliot: ouch! , anyway....ok, so let's play a simple game, you're me and I'm you

Wolfy: okay okay...

Elliot: now you just...

Elliot hadbutts Wolfie in the belly

Wolfy: UUUGH! Don't you know another place to hit! You freaking thing

Elliot: to be completely fair....... No

Wolfy: okay lets play another game, its called Flock off!

Wolfy grabs him by the back and punches him in the gut..... yeah really original...

Elliot: UUGHN! U'kno, I don't like this game

Wolfy: too bad, you're a VIP player...

Wolfy takes his fist back and charges it up, strong enough to hit the armadillo in the belly and leave him unconscious, and there it goes!

Elliot: STOP!

Elliot shouts to the fist, and the first reacts gently to the request and stops

Wolfy: what the brick?!

Elliot moves the fist and aims it thowars wolfy's Face...

Elliot: continue...

BAAAAAAAAAAM! Strong enough to take anyone! Even yourself! Wolfy falls anticlimactically into the ground in a comical way, and the Dillo has won! Thanks to the power of 'who cares to write a bad ending in which he truly got hit in the belly'....

Elliot: well, easy enough.... Oh and I'll eat my own words, I'll actually take it back, thanks!

Elliot grabs his hoodie and leaves the wolf beated in the ground...

The end........

Elliot: Achoo!... darn.....