Trevor and Kevin: A Very Special Birthday

Story by Neerkat on SoFurry

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#2 of Trevor and Kevin

Sorry about the little break I took, my personal life has been hectic and I had a block for a week or so. Either way, enjoy this story of Trevor and Kevin celebrating Trevor's birthday!

I started to open my heavy eyes to the sun rays shooting through my window. Elongating my arms and legs as I stretched, I let out various moans and groans, waking myself up. I sat in bed for a few minutes without realizing what day it was. Today was my birthday! I turned onto my side and faced my desk to see the werewolf dildo sitting on top of my laptop, still in it's fancy yellow packaging. As I looked at the ceiling above, I thought about how amazing today was going to be. Birthdays are supposed to be full of love and joy, and this one was to be no different. Mom always likes to make a big spectacle of everything, so naturally she is throwing a huge party at our house, or at least that is what I assume. I usually let her take care of it because she feels obligated to take care of everything on my birthday, including my own party. As excited as I am for it, I'm still not a huge fan of crowds. I would much rather sit inside the house all day with Kevin, which I am sure will happen anyway. But for now, I'm just going to make myself some breakfast. As soon as I started to get out of bed, I heard someone knock on the door.

"Yes, mom! I'll be right out!", I said. The door opened, and it wasn't my mom at the door.

"Now, it's 8am, what do you think you're doing awake?", Kevin said.

"Kevin?! What are you doing here?", I asked, practically bouncing up and down out of excitement.

"Well, I decided I would come by a bit early to say good morning to the birthday boy in person!", he said, walking over to the bed. "Now, before you get up and start your day, let's just relax a little."

Kevin made his way over to my and joined me under the covers. He held me close and kissed my forehead, and we laid there completely silent. Kevin started to play with the fur on my chest, slowly moving his paw down towards my waist.

"Oh, look at my little husky sleeping in the nude!", he said as he felt me up.

"Well of course! I always do.", I said.

"Well, I guess I'll have to join you.", Kevin said, smiling. I saw him start to move around under the covers, until I saw him bring his paws out from under them, bringing his pants and undies along as well. When he took off his shirt, he held me tight with our legs wrapped around each other. As we were laying there, he started to stare into my eyes and laugh.

"What are you laughing at?", I said, laughing myself.

"Oh, nothing. Just you, and how lucky I am.", he said.

"Oh really? You're the lucky one? And for all this time I thought I was!", I said.

"Oh will you shut up!", he said, kissing me. "Yes, I am the lucky one. I am the lucky one to wind up with a beautiful husky such as yourself. A year ago, I did not see myself lying in bed with the love of my life, completely naked."

"Wait you didn't? I totally did!", I said jokingly. "Of course. I am lucky too, baby. I didn't picture celebrating my 18th birthday with anyone, let alone you, to hold and care for me.'

"Well, Mr. 'I'm a man now', now that you're 18, what do you want to do?", Kevin asked.

I leaned in closer to him, kissing his neck. "Well, I was thinking, now that I'm legal...", I said, "We could make breakfast together!"

"Aww no fair! You really had me going there for a second.", Kevin said.

"Oh, I know. That's part of the fun. Don't worry, you'll get what you deserve soon.", I said as I got out of bed. "Now, let's get dressed."

We both got into our clothes and headed out into the kitchen to see my mom starting to prepare our breakfast.

"Well if it isn't the man of the hour! And my son, of course!", she said.

"Very funny, mom. I love you too. So, Kevin and I wanted to make breakfast today, is that ok?", I asked.

"Sure, honey! What are you guys making?", she asked.

"I was thinking pancakes. How does that sound?", Kevin asked me.

"That works for me!", I said.

"Works for me too!, my mom said.

Kevin and I stepped into the kitchen and I started to prepare the dishes while Kevin pulled out all of the ingredients. Making pancakes has become a sort of ritual for us. When we first started dating, any time he stayed over at my house we made pancakes, and ever since then it's been our go-to meal. As we were making them, my mom sat by and talked with us.

"So, do you have any plans for today?", she asked me.

"Not really. I mean, there is that party later, but other than that I plan on making today as relaxing as possible.", I said.

"And I plan on making sure that happens!", Kevin said, kissing me.

"Well that sounds like a perfect way to celebrate! The party isn't going to be too big, by the way. Just ten or so people.", she said

"That's a relief. I didn't want to have to deal with as many people as last time.", I said, flipping pancakes.

"Yeah, I could tell it was a tad overwhelming for you. It was for me too, to be honest.", she said.

"Either way, I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun. What time does it start at again?", I asked.

"2pm! So you have quite a bit of time until you have to be ready."

"That's great! Gives me enough time to relax and get dressed.", I said.

After the pancakes were finished, all three of us sat down and ate together. Various stories were shared by Kevin and my mom regarding my childhood, each one as embarrassing as the last. Kevin laughed at all of them and told a few of his own as well. Even though Kevin has only known me for a fraction of how long my mom as, as long as you would have known me for at least a week, you would have a lifetime of stories to tell because of how embarrassing I can be.

After we were done eating, my mom offered to do the dishes, so Kevin and I went to my bedroom.

"Well, that sure was fun!", Kevin said.

"Oh yeah, all of the stories of me running around naked and running into walls, I'm sure you enjoyed that.", I said.

"Oh stop. I happened to find it adorable. Now, birthday boy, what did you want to do?", Kevin asked.

"Well, we have a few hours to kill, so I was thinking that we could have a bit of fun on our own.", I said, smiling.

"That is definitely possible...what did you have in mind?", Kevin asked.

"Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out. Now, close your eyes.", I said. Once his eyes were closed, I opened one of my drawers and took out a sex pill that I got at "The Lone Wolf".

"Here, swallow this.", I said, handing him the pill and a glass of water.

"Not trying to drug me now are you?", Kevin said as he swallowed it.

"Not exactly, you'll see. But keep your eyes closed.", I said.

I opened up the yellow box, pulling out the werewolf dildo inside. I tossed it on my bed, and began to strip, throwing my clothes off to the side. Once the only article of clothing left of me was my undies, I took them off and held them in my hands. I slowly walked over to Kevin, making sure not to make too much noise. I leaned in and surprise-kissed him, making him jump. He giggled a little, but soon put his paws on my snout, pulling my lips in closer to his. I took the underwear and put them over his head, distracting Kevin from kissing me due to the intoxicating smell.

" like that, huh?", I said.

"Ohh yeah, I love it.", Kevin replied.

"Well then I'm sure you will love this.", I said.

I brushed his body with my paws from his shoulders to his thighs as I got down on my knees. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down.

"Oh wow, look at you dressing for the occasion.", I said as I stared at his black jockstrap. I grasped the elastic band and pulled the strap down to his jeans, both of which around his ankles. Right in front of me lay his wonderful cock, hard and ready to be sucked. I couldn't say no, so I put the already soaking rod deep into my mouth, tasting his precum at a leisurely pace, making sure it lasted. I grabbed his ass with my paws, digging my nails into him.

"Ugh, be careful with the merchandise.", Kevin said. I

I laughed. I'm always careful, but I like to play rough. With my paws, I pushed his perfectly round ass into my dick-filled snout. I could feel his member throbbing inside of me, rubbing against the back of my throat as it let out more tasty precum into my mouth. I started to use his ass as leverage, pushing and pulling into me. The sounds of pleasure, slobber, and the rustling of our bodies enveloped the bedroom as I sat there sucking Kevin's husky cock.

"Fuck me.", Kevin said. "Just fuck me already. I can't stand it."

I slowly pulled his pulsing rod out of my wet mouth and stood up. I started making out with him as I took off his shirt, the only article of clothing left on his perfect body. As we made our way over to the bed I saw my dildo, and I had a perfect idea.

"Take the dildo.", I said to Kevin.

"When did you get that, baby?", he asked.

"No questions, just hurry.", I said. Kevin quickly took the werewolf cock and stood next to the bed. The base of the dildo has a suction cup, so I told him to stick it on the wall behind my bed. I positioned myself on the bed, and slowly put the monster inside of me.

"Get in front of me, you bad dog.", I said. Kevin made his way over to me and got on all fours. With the cock still inside me I got off my arms and put them on Kevin's shoulders. I lifted up his tail, exposing his pink tailhole. The pill must have started to work, making his tailhole tighter than ever before. As I was preparing to put my nine-inch member inside of him I could feel the dildo pressing inside my cave. I moved my hips towards Kevin, pulling the dildo out of me as my rock hard cock slid into Kevin. The sweet moans evacuating the lips of Kevin's mouth as my dick penetrated him exhilarated me as I continued to trust into him. Once my dick was completely immersed, I could feel only the tip of the dildo deep inside me again, working in perfect unison with my own shaft. I groaned right alongside Kevin, both of us being penetrated simultaneously.

"You sure sound like you are enjoying that.", he said.

"Couldn't feel any better. Unless of course I sped up little.", I said.

With that, I started to pound harder, in turn causing me to be fucked harder. I could feel Kevin's hole start to tighten again meaning the pill was still increasing it's effects. But, this strange sensation started to surround my dick. Not only was Kevin getting tighter, but his tailhole was also doing the work for me. I could feel the muscles inside of him pull me in and push me out again. I completely stopped using my hips, and to my surprise Kevin's ass took over for me.

"Oh my god, Kevin. This feels amazing. I love you so much.", I said.

"Prove it you sexy dog. Fuck me and prove it.", he said.

I leaned over and put my chest on his torso as I kissed the back of his neck. I thrusted into him harder, hearing his moans every time I was pulled inside. The dildo was sliding around inside me, pushing against my wall with all ten inches.

"Knot me baby! I'm ready!", Kevin said. And with absolutely no time to prepare, I pushed into him and let his tight virgin-like hole take over. I pulled his legs and ass closer to me, pushing me into the knot of the dildo, immediately sending vibrations down inside of me.

"I'm about to cum, I'm about to cum!", I yelled.

"Do it! I want it in me, I want it all! Fill your sexy boy up!", Kevin said back. I exploded my bountiful seed into his begging ass, both of us letting out synchronized sighs of pleasure. His ass began to stretch, allowing me to pull out.

Once I was out, and once the dildo was out, we laid down on the bed to recover.

"That was the best orgasm I've ever had.", I said.

"Of course! I would wish for nothing more than to please the birthday boy as much as possible.", Kevin said.

"Well you did more than I could have ever imagined. And just you wait until you get some later tonight.", I said.

"Oh, I can't wait!", he said, panting with a huge grin. "But for now, let's shower and get ready for your party. I'm sure you are excited for that."

"Oh yeah definitely! Too bad none of the presents will live up to yours.", I said.

"Well, that was the goal. But they will still be pretty good. I know that for sure."