A Silent Soul- Chapter 2

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#2 of A Silent Soul

Chapter 2! :3

Hey there everyfur! ElijahHusky back for another chapter of A Silent Soul. We'll have the chance to explore the name of the story in a few chapters, but for today we'll introduce another major character in the story. The first few chapters will likely be alternating back and forth between the two until they finally meet, at which point I'll merge the viewpoints together. Anyways enough spoilers, let's get on with the chapter! See you at the bottom of the page! :D

P.O.V. Change: Jasper

It was impossible to sleep any longer with the sun shining right down on my eyes, so I slowly began to stretch my stiff limbs. Letting out a huge yawn, my pearly whites shone brightly against the sunlight. Reaching to my nightstand, and grabbed my phone and read the time. It's only 9:00? Stupid curtains.

I rolled myself out of bed taking my time before standing up to finish stretching. I walked out into the hall towards the kitchen in only my bright red boxers, contrasting greatly against my light grey fur.

My father sat in his favorite chair reading the newspaper to catch up on the latest. "Morning sport! You're up mighty early!" my dad called from the living room. I answered with a grunt as I lumbered to the coffee maker, finding my special cup that read 'A dog's tail never lies'. Not entirely true I thought, but I liked the idea nonetheless.

I poured my coffee before dropping a spoon of sugar in, just enough to take away from the bitterness of the coffee. Taking a sip I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch near my father's chair. The big wolf sitting next to me looked up from his paper and peered at me through his reading glasses and grinned.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked, still groggy after just waking up. "Just that big tuft of fur hanging off your head." I crossed my eyes to see the strand of hair hanging between my eyes, sighing knowing I would have to take a shower to put it back in place.

Now that I have my coffee I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Jasper. I'm a light gray wolf with a long white strip running down my back and tail. I had to thank my mom for that feature, as well as the white paws. She'd already left for work, and likely wouldn't be back until later tonight.

"Got anything planned for today?" my dad asked taking a sip of his own coffee. I set my coffee aside to let it cool down before answering. "Not really. I need to start on that paper due next Monday for English."

He shook his head and responded, "You still haven't started that thing? You've known about it for weeks now!" I let out a long drawn out sigh, "Yeah I know, I've just been putting it off. I'll try to finish it today."

I flipped the TV on changing it to the local news channel. I occasionally watched it when I was bored, but the reporters always talked about the same thing. My ears perked as the newscaster had just finished a report and shuffled her papers before starting the next one.

"Our next story is a report of a fatal car accident last night on Shettsberg Avenue where a car was t-boned by another driving coming through the intersection The driver was transported to Alamo Hospital where she later died from blood loss. The driver was identified as Susan Moore, registered nurse and single mother. Detectives say the driver of the other vehicle was under the influence of alcohol, and is being charged with DUI and reckless driving. Moving on to our next article..."

I growled slightly at the report, tail swishing agitatedly._ Why are people so careless? You obviously knew you were under the influence, so why would you go out driving? People are so stupid sometimes._ Turning off the TV I chugged the rest of my coffee before heading back to my room to get dressed. I pulled on a purple t-shirt and some khaki pants before sitting down at my desk.

Rubbing my eyes tiredly I powered up my laptop to pull up a word document to start my report. There was no way I was writing out 1500+ words on paper. Quickly glancing over the topic for the paper, I put my earbuds in my ear and started playing I Can Barely Say by The Fray. My tail swished gently to the music as I began typing, knowing I had a long day ahead of me.

Six hours later as I put the finishing touches on the paper, I couldn't help but think back to the news story that morning. Just the way it happened was just so sick it made my insides burn. My growling stomach provided a distraction however. Realizing that I hadn't eaten yet today, I stood up out of my chair, stretching my limbs after sitting for so long.

I walked out of my room, taking notice of the bright yellow sticky note stuck to the counter. Went out to do some errands, didn't want to disturb you while you worked. Be back in an hour or two. I wasn't sure how long it'd been since he left, but I did remember hearing the door close about an hour ago. He could be home any time now.

Setting the thought aside I opened up the fridge to look for some late lunch. Leftover chili from Wednesday night? Nah. Bowl of cereal? Meh. Maybe just a nice turkey sandwich... My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.

My dad walked in carrying a few bags of groceries, "There's a box of pizza in the passenger's seat, go run and get it would you?" Pizza! I thought. My tail wagged as I shuffled past him out the door. Ignoring the painfully hot sidewalk I hopped to my dad's car, opening up the passenger's side door. Sure enough there was a pizza sitting in the seat.

I opened up the box and was met by the scent of sausage and peperoni. Meat lover's, dad knows best! I grabbed a slice and held it with my muzzle before closing the box and bringing it inside. Closing the front door with my foot I put the box on the table.

"You couldn't have waited before taking a slice?" My dad chastised. Swallowing another bite I responded, "Nope!" He chucked before sitting down across from me. I grabbed another slice before sliding the box his way. Eating silently I couldn't help but think back again to the report this morning_. I don't know why it's bothering me so much, I don't even know the people!_

"Whatcha thinking about sport?" my dad asked taking a bite of his third slice. "I can't stop thinking about that news report this morning, it just bugs me so much that it happened like that." I muttered quietly, tail thrashing behind me. "Don't let it get you ya, if it makes you feel better just say a prayer or something." You'll pull through I thought before dismissing the topic."Gonna watch the football game tonight with your old man?" my dad asked. "Sure, got nothing better to do. I finished up that paper so neither of us have to worry about it anymore." I responded. "I was never worried about you finishing it, I knew you would." He smiled at me before standing up to start cleaning up. I grinned back before helping him clean up.

About 3 hours later pops and I had settled down in the living room to get ready for the football game. At just that moment we heard the front door open. "Boys I'm home! I hope the house is clean!" my mom shouted coming inside.

We glanced at each other chucking before both shouting back, "Don't worry it is!" We were both scared of the wrath she would inflict upon us coming home to a dirty house, so we made sure it was spick and span before she arrived.

"Good, what are you two doing?" she asked walking into the living room. I responded before my dad could. "Getting ready to watch the football game with dad, you should watch with us!" She snorted, "I've got laundry to do and I have to start dinner for tomorrow night, but maybe after I finish I'll come see the finish." She turned and walked towards the kitchen out to the garage where the washer and dryer were. I looked at my dad and shrugged before turning my attention to the game that had just started.

By the end of the game my dad was screaming at the TV at some bogus call the officials had made about the receiver dropping the ball for the winning touchdown. Time to get out of here I thought. "Gonna crash for the night, see ya dad."

He didn't seem to hear me as I exited the room, entering the bathroom so I could take a shower. I stripped off my clothes before turning the water on, waiting for it to warm up. I admired myself in the mirror for a few seconds before jumping in, washing the dirt and grime that had built up. Gotta keep the fur clean, y'know?

I finished washing and turned the water off, reaching to grab a towel hanging from the rack. That was when I realized there were none. Luckily my room was right next to the bathroom, so I cracked the door slightly before bolting for my room.

Unfortunately for me I slipped and fell on the water, causing me to groan. "Are you okay? What did you do?" I heard my mother coming down the hall. I quickly jumped up and scrambled to my room to grab a towel from the clothes basket. Now properly covered I opened the door to greet my mother. "I slipped and fell coming out of the bathroom because I forgot a towel, I'm fine though."

Seemingly satisfied with the answer, she simply giggled and turned to walk back down the hall. I exhaled a sigh of relief before drying my fur out and getting dressed, consisting of a pair of simple black boxers. I flopped down on the bed thinking about everything that had happened today. Remembering the story from this morning, I sent the prayer that I had been saving since dinner before crawling under the covers and drifting into dreamland.

Whelp, that's a wrap! We've been introduced now to the two main characters of the story, Elijah and Jasper. What do they have in common? We'll see in the next few chapters! I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter and the next one should be posted the next few days! Thank you guys for the support so far, it's the reason the chapter is up today rather than tomorrow. If you guys see an error let me know and I'll go in and fix it. Be sure to leave a comment if you enjoyed, or not, your choice! That's all for me! 'Lijah out! :3