Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 11: Heavy Caliber

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#11 of Season of the Black Rose Series

Phew, next to last chapter for the volume!

...Out somewhere in the hawaiian islands, on the shores of Molokai, sitting on the still tide sat 7'3 behemoth of a young man with golden blond hair and taupe brown eyes. The Earthwolf, Brown Hyena, sat on his surfboard diligently watching the horizon, idly scratching his neck empty of his Grandfather's heirloom, "I bet someone's found it now, I mean I left it at a Doctor's office for christ sake." he said, remembering sitting next to depressed Japanese kid when he lost it. The waves gently rolled him back ashore as his radio played "Hotel California", "Maybe I should check online, see where that leads me. I hope he's here on the islands, though I wouldn't mind taking a trip..." he thought, considering he had stashed his leftover Grant money from college. He saw a storm brewing on the horizon, marking the end of his hunt for a steady ride, "Always a calm before the storm..." he said to himself.

He made his way home, hitching a ride on one of the farm trucks that went up and down the highway, before arriving to an apartment complex that was built in late 2010 originally meant for luxury condos, unfortunately the company that owned it went under and was bought out by a housing development corporation. He made his way to the second floor, opening the first door adjacent to the stairwell, "Hi Dad, Whats up?" he asked, spotting his father taking a break for breakfast. Emile sat quietly in his Police uniform, enjoying his meal of local coffee and a quartered mangos, "No waves today Brett? Usually they're good at this hour." he said, biting into the succulently sweet fruit that possessed a faint carrot-like smell to it.

Barette set his longboard down next to the door, "Storm rolling in, too dangerous if I get caught up in the current." he explained, warning his father of the weather. He bit his lower lip, "At least Drivers today will be more cautious, but there is always chance of an accident." the dark haired elder said he was often the victim of accidental rear endings.Brett wasn't as fortunate in this case, primarily for the lack of an actual car to drive, due to the fact Automobiles were extremely expensive, but fortunately had a license to do so.

He went to his room, grabbing his ATMT-850, an year old model Aerotek Laptop with NuVia Graphics card and terabyte of memory that ran an AeroSource operating system, a Linux based operating system with Java Platform. Brett placed computer at his desk that was littered with blueprints of peculiar nature, ideas that he had tossing around in his head that were a dangerous sort: designs of disc drones that could hover via an electromagnetic field, space probe launchers capable of shooting satellites without the use of oversized rockets, and combat armor that relied on geometry to deflect projectiles. He booted up his laptop then idly played around on it, scouring through his game library until he picked Angel's Ace, a flying game about a tag team group of guerilla fighters to free their countrymen from tyranny that had a Conflict mode where a team of opposing players worked against him from completing the mission.

A voice came on, "Hey 50cal, what up? Ready to nail these bitches into the ground?" he said, anxious to actually win against their team's Rivals, The Rosen Aces. Brett sighed but eager for the challenge, "Seriously, How do we constantly end up paired with these girls? I swear one of them is hacking!" he said, though somewhat correct consider the Rosen Aces went by the name of "The1RosyJoker". His teammate picked his craft and loadout, "They aren't, I know their ace in Real life and its just bad luck, by the way, try not to shoot the pink one too much, leave her to BTB. Let's get ready to fuck their shit up!" he said, loading up the mission.

Their squadron arrived in formation onto the scene, with their 5 objectives being search and destroy targets, and witness a squadron lead by a menacing black multi-class jet with skeletal motif on it, a pink flowery one to the right and a camoflauged interceptor to the left. They immediately broke off while Brett decided to run interference, "Hey AgentK, I'm going after their ace, take out the objectives." he instructed, while his comrades took their payloads away. He immediately began tailing their ace, maintaining a lock onto her craft without relent, unleashing a hail of fury upon her...

On the other side of Cyberspace, Rociel sat next to her little sister as she tried to shake off her pursuer, "Someone get this guy off my ass, I'm about to crash if he grazes me." she said demandingly. Celestine smiled, "On it like a bonnet!" she cheered, happy to oblige her eldest's request. She guided her fighter jet behind Brett's heavily armored flying tank of an aircraft, a pre-order specialty craft that was overpowered by most standards, unleashing her multi rockets on him but making one fatal mistake.

Barette immediately braked, allowing the Flora1Mancer to fly over him and target her team-mate, sitting back to watch the accidental betrayal take place, simply smiling at himself. His cohorts were shocked by the display, "Nice move!... Keep it up! Bow chicka wow wow!" AgentK said with his perverse sense of humor. His mind though came up with something more devious, "Her response time was too quick, they must be in the same room together. Let's see if I can divide their attention..." he thought, chosing the Rose pink one as his target.

Rociel respawned in the map before she scolded, "I've told you time and time again, those stupid multi rockets are bugged!", watching her sister taking flak from another source. The tribal painted brute of a plane let loose a fiery hail of lead spitting from a chaingun, shredding the wings of the lightish red fighter jet, "Sissy, help me! He's going to kill me." she said, realizing it was too late as he forced her to crash into a building. Brett decided to even the proverbial playing field by yielding no mercy, "Let's finish her." he said to himself, targeting her with all his rockets primed to release.

The next thing Celestine knew she was out of lives and out of the game, witnessing her plane fall asunder, "Cheater!" she cried, breaking out into tears. This immediately triggered Rociel into a silent meltdown, before she went after his team-mates in a blind fury, "You wanna pick on my little sister huh? Ill fucking make sure you will never fucking win the game!" she said, gritting her teeth in her empathetic frustration. This only left her open to attack as his comrades swarmed her alongside him, the last thing she saw was the burning wreckage of her craft then heard the announcer say, "The guerillas have claimed victory, you've brought shame upon your name but for you shall fight another day.".

Brett raised his arms in the air, feeling a sense of accomplishment after the weeks that it took for him to actually win against them, "Finally, took me forever!" he said, though his hollow victory was short lived. A notification popped up, "You have a video message, would you like to play it?" it asked before he clicked yes, unaware of its contents. A teenaged crossbreed girl set loose the gates of hell, using every imaginable curse word known, and even some known to bonobos and dolphins, to describe him.

Normally he would have stopped the hail of verbal assaults mid video but something out of place caught his eye, a Koru charm necklace on the strange girl's neck that looked like his Grandfather's heirloom. What captivated his attention was the moment that his former opponent began thrashing the air, causing it to flip and reveal the inscription. Brett deadpanned, quietly looking up his opposing team's gamer tags along with their claimed location, namely grants pass in Oregon. His mind was stunned as well, quickly logging out of the program before shutting down his computer in awe of his discovery, then lied down on his bed.

Brett inhaled deeply, exhaling to calm his excitement, repeating this process to maintain his focus, "Its all the way in Oregon... on some girl's neck. You always have twisted sense of humor grand-dad but I never thought you would take it this far." he said to himself, meditating on how to handle this new challenge presented to him. He honestly believed this was some sort of divine comedy established by his late grandfather, who often played tricks on others for his own sadistic amusement, but more of coincidence or at least karma for losing his heirloom in the first place.

In Oregon, Rociel's lips were occupied by a fresh cut lime as punishment from her father, she cringed from the sheer sourness of it, "Now, you understand there is a time and place for certain words, but I don't want to hear those vile slurs anymore at home. Understand?" he said in an authoritative tone. She complied, enduring his form of fair discipline, nodding her head "Yes" as she reigned in her anger, forced to bite on the citrus fruit. Celestine's frustration immediately met its remedy by her elder's advice, "Celestine dearie, its just a game, if you take it too seriously, it doesn't become fun anymore." he explains, though his words could have applied to more than one instance.She fortunately calmed down and returned to her normal mindset, "Alright, I'm tired anyway..." the rabbit said, climbing out of her desk chair and face planting into the pillow on her bed.

The good doctor raised a brow, "You know, I always wondered which one of you had the capacity to become a serial killer?" he humored, teasing his daughters in his random train of thought. The rain outside intensified, pelting the side paneling of their home, before Cell rolled over on her back, "Sissy does! She likes to trap helpless animals and hear them scream before she makes their heads pop with a bullet, she laughs at them too!" she said, pointing the finger. The lack of amusement on Rociel's face was any the least expected, spitting out lime "Meh, at least I skin every animal I kill, if not eat the meat. Why do you think we have all that meat in the freezer? it's from all the wild boars, deer, turkey, and elk I've slaughtered. Not to mention any meat I can't store goes to the local food banks so save me the 'Cruelty to animals is wrong' speech. Should I tell dad about your mutant plant abomination garden because I'm suuure he would love to find out about the Giant Dionaea muscipula sitting in the Vice Principal's office." she remarked. Their father planted his palm against his face, fearing he would have to do damage control, "Ugh...What am I going to do with you two?" he said, thinking of how to explain a giant intelligent plant to a bear of an Amazon....

...12:30 PM, Arsenault residence, Molokai, Hawaii, Emile Arsenualt came home for in drenched poncho as the Sun shone through the doorway before closing it behind him, "Man! Ever since Aerotek built those meteorological research stations, the weather's been chaotic as ever. I see all those freaky lightning bolts coming from them, then next thing I know it, it's all blue skies." he said in his surprise, experiencing a sense of antiquity. Brett humphed at the experimental weather aggravators, thinking about their military potential in case if his theory was right, "Ehh, they're nothing to worry about unless they start zapping anyone wearing a gun. Aerotek is just a bunch of scientists making money on the side, they're not the new world order or anything like that." he said, reassuring his progenitor that he wasn't a target. His father was in the middle of prepping left over rice dish before remembering an old piece of wisdom, "If I learned anything in College, Science is weapon for those who have the intelligence and the strength of will to use it as such. History has taught us that lesson time and time, especially with the atomic bomb." He said, recalling his world studies lectures and considering Aerotek dabbled in fielding new police armaments, namely body armor and non-lethal weaponry.

Barrette laughed as his father sat down at the dining for his lunch break, "What? You're afraid of the Anarchist Black Rose Hippies then? They're pushovers." he said, voicing his opinions on the two newsworthy organizations at the time. Emile took of a spoonful of brown rice then inhaling it in one bite, nodding his head, "Now they are something I worry about, It's hard to kill an idea versus a company, not to mention they are like religiously devoted to whatever those pair of jokers say. One says use vandalism and unrest to accomplish an anarchy while the other preaches self reliance and independence, they are divided but united. I saw some nasty videos of what happen to the cops in Volvograd, good thing Aerotek brought those drones into keep everything in line." he said, horrified by the chaos sewn by an army of teenagers armed with nothing more than hate and adrenaline to fuel a revolution.

A chattering giggled filled the room, "Now you sound paranoid dad, It's like how you would keep an eye every guy that looked Latino back at our old house in California. By the way, how are your old biker friends?" Brett asked, remembering the gang his father went in undercover for Omega Armament's OASIS division and running in the end of it all. The officer of the law paused for a minute, "They're doing alright, they're planning to do a charity event with the Broken Road Association in Portland for the little guys. Throwing some money around for poor families and getting toys for kids, that sort of thing." he explained, somewhat glad his associates were following his advice. They looked at one another and snickered, "Anyway, is it okay if I take a trip for a while?..." the young earthwolf questioned, hoping for a positive answer.

Emile's curiosity peaked, wondering why his son would choose such an abrupt time for a vacation, "Why? And for how long? If it's for a little soul searching, I understand but it just seems kind of strange you ask me out of the blue all of sudden." he said, worried if his prodigy was anxious to wander like him long ago. Brett shrugged his shoulders, "It just seems I haven't seen much of the world, and figured it be a good time to scout out my own place. After all, it is expensive to live here on the islands, both our wallets are hurting." he said, utilizing his cleverness to sway his parent's decision. His sly words reminded his elder of how badly his own nest egg was consumed by the cost of living in the tropical paradise, "...Ugh, your great uncle was kind enough let us have the place, though I think he did it just to pawn off this freaking tax hog! Still, if you are going to pay for it using some of your leftover grant cash, I need to know where and how long just in case." he said, convinced to let him go while secretly griping about the property tax on their current home alone.

"I was thinking about heading to Oregon, look at some real estate, and hang around near portland for a month. Not to mention I can scope some of the colleges in salem and medford, I think I can get established out there. What do you think?" Brett explained, partially telling the truth for his real reason for going out to cascadia, though his lips uttering a rancid fact about Hawaii's costly living. His Father nodded in appreciation to the fact his son was making a responsible decision for himself, "I think it's a great idea, but I would double check with your mother on that or else she'll tear me from cheek to cheek if I let you do this sabbatical without her knowing. Other than that, if you have any problems, call me immediately or the one of the Riverbacks, Carlos and the others don't have an ocean to cross to get to you if trouble runs your way." He said, before finishing his lunch break after saying something he would regret later...

After dinner, the floor quaked as somewhat stout yet firm 5'5 Blonde haired Brown Hyena pinned her spouse to the carpeting, handcuffing his wrist to his ankle on his vertical opposite side, "No no no, and no! It's not safe for him to go to the mainland alone unless we go with him, and you should always have a traveling companion for safety! Its why my sister and I took vacations together." she said, using her display of force to validate her point despite its receiver enjoying the rough manhandling. Brett's Father blew his own dark locks out of his face, a little embarrassed his wife flamingo'd him with his own handcuffs, "Chill out Luanna, it's only gonna be for four weeks and I told you, All the shot callers for the Sarteno cartel are either dead or in prison. Mostly dead though last time I checked, granted, time sometimes kills a man faster in prison than a bullet would." Emile replied, remembering checking the police database on key members of the now defunct cartel, which most ended up offing themselves in prison via asphyxiation or overdosing on aspirin tablets, or some even finding God in a near death experience. She relaxed on her on beau's back, considering he had wanted her to be able to provide the second green light for their spawn to travel to parts unknown to them, "Alright, He can go...alone... As long as he checks in every day. Now, Let's do 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' while we have the time." she said, with the former Central California Women's Mixed Martial Arts quarter semifinalist lifting her hubbie from the ground, dragging him to the master bedroom still in his work uniform....

... Saturday afternoon, Barrette arrived at portland international airport, coming out of the terminal to discover a scraggly rough necked Jag-panther with short messy hair wearing a leather jacket and a pair of denims, "Hey carlos! How've you been?" he greeted, raising his arms for a hug. The venerable biker quickly raised up his hands, "Oh hell no, don't hug me man, your dad used to do that when we fucked up, I'm still seeing a chiropractor about it. Shit still hurts when lie down in bed at night, I don't need you adding onto the nightmares." he joked, though being somewhat cynical. The young hyena laughed a little, tapping him on the shoulder, "So did you get the information I sent you?" he asked, having sent a profile of his target, the mysterious girl wearing his heirloom necklace.

The 50 year old feline nodded as they their way to the exit, "Yeah, she goes to the same school as my niece's kids, I hope you don't mind staying with them for a bit until you get your own place to crash." he said, though technically Ms. Tazuna was really his cousin. Brett grinned then look at his co-conspirator, "Excellent, I don't mind babysitting if it gets me closer to my Grandfather's necklace." he said, fixated on his goal of retrieving it. Carlos shrugged, approaching the Airport garage, "I don't see what the big deal is about that stupid necklace? Sure it was your grandpa's but it's more about remembering him." he said, sharing his wisdom from experience.

Barrette acknowledge this fact but there was more to it than a simple memory, "I understand except the fact it was taken from me, and I cannot tolerate it especially when it's within my reach. I won't hesitate to take it, even by force if necessary." he said, unknowingly echoing his father's past personality. His guide to pacific northwest planted his palm against his own face, dragging it downward in disgust, "Ugh, all boys turn out like their fathers in some way...meh, at least mine did alright." he thought, optimistically hoping that his charge wouldn't do something violent to get what he wanted. They went to the third level of the garage, approaching a pair Z23's produced by Vintage Repros, small company out of Las Vegas owned by Aerotek Innovations and retrofitting older vehicles with Electric and Biogas engines, that were only a couple years old, "I fucking hate Aerotek! Goddamit, why must they beat me to every idea I have, it's like something evil in this world wants to make me suffer." he said, spited by the fact the Reproduction model motorbike was his primary means of transportation.

Carlos sighed, finding his angst pointless, "Hermano, it's called capitalism and thats how shit works nowadays! you can't own same kind of business but you sure can as hell buy out the stuff you need." he explained, though somewhat sympathizing on how common Aerotek products were becoming as of late. Brett flared his nostrils, distracted by the presence of such a product, "This is ridiculous though, the fact they can manufacture anything and everything is ridiculous. Not to mention the recyclable Bioplastics, and the bullshit science experiments they're doing across the globe, it's like some eco-friendly mad scientist is the one running the show for their entire company." he lectured, fretting the idea of working for the rising titan. His cohort didn't see his point, "Ehh, at least they are making tomorrow a little bit less bleaker." he said, aiming to inspire the young ward. They set off on their grand adventure shortly after, taking to the pacific highway south, doing a bit of sightseeing along the way...

...Two hours later, Rociel was hanging out with Kenashi and Erika, watching a Korean Action Film starring an old K-Pop Star, one known who was known for his gentlemanly appearance, nibbling on homemade pizza. Her eyes shortly found another source of her attention, a large brooding figure dressed in a windbreaker polyester jacket accompanied by an elderly gentlemen clad in leather vest with a turtle emblazoned on his back accompanied by the title "Rio Riverbacks". Kenashi and his girlfriend noticed their friend's distraction by the unknown pair, "Hey Rociel, What's wrong?" Erika asked, curious to what spooked the normally fearless maiden.

The Technokinetic adolescent utilized her ability and began interfacing with the strange behemoth's Cell phone, looking at file that didn't bring her comfort, "What the fuck... He has a picture of me?" she said, her heart racing with fear. Kenashi immediately felt her aura flicker and twitch, sensing the strength of her paranoia to the point the hairs on the back his neck were standing erect, "Should we check it out?" he questioned. She nodded then gestured for him follow, "I need to found out why he is here. Stay close." she instructed, exiting the O residence.

They casually walked towards Ira's home, pretending as if they were going to visit as the brown eyed blondie turned his head, his eyes deadlocked with Rociel's sights. The air around two became charged with some of energy that flared between them, a pulse of horror befall kenashi after realizing that the Earthwolf was the owner of the necklace that now sat proudly on his cohort's collarbone. The Brute of a boy noticed his goal on her crest but remained silent about it, "Well hello? How may I help you?" he said, fortunately failing to remember kenashi from long ago?

Rociel thought diplomacy was the best method to apply in this scenario, "Oh hi! Are you one of Iraimei's friends?..." she sweetly asked, aiming to discover what he was plotting. Barrette couldn't break his gaze from the Abyss of her steely blue stare, until he saw the glimmer of silver on her neck in the form of a spiral inlayed into a pearl carving, "Well Aloha there miss!... and No, but I'm a friend of his uncle. I was hoping I could crash with Ms. Tazuna for a while until I get settled around here. My name is Barette... Barette Arsenault...and your name is?" he explained, extending out his hand in a greeting of his potential prey. Her lips turned from a scowl to a smile in a second, returning the gesture, firmly gripping his hand and shaking it, "Rociel Hentzel at your service!" she said before feyly laughing, pretending to be enamored with his presence despite the truth.

Rociel was secretly turned on by him, her heart was racing with excitement and every fiber of her being was saying "Go get him!", but her mind connected the pieces to the puzzle. She knew he was after the charm necklace but she wasn't about to let him have it unless he was ready to entwined himself into her web. Of course, she was already planning every step of her little game for him to fall into her clutches, "So would you like to hang out sometime Barrette?" she confidently spoke.

Brett didn't hesitate on the golden opportunity to pursuit his objective, "Umm sure, and just call me Brett..." he said. The Hyenic maiden's thoughts turned to that of a rifle, "Nah, I like Barrette better, it makes think of the M82A1 .50BMG Anti material rifle made with 29 inches of fluted cold carbon lined steel outfitted with an accelerator ram to counteract the powerfully mind blowing force that could maim its operator in a single ear shattering shot!" she seductively described, utilizing the silver tongue she inherited from her father as she teasingly licked her lips. His cheeks flushed with blood while part of his body was nerding out at the fact she knew so much about firearms, his ears were perked up in the air out of his control, "So... Mind if I have your phone number?" he asked, pulling out his phone. She did the same, pulling up her contact list, snickering before she put the nail in his proverbial coffin, "Sure, I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" before they swapped numbers.

Carlos knew the signs of young romance and he knew Barrette stepped into a whole heap of trouble, before Daiko opened the door, "Hi uncle carlos! Mom's not here at the moment and she said for you to come back later after Ira's appointment." she said, relaying the message. The little jagpanther noticed Kenashi frozen with fear as the pair of traveler's set off to the nearest eatery. Rociel grinned, grabbing the collar of ken's shirt and dragging him back to his home.

Erika saw her comrades come through the door, one plastered with fear and the other with a cheshire smile, "So everything went well from the looks of it?" she optimistically presumed. Her beau begged to differ, "I'm lucky that huge son of bitch didn't remember my face! I could've been killed!" he said, exaggerating the potential outcome for the situation. Rociel rolled her eyes, happy that it played out into her favor, "Oh shut up!... though I'm impressed he tracked me down just to find a little old trinket." she said, hoping that her would be prey call soon.

The violet vixen raised her brow, "Who is 'He'?" she asked, praying that her companion finally found a suitor. Rociel's glee was apparent from her jitteriness and inability to stand still, saying from side to side, "a blonde Hawaiian Humma Humma, built like a Giant Waverider, and got the eyes of a warrior, plus the 2 year bookwork to go with it. He has a button for a face that I wanna push, and the ham hocks are nice!" she explained, using her cryptic tongue in order to save a certain fox's self-esteem. Erika obviously understood what she was speaking, "Really? You wanna Bada Boom or Bada Bing?" she asked, despite the fact it was too early to tell at this point.

"Bada Bing ka-ching!" Rociel said, stating her intent to see how far she could take it with Barrette, hoping to score and cash out so to speak. Kenashi stood dumbfounded as his girlfriend made a wriggling motion with arm, "Ehh?" curious to her perception on the matter. The Hyena squinted, shaking her wrist before mimicking the sound of a horse, "...but more proportionate." she said. Erika crossed her legs and cringed, scowling at the idea, "You're a trooper then, owie!" she said, recalling her past pains from rough housing too much.

Rociel started making a gesture of a pump then going "Pwoof", nodding her head towards the only male in room. Erika stared at her crossly, using her thumbs to refer to a xylophone, indicating her significant other had lost a lot of weight. The crossbreed lifted up the 16 year old adolescent's shirt to notice his abdomen slowly turning into a quad pack, "Oopsie!...Hehehe" she said, surprised by his gain in muscle tone.

Kenashi hadn't a clue what they're talking about but he certainly had enough of the secret code, "Okay what in the hell are you two saying because I can tell you are talking about me now." he said, somewhat upset he was excluded from the conversation. Mercy was plentiful today as Erika decided to detail the encrypted messages in summary, "Basically what Rociel said is that she wants to get laid by this guy and make him her boyfriend, plus she thinks he might be well-endowed and an athlete so thats a big bonus for her. She also kind of feels that she uses you too much to the point its your affecting health, and worries you might die of dehydration, but is glad that you aren't turning into a couch potato." she explained, sympathizing with the thought. He felt somewhat slighted yet confused, "Oh, thats it? I don't think that us doing it is affecting my health..." he said, unaware of any physical changes to his body.

The adolescent fox took off his shirt, revealing the truth of the matter, his body lost its baby fat and replaced it with lean muscle, "Oh.... Well, I guess I did lose some fat. That and the strange urge to glug a gallon of water a day." he said, being dangerously close to severe dehydration in the past several weeks. Rociel shrugged her shoulders at him, "To be honest, I need someone who's athletic as I am or else I might kill them in the process, if not horribly maim them. You, even with nanomechanical assistance, can barely keep up to me in terms of physical stamina, and you know what I'm like when that Blood Moon comes around. " she said, reminding him of her mood swings when it came to her sensitive time. Ken huffed in agreement, "Yeah, a manic lunatic that leaves me sore worse than the time you socked me in the gut and her touchier than an Operation Buzzer. By the way, those things are still inside of me?" he said, hoping she'd had turned them off a long time ago.

The brainiac builder was slightly embarrassed that her own creation outpaced her in this instance, "I managed to disable the ones that spread from school populus but apparently some became a little too smart. Right there is two respective hivemind intelligences and one of them out refuses to talk to me while the other is still developing. It's rather fascinating how they've expanded their functionality and relayed it back to mine." she explained, sensing how the nanites in her blood were evolving in their symbiosis.

Ken simply shook his head, before taking a seat, "You know, I always had this feeling about you but never could pin it until now. You want to change the world whether anyone likes it or not." he stated, assuming that he himself was the first to be a part of a change of what was to come. Rociel sat down on the armchair angled adjacent the sofa with the vulpine couple, smiling with a stargazed glaze in her eye, "Change is the law of life, those who lust for the past or the present are doomed to miss the future. A future that I pray to be the master of because the choices I make now assist in making changes later, and the changes that I make to myself assist in making choices later. Mind you that I am always changing within these changes themselves, so I can create a better future, either for myself or others." she said, dispensing a sage-like wisdom from a position of experience as her other personage.

One thought that plagued Erika was her future as well as Akira's, "If you can see the future, what future do you see for 'Me'?" she probed, wondering what would happen to her. The hyena shrugged her shoulders, "I don't fucking know, All I can do is pray for the best to happen to either of you but know this, in your or your children's time. The world as you know it will be torn asunder, and a new one shall rise from the divide that devours the old world. I hope that this gentleman that catches my fancy will help me forge the future I seek to build." she professed, pondering the paths she had laid ahead, one of capitalistic conquer or one of anarchistic disorder...

... Inside the local Tacker Barrel restaurant, Brett stab his fork into his steak lunch, plotting his next move, "You know that chic really has it out for you! Maybe next thing you know it, you will be going home with more than a necklace!" Carlos teased, like any familial figure would do in the given situation. The Hyena rolled his eyes, biting down on the beef stuck between the choice of pursuing the necklace or the girl wearing it, "Yeah, she's cute and confident but her eyes tell she's hiding secrets that the world would fear to know. She was awfully polite though, except I feel she is planning something grand." he shared, able to detect Rociel's subtle body language that most wouldn't blink an eye at. The elder jaguar sipped his drink before delving into his experience, "That's the kind of lady you want nowadays man! All these shy meek quiet little bitches nowadays want to find the quickest way to screw you over and take your money. If a girl is brave enough to dive headfirst into something she has no idea about, then she is definitely a keeper. Look at your Mom, she stole your dad from your aunt and could care less." he lectured, reflecting on his own youth in high school and his own marriage to some extent.

Barette knew the overall details of how his parents met, "Umm my mom and her sister are identical twins, and my aunt broke up with him after she had to be rushed to the ER due to her hip. Anyway... Basically what you are saying is it's a good idea to pick a girl based on how well of a role model figure she is?" he asked, aiming to clarify his guide's lingo. Carlos snapped his fingers, happy that he got his point across, "Yea Yea yea! That's what makes a woman worthwhile, and a girl that makes her own bank is worth her weight in gold, otherwise, sometimes you're better off just being single or gay from my perspective." he said, unknowingly bashing a decent percentage of those living on the western seaboard. The apall of the four Rockwood High school sophomores sitting at the next table had gotten the point where they up and left the restaurant, brandishing their middle digits along the way.

The Jagpanther quietly restrained his anger until it subsided, "...Little hussies make me sick to my stomach..." he muttered under his breath with a valid vindication. Brett sympathized with him in the regard, "Yeah at least she was wearing something modest, all these girls nowadays dress up like the bloated egotistical pigs that whore the media's attention. It's unnecessary and its outright ugly." he said, unfortunately earning the ire of another band of adolescents wearing designer line clothing. They simply left without a word, leaving their meals unfinished and the bill unpaid, effectively dissuading the hipsterish youth ever from returning to the country themed dinery.

Carlos looked around at how quick a lot of the high schoolers that infested the restaurant fled the scene before it was immediately replaced by an older crowd, "Damn, I knew kids didn't like me but I guess all those little pendejos ran before I really let loose. Back to what I was saying, you want smart lady cause those brainy bitches know how to keep everything together as far as money goes and can raise some hell in the bedroom. When used to hang around phoenix, I knew this chick..." he started to explain until thankfully he was interrupted. Barrette comprehended Mr. Ortega's train of thought before he could delve any further, "Carlos, I don't need to hear about that kind of 'experience', I get your point man. If I'm looking for anything long term, I will keep that in mind." he duly noted, hoping his cohort would settle down. The elder feline smirked at the Hyena's stupidity, "Hey, if I was in your shoes, I said screw the necklace and get the girl instead, especially if my luck was shit getting lady friends in past 5 years." he said, reminding his charge of his countless failures.

A proverbial bag of bricks came crashing down on Brett, he hated how badly he consistently failed in trying to get a girlfriend in the first place, much less keep one, "Did I ever tell you the definition of Insanity? Doing the exact same thing over and over again, expecting shit to change, that is crazy. I'm not going to waste the effort when I know the final result is, whenever it gets to the bedroom and the clothes come off, they always flee in terror." he explained. Regardless, it was the truth, He was still virgin since most of his liaisons abandoned ship upon viewing him in his birthday suit, primarily out of fear that they wouldn't be able to walk properly for the rest of their life or the sheer intimidation factor associated with his physique. One issue that allowed Carlos to be devil's advocate was on the manner of how he'd get close enough to Rociel to snatch it, "What if you got to sleep with this chic to get your grandpa's necklace?" he said, discharging another verbal bullet.

Befuddlement befall Barrette in the very minute that question was posed as part of his plan was already derailed before it left the station, "Uhhhh... now that I think about, the probability of that happening is somewhat likely considering she might actually want to, so I might be screwed in more ways than one" he said with a guilty expression, accounting for his own hormones. The elder jaguar nodded his head in the sense that his wisdom was valued, "...then your plan to get the necklace might fuck up royally and might get you into some serious shit, either the fact your old man might get pissed you wasted money to come out here to try get your grand-dad's necklace, or you sleep with the chic, snatch the necklace then she hunts your ass to the ends of the earth because she's pissed off that you did a one night stand without buying her breakfast or a leaving note saying why you left early." he criticized, considering he had several shotgun pellets in his hindquarters to remind him of a once pleasant evening turned into a horrifying morning.

Barrette's mind was accustomed to solving all sorts of difficult problems, mainly practical ones but one carrying the weight of so many results and consequences, "I can't exactly leave empty handed or without something to show that my trip out here wasn't a complete waste of time." he said, it was hard for him to weigh out his options. Sometimes the simplest solutions came from simplest of people, "Get the girl, Get the necklace, and everything works out in the long run. Trust me, I don't have to be engineer to figure out that getting the girl means getting the necklace, and by getting the girl, that solves more than one problem and if you take her back to meet your folks. Your dad will be happy about both things and your Mom will be happy that you have a lady friend, then the girl might be happy so everybody wins." he explained, berating the Engineering Major's associates degree. The Hyena felt jaded by the lack of any intricate planning, "So basically wing it, and see where it goes from there?" he replied, emotionally disgusted by thought of meeting failure once again.

Carlos nodded yes repeatedly, his well earned pride was showing and he didn't hesitate to brandish it, "You put too much thought into, you gotta go with your gut sometimes but it's always good to plan when you are going to wing it or else improvising fails." he said, preaching about adaptability to the situation on hand. In spite in his youthful tenacity, Brett yielded to the notion, "So winging is always a plan B if everything else all fails?" he remarked. "Hey, it's the reason why all of us Rio Riverbacks are still kicking!...except moreno who left his bike in reverse when he parked next to a cliff. Hell of way to go when they find a smiling one legged corpse drowning in melted ice cream and stale pot cupcakes on a sofa with pixie stick dust and cocaine in his noise." he explained, despite his recently deceased friend that lost in his Leg in accident that led Moreno into a deep spiral of depression and diabetes after 20 years.

"Yeah... kind of weird he OD'd while watching EVERY single season of Doctor Who." Brett commented, recalling the funeral from last year that had an awfully auspicious wake with a potluck buffet and Moreno's video memoirs. Carlos shrugged his shoulders, apathetic to death and its looming down the horizon for him, "Ehh, He was family man and losing his leg made his life better but kids gotta grow up sometime, and his wife dying didn't help either. At least I know what I want, I wanna go all viking style, sit my dead mummified ass with a cape on my bike, crank the gas, and light me on fire then send me down a highway in the middle of the desert, and finally boom! Blow me up with some explosives stashed under the seat!" he said, detailing one of the most elaborately renegade funeral pyre he could think of. The Hyena giggled a little, amused by how far someone was willing to go to be remembered, "Now that's badass, but nowadays, you're probably going to live to your 130 with all these Aerotek Innovations products utilized in the medicine." he said, despite that Aerotek had the means to double one's lifespan. His elder companion snickered and laugh, content knowing that he'll live long, "Hey, gives me more time to chase my wife along with girls half my age and travel around the world." he humored, optimistic about his own future.

Brett's phone bleeped and blooped, indicating he received a text message from Rociel, pulling up his GPad smartphone, "Hey, I'm bored as hell, let's do something fun!" it said. He obliged her request, responding with a quick SMS, "Sure, I'm game for whatever you want." unwittingly allowing her free reign in activity planning. She immediately replied, "Brilliant, meet me at the Riverside Mall!", initiating the first step of her grand scheme of torment and torture. The earthwolf stood from his seat, "Off once more unto the breach. See you later old timer!" he said, disembarking on his grand adventure.

Carlos waved goodbye, sipping on his bottle of hard cider before downing the rest, "He is so fucked..." he thought to himself, replaying all the horror stories Iraimei told him about Ms. Hentzel...