Chapter 1: The Stucky Situation

Story by FantasiIFrittFall on SoFurry

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#1 of The Story of Love and Hunting

A young fox travels to a distant region upon hearing words of a land rich with prey, suddenly finds himself in a very surprising situation. Combined with two rabbits eager to take advantage of that kind of situations, and things are guaranteed to end up bad for the poor fox... Or will they?

Author's note: SO, my first story on this site. Please forgive me if I have misplaced some of the tags, Im not the best at tagging so I may have messed that up a bit. Been working on this for some time now. Im still experimenting around with my english, so there may be some "heavy" parts here, meaning parts which may be too long, or have a lack of words. Feedback will be appreciated :).

Krimsor the Fox

Questions like "What the fuck am I doing?!" and "Is this really worth all this effort?" raced through my head as my made way over yet another one of the endless plains the twoleggers use for transportation. For a small Norwegian red fox, exploring lands like this were something, which were strictly forbidden by laws. However, the words from my fellow foxes won the battle between my curiosity and my doubts. Rumors have it that beyond the vast lengths of black and grey plains and over the endless plains of grass, weird structures only the twoleggers themselves could build. There exists a land enriched with the biggest population of prey one can imagine. Rabbits and bunnies are so common there, that one can count at least fifteen of them without having to struggle to do so. Or so the rumors say. My parents warned me against ever going to the land of the twoleggers due to the sheer number of foxes and wolfs that has perished over the hundreds of mooncycles that has passed. Legend has it that if one of the twoleggers spots you, just their plain sight is strong enough to vaporize you in an instant. However, I did not believe in old foxlore, I was starving due to a severe lack of prey in my region, and thus I decided to go here. I only had to cross one more plain, and I would be at my destination, which was a patch of trees and grass right in the heart of the land of the twoleggers. Crossing the plain proved a much tougher challenge than I first anticipated. The mysterious, noisy and smoking giants the twoleggers have built made the crossing a pain; the noise burned in my ears and the toxic air they pumped out made me gasp for my breath. After a lot of pain and bruises, I was finally on the other side of the plain, and I immediately understood that the rumors were correct as I sniffed the air. I could smell the scent, of live, fresh and healthy rabbits just a few running distances away from me. I quickly rushed in the bushes that was in front of me and began sneaking up on the rabbits. Suddenly, I found myself poking out of the bushes looking directly into a clearing in the suddenly dense forest. There were two rabbits there. They were relaxing in the early sun and were tending each other's faces. Judging by their similar heights, I immediately understood either they had to be mates or siblings that still held together after their mother abandoned them. I crouched myself down, preparing to attack them. I was licking my lips viciously; I had not eaten in several days. I slowly snuck around them, making sure that the bushes was hiding my movements. I had the wind in my face at all times so I was sure that the rabbits would not be able to catch my scent. But damn the gods, suddenly I stepped on a twig and I cursed myself as I heard a small creak make its way into my ears and the ears of the rabbits shot up into the air. I was certain I would be forced to call of the chase, but to my surprise the rabbits simply looked around, lowered their ears, and returned to their grooming as if nothing had happened. I was stunned by their behavior, but I quickly made the maths. There were no foxes, nor were there any wolves here. The rabbits were simply not used to having predators around them, and thus they did not fear for their lives. The only possible predator would be the twoleggers, but rumors have it that they very rarely ever attack other beings. The rabbits looked around themselves quickly, before they returned to their grooming. I was speechless in my tracks, for the first time in what seemed like forever I might just have a successful hunting. Back where I live, the hunting grounds had been depleted for all prey a long time ago, so I could not help but get excited about this.

There was a rock on the opposite side of the clearing, which would give me a perfect advantage over the rabbits, so I quickly snuck my way over there and climbed up onto it. I waited for the rabbits to get particularly devoted in their grooming, before I made my entry. There was a good bit of distance between us. The rabbits popped out of their trance, looked towards me, and gave me a look of shock. They appeared to be very uncertain as to what was going on. Not that I cared, in a few seconds I would snap my jaws around the neck of one of them and feast until dawn. However, Avast, fate decided to fuck me up bigtime today. The rabbits suddenly realized that they were in big trouble. They jumped up, turned around faster than my eye could blink, and started running away from me. I was down in the shit-pit with my headfirst. My body was so depleted of energy that if this attempt at hunting failed, there was no chance for me to return to my family. Therefore, I pumped up the steam and gave the chase all my available attention and energy. I ran after the rabbits faster than I had ever run before. The chase took me away from the clearing and deep into the forest. I hated it as soon as I entered the forest, I was in foreign territory, and only the gods knows when the twoleggers will show up. Suddenly, one of the rabbits slipped and fell. It flipped over twice before it plumped down onto the ground belly first. <<Got you!>> I yelled at it with triumph in my voice. The rabbit looked me terrified and started to drag herself backwards. I focused my attention solely on her. I was just about to snap my jaws around her delicate and fragile neck when suddenly; <<OOOWWWEEE!!!>> I yelled with all the might I could muster as I felt my shoulders get squashed hard by something solid. I was knocked out by the shock for a moment before I woke up again and looked around. There was very little light where I was now, but I could hear voices. <<Cynthia, are you okay?>> a male voice asked. A female voice answered; <<Yes, I think Yieric.>>. I snapped my eyes open as I realized that the voices I heard were the RABBITS I had just chased. <<Well, well, look who decided to join our party now.>> The female rabbit, whom I understood was Cynthia, said with a sly expression on her face. <<His awake? Good.>>. Cynthia's face turned from a sly one to a pure evil one. <<You tried to kill me bitch.>>. <<Just shup up.>> I snapped back towards her while growling with my teeth visible to the plain sight. <<Don't come shutting up me you prick.>> Cynthia harshly yelled at me; <<This is ours turf. Foxes were banned from this area years ago by the twoleggers, and you should know that. Why the fuck are you here anyways?>>. I told Cynthia about the rumors I had heard from my friends as well as the legends that was told about the twoleggers, how they had unlimited amounts of food and water. Cynthia looked at me, her angry face lighting up slightly. <<Well, unknowing dumbass.>> she said while pointing her right paw at me; <<First of all, it's not "twoleggers", they call themselves humans. Secondly, the rumors you have been told are completely wrong. We are not wild rabbits my brother and me. A human who called himself Chris, owned us alongside with our mother. When summer times came around, he dumped us here in the forest. That happened 15moon cycles ago. Our mom died due to starvation this winter. The humans killed off most of our colony a few cycles ago as well. My brother and I are the only rabbits remaining in this region, excluding the very old and grumpy one who lives down at the stadium, but you would rather not go down there. The humans are there at all times and they HATE foxes more than the plague.>>. A moment of silence followed before Yieric spoke up; <<You trespassed our turf and you broke the ancient promise your ancestors made to our colony not to bother us ever again.>>. Cynthia suddenly got an even more evil expression in her face; <<Yieric. We should punish this asshole for trespassing our turf.>>. Moment of silence again. <<Cynthia... You aren't thinking of-?>> Yieric began but he was interrupted by Cynthia; <<Oh yes I'm thinking about that. The standard punishment for someone who infringes the sacred promise.>>. Yieric gave off an evil laugh; <<Cynthia, you're the best.>>. <<I know my brother, I know.>> Cynthia simply responded. Suddenly, she turned around, walked over to the other side of the tree trunk I for some weird reason had been able to get stuck in. She leaned down, and to my shock, she presented herself to me. At the same time, I felt something bite down at my tail. I let out a small yelp as I felled a pair of teeth bite into the sensitive flesh as it was whipped to the side. <<W-w-w-what the fuck are you doing?!>> I asked them quite shocked. Cynthia looked over her shoulders towards me. <<You trespassed our turf.>> At that point I could feel something grab on to my back and rise up over my rump. <<The punishment for that my friend...>> I suddenly felt something line up with a certain place, <<Is having to be our sex slave, bitch!>> at that point I felt how Yieric clutched onto my back HARD, and I felt something penetrate my asshole. I yelled out in the pain that assumed, but my yelling was muffled as Cynthia pressed her rear end right into my face. One part of me just wanted to bite down on her, but my pride told me that with a rabbit at my rear end who could easily finish "them" off, I had better not do anything stupid. <<Well what are you waiting for slave?>> Cynthia asked as she pressed her rear even harder into my face, <<Start licking, or my brother here will make you a former male!>>. My eyes shut open as I realized that Cynthia was serious about what she said. I could not see anything but black and white fur, but I stuck out my tongue and felt my way to what I assumed was her pussy. I could feel a salty, yet sweet taste rush over my tongue, and considering Cynthia's reaction, I quickly found out that I was doing at least one thing right. <<HARDER!>> Cynthia yelled to, and I licked her harder as she had commanded me. Yieric was having his time with my ass. I could feel how he moved inside of me, it was quite painful to start with, but as I got accustomed to his "tool", and as he steadily sped up his pace, I could feel myself start to lightly pant. Not from exhaustion, but from sheer pleasure. I gave myself a hard slap in my mind as I suddenly realized that I had started to actually enjoy my situation.

I focused on giving Cynthia what any female deserved; a real, good old tongue job. I slowly started to circle her pussy with my tongue on the inside, and grinned shyly as I felt Cynthia shake in her pleasure. Her pussy was begging for more attention than I was giving it at the moment; I had only stuck the tip of my tongue inside her, but now I was going to do it the rough way. I retracted my tongue and then shot it out of my mouth and allowed it to sink into Cynthia as deep as I could get it. Cynthia yelled in her ecstasy as she screamed her name out so loudly that I was momentarily deafened in my right ear. She slammed her front body into the ground so hard that dust was kicked up into the air. I could feel my nose wanting to sneeze, but I kept it inside of me as I continued with the task at hand. With my tongue all the way inside her tunnel, I viciously began lapping at her insides as hard as I possibly could, while I felt Yieric tune his pace up to the maximum. Yieric was screaming in his pleasure, and so were both Cynthia and I as well. My own penis had long since gone outside of my sheath and was now dangling between my legs. I could feel it burn with lust and the need for a release. I tried to lift my right hind leg so as to stroke it, but that only ended with a harsh bite from Yieric, a signal that I was to put my leg back or he would move his teeth to somewhere else.

In a scream so loud, that it made my eyes shiver and my ears to crack in their path, Cynthia reached her climax. I could feel her insides clench down onto my tongue so hard that it very nearly caused me pain. I retracted my tongue and her juices exploded all over my face. I drenched my fur and I got in my eyes, in my ears, and every other thinkable and unthinkable part of my face. There was just so much of the liquid that I was unable to believe it, but it was happening. Cynthia collapsed onto her belly while she panted hard, and gave me a weak; <<Good work. Slave.>>. She panted for a few moments. I had only been able to lick my lips off after having my entire face drenched by her liquids before she jumped onto my face, not showing even the slightest bit of fatigue. She climbed all the way onto the top of my head, and suddenly, I felt something warm cover my right ear as she plowed herself down onto it. My hearing in my right ear vanished as she exploded into a second orgasm and screamed EVEN louder than she did the first time. But she did not stop. She just kept going at it like crazy. She was just a wild animal going at it like CRAZY, like my words cannot even describe the wildness she was in at the moment. Yieric on the other hand was slamming himself into me with a ferocious speed, and with one final, powerful thrust, I could feel his seed fill my rear end up. I was surprised by just how much he was able to spew out over the course of the few seconds his orgasm lasted and I howled as I felt my internal walls stretch to their maximum. And just as quickly as he started, Yieric was finished, and I could feel him fall of my back and heard a thump as he hit the ground. Cynthia, however, was far from finished. She kept riding my ear as if it was a sex toy, which I was certain she though it was, and she screamed out in bliss as I unintentionally flicked my ear in a vain attempt to free it from the heavy moisture that was bathing my fur. Cynthia kept going for several minutes and she quite literally made me deaf on my right ear with all the fluids she let out during her playtime. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she screamed out as she reached her orgasm and my entire head was bathed in her liquids as she fell of due to exhaustion. She landed on the ground with a heavy thump, breathing heavily. I sighed in despair over my current situation, and made one more attempt at getting myself out of the stump I had gotten stuck in, but was not even close to getting out. In the end, I realized that unless someone helped me, I would never get out.

By now, Cynthia had already gotten over her heavy climax (how in the world can someone recover that quickly you may ask. The answer: Never underestimate the rabbits...), and was now standing in front of me, entertaining herself by watching my hopeless attempts at getting out. She was laughing her ass off, until she got tired of watching me trying to get out, about the same time as I had already given up. <<Listen.>> Cynthia said, <<If you really want to get out of here, we might be able to help you. But we won't do it without you swearing, by the gods, that you will not attack us when you do get out of here.>>. I was thrown off my tracks, a rabbit, offering to help a fox. This day just keeps getting better by the minute. If only my friends were around now, they would have made it short of those idiots, but I was all alone now. I growled with frustration as I realized I had no choice but to accept Cynthia's demands. <<Fine.>> I growled. <<Fine what?>> she asked, giving me a skeptical look. I was getting angry now how she dared to oppose me like this, but I had to retain it; <<Fine. I promise not to attack you when I get out of here.>>. <<AND?>> she continued, clearly enjoying the situation. <<And I will not attack your brother...>> I added, realizing that I might as well just go home hungry. <<Than we're settled.>> Cynthia told me. <<Hey Yieric! Get some twoleggers over here!>>. <<Wait what?!>> I asked in shock as I realized what she had just said. <<Do not fear.>> Cynthia said, <<Those humans we're talking about will help us. Just wait and see now.>>.

And just like Cynthia had told me, the twoleggers DID help me, though reluctantly. They cut me free from the stump and I was free to go. Cynthia met me a few minutes later. <<Remember.>> she told me, <<You promised.>>. I growled at her, but did not attack just as I had promised her. <<Good foxy.>> she told me and grinned satisfied when she was convinced I would not attack her no matter how annoying she may make herself. <<Oh, and just so you know.>> she said and gave me a tempting look; <<If you're ever interested in "playing" around with us again, you know where to find us.>>. Then she was off and gone in a second. I just grinned for myself. Despite how much I hated the situation I had gotten myself into I have to admit, I kind of liked it. Being an outcast in my colony, this might just have been a turnover for me seeing that those rabbits, even though they hated me at first sight, did in fact care after all. Heck I might even come back just to, you know, "play". However, I was still hungry and I cursed myself as I realized that it would be a way too long walk back home...